classdef SI4 < most.Model & most.MachineDataFile %scanimage.SI4 Class encapsulating all ScanImage 4 capablities % % ScanImage 4 interfaces with a Thorlabs MPM-SCAN/KIT resonant scanner, % and additional controls (all optional) a Pockels Cell, 1 or 2 linear % stage controllers, a shutter, and a piezo controller %% ABSTRACT PROPERTY REALIZATIONS (most.Model) properties (Hidden, SetAccess=protected) mdlPropAttributes = zlclInitPropAttributes(); %OPTIONAL (Can leave empty) mdlHeaderExcludeProps = {'hMotor' 'hMotorZ' 'motorPosition' 'acqFrameBuffer'}; %String cell array of props to forcibly exclude from header end %% ABSTRACT PROPERTY REALIZATIONS (most.MachineDataFile) properties (Constant, Hidden) %Value-Required properties mdfClassName = mfilename('class'); mdfHeading = 'ScanImage'; %Value-Optional properties mdfDependsOnClasses = {'dabs.thorlabs.private.ThorDevice'}; mdfDirectProp; %#ok mdfPropPrefix; %#ok end %% CONSTANTS properties (Constant, Hidden) channelsMaxNumber=4; pmtNumPMTs = 2; fastCfgNumConfigs = 6; scanFramePeriodStoreKeyProps = {'scanMode' 'scanLinesPerFrame' 'scanZoomFactor' 'scanAngleMultiplierSlow'}; triggerHeaderProps = {'triggerClockTimeFirst' 'triggerTime' 'triggerFrameStartTime' 'triggerFrameNumber'}; scanParamCacheProps = {'scanZoomFactor' 'scanAngleMultiplierSlow'}; % List of props that may be included in USR file usrAvailableUsrPropList = most.Model.getDefaultConfigProps('scanimage.SI4'); % List of props that are included in USR file by default usrPropListDefault = {... 'triggerExtStartTrigTimeout'; 'focusDuration'; 'acqFrameBufferLengthMin'; ... 'fastCfgCfgFilenames';'fastCfgAutoStartTf';'fastCfgAutoStartType'; 'beamPzAdjust';'beamDirectMode';'beamLengthConstants'; 'stackUserOverrideLz'; 'userFunctionsUsr'; 'displayShowCrosshair'; 'channelsLUT'; 'channelsMergeColor';'channelsMergeEnable';'channelsMergeFocusOnly'; 'channelsAutoReadOffsetsOnFocus';'channelsSubtractOffset' 'scanParamCache'; 'pmtGain';'pmtEnable'; 'loggingFileCounterAutoReset'; }; userFunctionsEvents = zlclInitUserFunctionsEvents(); % column cellstr of events for user-functions. userFunctionsUsrOnlyEvents = zlclInitUserFunctionsUsrOnlyEvents(); % column cellstr of USR-specific events for user-functions userFunctionsOverrideFunctions = ... {'frameAcquiredFcn';'triggerFcn'}; end %% PUBLIC PROPERTIES properties (SetObservable) focusDuration = 120; %Time, in seconds, to acquire for FOCUS acquisitions. Value of inf implies to focus indefinitely. acqNumFrames = 1; acqNumAveragedFrames = 1; %Number of frames averaged before storage acqFrameBuffer = {}; %Cell array containing most recently acquired acqFrameBufferLength frames acqFrameBufferLengthMin = 2; %Minimum number of most-recently acquired frames to store in acqFrameBuffer %AL: view/display stuff can be broken out of SI4 displayShowCrosshair = false; %If true, display crosshair overlay on image displays displayRollingAverageFactor = 1; %Number of frames averaged (using a simple moving average) for display purposes. Value must be greater or equal to acqNumAveragedFrames. displayRollingAverageFactorLock = false; %If true, lock acqNumAveragedFrames = displayRollingAverageFactor displayFrameBatchFactor = 1; %The number of frames to batch together for selective or tiled display displayFrameBatchSelection = 1; %The frame or frames to display within each frame batch displayFrameBatchSelectLast = true; %If true, lock displayFrameBatchFactor = displayFrameBatchSelection displayFrameBatchFactorLock = false; %If true, lock displayFrameBatchFacotr = displayRollingAverageFactor beamFlybackBlanking = true; %Logical indicating whether to blank beam outside of fill fraction beamFillFracAdjust = 0; %Time, in microseconds, to 'pad' the fill fraction for ON modulation beamPowers = 10; %Numeric array containing power values for each beam beamPowerLimits = 100; %Numeric array containing power limit for each beam beamLiveAdjust = true; %Logical indicating whether beamPowers can be adjusted during scanning. Doing so will disable flyback blanking, if enabled. beamDirectMode = false; %Logical indicating that power should be turned on and take effect immediately after all beamPowers adjustments beamPowerUnits = 'percent'; %One of {'percent', 'milliwatts'} beamPzAdjust = false; %Logical array indicating whether power/z adjustment is enabled for each beam beamLengthConstants = inf; %Numeric array containing length constant for each beam, to use for power adjustment during Z stacks % %Following refers to ScanImage style frame-averaging -- i.e. handled in the ScanImage frame processor % %Any device/scanner-based frame-averaging should be a separate property (e.g. a pass-through property) % frameAveragingEnable=false; %Single logical...maybe could be per-channel? % frameAveragingNumFrames=inf; %Number of frames to average scanMode='unidirectional'; %One of {'unidirectional' 'bidirectional'} scanFOVAngularRangeFast=13.2; %Range, in optical degress, of FOV scan range, peak-peak. Sign determines direction of scan in fast dimension. scanFOVAngularRangeSlow=13.2; %Range, in optical degress, of FOV scan range, peak-peak. Sign determines direction of scan in slow dimension. scanAngleMultiplierFast=1; %TODO: Implement in relation to a scanAngleReferenceFast/Slow scanAngleMultiplierSlow=1; %TODO: Implement in relation to a scanAngleReferenceFast/Slow scanZoomFactor=1; %Value of zoom, relative to scanFOVAngularRange value(s) scanPixelsPerLine=512; scanLinesPerFrame=512; scanForceSquarePixelation=true; % logical; if true, scanPixelsPerLine and scanLinesPerFrame are constrained to be equal scanForceSquarePixel=true; %logical; if true, pixelation ratio is locked equal to scan angle multiplier ratio, to maintain square pixel aspect ratio scanFillFraction=0.66; % Specifies fraction of line period during which acquisition occurs scanParamCache; % Cache for 'Base' value of ROI scan parameters (scanZoomFactor, scanAngleMultiplier, scanOffset, scanRotation). TODO: Ultimately may want this Hidden or protected in some way -- fully public for now for usrFile handling stackNumSlices=1; %Specifies number of slices, for either traditional stack collection or fastZ volume collection stackZStepSize=1; %distance in microns stackUseStartPower=false; stackUserOverrideLz=false; % logical; if true, override beam Lz values using stackZStart/EndPos, stackStart/EndPower. stackReturnHome=true; % if true, motor returns to original z-position after stack stackStartCentered=false; % if true, the current z-position is considered the stack center rather than the stack beginning. Applies to Main::Grab only. %AL: view/display stuff can be broken out of SI4 %channelsActive=1; %Array of channel indices which are active channelsDisplay=1; %Array of channel indices to be displayed % TODO public setting of this prop is currently not supported channelsSave=1; %Array of channel indices to be saved channelsInputRange; %Cell array of 2-element arrays channelsLUT; %An Nx2 array of min/max values for channel display, one for each of the N channels channelsMergeColor = {'green' 'red' 'gray' 'none'}; %String cell array of color names, one of {'red' 'green' blue' 'gray' 'none'}. channelsMergeEnable = false; %Scalar logical. If true, the channels merge window is updated. channelsMergeFocusOnly = false; %Scalar logical. If true, the channels merge image is not updated during GRAB/LOOP acquisitions. channelsSubtractOffset = false; %Logical array of N elements, indicating whether offset value should be subtracted from acquired data that is saved and/or displayed, for each of the N channels channelsAutoReadOffsets = false; %Logical. If true, channel offsets are automatically read, updating channelsOffset property, prior to each GRAB/LOOP acquisition. channelsAutoReadOffsetsOnFocus = false; %Logical. If true, channelAutoReadOffsets setting applies also to FOCUS acquisitions. loggingEnable=false; loggingFramesPerFile=inf; %Number of frames to store per file loggingFramesPerFileLock=false; %Constrain loggingFramePerFile to equal acqNumFrames -- this is typical/useful for collecting a single file per slice loggingMaxFileSize; %TODO: allow spec of frames/file in terms of filesize, rather than directly as frames/file triggerExtTrigEnable = false; % Indicates whether external start and/or next triggering (as configured by other properties) should be used triggerExtStartTrigPreScan = true; % Indicates, if true, that scanning should be started before external trigger arrives to minimize trigger-to-acquisition latency. triggerExtStartTrigTimeout = 30; %Time, in seconds, to wait for external trigger before timing out %TODO: Add parameter indicating how long to disable scanning for after acquistions for Looped external triggered acqs...i.e. a hint as to when external trigger will arrive triggerStartTrigSrc; %Numeric value of PFI source, if any, to use for external start triggering triggerStartTrigEdge = 'rising'; %One of {'rising' 'falling'} triggerNextTrigSrc; %Numeric value of PFI source, if any, to regard as 'next' trigger triggerNextTrigEdge = 'rising'; %One of {'rising' 'falling'} triggerNextTrigMode = 'advance'; %One of {'advance' 'arm'} %triggerNextTrigAdvanceGap; % Indicates, if true and in 'advance' next trigger mode, to advance by stopping acquisition and re-triggering via internal trigger triggerMaxLoopInterval = 42.95; %One of {42.95 214.75 42950}. Specifies maximum time, in seconds, to allow between start/next triggers during LOOP acquisitions. Longer intervals result in lower resolution trigger timestamp measurements. triggerMaxLoopIntervalFrames = 10000; %Specifies maximum number of frames to allow between start/next triggers during LOOP acquisition. Shorter duration of triggerMaxLoopInterval & triggerMaxLoopIntervalFrames pertains. userFunctionsCfg = struct('EventName',cell(0,1),'UserFcnName',cell(0,1),'Arguments',cell(0,1),'Enable',cell(0,1)); % Nx1 struct array of CFG user function info structs. userFunctionsUsr = struct('EventName',cell(0,1),'UserFcnName',cell(0,1),'Arguments',cell(0,1),'Enable',cell(0,1)); % Mx1 struct array of USR user function info structs. userFunctionsOverride = struct('Function',cell(0,1),'UserFcnName',cell(0,1),'Enable',cell(0,1)); % Px1 struct array of user override functions fastZEnable = false; %If true, FastZ controller is used for any stack acquisitions fastZImageType = 'XY-Z'; %One of {'XY-Z' 'XZ' 'XZ-Y'} fastZScanType = 'sawtooth'; %One of {'step' 'sawtooth'} fastZSettlingTime = 0; %Time, in seconds, for axial position/ramp to settle. If fastZScanType='step', this value may be an array containing settling-time values to use for each step -- on per element in fastZScanRangeSpec. fastZNumVolumes = 1; %Number of 'volumes' to collect, i.e. number of times to repeat the fastZ scan. fastZNumVolumes=1 implies 'fast stack' operation. fastZDiscardFlybackFrames = false; %Logical indicating whether to discard frames during fastZ scanner flyback fastZUseAOControl = true; %Logical indicating whether to use AO control of fastZ hardware during FastZ operations fastZFramePeriodAdjustment = -100; %Time, in us, to deduct from the nominal frame period, when determining fastZ sawtooth period used for volume imaging fastZAllowLiveBeamAdjust = false; %Logical indicating whether to allow live adjustment of beamPowers during fastZ imaging. fastCfgCfgFilenames = repmat({''},scanimage.SI4.fastCfgNumConfigs,1); fastCfgAutoStartTf = false(scanimage.SI4.fastCfgNumConfigs,1); fastCfgAutoStartType = cell(scanimage.SI4.fastCfgNumConfigs,1); shutterDelay = 0; %Numeric scalar or array indicating time(s), in milliseconds, to delay opening of shutter(s) from start of acquistion. Value of 0 means to open before acquisition starts. loopNumRepeats=inf; %Scalar integer specifying number of LOOP Repeats to execute when LOOP button is pressed loopRepeatPeriod=10; motorSecondMotorZEnable = false; % scalar logical. If true, use second motor for stack z-movement. This flag is only interesting when motorDimensionConfiguration is 'xyz-z'. (For other motorDimensionConfigurations, the value of this flag is constrained to a single value.) pmtGain; %Vector of PMT gain values pmtEnable; %Vector of logicals indicating enabled/disabled state of PMTs maxFrameEventRate = 65; %Maximum rate, in Hz, at which SI4 will process frames for its operations. At higher rates, frames will be decimated from display and other operations. %Other USR-subset Options loggingFileCounterAutoReset=true; %Logical. If true, loggingFileCounter reset to 1 on change of loggingFileStem. end properties (SetObservable, Transient) loggingFilePath=''; loggingFileStem=''; loggingFileCounter=1; motorMoveTimeout = 5; %Maximum time, in seconds, to allow for stage moves. %TODO: Ideally could anticipate motorFastMotionThreshold = 100; %Distance, in um, above which motion will use the 'fast' velocity for controller motorUserDefinedPositions = cell(0,1); % Col vec of user-defined motor positions (which are 1x3 vecs) scanPhaseMap; %Map of scanPhase values, keyed by scanZoomFactor value. Property maintained as memory cache of underlying the file CDF var. scanPhaseFineMap; %Map of maps of scanPhaseFine values. Primary map keyed by hLSM.fieldSize. Secondary map keyed by hLSM.pixelsPerLine. Values are 2-vectors containing scanPhaseFine values for 1 channel & multi-channel acquisiton cases. scanMinZoomFactor=1; %Minimum value of scanZoomFactor to allow stackZStartPos=nan; %z-position from Motor::stack panel; does NOT apply to all acqs. This position is _relative to hMotor's relative origin_. It is _not_ in absolute coords. stackZEndPos=nan; %z-position from Motor::stack panel; does NOT apply to all acqs. This position is _relative to hMotor's relative origin_. It is _not_ in absolute coords. stackStartPower=nan; % beam-indexed stackEndPower=nan; % beam-indexed usrPropListCurrent = scanimage.SI4.usrPropListDefault; end properties (Dependent,SetObservable) fastZAcquisitionDelay; %Acquisition delay, in seconds, of fastZScanner. Value is exactly 1/2 the fastZSettlingTime. scanPhase; %Integer in range (0..254) specifying phase of scan at current scanZoomFactor. Correct value eliminates 1) every-other-line misalignment (for bidirectional scanning) and 2) field-of-view scaling errors (when not bidirectional scanning). scanPhaseFine; %Integer in range (-128..127) adding fine-control of scanPhase value at current value of (scanZoomFactor,scanPixelsPerLine,hLSM.numChannelsActive) motorPosition; % 1x3 or 1x4 array specifying motor position (in microns), depending on single vs dual motor, and motorDimensionConfiguration. end properties (Dependent,AbortSet,SetObservable) frameAcqFcnDecimationFactor = 1; %Integer N indicating that only every Nth frame is processed in Matlab in SI4, e.g. reducing display rate, etc. end %Read-only Properties %Following are technically settable to allow use of DependsOn property metatdata. Setter throws error.. properties (Dependent,SetObservable) scanLinePeriod; %Period, in s, of each scanner line. Depends on scanner frequency and whether bidirectional scanning is used. scanFramePeriod; %Estimated frame period, in seconds, with current acquisition settings scanFrameRate; %Estimated frame rate, in Hz, with current acquisition settings scanFillFractionSpatial; %Spatial fill fraction at current scanFillFraction setting scanPixelTimeMean; %Mean time spent dwelling at each pixel, during each line scanPixelTimeMaxMinRatio %Ratio of max-to-min time spent dwelling at each pixel across the line scan fastZNumDiscardFrames; %Number of discarded frames for each period end properties (SetAccess=protected, SetObservable) acqState='idle'; %One of {'idle' 'focus' 'grab' 'loop' 'loop_wait' 'point'} acqFramesDone = 0; %Number of frames already acquired in current slice of current GRAB acquisition or LOOP repeat channelsOffset; %Nx1 array, where N=channelsNumChannels. Contains digitizer/PMT offset value last measured for each channel. scanFramesStarted = 0; %Count of frame triggers received, based on the NI frame period counter Task, during an uninterrupted acquisition interval (i.e. between zprvStartFocus/zprvStartAcquisitionSlice() and zprvStopAcquisition()). stackSlicesDone = 0; %Number of slices acquired in current GRAB acquisition or LOOP repeat secondsCounter = 0; %current countdown or countup time, in seconds loopRepeatsDone=0; fastZPeriod; %Time specification in seconds. Co-varies with stackNumSlices/stackZStepSize. For fastZScanType='sawtooth', specifies period of scan in fastZ dimension. For fastZScanType='step', specifieds time or times (if supplied as vector) to spend at each step (i.e. value per element in fastZScanRangeSpec).; fastZFillFraction; %Fraction of frames in acquisition stream during fastZ imaging fastZVolumesDone = 0; %Number of volume sweeps completed, during a fastZ scan end properties (SetAccess=protected, Transient, SetObservable) cfgFilename = ''; statusString; % Set this property to update the current SI4 status end properties (SetAccess=protected) triggerClockTimeFirst; %Time of first trigger of current acquisition (first Repeat in case of LOOP). For slice acquisitions, only trigger time for first slice is recorded. triggerTime; %Last time at which triggers arrived during GRAB or LOOP, relative to first triggerFrameStartTime. For slice acquisitions, only trigger time for first slice is recorded. triggerFrameStartTime; %Last time at which triggered acquisition actually started during GRAB or LOOP , relative to first triggerFrameStartTime. First entry is always time 0. For slice cquisitions, only trigger time for first slice is recorded. triggerFrameNumber; %First frame acquired in currently logged file (if any). Value is updated at each start or next trigger. end properties (SetAccess=protected, Dependent, SetObservable) acqFrameBufferLength; %Length of running buffer used to store most-recently acquired frames end properties (SetAccess=protected, Dependent) motorHasMotor; % true if there is a motor motorHasSecondMotor; % true if there is a secondary motor. cannot be true if motorHasMotor is false fastZActive; %true if fastZ scanning is ongoing channelsDataType; %One of {'int16' 'uint16'}, depending on whether signed data is being used triggerTimestampResolution; %Resolution, in seconds, of triggerTime(s) property values containing start/next trigger timestamps. Determined by triggerMaxLoopInterval. end %% HIDDEN PROPERTIES properties (Hidden) acqDebug=false; % logical scalar. Set to true for some verbosity during acq. beamVoltageRanges; %Nbeam x 1 numeric. Maximum voltage for each beam. %Set of logical flags indicating whether to include tests for %reliability/correctness during SI4 operation verifyOptions = struct( 'nextTrigCheckFrameBreaks',false,... %Check next trigger frame breaks at end of acquisition to see if file boundaries match up as expected 'nextTrigAbortOnDroppedFrames',true ... %Abort Loop next-triggered acquisition if dropped frames detected on an acquisition ); end %Fudge-factors properties (Hidden) beamCalibrationLUTSize = 1e3; % number of steps in calibration LUT beamCalibrationNumVoltageSteps = 100; % number of beam voltage steps to use (during beam calibration) beamCalibrationNumPasses = 5; % number of voltage sweeps to perform beamCalibrationIntercalibrationZeros = 4; % number of zero voltage samples to apply between calibration sweeps beamCalibrationOutputRate = 1e5; % output sample rate of beam/beamCal tasks during calibration beamCalibrationIntercalibrationPauseTime = 0.2; % (seconds) pause time between calibration sweeps beamCalibrationOffsetNumSamples = 1e4; % Number of samples to take when measuring calibration offset beamCalibrationNoisyOffsetThreshold = 0.15; % Warning thrown if stddev/mean > (this ratio) while measuring photodiode offset beamCalibrationFluctuationThreshold = 0.35; % (dimensionless) warn if the std_dev/max of the beamCal signal exceeds this threshold beamCalibrationMinThreshold = 0.15; % (dimensionless) warn if min/max of the beamCal signal exceeds this threshold scanFramePeriodMeasureTime = 2; %Duration, in seconds, of test scan used to measure frame period values at given scan configuration settings stackShutterCloseMinZStepSize = 0; %Minimum stackZStepSize, in um, above which shutter will be closed, i.e. to allow for move to complete. For smaller moves, shutter will remain open during stack motor step - i.e. rely on Pockels blanking to limit illumination. loggingDelay = 0.2; %Time, in seconds, by which to delay logging. This serves to allow next triggering and frames-per-file file rollover operations to work. end %Constructor-initialized properties (Hidden,SetAccess=protected) % Consider using events instead of initState prop initState; % string enum. One of {'construct','init','none'}. initState is 'construct' during construction and 'init' during initialization and 'none' otherwise. beamNumBeams; %hInitTimestampCtr; %C hFrameClockDelayCtr; %CI chan measuring edge separation between trigger signals and subsequent frame clock edge hTriggerPeriodCtr; %CI chan measuring period between trigger signals hFramePeriodCtr; %CI chan measuring period between frame clock signals (and counts the numer of frames) since last start trigger hTriggerCallbackCtr; %CI chan used to generate callback on start/next trigger edges hSelfTrig; %DO chan used to self-trigger ScanImage acquisitions/loops hBeams; %Array of AO Tasks for beam modulation (e.g. with a Pockels cell) hBeamsPark; %Same as hBeams -- separate Tasks used for static power control adjustments hBeamCals; %Array of AI Tasks for beam modulation calibratin (e.g. with photodiodes) hShutters; %Array of shutter DO Tasks hTimestampCounters; %Array of counter CI Tasks used for timestamp measurements which run continuously during acquisition mode (presently: hFrameClockDelayCtr & obj.hTriggerPeriodCtr) hMotor; % Warning: It is dangerous to directly zero or modify the relative coordinate system on the motor. This will break stackZStart/EndPos. See motorZeroSoft(). hMotorZ; % etc. hFastZ; %Handle to FastZ hardware, may be a LSC object or a PI motion controller hFastZAO; %Handle to DAQmx AO Task used for FastZ sweep/step control hAcqTasks; %Array of all started Tasks during a GRAB acquisition or LOOP repeat -- or slice of either. All of these should be stopped after each such acquisition/Repeat/slice hAllTasks; %Array of all (non-transient) DAQmx Tasks created by this class motorDimensionConfiguration; % one of {'none' 'xy' 'z' 'xyz'} when there is a single motor; one of {'xy-z' 'xyz-z'} when there are two motors loggingFrameDelay; %Conversion of loggingDelay into num frame units end %Handles properties (Hidden,SetAccess=protected) hLSM; hPMT; %Handle to PMT controller object fastZRequireAO = false; channelsHFig=[]; channelsHAxes={}; channelsHImage={}; channelsHMergeFig = []; channelsHMergeAx = []; channelsHMergeIm = []; end %Internal properties properties (Hidden,SetAccess=protected) acqFramesDoneTotal=0; %Tally of total frames acquired since last start trigger (including trigger of last slice if a stack acquisition). Value is determined by simply counting executions of frameAcquiredFcn() callback. In fastZmode, value may differ from acqFramesDone. displayRollingBuffer; %Array used for display averaging computation. Stored as double type. acqBeamLengthConstants; %Beam power length constants for use in actual acquistion; can differ from beamLengthConstants due to stackOverrideLz, etc acqMotorPositionStackStart; %Motor position at last start of stack stackCurrentMotorZPos; %z-position of stackZMotor acqBeamPowersStackStart; %Beam powers at last start of stack beamFlybackBlankData; %Array of beam output data for each scanner period for flyback blanking mode. Array has one column for each beam. beamFlybackBlankDataMask; %Mask representation of beamFlybackBlankData, with 1 values representing beam ON and NaN representing beam OFF. beamCalibrationLUT; %beamCalibrationLUTSize x numBeams array. lut(i,j) gives the beam voltage necessary to achieve the fraction (i/beamCalibrationLUTSize) of the maximum beam power for beam j. beamCalibrationMinCalVoltage; %1 x numBeams array. Gives the minimum beam calibration voltage encountered during calibration for each beam. beamCalibrationMaxCalVoltage; %1 x numBeams array. Gives the maximum beam calibration voltage encountered during calibration for each beam. beamCalibrationMinAchievablePowerFrac; % 1 x numBeams array. Gives the minimum achievable power fraction for each beam beamCancelCalibration = false; %Logical set/polled if user cancels during beam calibration. %cfgPropSetLastLoaded; at moment this is unused; it may be unnecessary cfgOneShotLoaded; % scalar logical; if true, a one-shot cfg has been loaded and an acq has not been run cfgOneShotRevertPropSet; % if a one-shot config is currently loaded, this contains the struct (propSet) with the original values of all affected props. if there is no one-shot config loaded, this is [] fastZAvailable = false; %Logical indicating if fastZ hardware is available fastZAODataNormalized; %Array of output data for fastZAO Task, corresponding to one period fastZHomePosition; %Cache of the fastZ controller's position at start of acquisition mode, which should be restored at conclusion of acquisition mode fastZNextTrigSignal; %Flag signaling that advancing next trigger occurred during fastZ volume imaging -- file & file counter should be updated at start of next volume fastZBeamDataBuf; %Buffer of fastZ beam data, maintained if fastZAllowLiveBeamAdjust=true fastZBeamPowersCache; %Cache of beamPowers data, maintained if fastZAllowLiveBeamAdjust=true fastZBeamWriteOffset; %Store the offset to next write to FastZ Beam AO Task fastZBeamNumBufferedVolumes = 1; %Number of volumes to buffer. Any changes to beam params will take places with latency of (fastZBeamNumBufferedVolumes-1) volumes %fastZAORange; %2 element array containining [min max] voltage values allowed for FastZ AO control scanZoomFactorFOV = 1; scanPhaseLookupFlag = false; scanPhaseSetFlag = false; scanPhaseFineSetFlag = false; scanSetPixelationPropFlag = false; stackLastStartEndPositionSet = nan; % Cache of last position set to stackZStartPos/stackZEndPos. Used to throw warning re: running stack with possibly stale start/end pos. triggerNextTrigOnly; %Indicates if using 'pure' next triggering triggerExtTrigTimer; %Timer object handle used to handle external trigger timeouts triggerStartTrigTerminal; %Terminal on which start trigger for current acquisition is received. triggerClockTimeFirstVec; %Date vector representation of time of first trigger of current acquisition (first Repeat in case of LOOP). For slice acquisitions, only trigger time for first slice is recorded. For stack acquisitions, only trigger time for first slice is recorded. triggerTimeLast; % Tic value encoding the last trigger time, very nearly equivalent to: (triggerTimes(end)-triggerTimes(1)) + triggerClockTimeFirst triggerTimes; %Time(s) at which triggers arrived during GRAB or LOOP (array value when LOOP), relative to first triggerFrameStartTime. For stack acquisitions, only trigger time for first slice is recorded. triggerFrameStartTimes; %Time(s) at which triggered acquisition(s) actually started during GRAB or LOOP (array value when LOOP), relative to first triggerFrameStartTime. First entry is always time 0. For slice acquisitions, only trigger time for first slice is recorded. triggerLastArmed; %One of {'start' 'next' 'self'} userFunctionsCfgListeners; % Column cell array containing listener objects for user functions (CFG). There is a 1-1 correspondence between these objects and the elements of userFunctionsCfg. userFunctionsUsrListeners; % Column cell array containing listener objects for user functiosn (USR). There is a 1-1 correspondence between these objects and the elements of userFunctionsUsr. userFunctionsOverriddenFcns2UserFcns; % Scalar struct. Fields: currently overridden fcns. vals: user fcns to call instead. usrPropSetLastLoaded; loggingFrameCount; %Number of frames started since start of log file. Value determined by counting frame clock ticks recorded by the Frame Period counter channel. %loggingFrameTimeReference; %Reference time, for frame period measurements loggingFrameTimeLast; %Last recorded frame time, relative to start of first frame loggingFrameBreaks; %Array of frame count values identifying start frame for each of the next-triggered files %loggingFrameStartTimes; %Time(s) at which frame clocks have arrived since last start trigger loggingFileSubCounter; %Specifies /next/ file sub-counter to be written to when a finite loggingFramesPerFile is specified, 'chunking' a single acquisition's data into multiple files, e.g. to limit filesize hListeners; %structure of listeners maintained by this class headerStringCache = ''; internalSetFlag = false; end properties (Hidden,SetAccess=protected,SetObservable) scanFramePeriodStore; %Store for measured scanFramePeriod values triggerExtTrigAvailable; %Logical indicating if external triggering capability is availble given current start/next trigger source settings usrFilename = ''; end properties (Hidden,SetAccess=protected,Dependent) acqNumFramesPerTrigger; %Total number of frames to acquire per acquistion trigger (a GRAB acquisition or LOOP repeat, or slice collected within either) stackZMotor; %handle to motor user for stack z-positioning during acq beamOnPowerVoltages; %Beam-indexed voltage levels corresponding to power fraction percentages in beamPowers beamOffPowerVoltages; %Beam-indexed voltage levels corresponding to minimum achievable beam power fractions channelsInputRangeValues; %Nx2 array, with each row representing an allowable range value (2-element arrays, specifying min-max) channelsBitDepth; channelsNumChannels; %Number of available channels channelsLUTRange; %2 element array specifying min-max values allowed for channelsLUT % fastZScanStartPositionVolts; % fastZScanRangeSpecVolts; headerString; %Concatenates headerStringCache with the triggerHeaderProps fastZNumFramesPerVolume; %Number of frames per volume for current acq & fastZ settings stackStartEndPointsDefined; % logical; if true, stackZStartPos, stackZEndPos are defined (non-nan) stackStartEndPowersDefined; % logical; if true, stackZStartPower, stackZEndPower are defined loggingFullFileName; loggingFileName; loggingFileNumChunks; %Integer scalar; either 0 (not-chunked) or 2 or greater (chunked) motorPositionLength; %Length of motorPosition values secondsCounterMode; %One of {'up' 'down'} indicating whether this is a count-up or count-down timer triggerExtStartTrigUsed; %logical; if true, an external start trigger is to be used (is configured and available) on GRAB/LOOP acquisitions triggerNextTrigUsed; usrCfgFileVarName; % varName stored in a USR file for cfg file associated with that USR file end %DependsOn properties properties (Hidden,Dependent,SetObservable) displayShowCrosshairTrue; %Logical indicating if crosshair display is actually active scanPixelTimeStats; %Structure of computed pixel dwell time statistics scanForceSquarePixel_; %Logical indication if scanForceSquarePixel constraint is in effect scanForceSquarePixelation_; %Logical indication if scanForceSquarePixelation constraint is in effect end %% CONSTRUCTOR/DESTRUCTOR methods function obj = SI4() obj.initState = 'construct'; obj.statusString = 'Initializing...'; %Initialize & validate CDF initValStruct.lastConfigFilePath = most.idioms.startPath(); initValStruct.lastFastConfigFilePath = most.idioms.startPath(); initValStruct.scanPhaseStore = containers.Map('KeyType','int32','ValueType','double'); initValStruct.scanPhaseFineStore = containers.Map('KeyType','double','ValueType','any'); initValStruct.scanFramePeriodStore = cell(1,length(obj.scanFramePeriodStoreKeyProps)+1); obj.ensureClassDataFile(initValStruct); if size(obj.getClassDataVar('scanFramePeriodStore'),2) ~= length(obj.scanFramePeriodStoreKeyProps) + 1 znstResetClassDataVar('scanFramePeriodStore'); end function znstResetClassDataVar(classDataVar) obj.setClassDataVar(classDataVar,initValStruct.(classDataVar)) end %Initializations obj.ziniPrepareLSM(); %Initialize Thor LSM hardware that is required obj.ziniPrepareDisplayFigs(); obj.ziniPrepareCoreDAQ(); %Initialize DAQ hardware that is required obj.ziniPrepareShutters(); %Initialize optional Shutter hardware obj.ziniPrepareBeams(); %Initialize optional hardware for 'beam' modulation (e.g. Pockels), including calibration (e.g. with photodiode) obj.ziniPrepareChannels(); %Initialize channel-related properties obj.ziniPrepareMotor(); %Initialize optional motor hardware for X/Y/Z motion obj.ziniPrepareFastZ(); %Initialize optional fastZ hardware for fast Z motion obj.ziniPreparePMT(); %Initialize optional PMT control/monitoring obj.zprvResetTriggerTimes(); %Initializes trigger-time properties obj.initState = 'none'; % function ziniInitMDFData() % %Massage MDF Data, e.g. supply defaults for empty values, etc. % % %Replace empty values with default values % defaultValMap = containers.Map(); % % defaultValMap('extFrameClkTerminal') = 4; % % keys = defaultValueMap.keys(); % for i=1:length(defaultValMap) % if isempty(obj.mdfData.(keys{i})) % obj.mdfData.(keys{i}) = defaultValMap(keys{i}); % end % end % % end end function initialize(obj) obj.initState = 'init'; try % register all channel figs with controller assert(numel(obj.hController) <= 1); % for now always have a single controller if ~isempty(obj.hController) ctrler = obj.hController{1}; for c = 1:obj.channelsNumChannels ctrler.registerGUI(obj.channelsHFig(c)); end ctrler.registerGUI(obj.channelsHMergeFig); end %Load user file (which adjusts figure positions) obj.usrLoadUsr(); %Initialize model, which also calls initialize() on any/all controller(s) initialize@most.Model(obj); %Read channel offsets obj.channelsReadOffsets(); obj.initState = 'none'; obj.statusString = ''; obj.notify('applicationOpen'); catch ME fprintf(2,'ERROR encountered initializing ''%s'' object. Deleting object. Error information: \n%s\n',class(obj),ME.getReport('basic')); delete(obj); end end function delete(obj) %Signal SI close obj.notify('applicationWillClose'); %TMW: I don't believe this should be needed -- but somehow these resources aren't automatically deleted when the SI4 is deleted...can't see any other handles to this object to explain this delete(obj.hLSM); delete(obj.hAllTasks); delete(obj.channelsHFig); delete(obj.channelsHMergeFig); end end methods (Hidden, Access=private) function zprvMDFScalarExpand(obj,mdfVarName,N) if isscalar(obj.mdfData.(mdfVarName)) obj.mdfData.(mdfVarName) = repmat(obj.mdfData.(mdfVarName),N,1); end end function zprvMDFVerify(obj,mdfVarName,validAttribArgs,assertFcn) val = obj.mdfData.(mdfVarName); try if ~isempty(validAttribArgs) validateattributes(val,validAttribArgs{:}); end if ~isempty(assertFcn) assert(assertFcn(val)); end catch ME error('SI4:MDFVerify','Invalid value for MachineDataFile variable ''%s''.',mdfVarName); end end function ziniPrepareDisplayFigs(obj) %Initialize channel figure windows %startImageData = zeros(obj.scanLinesPerFrame,obj.scanPixelsPerLine,obj.channelsDataType); for i=1:obj.channelsNumChannels obj.channelsHFig(i) = most.idioms.figureSquare('Name',sprintf('Channel %d',i),... 'Visible','off','ColorMap',gray(256),'NumberTitle','off','Menubar','none',... 'Tag',sprintf('image_channel%d',i),'CloseRequestFcn',@(src,evnt)set(src,'Visible','off')); end obj.channelsHMergeFig = most.idioms.figureSquare('Name','Channel Merge',... 'Visible','off','NumberTitle','off','Menubar','none',... 'Tag','channel_merge','CloseRequestFcn',@(src,evnt)set(src,'Visible','off')); channelsLUTInitVal = repmat([0 obj.channelsLUTRange(2)],obj.channelsNumChannels,1); %Use unipolar LUT range by default, whether data is signed or not obj.zprvResetDisplayFigs(1:obj.channelsNumChannels,true,channelsLUTInitVal); end function ziniPrepareLSM(obj) obj.hLSM = scanimage.adapters.ThorLSM(); obj.hLSM.frameAcquiredEventFcn = @(varargin)obj.zprvOverrideableFunction('frameAcquiredFcn',varargin{:}); obj.hLSM.circBufferSize = 16; obj.hLSM.averagingMode = 'AVG_NONE'; obj.hLSM.areaMode = 'RECTANGLE'; lsmInvert = (isfield(obj.mdfData,'lsmDigitizerInvert') && obj.mdfData.lsmDigitizerInvert) || ... (isfield(obj.mdfData,'lsmDigitizerPositive') && ~obj.mdfData.lsmDigitizerPositive); if lsmInvert obj.hLSM.dataMappingMode = 'POLARITY_NEGATIVE'; else obj.hLSM.dataMappingMode = 'POLARITY_POSITIVE'; end %Initialize bidiPhaseAlignmentCoarse values to match those stored to scanPhaseMap in CDF spm = obj.scanPhaseMap; if ~isempty(spm) spmKeys = spm.keys(); fsOrig = obj.hLSM.fieldSize; for i=1:length(spmKeys) obj.hLSM.fieldSize = spmKeys{i}; obj.hLSM.bidiPhaseAlignmentCoarse = spm(spmKeys{i}); end obj.hLSM.fieldSize = fsOrig; end end function ziniDisableShutterFeature(obj) if ~isempty(obj.hShutters) delete(obj.hShutters); end obj.hShutters =; end function ziniPrepareShutters(obj) import* try tfShutterFeatureOn = ~isempty(obj.mdfData.shutterDeviceIDs) && ... ~isempty(obj.mdfData.shutterPortIDs) && ... ~isempty(obj.mdfData.shutterLineIDs); if ~tfShutterFeatureOn obj.ziniDisableShutterFeature(); fprintf(1,'Disabling shutter feature...\n'); return; end % shutterLineIDs obj.zprvMDFVerify('shutterLineIDs',{{'numeric'},{'integer' 'vector' 'nonnegative'}},[]); numShutters = length(obj.mdfData.shutterLineIDs); % shutterDeviceIDs if ischar(obj.mdfData.shutterDeviceIDs) obj.mdfData.shutterDeviceIDs = cellstr(obj.mdfData.shutterDeviceIDs); end obj.zprvMDFScalarExpand('shutterDeviceIDs',numShutters); obj.zprvMDFVerify('shutterDeviceIDs',{},@(x)iscellstr(x)&&numel(x)==numShutters&&all(cellfun(@(y)~isempty(y),x))); % shutterPortIDs obj.zprvMDFScalarExpand('shutterPortIDs',numShutters); obj.zprvMDFVerify('shutterPortIDs',{{'numeric'},{'integer' 'vector' 'nonnegative'}},@(x)numel(x)==numShutters); % shutterOpenLevel obj.zprvMDFScalarExpand('shutterOpenLevel',numShutters); obj.zprvMDFVerify('shutterOpenLevel',{{'numeric' 'logical'},{'binary' 'vector'}},@(x)numel(x)==numShutters); % shutterBeforeEOM obj.zprvMDFVerify('shutterBeforeEOM',{{'numeric' 'logical'},{'binary' 'scalar'}},[]); % shutterIDs if isempty(obj.mdfData.shutterIDs) obj.mdfData.shutterIDs = arrayfun(@num2str,(1:numShutters)','UniformOutput',false); end obj.zprvMDFVerify('shutterIDs',{},@(x)iscellstr(x)&&numel(x)==numShutters); %Create shutter Tasks obj.hShutters = Task.empty(); for i=1:numShutters idString = obj.mdfData.shutterIDs{i}; hShutter = obj.zprvDaqmxTask(sprintf('Shutter %s',idString)); hShutter.createDOChan(obj.mdfData.shutterDeviceIDs{i},sprintf('port%d/line%d',obj.mdfData.shutterPortIDs(i),obj.mdfData.shutterLineIDs(i))); hShutter.writeDigitalData(double(~obj.mdfData.shutterOpenLevel(i))); %Close shutter obj.hShutters(end+1) = hShutter; end catch ME obj.ziniDisableShutterFeature(); fprintf(2,'Error occurred during shutter initialization. Incorrect MachineDataFile settings likely cause. \n Disabling shutter feature. \n Error stack: \n'); most.idioms.reportError(ME); %throwAsCaller(obj.DException('','InitShuttersErr',' Error stack: \n %s',ME.getReport())); end end function ziniPrepareCoreDAQ(obj) %Initialization for required ScanImage hardware import* %Initialize 'self' trigger obj.zprvMDFVerify('trigSelfTrigSourceDeviceID',{{'char'},{'nonempty'}},[]); obj.zprvMDFVerify('trigSelfTrigSourceLineID',{{'numeric'},{'scalar' 'integer'}},[]); obj.hSelfTrig = obj.zprvDaqmxTask('Self Trigger'); obj.hSelfTrig.createDOChan(obj.mdfData.trigSelfTrigSourceDeviceID,sprintf('line%d',obj.mdfData.trigSelfTrigSourceLineID)); %Initialize 'initial timestamp' counter % obj.hInitTimestampCtr = obj.zprvDaqmxTask('Initial Timestamp Counter'); % obj.hInitTimestampCtr.createCOPulseChanFreq(obj.primaryDeviceID,0,[],1e3); %Uses ctr0 % obj.hInitTimestampCtr.cfgSampClkTiming(10e6,'DAQmx_Val_ContSamps',[],'10MHzRefClock'); %assumes X series board obj.zprvMDFVerify('primaryDeviceID',{{'char'},{'nonempty'}},[]); obj.zprvMDFVerify('extFrameClockTerminal',{{'numeric'},{'scalar' 'integer' 'nonnegative' '<=' 16}},[]); %Initialize 'Frame Clock Delay' counter -- measures delay between trigger and next external frame clock obj.hFrameClockDelayCtr = obj.zprvDaqmxTask('Frame Clock Delay Counter'); obj.hFrameClockDelayCtr.createCITwoEdgeSepChan(obj.mdfData.primaryDeviceID,0); %Uses ctr0 obj.hFrameClockDelayCtr.cfgImplicitTiming('DAQmx_Val_ContSamps'); obj.hFrameClockDelayCtr.channels(1).set('twoEdgeSepSecondTerm',... sprintf('PFI%d',obj.mdfData.extFrameClockTerminal)); %Set frame clock source as the 'second edge'; assumes rising edge %Initialize 'Trigger Period' counter -- measures period between triggers (start triggers or next triggers) obj.hTriggerPeriodCtr = obj.zprvDaqmxTask('Trigger Period Counter'); obj.hTriggerPeriodCtr.createCIPeriodChan(obj.mdfData.primaryDeviceID,1); %Uses ctr1 obj.hTriggerPeriodCtr.cfgImplicitTiming('DAQmx_Val_ContSamps'); %Initialize 'Frame Clock Period' counter -- measures all times between frame clock ticks since start of acquisition mode obj.hFramePeriodCtr = obj.zprvDaqmxTask('Frame Clock Period Counter'); obj.hFramePeriodCtr.createCIPeriodChan(obj.mdfData.primaryDeviceID,2); %Uses ctr2 obj.hFramePeriodCtr.cfgImplicitTiming('DAQmx_Val_ContSamps'); obj.hFramePeriodCtr.channels(1).set('periodTerm',... sprintf('PFI%d',obj.mdfData.extFrameClockTerminal)); %Set frame clock source as the period source; assumes rising edge %Initialize 'Trigger Callback' counter -- used to invoke callback function on each start or next trigger input %Best (only?) way to do this with a counter/timer appears to be with a 'count edges' CI chan, which uses sample clock timing unlike other CI/CO chan types obj.hTriggerCallbackCtr = obj.zprvDaqmxTask('Trigger Callback Counter'); obj.hTriggerCallbackCtr.createCICountEdgesChan(obj.mdfData.primaryDeviceID,3); %Uses ctr3 obj.hTriggerCallbackCtr.cfgSampClkTiming(1000, 'DAQmx_Val_HWTimedSinglePoint', [], 'PFI0'); %Sample rate is 'dummy' value. Trigger terminal is a temp value, to be overwritten. obj.hTriggerCallbackCtr.registerSignalEvent(@(varargin)obj.zprvOverrideableFunction('triggerFcn',varargin{:}),'DAQmx_Val_SampleClock'); %obj.hTimestampCounters = [obj.hInitTimestampCtr obj.hFrameClockDelayCtr obj.hTriggerPeriodCtr]; obj.hTimestampCounters = [obj.hFrameClockDelayCtr obj.hTriggerPeriodCtr]; end function ziniDisableBeamsFeature(obj) obj.beamNumBeams = 0; if ~isempty(obj.hBeams) delete(obj.hBeams); end obj.hBeams = []; for i=1:length(obj.hBeamCals) if ~isempty(obj.hBeamCals{i}) delete(obj.hBeamCals{i}); end end obj.hBeamCals = {}; if ~isempty(obj.hBeamsPark) delete(obj.hBeamsPark); end obj.hBeamsPark = []; end function ziniPrepareBeams(obj) import* try tfBeamsFeatureOn = ~isempty(obj.mdfData.beamDeviceID) && ... ~isempty(obj.mdfData.beamChanIDs); if ~tfBeamsFeatureOn obj.ziniDisableBeamsFeature(); fprintf(1,'Disabling beams feature...\n'); return; end % beamChanIDs obj.zprvMDFVerify('beamChanIDs',{{'numeric'},{'integer' 'vector' 'nonnegative'}},[]); numBeams = length(obj.mdfData.beamChanIDs); obj.beamNumBeams = numBeams; if numBeams==0 return; end % beamDeviceID if ischar(obj.mdfData.beamDeviceID) obj.mdfData.beamDeviceID = cellstr(obj.mdfData.beamDeviceID); end obj.zprvMDFScalarExpand('beamDeviceID',numBeams); obj.zprvMDFVerify('beamDeviceID',{},@(x)iscellstr(x)&&numel(x)==numBeams&&all(cellfun(@(y)~isempty(y),x))) % beamIDs if isempty(obj.mdfData.beamIDs) obj.mdfData.beamIDs = arrayfun(@(x)sprintf('Beam %d',x),(1:numBeams)','UniformOutput',false); end obj.zprvMDFVerify('beamIDs',{},@(x)iscellstr(x)&&numel(x)==numBeams); % beamVoltageRanges obj.zprvMDFScalarExpand('beamVoltageRanges',numBeams); obj.zprvMDFVerify('beamVoltageRanges',{{'numeric'},{'real' 'vector' '>=' 0.0}},@(x)numel(x)==numBeams); % beamCmdOutputRate obj.zprvMDFVerify('beamCmdOutputRate',{{'numeric'},{'real' 'scalar'}},[]); % beamCalInputDeviceIDs if ischar(obj.mdfData.beamCalInputDeviceIDs) obj.mdfData.beamCalInputDeviceIDs = cellstr(obj.mdfData.beamCalInputDeviceIDs); end obj.zprvMDFScalarExpand('beamCalInputDeviceIDs',numBeams); obj.zprvMDFVerify('beamCalInputDeviceIDs',{},@(x)iscellstr(x)&&numel(x)==numBeams); % beamCalInputDeviceIDs{i} can be empty if beamCalInputChanIDs(i) is nan % beamCalInputChanIDs if isempty(obj.mdfData.beamCalInputChanIDs) obj.mdfData.beamCalInputChanIDs = nan(numBeams,1); end obj.zprvMDFScalarExpand('beamCalInputChanIDs',numBeams); obj.zprvMDFVerify('beamCalInputChanIDs',{{'numeric'},{'vector'}},@(x)numel(x)==numBeams); % beamCalOffsets if isempty(obj.mdfData.beamCalOffsets) obj.mdfData.beamCalOffsets = zeros(numBeams,1); end obj.zprvMDFVerify('beamCalOffsets',{{'numeric'},{'vector'}},@(x)numel(x)==numBeams); %%% Initialize model props obj.beamVoltageRanges = obj.mdfData.beamVoltageRanges; obj.beamCalibrationLUT = nan(obj.beamCalibrationLUTSize,obj.beamNumBeams); obj.beamCalibrationMinCalVoltage = nan(1,obj.beamNumBeams); obj.beamCalibrationMaxCalVoltage = nan(1,obj.beamNumBeams); obj.beamCalibrationMinAchievablePowerFrac = zeros(1,obj.beamNumBeams); %%% Create Beam/BeamCal/BeamPark Tasks obj.hBeams = obj.zprvDaqmxTask('Beam Modulation'); obj.hBeamCals = cell(obj.beamNumBeams,1); obj.hBeamsPark = obj.zprvDaqmxTask('Beam Modulation Park'); for i=1:obj.beamNumBeams idString = obj.mdfData.beamIDs{i}; %Create AO chan for beam 'parking' (static AO control) obj.hBeamsPark.createAOVoltageChan(obj.mdfData.beamDeviceID{i},obj.mdfData.beamChanIDs(i),sprintf('%s Park',idString)); %Create AO chans for beam obj.hBeams.createAOVoltageChan(obj.mdfData.beamDeviceID{i},obj.mdfData.beamChanIDs(i),idString); %Create AI Task/chan for each beam's calibration beamCalChanID = obj.mdfData.beamCalInputChanIDs(i); if isnan(beamCalChanID) hBeamCal = []; else hBeamCal = obj.zprvDaqmxTask([idString ' Calibration']); hBeamCal.createAIVoltageChan(obj.mdfData.beamCalInputDeviceIDs{i},beamCalChanID); hBeamCal.cfgDigEdgeStartTrig(sprintf('PFI%d',obj.mdfData.trigSelfTrigDestinationTerminal)); end obj.hBeamCals{i} = hBeamCal; end % Configure Beam modulation Task obj.hBeams.set('startTrigRetriggerable',true,'digEdgeStartTrigDigFltrMinPulseWidth',200e-9,'digEdgeStartTrigDigFltrEnable',1); obj.hBeams.cfgDigEdgeStartTrig(sprintf('PFI%d',obj.mdfData.extLineClockTerminal)); obj.hBeams.cfgSampClkTiming(obj.mdfData.beamCmdOutputRate,'DAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps'); %Configure sample clock timing so pause trigger can be configuerd obj.hBeams.set('pauseTrigType','DAQmx_Val_DigLvl','digLvlPauseTrigWhen','DAQmx_Val_Low','digLvlPauseTrigSrc',sprintf('PFI%d',obj.mdfData.extFrameClockTerminal)); % Perform initial calibrations for c = 1:obj.beamNumBeams obj.beamsCalibrate(c); end catch ME fprintf(2,'Error occurred while initializing ''beams''. Incorrect MachineDataFile settings likely cause. \n Disabling beams feature. \n Error stack: \n'); most.idioms.reportError(ME); obj.ziniDisableBeamsFeature(); end end function ziniPrepareChannels(obj) obj.channelsOffset = zeros(1,obj.channelsNumChannels); %Remainder of properties should be expanded to channelsNumChannels dimensions during initialize() eigensets end function ziniPrepareFastZ(obj) obj.fastZAvailable = ~isempty(obj.mdfData.fastZControllerType); if ~obj.fastZAvailable return; end useMotor2 = false; try %Construct & initialize fastZ object in hardware-specific manner if strcmpi(obj.mdfData.fastZControllerType,'useMotor2'); useMotor2 = true; controllerType = obj.mdfData.motor2ControllerType; assert(~isempty(controllerType),'FastZ motor controller was configured as ''useMotor2'', but no secondary Z motor was actually specified.'); assert(~isempty(obj.hMotorZ),'FastZ motor controller was configured as ''useMotor2'', but secondary Z motor was not successfully configured.'); comPort = obj.mdfData.motor2COMPort; baudRate = obj.mdfData.motor2BaudRate; else controllerType = obj.mdfData.fastZControllerType; comPort = obj.mdfData.fastZCOMPort; baudRate = obj.mdfData.fastZBaudRate; end if useMotor2 obj.hFastZ = obj.hMotorZ; end %Initialize fastZ AO object, if specified & not done so already if ~isempty(obj.mdfData.fastZAOChanID) && isempty(obj.hFastZAO) znstInitFastZAO(); end switch lower(controllerType) case {'pi.e816' 'pi.e665'} %E665 uses E816 controller under hood %Require AO Task -- for E816, wave-table on small-side & triggered steps don't allow flyback znstRequireFastZAO(); %TODO: Make ctor call logic programmatic, based on controllerType string analogCmdArgs = {}; if ~useMotor2 hLSC = dabs.pi.LinearStageController('controllerType','e816','comPort',comPort,'baudRate',baudRate,analogCmdArgs{:}); obj.hFastZ = scanimage.StageController(hLSC); end %Initialize analog command option args = {'analogCmdBoardID', obj.hFastZAO.deviceNames{1},'analogCmdChanIDs',obj.mdfData.fastZAOChanID,'hAOBuffered',obj.hFastZAO}; if ~isempty(obj.mdfData.fastZAIChanID) && ~isempty(obj.mdfData.fastZAIDeviceID) args = [args {'analogSensorBoardID' obj.mdfData.fastZAIDeviceID 'analogSensorChanIDs' obj.mdfData.fastZAIChanID}]; end obj.hFastZ.initializeAnalogOption(args{:}); %To use E-816 as fastZ controller requires device be in analog input mode obj.hFastZ.analogCmdEnable = true; otherwise assert(false,'FastZ controller type specified (''%s'') is unrecognized or presently unsupported',controllerType); end % %If in all-analog mode, forcibly start FastZ in middle of range % if obj.hFastZ.analogCmdEnable % obj.hFastZ.moveToCenter(); % end catch ME fprintf(2,'Error occurred while initializing fastZ hardware. Incorrect MachineDataFile settings likely cause. \n Disabling motor feature. \n Error stack: \n %s \n',ME.getReport()); obj.fastZAvailable = false; if ~isempty(obj.hFastZ) && ~useMotor2 delete(obj.hFastZ); end obj.hFastZ = []; end function znstRequireFastZAO() if isempty(obj.mdfData.fastZAOChanID) throwAsCaller(MException('','Analog Output (AO) Task required for specified FastZ hardware type (''%s'')',obj.mdfData.fastZControllerType)); end %znstInitFastZAO(); obj.fastZRequireAO = true; obj.fastZUseAOControl = true; end function znstInitFastZAO() obj.zprvMDFVerify('fastZAODeviceID',{{'char'},{'nonempty'}},[]); obj.zprvMDFVerify('fastZAOChanID',{{'numeric'},{'integer' 'scalar'}},[]); obj.zprvMDFVerify('fastZCmdOutputRate',{{'numeric'},{'scalar' 'positive'}},[]); obj.hFastZAO = obj.zprvDaqmxTask('FastZ AO'); obj.hFastZAO.createAOVoltageChan(obj.mdfData.fastZAODeviceID,obj.mdfData.fastZAOChanID); obj.hFastZAO.cfgSampClkTiming(obj.mdfData.fastZCmdOutputRate, 'DAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps'); obj.hFastZAO.cfgDigEdgeStartTrig(sprintf('PFI%d',obj.mdfData.extFrameClockTerminal)); obj.hFastZAO.set('startTrigRetriggerable',true); % hChan = obj.hFastZAO.channels(1); % obj.fastZAORange = [hChan.get('min') hChan.get('max')]; %Start AO Task in middle of scanner range % rMin = obj.hFastZ.hStage.get('rangeLimitMin'); % rMax = obj.hFastZ.hStage.get('rangeLimitMax'); % % obj.hFastZAOPark.writeAnalogData(obj.zprvFastZPosn2Voltage(rMin+(rMax-rMin)/2)); end end function ziniPreparePMT(obj) try if obj.mdfData.pmtModuleControl obj.hPMT = obj.hLSM.hPMTModule; end catch ME fprintf(2,'Error occurred while initializing PMT hardware. Incorrect MachineDataFile settings likely cause. \n Disabling PMT feature. \n Error stack: \n %s \n',ME.getReport()); obj.hPMT = []; end end function ziniPrepareMotor(obj) obj.hMotor = []; obj.hMotorZ = []; if isempty(obj.mdfData.motorControllerType) if ~isempty(obj.mdfData.motor2ControllerType) error('SI4:motorInitErr',... 'A secondary z-dimension motor controller was specified without specifying a primary motor controller. This is not supported.'); end fprintf(1,'Disabling motor feature...\n'); return; end try [obj.hMotor mtrDims1] = obj.ziniMotorConfigureAndConstruct('motor',false); catch ME fprintf(2,'Error constructing/initializing primary motor:\n%s\n',ME.message); fprintf(2,'Disabling motor feature.\n'); end if isempty(obj.hMotor) return; end if ~isempty(obj.mdfData.motor2ControllerType) try [obj.hMotorZ mtrDims2] = obj.ziniMotorConfigureAndConstruct('motor2',true); catch ME fprintf(2,'Error constructing/initializing secondary motor:\n%s\n',ME.message); fprintf(2,'Disabling secondary motor.\n'); end end if isempty(obj.hMotorZ) obj.motorDimensionConfiguration = mtrDims1; else obj.motorDimensionConfiguration = sprintf('%s-%s',mtrDims1,mtrDims2); end switch obj.motorDimensionConfiguration case {'xyz' 'xy' 'z' 'xyz-z'} obj.motorSecondMotorZEnable = false; case {'xy-z'} obj.motorSecondMotorZEnable = true; end if ~isempty(obj.hMotor) obj.hMotor.addlistener('LSCError',@(src,evt)obj.zprvMotorErrorCbk(src,evt)); end if ~isempty(obj.hMotorZ) obj.hMotorZ.addlistener('LSCError',@(src,evt)obj.zprvMotorErrorCbk(src,evt)); end end function [motorObj mtrDims] = ziniMotorConfigureAndConstruct(obj,mdfPrefix,tfIsSecondaryMotor) % Get controller type and info type = lower(obj.mdfData.(sprintf('%s%s',mdfPrefix,'ControllerType'))); regInfo = scanimage.MotorRegistry.getControllerInfo(type); % Construct/init LSC [lscObj mtrDims] = obj.ziniMotorLSCConstruct(regInfo,mdfPrefix,tfIsSecondaryMotor); % Construct StageController motorObj = obj.ziniMotorStageControllerConstruct(regInfo.TwoStep,lscObj,mdfPrefix); end function [lsc mtrDims] = ziniMotorLSCConstruct(obj,info,mdfPrefix,tfIsSecondaryMotor) % Compile arguments for LSC construction lscArgs = struct(); if ~isempty(info.SubType) lscArgs.controllerType = info.SubType; end stageType = obj.mdfData.(sprintf('%s%s',mdfPrefix,'StageType')); lscArgs.stageType = stageType; optionalArgMap = containers.Map({'PositionDeviceUnits' 'COMPort' 'BaudRate'},... {'positionDeviceUnits' 'comPort' 'baudRate'}); for key = optionalArgMap.keys mdfOptionalData = obj.mdfData.(sprintf('%s%s',mdfPrefix,key{1})); if ~isempty(mdfOptionalData) lscArgs.(optionalArgMap(key{1})) = mdfOptionalData; end end if tfIsSecondaryMotor mtrDims = 'z'; else mtrDims = lower(obj.mdfData.(sprintf('%s%s',mdfPrefix,'Dimensions'))); assert(ischar(mtrDims),'Motor dimensions must be a string.'); if isempty(mtrDims) mtrDims = 'xyz'; end end % Construct/init LSC lscArgsCell = most.util.structPV2cellPV(lscArgs); tfErr = false; try lsc = feval(info.Class,lscArgsCell{:}); scanimage.StageController.initLSC(lsc,mtrDims); catch ME tfErr = true; end % For common failures (comPort) provide some guidance if tfErr if ~isfield(lscArgs,'comPort') || isempty(lscArgs.comPort) || ~isnumeric(lscArgs.comPort) ME.rethrow(); end portSpec = sprintf('COM%d',lscArgs.comPort); % check if our ME matches the case of an open port if regexp(ME.message,[portSpec ' is not available']) choice = questdlg(['Motor initialization failed because of an existing serial object for ' portSpec ... '; would you like to delete this object and retry initialization?'], ... 'Motor initialization error: port Open','Yes','No','Yes'); switch choice case 'Yes' % determine which object to delete hToDelete = instrfind('Port',portSpec,'Status','open'); delete(hToDelete); disp('Deleted serial object. Retrying motor initialization...'); lsc = feval(info.Class,lscArgsCell{:}); case 'No' ME.rethrow(); end else ME.rethrow(); end end end function scObj = ziniMotorStageControllerConstruct(obj,twoStepInfo,lscObj,mdfPrefix) scArgs.twoStepEnable = twoStepInfo.Enable; if scArgs.twoStepEnable scArgs.twoStepDistanceThreshold = obj.motorFastMotionThreshold; % MDF velocity trumps registry velocity. Note that the % following may add the field 'velocity' to the % FastLSCPropVals, SlowLSCPropVals if it was not there % already. velFast = obj.mdfData.(sprintf('%s%s',mdfPrefix,'VelocityFast')); velSlow = obj.mdfData.(sprintf('%s%s',mdfPrefix,'VelocitySlow')); if ~isempty(velFast) twoStepInfo.FastLSCPropVals.velocity = velFast; end if ~isempty(velSlow) twoStepInfo.SlowLSCPropVals.velocity = velSlow; end scArgs.twoStepFastPropVals = twoStepInfo.FastLSCPropVals; scArgs.twoStepSlowPropVals = twoStepInfo.SlowLSCPropVals; %Initialize LSC two-step props to 'slow' values, if specified if twoStepInfo.InitSlowLSCProps s = scArgs.twoStepSlowPropVals; props = fieldnames(s); for c=1:numel(props) lscObj.(props{c}) = s.(props{c}); end end end scArgsCell = most.util.structPV2cellPV(scArgs); scObj = scanimage.StageController(lscObj,scArgsCell{:}); end end %% PROPERTY ACCESS METHODS methods function val = get.acqFrameBufferLength(obj) val = max(obj.acqFrameBufferLengthMin,obj.displayRollingAverageFactor * (obj.displayFrameBatchFactor / obj.frameAcqFcnDecimationFactor) + 1); end function val = get.acqBeamLengthConstants(obj) %Empty value acqBeamLengthConstants signals need to recompute (if any beams) if isempty(obj.acqBeamLengthConstants) && ~isempty(obj.beamNumBeams) obj.acqBeamLengthConstants = inf(obj.beamNumBeams,1); obj.acqBeamLengthConstants(logical(obj.beamPzAdjust)) = obj.beamLengthConstants(logical(obj.beamPzAdjust)); if obj.stackUserOverrideLz && obj.stackStartEndPointsDefined && obj.stackStartEndPowersDefined && ~obj.fastZEnable obj.acqBeamLengthConstants = obj.beamComputeOverrideLzs(); end end val = obj.acqBeamLengthConstants; end function val = get.acqNumFramesPerTrigger(obj) if ~obj.fastZEnable val = obj.acqNumFrames; else switch obj.fastZImageType case {'XY-Z' 'XZ-Y'} val = obj.fastZNumFramesPerVolume * obj.fastZNumVolumes; case {'XZ'} val = obj.fastZNumFramesPerVolume; end end end function val = get.fastZNumFramesPerVolume(obj) switch obj.fastZImageType case 'XY-Z' %Discarded frames, if any, apply per-volume val = (obj.acqNumFrames * obj.stackNumSlices + obj.fastZNumDiscardFrames); case 'XZ' %Discarded frames, if any, apply per-frame val = obj.acqNumFrames * (1 + obj.fastZNumDiscardFrames); case 'XZ-Y' %numSlices taken to mean # of Y slices in this case %Discarded frames, if any, apply per-volume val = (obj.acqNumFrames * obj.stackNumSlices + obj.fastZNumDiscardFrames); end end function val = get.frameAcqFcnDecimationFactor(obj) val = obj.hLSM.frameEventDecimationFactor; end function val = get.stackZMotor(obj) if ~obj.motorHasMotor val = []; return; end if obj.motorSecondMotorZEnable assert(obj.motorHasSecondMotor); val = obj.hMotorZ; else val = obj.hMotor; end end function val = get.stackCurrentMotorZPos(obj) val = obj.stackZMotor.positionRelative(3); end function val = get.beamOnPowerVoltages(obj) bmPowers = obj.beamPowers; for c = obj.beamNumBeams:-1:1 val(c) = obj.zprpBeamsPowerFractionToVoltage(c,bmPowers(c)/100.0); end end function val = get.beamOffPowerVoltages(obj) for c = obj.beamNumBeams:-1:1 val(c) = obj.zprpBeamsPowerFractionToVoltage(c,0.0); end end function val = get.channelsInputRangeValues(obj) val = obj.hLSM.channelsInputRangeValues; end function val = get.channelsBitDepth(obj) val = obj.hLSM.channelsBitDepth; end function val = get.channelsDataType(obj) if obj.hLSM.signedData val = 'int16'; else val = 'uint16'; end end function val = get.channelsNumChannels(obj) val = obj.hLSM.numChannelsAvailable; end function val = get.channelsOffset(obj) val = obj.hLSM.channelOffsets; end function val = get.channelsLUTRange(obj) if obj.hLSM.signedData n = obj.channelsBitDepth - 1; val = [-2^n 2^n-1]; else n = obj.channelsBitDepth; val = [0 2^n-1]; end end function val = get.channelsSubtractOffset(obj) val = obj.hLSM.subtractChannelOffsets; end % function val = get.fastZScanStartPositionVolts(obj) % if isempty(obj.fastZScanStartPosition) % val = []; % else % assert(findprop(obj.hFastA,'voltage2PosnFactor'), 'Expected property (''%s'') not found', voltage2PosnFactor); % val = obj.fastZScanStartPosition / obj.hFastZ.voltage2PosnFactor; % end % % end % % function val = get.fastZScanRangeSpecVolts(obj) % assert(findprop(obj.hFastA,'voltage2PosnFactor'), 'Expected property (''%s'') not found', voltage2PosnFactor); % % val = obj.fastZScanRangeSpec / obj.hFastZ.voltage2PosnFactor; % end % % function val = get.hFastZAOConditional(obj) % if obj.fastZUseAOControl % val = obj.hFastZAO; % else % val = []; % end % end function val = get.displayShowCrosshairTrue(obj) val = obj.displayShowCrosshair && numel(obj.displayFrameBatchSelection) <= 1; end function val = get.headerString(obj) val = [obj.headerStringCache char(13) obj.modelGetHeader('include',obj.triggerHeaderProps,15)]; %Use high precision for trigger timestamping header values end function val = get.loggingFileName(obj) [~,val] = obj.loggingFullFileName; end function val = get.loggingFullFileName(obj) if isempty(obj.loggingFilePath) val = ''; else val = zlclConstructLoggingFullFileName(obj.loggingFilePath,obj.loggingFileStem,obj.loggingFileCounter,obj.loggingFileSubCounter); end end function val = get.loggingFileNumChunks(obj) val = ceil((obj.acqNumFrames * obj.stackNumSlices * (obj.fastZNumVolumes^obj.fastZEnable)) / (obj.acqNumAveragedFrames * obj.loggingFramesPerFile)); if val == 1 || isinf(obj.loggingFramesPerFile) val = 0; end end function val = get.loggingFrameDelay(obj) val = min(ceil(obj.loggingDelay/obj.scanFramePeriod),obj.hLSM.loggingFrameDelayMax); end function val = get.motorPosition(obj) if ~obj.motorHasMotor val = []; else val = obj.hMotor.positionRelative; if obj.motorHasSecondMotor secZPos = obj.hMotorZ.positionRelative(3); switch obj.motorDimensionConfiguration case 'xy-z' val(3) = secZPos; case 'xyz-z' val(4) = secZPos; otherwise assert(false,'Impossible value of motorDimensionconfiguration'); end end end end function val = get.motorPositionLength(obj) if ~obj.motorHasMotor val = 0; elseif ~obj.motorHasSecondMotor || strcmpi(obj.motorDimensionConfiguration,'xy-z') val = 3; else val = 4; end end function val = get.motorHasMotor(obj) val = ~isempty(obj.hMotor); end function val = get.motorHasSecondMotor(obj) val = ~isempty(obj.hMotorZ); end function val = get.scanPhase(obj) val = obj.hLSM.bidiPhaseAlignmentCoarse; end function val = get.scanPhaseFine(obj) val = obj.hLSM.bidiPhaseAlignment; end function val = get.pmtEnable(obj) if isempty(obj.hPMT) val = []; else val = [obj.hPMT.pmtEnable1 obj.hPMT.pmtEnable2]; end end function val = get.pmtGain(obj) if isempty(obj.hPMT) val = []; else val = [obj.hPMT.pmtGain1 obj.hPMT.pmtGain2]; end end function val = get.scanPhaseMap(obj) %Initialize scanPhaseMap value against CDF value, on first use if isempty(obj.scanPhaseMap) && isnumeric(obj.scanPhaseMap) %empty double array indicates no value has been set obj.scanPhaseMap = obj.getClassDataVar('scanPhaseStore'); if ~isempty(obj.scanPhaseMap) if obj.scanPhaseMap.isKey(obj.hLSM.fieldSize) obj.scanPhase = obj.scanPhaseMap(obj.hLSM.fieldSize); end end end val = obj.scanPhaseMap; end function val = get.scanPhaseFineMap(obj) %Initialize scanPhaseFineMap (and current scanPhaseFine value) against CDF value, on first use if isempty(obj.scanPhaseFineMap) && isnumeric(obj.scanPhaseFineMap) %empty double array indicates no value has been set obj.scanPhaseFineMap = obj.getClassDataVar('scanPhaseFineStore'); if ~isempty(obj.scanPhaseFineMap) if obj.scanPhaseFineMap.isKey(obj.hLSM.fieldSize) hMap = obj.scanPhaseFineMap(obj.hLSM.fieldSize); if hMap.isKey(obj.hLSM.pixelsPerLine) a = hMap(obj.hLSM.pixelsPerLine); end chanIdx = (obj.hLSM.numChannelsActive > 1) + 1; if ~isnan(a(chanIdx)) obj.scanPhaseFine = a(chanIdx); end end end end val = obj.scanPhaseFineMap; end function val = get.scanFillFractionSpatial(obj) val = sin(obj.scanFillFraction * pi/2); end function val = get.scanPixelTimeStats(obj) val = scanimage.util.computeResScannerParams(obj.mdfData.scannerFrequencyNominal,obj.scanPixelsPerLine,'temporalFF',obj.scanFillFraction,'pixelMode','spanPeriodAdjustParams'); end function val = get.scanPixelTimeMean(obj) val = obj.scanPixelTimeStats.meanPixelTime; end function val = get.scanPixelTimeMaxMinRatio(obj) val = obj.scanPixelTimeStats.pixelTimeRatio; end function val = get.scanForceSquarePixel_(obj) val = obj.scanForceSquarePixel && obj.scanAngleMultiplierSlow > 0; end function val = get.scanForceSquarePixelation_(obj) val = obj.scanForceSquarePixelation && obj.scanAngleMultiplierSlow > 0; end function val = get.scanFrameRate(obj) val = 1/obj.scanFramePeriod; end function val = get.scanFramePeriod(obj) tupleKey = cellfun(@(propName)obj.(propName),obj.scanFramePeriodStoreKeyProps,'UniformOutput',false); framePeriodMeasured = zlclTupleMapLookup(obj.scanFramePeriodStore,tupleKey); if isempty(framePeriodMeasured) %Use calculated value as frame period estimate %val = obj.scanLinePeriod * obj.scanLinesPerFrame + obj.hLSM.framePeriodOverhead; val = nan; else %Use measured value as frame period estimate val = framePeriodMeasured; end end function val = get.scanFramePeriodStore(obj) if isempty(obj.scanFramePeriodStore) obj.scanFramePeriodStore = obj.getClassDataVar('scanFramePeriodStore'); end val = obj.scanFramePeriodStore; end function val = get.scanLinePeriod(obj) switch obj.scanMode case 'unidirectional' val = 1 / obj.mdfData.scannerFrequencyNominal; case 'bidirectional' val = .5 / obj.mdfData.scannerFrequencyNominal; end end function val = get.secondsCounterMode(obj) switch obj.acqState case {'focus' 'grab'} val = 'up'; case {'loop' 'loop_wait'} if isinf(obj.loopRepeatPeriod) || obj.triggerExtStartTrigUsed val = 'up'; else val = 'down'; end otherwise val = ''; end end function val = get.triggerExtStartTrigUsed(obj) %val = obj.triggerExtTrigEnable && obj.triggerExtTrigAvailable; val = obj.triggerExtTrigEnable && ~isempty(obj.triggerStartTrigSrc); end function val = get.triggerNextTrigUsed(obj) val = obj.triggerExtTrigEnable && ~isempty(obj.triggerNextTrigSrc) && (obj.stackNumSlices == 1 || obj.fastZEnable); end function val = get.triggerExtTrigAvailable(obj) val = ~isempty(obj.triggerStartTrigSrc) || ~isempty(obj.triggerNextTrigSrc); end function val = get.triggerClockTimeFirst(obj) val = datestr(datenum(obj.triggerClockTimeFirstVec),'dd-mm-yyyy HH:MM:SS.FFF'); %Convert to datenum first to handle case of datenum=1 end function val = get.triggerTime(obj) %val = sprintf('%#13.6f',obj.triggerTimes(end)); val = obj.triggerTimes(end); end function val = get.triggerTimestampResolution(obj) val = 1/get(obj.hTriggerPeriodCtr.channels(1),'ctrTimebaseRate'); end function val = get.triggerFrameStartTime(obj) %val = sprintf('%#13.6f',obj.triggerFrameStartTimes(end)); val = obj.triggerFrameStartTimes(end); end function val = get.usrCfgFileVarName(obj) val = regexprep(sprintf('%s__configFileName',class(obj)),'\.','_'); end function set.acqNumFrames(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('acqNumFrames'); val = obj.validatePropArg('acqNumFrames',val); %Constrain by fastZEnable if isinf(val) && obj.fastZEnable obj.modelWarn('Cannot set acqNumFrames to Inf when fastZEnable=true'); return; end obj.acqNumFrames = val; %Enforce FrameAcqFcnDecimationFactor constraint obj.acqNumFrames = obj.zprpApplyFAFDecFactorConstraint('acqNumFrames'); %Dependencies obj.acqNumAveragedFrames = obj.acqNumAveragedFrames; obj.loggingFramesPerFileLock = obj.loggingFramesPerFileLock; obj.zprvFastZUpdateAODataNormalized(); end function set.acqNumAveragedFrames(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('acqNumAveragedFrames'); val = obj.validatePropArg('acqNumAveragedFrames',val); %Constrain by acqNumFrames: value must divide evenly into acqNumFrames if isinf(obj.acqNumFrames) || rem(obj.acqNumFrames,val) if val > 1 obj.modelWarn('Value of ''acqNumAveragedFrames'' must be integer sub-multiple of ''acqNumFrames'''); end val = 1; end %Update LSM averaging factor obj.hLSM.loggingAveragingFactor = val; obj.acqNumAveragedFrames = val; %Apply lock constraint, if applicable if obj.displayRollingAverageFactorLock obj.zprpLockDisplayRollAvgFactor(); end end function set.acqDebug(obj,val) val = obj.validatePropArg('acqDebug',val); obj.acqDebug = val; end function set.acqFrameBufferLengthMin(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('acqFrameBufferLengthMin'); val = obj.validatePropArg('acqFrameBufferLengthMin',val); obj.acqFrameBufferLengthMin = val; end function set.acqState(obj,val) obj.zprvUpdateStatusStringBasedOnAcqState(val); obj.acqState = val; %Side effects switch val case 'idle' if ~isempty(obj.scanPhaseMap) && obj.scanPhaseSetFlag obj.setClassDataVar('scanPhaseStore',obj.scanPhaseMap); obj.scanPhaseSetFlag = false; end if ~isempty(obj.scanPhaseFineMap) && obj.scanPhaseFineSetFlag obj.setClassDataVar('scanPhaseFineStore',obj.scanPhaseFineMap); obj.scanPhaseFineSetFlag = false; end otherwise %no-op end end function set.displayShowCrosshair(obj,val) val = obj.validatePropArg('displayShowCrosshair',val); obj.displayShowCrosshair = val; %Dependencies obj.displayShowCrosshairTrue = obj.displayShowCrosshairTrue; end function set.displayShowCrosshairTrue(obj,val) %TODO: This logic would ideally be in a DependsOn 'callback', rather than in a prop setter, avoiding eigenset operations in all the setters which drive this operation %TODO: crosshair + merge for i=1:obj.channelsNumChannels hFig = obj.channelsHFig(i); hAx = obj.channelsHAxes{i}; %Handle to axes(s) associated with current channel %Delete any existing crosshair objects hCross = findall(hFig,'Tag','ImageCrosshair'); delete(hCross); if val %Add crosshair %Get normalized axes posn axUnits = get(hAx,'Units'); set(hAx,'Units','normalized'); axPosnNorm = get(hAx,'Position'); set(hAx,'Units',axUnits); %Create annotation spanning size of axes set(0,'CurrentFigure',obj.channelsHFig(i)); annotation('line',repmat((axPosnNorm(1) + axPosnNorm(3))/2,1,2), [axPosnNorm(2) axPosnNorm(2) + axPosnNorm(4)],'Tag','ImageCrosshair','Color',[1 1 1],'LineWidth',1); %Vertical line annotation('line', [axPosnNorm(1) axPosnNorm(1) + axPosnNorm(3)],repmat((axPosnNorm(2) + axPosnNorm(4))/2,1,2),'Tag','ImageCrosshair','Color',[1 1 1],'LineWidth',1); %Horizontal line end end end function set.displayRollingAverageFactor(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('displayRollingAverageFactor'); %Enforce displayRollingAverageFactorLock constraint if obj.displayRollingAverageFactorLock allowedVal = obj.zprpLockDisplayRollAvgFactor(); if val ~= allowedVal return; end end %Proceed with set val = obj.validatePropArg('displayRollingAverageFactor',val); %allow while running %Dependencies if obj.displayFrameBatchFactorLock && obj.displayFrameBatchFactor ~= (val * obj.frameAcqFcnDecimationFactor) obj.displayFrameBatchFactor = (val * obj.frameAcqFcnDecimationFactor); end obj.displayRollingAverageFactor = val; obj.zprvResetBuffersIfFocusing(); obj.hLSM.startAlreadyRunning(true); end function set.displayRollingAverageFactorLock(obj,val) val = obj.validatePropArg('displayRollingAverageFactorLock',val); %Allow while running obj.displayRollingAverageFactorLock = val; %Dependencies if val obj.zprpLockDisplayRollAvgFactor() end end function set.displayFrameBatchFactor(obj,val) %Enforce displayFrameBatchFactorLock constraint if obj.displayFrameBatchFactorLock && val ~= (obj.displayRollingAverageFactor * obj.frameAcqFcnDecimationFactor) return; end %Proceed with set val = obj.validatePropArg('displayFrameBatchFactor',val); obj.displayFrameBatchFactor = val; %Enforce FrameAcqFcnDecimationFactor constraint obj.displayFrameBatchFactor = obj.zprpApplyFAFDecFactorConstraint('displayFrameBatchFactor'); %Dependencies if obj.displayFrameBatchSelectLast && ~isequal(val,obj.displayFrameBatchSelection) obj.displayFrameBatchSelection = val; else obj.displayFrameBatchSelection = obj.displayFrameBatchSelection; end end function set.displayFrameBatchFactorLock(obj,val) val = obj.validatePropArg('displayFrameBatchFactorLock',val); obj.displayFrameBatchFactorLock = val; %Dependencies if val && obj.displayFrameBatchFactor ~= (obj.displayRollingAverageFactor * obj.frameAcqFcnDecimationFactor) obj.displayFrameBatchFactor = (obj.displayRollingAverageFactor * obj.frameAcqFcnDecimationFactor); end end function set.displayFrameBatchSelection(obj,val) %Enforce displayFrameBatchSelectLast constraint if obj.displayFrameBatchSelectLast && ~isequal(val,obj.displayFrameBatchFactor) return; end val = obj.validatePropArg('displayFrameBatchSelection',val); %Constrain by displayFrameBatchFactor & set val(val > obj.displayFrameBatchFactor) = []; %TODO: Ideally use 'Range' attribute with property replacement to 'automatically' enforce this constraint changeVal = ~isequal(val,obj.displayFrameBatchSelection); obj.displayFrameBatchSelection = val; %Enforce FrameAcqFcnDecimationFactor constraint obj.displayFrameBatchSelection = obj.zprpApplyFAFDecFactorConstraint('displayFrameBatchSelection'); %Dependencies if changeVal obj.zprvResetDisplayFigs(obj.channelsDisplay,obj.channelsMergeEnable); obj.displayShowCrosshairTrue = obj.displayShowCrosshairTrue; obj.zprvResetBuffersIfFocusing(); end end function set.displayFrameBatchSelectLast(obj,val) val = obj.validatePropArg('displayFrameBatchSelectLast',val); obj.displayFrameBatchSelectLast = val; %Dependencies if val && ~isequal(obj.displayFrameBatchSelection,obj.displayFrameBatchFactor) obj.displayFrameBatchSelection = obj.displayFrameBatchFactor; end end function set.stackCurrentMotorZPos(obj,val) obj.stackZMotor.moveCompleteRelative([nan nan val]); end function set.beamDirectMode(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('beamDirectMode'); val = obj.validatePropArg('beamDirectMode',val); if obj.beamDirectMode && obj.isIdle && ~val obj.beamsStandby(); end obj.beamDirectMode = val; end function set.beamFillFracAdjust(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('beamFillFracAdjust'); val = obj.validatePropArg('beamFillFracAdjust',val); %allow during acq obj.beamFillFracAdjust = val; %Dependencies obj.zprvBeamsUpdateFlybackBuffer(); end function set.beamFlybackBlanking(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('beamFlybackBlanking'); val = obj.validatePropArg('beamFlybackBlanking',val); %allow during acq obj.beamFlybackBlanking = val; %Dependencies obj.zprvBeamsUpdateFlybackBuffer(); end function set.beamLengthConstants(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('beamLengthConstants'); val = obj.validatePropArg('beamLengthConstants',val); val = obj.zprpBeamScalarExpandPropValue(val,'beamLengthConstants'); obj.beamLengthConstants = val; %Side effects obj.acqBeamLengthConstants = []; %Force recompute on next use end function set.beamPowers(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('beamPowers'); val = obj.validatePropArg('beamPowers',val); liveRefresh = obj.fastZActive && obj.fastZAllowLiveBeamAdjust && (obj.beamFlybackBlanking || obj.beamPzAdjust); %Currently, preliminary support for live power adjustment during FastZ volume imaging is implemented assert(liveRefresh || ismember(obj.acqState,{'idle' 'focus'}) || ~obj.hLSM.isAcquiring(),'Live power adjustment during non-Focus acquisition is not permitted under current settings'); val = obj.zprpBeamScalarExpandPropValue(val,'beamPowers'); if strcmpi(obj.beamPowerUnits,'percent') val = round(10*val)/10; %Only allow precision to 0.1 end val = obj.zprvBeamEnforcePowerLimits(val); obj.beamPowers = val; %Side effects if obj.beamDirectMode && obj.isIdle() obj.beamsOn(); end if liveRefresh tic; obj.zprvBeamsRefreshFastZData(); toc; else obj.zprvBeamsUpdateFlybackBuffer(); end end function set.beamPowerLimits(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('beamPowerLimits'); val = obj.validatePropArg('beamPowerLimits',val); val = obj.zprpBeamScalarExpandPropValue(val,'beamPowerLimits'); switch obj.beamPowerUnits case 'percent' validateattributes(val,{'numeric'},{'>=',0,'<=',100}); case 'milliwatts' % TODO end obj.beamPowerLimits = val; %Side-effects obj.beamPowers = obj.zprvBeamEnforcePowerLimits(obj.beamPowers); end function set.beamPzAdjust(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('beamPzAdjust'); val = obj.validatePropArg('beamPzAdjust',val); val = obj.zprpBeamScalarExpandPropValue(val,'beamPzAdjust'); obj.beamPzAdjust = val; %Side effects obj.zprvBeamsUpdateFlybackBuffer(); obj.acqBeamLengthConstants = []; %Force recompute on next use end function set.beamVoltageRanges(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('beamVoltageRanges'); val = obj.validatePropArg('beamVoltageRanges',val); val = obj.zprpBeamScalarExpandPropValue(val,'beamVoltageRanges'); validateattributes(val,{'numeric'},{'>=',0}); if ~isequal(val,obj.beamVoltageRanges) obj.beamVoltageRanges = val; switch obj.initState % Don't throw this warning during construction/initialization case 'none' warning('SI4:setBeamVoltageRanges',... 'Any beam whose voltage range has changed should be recalibrated.'); end end end function set.channelsAutoReadOffsets(obj,val) val = obj.validatePropArg('channelsAutoReadOffsets',val); obj.channelsAutoReadOffsets = val; end function set.channelsInputRange(obj,val) %TODO: The 'digitizer' should know the number of channels it has % assert(iscell(val) && isvector(val) && length(val)==obj.channelsNumChannels, 'Value must be a vector cell array of length %d',obj.channelsNumChannels); % assert(all(cellfun(@(x)isempty(x) || ismember(x,obj.channelsInputRangeValues,'rows'),val)),'Each cell array element must be empty, or specify a valid channelInputRange value'); obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('channelsInputRange'); val = obj.validatePropArg('channelsInputRange',val); val = obj.zprpEnsureChannelPropSize(val); %This is the LSM-specific implementation obj.hLSM.channelsInputRange = val; obj.channelsInputRange = val; %Side-effects if obj.isIdle obj.channelsReadOffsets(); %Offset values can change when input range is changed - so update the last-measured values elseif any(obj.channelsSubtractOffset) %Abort ongoing Focus, to get a new offset reading obj.abort(); if ~obj.channelsAutoReadOffsets || ~obj.channelsAutoReadOffsetsOnFocus obj.channelsReadOffsets(); end obj.startFocus(); end end function set.channelsLUT(obj,val) val = obj.validatePropArg('channelsLUT',val); %Additional validation %TODO: This should be handled by validatePropArg validateattributes(val,{'numeric'},{'size',[obj.channelsNumChannels 2]}); assert(all(val(:,1) < val(:,2)),'Black levels (column 1) must be less than white levels (column 2)'); assert(~any(val(:) < obj.channelsLUTRange(1)) && ~any(val(:) > obj.channelsLUTRange(2)),'Specified value outside of allowed range %s',mat2str(obj.channelsLUTRange)); %TODO: Should specify Range directly in prop metadata table as the channelsLUTRange property, with 'prop replacement' try for i=1:obj.channelsNumChannels chanVisibility = get(obj.channelsHFig(i),'Visible'); set(obj.channelsHAxes{i},'CLim',val(i,:),'Visible',chanVisibility); end obj.channelsLUT = val; catch ME for i=1:obj.channelsNumChannels obj.channelsLUT(:,i) = get(obj.channelsHAxes{i},'CLim'); end ME.rethrow(); end obj.zprvUpdateMergeWindowIfNecessary(); end function set.channelsMergeColor(obj,val) %if ~isequal(val,obj.channelsMergeColor) % setabort %VI20111114: is this setabort construction needed anymore?? val = obj.validatePropArg('channelsMergeColor',val); %allow during acq val = obj.zprpEnsureChannelPropSize(val); obj.channelsMergeColor = val; obj.zprvUpdateMergeWindowIfNecessary(); %end end function set.channelsMergeEnable(obj,val) val = obj.validatePropArg('channelsMergeEnable',val); %allow during acq obj.channelsMergeEnable = val; if val obj.zprvResetDisplayFigs([],true); %Resets merge figure, setting up tiling, etc obj.zprvUpdateMergeWindowIfNecessary(); %computes merge based on prevailing CData, and displays figure else set(obj.channelsHMergeFig,'Visible','off'); end end function set.channelsMergeFocusOnly(obj,val) val = obj.validatePropArg('channelsMergeFocusOnly',val); obj.channelsMergeFocusOnly = val; end % function set.channelsActive(obj,val) % val = obj.validatePropArg('channelsActive',val); % val = obj.zprpValidateChannelsArray(val); % % newChannelsActive = setdiff(val,obj.channelsActive); % % channelsDisplay = obj.channelsDisplay; % channelsSave = obj.channelsSave; % % %Turn on display/saving for newly activated channels % channelsDisplay = union(channelsDisplay,newChannelsActive); % channelsSave = union(channelsSave,newChannelsActive); % % %Turn off display/saving for inactivated channels % channelsDisplay = intersect(channelsDisplay,val); % channelsSave = intersect(channelsDisplay,val); % % %Update channels active vals % obj.hLSM.channelsActive = val; % obj.channelsActive = val; % % %Update displayed/saved channels % obj.channelsDisplay = channelsDisplay; % obj.channelsSave = channelsSave; % end function set.channelsDisplay(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('channelsDisplay'); val = obj.validatePropArg('channelsDisplay',val); val = obj.zprpValidateChannelsArray(val,'channelsDisplay'); %val = intersect(val,obj.channelsActive); obj.channelsDisplay = val; %Side effects chanViewingBitmask = false(obj.channelsNumChannels,1); chanViewingBitmask(val) = true; obj.hLSM.channelsViewing = chanViewingBitmask; obj.zprvResetDisplayFigs(val,obj.channelsMergeEnable); offChans = setdiff(1:obj.channelsNumChannels,val); set(obj.channelsHFig(val),'Visible','on'); set(obj.channelsHFig(offChans),'Visible','off'); %obj.zprvUpdateMergeWindowIfNecessary(); obj.zprpUpdateScanPhaseFine(); end function set.channelsSave(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('channelsSave'); val = obj.validatePropArg('channelsSave',val); val = obj.zprpValidateChannelsArray(val,'channelsSave'); %val = intersect(val,obj.channelsActive); obj.channelsSave = val; %Side effects chanLoggingBitmask = false(obj.channelsNumChannels,1); chanLoggingBitmask(val) = true; obj.hLSM.channelsLogging = chanLoggingBitmask; obj.zprpUpdateScanPhaseFine(); end function set.channelsSubtractOffset(obj,val) val = obj.validatePropArg('channelsSubtractOffset',val); val = obj.zprpEnsureChannelPropSize(val); obj.hLSM.subtractChannelOffsets = logical(val); obj.channelsSubtractOffset = val; end function set.fastCfgCfgFilenames(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('fastCfgCfgFilenames'); obj.validatePropArg('fastCfgCfgFilenames',val); obj.fastCfgCfgFilenames = val; end function set.fastCfgAutoStartTf(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('fastCfgAutoStartTf'); obj.validatePropArg('fastCfgAutoStartTf',val); obj.fastCfgAutoStartTf = val; tfEmptyType = cellfun(@isempty,obj.fastCfgAutoStartType); tfAutoStartOnButEmptyType = val & tfEmptyType; obj.fastCfgAutoStartType(tfAutoStartOnButEmptyType) = {'grab'}; % default to grab end function set.fastCfgAutoStartType(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('fastCfgAutoStartType'); obj.validatePropArg('fastCfgAutoStartType',val); obj.fastCfgAutoStartType = val; end function val = get.fastZActive(obj) val = ~ismember(obj.acqState,{'idle' 'focus'}) && obj.fastZEnable && obj.stackNumSlices > 1; end function val = get.fastZAcquisitionDelay(obj) val = obj.fastZSettlingTime / 2; end function val = get.fastZNumDiscardFrames(obj) %Number of discarded frames per-volume for XY-Z, XZ-Y cases and per-frame for XZ case if obj.fastZDiscardFlybackFrames %TODO: Tighten up these computations a bit to deal with edge cases %TODO: Could account for maximum slew rate as well, at least when 'velocity' property is available switch obj.fastZImageType case 'XY-Z' if obj.fastZNumVolumes == 1 val = 0; return; end case 'XZ' if obj.acqNumFrames == 1 val = 0; return; end case 'XZ-Y' if obj.stackNumSlices == 1 || obj.fastZNumVolumes == 1 val = 0; return; end end settlingNumSamples = round(obj.mdfData.fastZCmdOutputRate * obj.fastZSettlingTime); frameNumSamples = obj.mdfData.fastZCmdOutputRate * obj.scanFramePeriod; val = ceil(settlingNumSamples/frameNumSamples); else val = 0; end end function set.fastZEnable(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('fastZEnable'); val = obj.validatePropArg('fastZEnable',val); if ~obj.fastZAvailable val = false; end if isinf(obj.acqNumFrames) obj.modelWarn('Cannot enable FastZ imaging when acqNumFrames=Inf'); val = false; end obj.fastZEnable = val; %Side effects if obj.fastZEnable obj.acqNumFrames = 1; %This will call zprvFastZUpdateAODataNormalized() else obj.stackNumSlices = obj.stackNumSlices; %Allows stack start/end point constraints to be re-applied, if applicable end obj.acqBeamLengthConstants = []; %Force recompute on next use end function set.fastZImageType(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('fastZImageType'); val = obj.validatePropArg('fastZImageType',val); %For now - force property value to 'xy-z'. The 'xz' and 'xz-y' modes are not supported as of SI 4.1. if ~strcmpi(val,'XY-Z') fprintf(2,'WARNING: Only ''XY-Z'' mode supported at this time. The ''XZ'' and ''XZ-Y'' modes may be supported in future versions.\n'); val = 'XY-Z'; end obj.fastZImageType = val; %Side effects obj.zprvFastZUpdateAODataNormalized(); end function set.fastZScanType(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('fastZScanType'); val = obj.validatePropArg('fastZScanType',val); %For now - force property value to 'sawtooth'. The 'step' mode not supported as of SI 4.1. if ~strcmpi(val,'sawtooth') fprintf(2,'WARNING: FastZ Scan Type ''step'' not supported at this time. Forcing value to ''sawtooth''.\n'); val = 'sawtooth'; end obj.fastZScanType = val; %Side effects obj.zprvFastZUpdateAODataNormalized(); end % function set.fastZScanStartPosition(obj,val) % val = obj.validatePropArg('fastZScanStartPosition',val); % obj.zprvFastZUpdateAOData(); % end % % function set.fastZScanStartPositionCentered(obj,val) % val = obj.validatePropArg('fastZScanStartPositionCentered',val); % obj.zprvFastZUpdateAOData(); % end % % function set.fastZScanRangeSpec(obj,val) % val = obj.validatePropArg('fastZScanRangeSpec',val); % obj.zprvFastZUpdateAOData(); % end function set.fastZAcquisitionDelay(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('fastZAcquisitionDelay'); val = obj.validatePropArg('fastZSettlingTime',val); %Use same validator as fastZSettlingTime obj.fastZSettlingTime = 2 * val; end function set.fastZAllowLiveBeamAdjust(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('fastZAllowLiveBeamAdjust'); val = obj.validatePropArg('fastZAllowLiveBeamAdjust',val); if val fprintf(2,'WARNING: FastZ Allow Live Beam Adjust beature not supported at this time. Forcing value to false.\n'); val = false; end obj.fastZAllowLiveBeamAdjust = val; end function set.fastZSettlingTime(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('fastZSettlingTime'); val = obj.validatePropArg('fastZSettlingTime',val); obj.fastZSettlingTime = val; %Allow 'live' adjustment of fastZ settling time when effectively in Focus mode if obj.fastZEnable && obj.fastZUseAOControl && obj.stackNumSlices > 1 && ~obj.loggingEnable && ~obj.triggerExtTrigEnable && strcmpi(obj.acqState,'grab') % %The simplest approach! % obj.abort(); % obj.startGrab(); %Stop and restart scanning obj.hAcqTasks.abort(); obj.hLSM.pause(); %Compute new FastZ AO data obj.zprvFastZUpdateAODataNormalized(); %fastZBeamEnable = ismember(obj.hBeams,obj.hAcqTasks); fastZBeamRewrite = obj.beamNumBeams > 0 && obj.beamPzAdjust; if ~isempty(obj.fastZHomePosition) obj.hFastZ.moveCompleteAbsolute([nan nan obj.fastZHomePosition]); end obj.zprvFastZUpdateAOData(); if fastZBeamRewrite obj.zprvBeamsWriteFastZData(); end %obj.zprvResetTriggerTimes(); obj.zprvResetAcqCounters(); obj.zprvResetBuffers(); obj.hAcqTasks.start(); %obj.hLSM.arm(); obj.hLSM.resume(); else %Compute new FastZ AO data obj.zprvFastZUpdateAODataNormalized(); end end % function set.fastZNumSlices(obj,val) % val = obj.validatePropArg('fastZNumSlices',val); % obj.zprvFastZUpdateAOData(); % end % % function set.fastZFramesPerSlice(obj,val) % val = obj.validatePropArg('fastZFramesPerSlice',val); % obj.zprvFastZUpdateAOData(); % end function set.fastZDiscardFlybackFrames(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('fastZDiscardFlybackFrames'); val = obj.validatePropArg('fastZDiscardFlybackFrames',val); obj.fastZDiscardFlybackFrames = val; obj.zprvFastZUpdateAODataNormalized(); end function set.fastZFramePeriodAdjustment(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('fastZFramePeriodAdjustment'); val = obj.validatePropArg('fastZFramePeriodAdjustment',val); obj.fastZFramePeriodAdjustment = val; %Side effects obj.zprvFastZUpdateAODataNormalized(); end function set.fastZUseAOControl(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('fastZUseAOControl'); val = obj.validatePropArg('fastZUseAOControl',val); if obj.fastZRequireAO val = true; end obj.fastZUseAOControl = val; %Side effects obj.zprvFastZUpdateAODataNormalized(); end function set.fastZNumDiscardFrames(obj,val) obj.mdlDummySetProp(val,'fastZNumDiscardFrames'); end function set.fastZNumVolumes(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('fastZNumVolumes'); val = obj.validatePropArg('fastZNumVolumes',val); obj.fastZNumVolumes = val; %Side effects obj.zprvFastZUpdateAODataNormalized(); end function set.focusDuration(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('focusDuration'); obj.validatePropArg('focusDuration',val); obj.focusDuration = val; end function set.frameAcqFcnDecimationFactor(obj,val) val = obj.validatePropArg('frameAcqFcnDecimationFactor',val); fafDecFactor = val; %Side-effects: update attendant LSM property; constrain loggingFramesPerFile and other properties if ~isempty(val) obj.hLSM.frameEventDecimationFactor = fafDecFactor; cellfun(@(x)obj.zprpApplyFAFDecFactorConstraint(x,fafDecFactor),{'loggingFramesPerFile' 'displayFrameBatchFactor' 'displayFrameBatchSelection' 'acqNumFrames' 'stackNumSlices'},'UniformOutput',false); end end function set.loggingEnable(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('loggingEnable'); val = obj.validatePropArg('loggingEnable',val); obj.loggingEnable = val; end function set.loggingFilePath(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('loggingFilePath'); val = obj.validatePropArg('loggingFilePath',val); assert(isempty(val) || isdir(val),obj.genAssertMsg(val)); %obj.hLSM.loggingFilePath = val; obj.loggingFilePath = val; end function set.loggingFileStem(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('loggingFileStem'); val = obj.validatePropArg('loggingFileStem',val); assert(~any(isspace(val)),obj.genAssertMsg(val)); oldVal = obj.loggingFileStem; obj.loggingFileStem = val; obj.zprpUpdateLSMLoggingFilename(); if obj.loggingFileCounterAutoReset && ~strcmpi(val,oldVal) obj.loggingFileCounter = 1; end end function set.loggingFileCounter(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('loggingFileCounter'); val = obj.validatePropArg('loggingFileCounter',val); obj.loggingFileCounter = val; obj.zprpUpdateLSMLoggingFilename(); end function set.loggingFileSubCounter(obj,val) obj.validatePropArg('loggingFileSubCounter',val); obj.loggingFileSubCounter = val; obj.zprpUpdateLSMLoggingFilename(); end function set.loggingFramesPerFile(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('loggingFramesPerFile'); if ~obj.loggingFramesPerFileLock val = obj.validatePropArg('loggingFramesPerFile',val); obj.loggingFramesPerFile = val; %Enforce FrameAcqFcnDecimationFactor constraint obj.loggingFramesPerFile = obj.zprpApplyFAFDecFactorConstraint('loggingFramesPerFile'); else obj.modelWarn('Unable to set ''loggingFramesPerFile'' when ''loggingFramesPerFileLock''=true'); end end function set.loggingFramesPerFileLock(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('loggingFramesPerFileLock'); val = obj.validatePropArg('loggingFramesPerFileLock',val); %Dependencies if val obj.loggingFramesPerFileLock = false; %Force lock off to set value obj.loggingFramesPerFile = obj.acqNumFrames; end obj.loggingFramesPerFileLock = val; end function set.loopNumRepeats(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('loopNumRepeats'); val = obj.validatePropArg('loopNumRepeats',val); obj.loopNumRepeats = val; end function set.loopRepeatPeriod(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('loopRepeatPeriod'); val = obj.validatePropArg('loopRepeatPeriod',val); obj.loopRepeatPeriod = val; end function set.maxFrameEventRate(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('maxFrameEventRate'); val = obj.validatePropArg('maxFrameEventRate',val); obj.maxFrameEventRate = val; %Side-effects obj.zprpUpdateFrameAcqFcnDecimationFactor(); end function set.motorMoveTimeout(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('motorMoveTimeout'); val = obj.validatePropArg('motorMoveTimeout',val); %Currently a single SI4 moveTimeout property controls the %primary and secondary motor move and async-move timeout values obj.zprvMotorPropSet('nonblockingMoveTimeout',val); obj.zprvMotorPropSet('moveTimeout',val); if obj.motorHasSecondMotor obj.zprvMotorZPropSet('nonblockingMoveTimeout',val); obj.zprvMotorZPropSet('moveTimeout',val); end obj.motorMoveTimeout = val; end function set.motorFastMotionThreshold(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('motorFastMotionThreshold'); val = obj.validatePropArg('motorFastMotionThreshold',val); obj.zprvMotorPropSet('twoStepDistanceThreshold',val); obj.motorFastMotionThreshold = val; end function set.motorSecondMotorZEnable(obj,val) if ~obj.motorHasMotor obj.zprvMotorThrowNoMotorErrIfMdlInitialized; return; end obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('motorSecondMotorZEnable'); obj.validatePropArg('motorSecondMotorZEnable',val); mdc = obj.motorDimensionConfiguration; switch mdc case {'xyz' 'xy' 'z'} assert(~logical(val),... 'Cannot enable second motor when motorDimensionConfiguration is ''%s''.',mdc); case 'xy-z' assert(logical(val),... 'Second motor must be enabled when motorDimensionConfiguration is ''%s''.',mdc); case 'xyz-z' %none end obj.stackClearStartEnd(); obj.motorSecondMotorZEnable = val; end function set.motorPosition(obj,val) if ~obj.motorHasMotor obj.zprvMotorThrowNoMotorErrIfMdlInitialized(); return; end obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('motorPosition'); val = obj.validatePropArg('motorPosition',val); val = val(:)'; if obj.motorHasSecondMotor switch obj.motorDimensionConfiguration case 'xy-z' assert(numel(val)==3); currentPos = obj.hMotor.positionRelative(:)'; if ~isequal(val(1:2),currentPos(1:2)) obj.hMotor.moveCompleteRelative([val(1:2) nan]); end if ~isequal(val(3),obj.hMotorZ.positionRelative(3)) obj.hMotorZ.moveCompleteRelative([nan nan val(3)]); end case 'xyz-z' assert(numel(val)==4); if ~isequal(val(1:3),obj.hMotor.positionRelative(:)') obj.hMotor.moveCompleteRelative(val(1:3)); end if ~isequal(val(4),obj.hMotorZ.positionRelative(3)) obj.hMotorZ.moveCompleteRelative([nan nan val(4)]); end otherwise assert(false); end %TODO (??): Maybe implement FastZPosnGotoAO() operation %here..i.e. go to position using either digital %(moveComplete) or analog (FastZPosnGotoAO) operation else assert(numel(val)==3,'Motor position should have three elements.') if ~isequal(val,obj.hMotor.positionRelative) % clause is redundant obj.hMotor.moveCompleteRelative(val); end end end function set.motorUserDefinedPositions(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('motorUserDefinedPositions'); val = obj.validatePropArg('motorUserDefinedPositions',val); cellfun(@(v)validateattributes(v,{'numeric'},{'size' [1 obj.motorPositionLength]}), val); %TODO: Use prop-replacement to directly specify this as part of the property metadata obj.motorUserDefinedPositions = val; end function set.pmtEnable(obj,val) if isempty(obj.hPMT) return; end obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('pmtEnable'); val = obj.validatePropArg('pmtEnable',val); obj.hPMT.pmtEnable1 = val(1); obj.hPMT.pmtEnable2 = val(2); end function set.pmtGain(obj,val) if isempty(obj.hPMT) return; end obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('pmtGain'); val = obj.validatePropArg('pmtGain',val); obj.hPMT.pmtGain1 = val(1); obj.hPMT.pmtGain2 = val(2); end function set.scanFramePeriod(obj,val) obj.mdlDummySetProp(val,'scanFramePeriod'); %Side effects obj.zprvFastZUpdateAODataNormalized(); end function set.scanFrameRate(obj,val) obj.mdlDummySetProp(val,'scanFrameRate'); %Side effects obj.zprpUpdateFrameAcqFcnDecimationFactor(); end function set.scanFOVAngularRangeFast(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('scanFOVAngularRangeFast'); val = obj.validatePropArg('scanFOVAngularRangeFast',val); assert(abs(val) <= obj.mdfData.scannerMaxAngularRange,obj.genAssertMsg(val)); %LSM max scan range is fixed by scanner, not by user setting obj.scanFOVAngularRangeFast = val; obj.scanZoomFactorFOV = obj.mdfData.scannerMaxAngularRange / obj.scanFOVAngularRangeFast; %Fast/slow scan angular ranges are linked if obj.scanFOVAngularRangeSlow ~= val obj.scanFOVAngularRangeSlow = obj.scanFOVAngularRangeFast; end end function set.scanFOVAngularRangeSlow(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('scanFOVAngularRangeSlow'); val = obj.validatePropArg('scanFOVAngularRangeSlow',val); assert(abs(val) <= obj.mdfData.scannerMaxAngularRange,obj.genAssertMsg(val)); %LSM max scan range is fixed by scanner, not by user setting obj.scanFOVAngularRangeSlow = val; obj.scanZoomFactorFOV = obj.mdfData.scannerMaxAngularRange / obj.scanFOVAngularRangeSlow; %Fast/slow scan angular ranges are linked if obj.scanFOVAngularRangeFast ~= val obj.scanFOVAngularRangeFast = obj.scanFOVAngularRangeSlow; end end function set.scanPhase(obj,val) val = obj.validatePropArg('scanPhase',val); %allow during acq obj.hLSM.bidiPhaseAlignmentCoarse = val; if ~obj.scanPhaseLookupFlag && obj.mdlInitialized if val == 0 %Don't store if obj.scanPhaseMap.isKey(obj.hLSM.fieldSize) obj.scanPhaseMap.remove(obj.hLSM.fieldSize); end else obj.scanPhaseMap(obj.hLSM.fieldSize) = val; %Update value, adding key if needed end if strcmpi(obj.acqState,'idle') obj.setClassDataVar('scanPhaseStore',obj.scanPhaseMap); obj.scanPhaseSetFlag = false; else obj.scanPhaseSetFlag = true; end end end function set.scanPhaseFine(obj,val) val = obj.validatePropArg('scanPhaseFine',val); %allow during acq obj.hLSM.bidiPhaseAlignment = val; if ~obj.scanPhaseLookupFlag && obj.mdlInitialized [zoomKey,pplKey,chanIdx] = obj.zprpGetScanPhaseFineMapKeys(); if ~obj.scanPhaseFineMap.isKey(zoomKey) obj.scanPhaseFineMap(zoomKey) = containers.Map('KeyType','double','ValueType','any'); end hMap = obj.scanPhaseFineMap(zoomKey); if ~hMap.isKey(pplKey) hMap(pplKey) = [nan nan]; end a = hMap(pplKey); a(chanIdx) = val; hMap(pplKey) = a; %#ok if strcmpi(obj.acqState,'idle') obj.setClassDataVar('scanPhaseFineStore',obj.scanPhaseFineMap); obj.scanPhaseFineSetFlag = false; else obj.scanPhaseFineSetFlag = true; end end end function set.scanAngleMultiplierSlow(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('scanAngleMultiplierSlow'); val = obj.validatePropArg('scanAngleMultiplierSlow',val); ME = []; restartOnParamChangeCache = obj.hLSM.restartOnParamChange; obj.hLSM.restartOnParamChange = false; abort = false; try if val == 0 obj.scanAngleMultiplierSlow = 0; %Side effects if ~isempty(obj.hBeams) obj.hBeams.stop(); obj.hBeams.set('pauseTrigType','DAQmx_Val_None'); %Disable pause-triggering - there is no slow-mirror flyback to be blanked out if ~obj.isIdle() obj.hBeams.start(); end end obj.hLSM.galvoEnable = false; obj.hLSM.flybackTimeLines = 0; else %Handle transition from line-scan to area scan: pixelsPerLine > linesPerFrame & square pixelation constraints apply if obj.scanLinesPerFrame > obj.scanPixelsPerLine || (obj.scanForceSquarePixelation && obj.scanPixelsPerLine > obj.scanLinesPerFrame) obj.scanAngleMultiplierSlow = val; obj.scanLinesPerFrame = obj.scanPixelsPerLine; %Will (eigen)set scanAngleMultiplierSlow again - no need for following logic abort = true; else aspectRatio = obj.scanLinesPerFrame / obj.scanPixelsPerLine; pixAspectRatio = val / aspectRatio; %Convert SAM to pixel aspect ratio %Apply constraint if obj.scanForceSquarePixel pixAspectRatio = 1; end obj.hLSM.aspectRatioY = max(1,round(pixAspectRatio * 100)); obj.scanAngleMultiplierSlow = (obj.hLSM.aspectRatioY/100) * aspectRatio; %Convert from pixel aspect ratio to SAM %Side-effects if ~isempty(obj.hBeams) obj.hBeams.stop(); obj.hBeams.set('pauseTrigType','DAQmx_Val_DigLvl'); %Restore pause triggering if ~obj.isIdle() obj.hBeams.start(); end end obj.hLSM.galvoEnable = true; obj.hLSM.flybackTimeLines = obj.hLSM.paramInfoMap('flybackTimeLines').paramDefault; end end if ~abort && ~obj.isIdle() %Currently focusing %Stop & restart LSM, flushing any queued-up FrameAcquiredFcn calls obj.zprvUpdateChannelDisplayRatioAndLims(); obj.hLSM.startAlreadyRunning() end catch MEtemp ME = MEtemp; end obj.hLSM.restartOnParamChange = restartOnParamChangeCache; if ~isempty(ME) ME.rethrow(); end end function set.scanFillFraction(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('scanFillFraction'); val = obj.validatePropArg('scanFillFraction',val); obj.scanFillFraction = val; %Dependencies obj.zprvBeamsUpdateFlybackBuffer(); end function set.scanFillFractionSpatial(obj,val) obj.mdlDummySetProp(val,'scanFillFractionSpatial'); end function set.scanForceSquarePixelation(obj,val) obj.validatePropArg('scanForceSquarePixelation',val); obj.scanForceSquarePixelation = val; %Side-effects if val && obj.scanLinesPerFrame ~= obj.scanPixelsPerLine && obj.scanAngleMultiplierSlow > 0 obj.scanLinesPerFrame = obj.scanPixelsPerLine; end end function set.scanForceSquarePixel(obj,val) obj.validatePropArg('scanForceSquarePixel',val); obj.scanForceSquarePixel = val; %Side-effects if val && obj.scanAngleMultiplierSlow > 0 obj.scanAngleMultiplierSlow = obj.scanLinesPerFrame/obj.scanPixelsPerLine; end end function set.scanForceSquarePixel_(obj,val) obj.mdlDummySetProp(val,'scanForceSquarePixel_'); end function set.scanForceSquarePixelation_(obj,val) obj.mdlDummySetProp(val,'scanForceSquarePixelation_'); end function set.scanMode(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('scanMode'); obj.validatePropArg('scanMode',val); assert(ismember(val,{'unidirectional' 'bidirectional'}),obj.genAssertMsg(val)); switch val case 'unidirectional' if obj.scanFOVAngularRangeFast > 0 obj.hLSM.scanMode = 'FORWARD_SCAN'; else obj.hLSM.scanMode = 'BACKWARD_SCAN'; end case 'bidirectional' obj.hLSM.scanMode = 'TWO_WAY_SCAN'; end obj.scanMode = val; %Dependencies %obj.acqNumFrames = obj.acqNumFrames; %#ok<*MCSUP> obj.zprvBeamsUpdateFlybackBuffer(); end function set.scanLinesPerFrame(obj,val) val = obj.validatePropArg('scanLinesPerFrame',val); assert(all(factor(val)==2),obj.genAssertMsg(val)); if obj.scanSetPixelationPropFlag %#ok<*MCSUP> obj.scanLinesPerFrame = val; else obj.zprpSetPixelationProp('scanLinesPerFrame',val); end end function set.scanPixelsPerLine(obj,val) val = obj.validatePropArg('scanPixelsPerLine',val); if obj.scanSetPixelationPropFlag obj.scanPixelsPerLine = val; else obj.zprpSetPixelationProp('scanPixelsPerLine',val); end end function set.scanMinZoomFactor(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('scanMinZoomFactor'); val = obj.validatePropArg('scanMinZoomFactor',val); obj.scanMinZoomFactor = val; %Dependencies obj.scanZoomFactor = obj.scanZoomFactor; end function set.scanZoomFactor(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('scanZoomFactor'); val = obj.validatePropArg('scanZoomFactor',val); %allow during acq %TODO: This type of constraint -- one property setting range of another -- shoudl be handled automatically by validatePropArg, using property-name 'replacement' in the property metadata %Constrain by scanMinZoomFactor val = max(obj.scanMinZoomFactor,val); %Update LSM field-size zoomFactorTotal = obj.scanZoomFactorFOV * val; fieldSize = obj.hLSM.zoom2FieldSize(zoomFactorTotal); ME = []; try obj.hLSM.restartOnParamChange = false; %Update LSM fieldSize obj.hLSM.fieldSize = fieldSize; obj.scanZoomFactor = obj.hLSM.fieldSize2Zoom(fieldSize); %Update scanPhase values to those associated with new zoom (fieldSize) obj.zprpUpdateScanPhase(); obj.zprpUpdateScanPhaseFine(); %Restart LSM with new parameter values obj.hLSM.startAlreadyRunning(true); catch MEtemp ME = MEtemp; end obj.hLSM.restartOnParamChange = true; if ~isempty(ME) ME.rethrow(); end end function set.scanPixelTimeMean(obj,val) obj.mdlDummySetProp(val,'scanPixelTimeMean'); end function set.scanPixelTimeMaxMinRatio(obj,val) obj.mdlDummySetProp(val,'scanPixelTimeMaxMinRatio'); end function set.scanPixelTimeStats(obj,val) obj.mdlDummySetProp(val,'scanPixelTimeStats'); end function set.shutterDelay(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('shutterDelay'); val = obj.validatePropArg('shutterDelay',val); %For now - force property value to 0. The shutterDelay feature is not supported as of SI 4.1 if val > 0 fprintf(2,'WARNING: Shutter delay values > 0 not supported at this time. Forcing value to 0.\n'); val = 0; end obj.shutterDelay = val; end function set.stackNumSlices(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('stackNumSlices'); val = obj.validatePropArg('stackNumSlices',val); if ~obj.motorHasMotor && ~obj.fastZAvailable obj.stackNumSlices = 1; return; end if isnan(val) val = 1; end obj.stackNumSlices = val; %Enforce FrameAcqFcnDecimationFactor constraint obj.stackNumSlices = obj.zprpApplyFAFDecFactorConstraint('stackNumSlices'); %Side effects if obj.stackStartEndPointsDefined && ~obj.fastZEnable && val >= 2 % Don't set stepsize to Inf if numSlices==1, this is % potentially dangerous. Leave it at its previous value. stepsize = obj.zprpStackComputeZStepSize(); if ~isequalwithequalnans(stepsize,obj.stackZStepSize) obj.stackZStepSize = stepsize; end end obj.zprvFastZUpdateAODataNormalized(); end function set.stackZStepSize(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('stackZStepSize'); val = obj.validatePropArg('stackZStepSize',val); if ~obj.motorHasMotor && ~obj.fastZAvailable obj.stackZStepSize = nan; return; end obj.stackZStepSize = val; if obj.stackStartEndPointsDefined && ~obj.fastZEnable numSlices = obj.zprpStackComputeNumSlices(); obj.zprvSetInternal('stackNumSlices',numSlices); end obj.zprvFastZUpdateAODataNormalized(); end function set.stackZStartPos(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('stackZStartPos'); val = obj.validatePropArg('stackZStartPos',val); obj.stackZStartPos = val; if obj.stackStartEndPointsDefined && ~obj.fastZEnable && obj.stackNumSlices >= 2 obj.stackZStepSize = obj.zprpStackComputeZStepSize(); end obj.stackLastStartEndPositionSet = val; % does the right thing if val is nan (val==nan functionally means "clear the starting pos") %Side effects obj.acqBeamLengthConstants = []; %Force recompute on next use end function set.stackZEndPos(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('stackZEndPos'); val = obj.validatePropArg('stackZEndPos',val); obj.stackZEndPos = val; if obj.stackStartEndPointsDefined && ~obj.fastZEnable && obj.stackNumSlices >= 2 obj.stackZStepSize = obj.zprpStackComputeZStepSize(); end obj.stackLastStartEndPositionSet = val; % does the right thing if val is nan %Side effects obj.acqBeamLengthConstants = []; %Force recompute on next use end function set.statusString(obj,val) obj.validatePropArg('statusString',val); obj.statusString = val; end function v = get.stackStartEndPointsDefined(obj) v = ~isnan(obj.stackZStartPos) && ~isnan(obj.stackZEndPos); end function v = get.stackStartEndPowersDefined(obj) % TODO: this is beam-idxed v = ~isnan(obj.stackStartPower) && ~isnan(obj.stackEndPower); end function set.stackStartPower(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('stackStartPower'); val = obj.validatePropArg('stackStartPower',val); val = obj.zprpBeamScalarExpandPropValue(val,'stackStartPower'); obj.stackStartPower = val; %Side effects obj.acqBeamLengthConstants = []; %Force recompute on next use end function set.stackEndPower(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('stackEndPower'); val = obj.validatePropArg('stackEndPower',val); val = obj.zprpBeamScalarExpandPropValue(val,'stackEndPower'); obj.stackEndPower = val; %Side effects obj.acqBeamLengthConstants = []; %Force recompute on next use end function set.stackUseStartPower(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('stackUseStartPower'); val = obj.validatePropArg('stackUseStartPower',val); obj.stackUseStartPower = val; end function set.stackUserOverrideLz(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('stackUserOverrideLz'); val = obj.validatePropArg('stackUserOverrideLz',val); obj.stackUserOverrideLz = val; if val && ~obj.stackUseStartPower warning('SI4:stackUserOverrideLzWithoutStackUseStartPower',... 'StackUseStartPower is currently false.'); end %Side effects obj.acqBeamLengthConstants = []; %Force recompute on next use end function set.stackReturnHome(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('stackReturnHome'); val = obj.validatePropArg('stackReturnHome',val); obj.stackReturnHome = val; end function set.stackStartCentered(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertFocusOrIdle('stackStartCentered'); val = obj.validatePropArg('stackStartCentered',val); obj.stackStartCentered = val; end function set.triggerExtTrigEnable(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('triggerExtTrigEnable'); val = obj.validatePropArg('triggerExtTrigEnable',val); obj.triggerExtTrigEnable = val; obj.zprpUpdateTriggerProps(); %Updates counter channel trigger sources/edges end function set.triggerStartTrigSrc(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('triggerStartTrigSrc'); val = obj.validatePropArg('triggerStartTrigSrc',val); obj.triggerStartTrigSrc = val; obj.zprpUpdateTriggerProps(); %Updates counter channel trigger sources/edges end function set.triggerStartTrigEdge(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('triggerStartTrigEdge'); val = obj.validatePropArg('triggerStartTrigEdge',lower(val)); obj.triggerStartTrigEdge = lower(val); obj.zprpUpdateTriggerProps(); %Updates counter channel trigger sources/edges end function set.triggerNextTrigSrc(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('triggerNextTrigSrc'); val = obj.validatePropArg('triggerNextTrigSrc',val); obj.triggerNextTrigSrc = val; obj.zprpUpdateTriggerProps(); %Updates counter channel trigger sources/edges end function set.triggerNextTrigEdge(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('triggerNextTrigEdge'); val = obj.validatePropArg('triggerNextTrigEdge',lower(val)); obj.triggerNextTrigEdge = lower(val); obj.zprpUpdateTriggerProps(); %Updates counter channel trigger sources/edges end function set.triggerNextTrigMode(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('triggerNextTrigMode'); val = obj.validatePropArg('triggerNextTrigMode',lower(val)); obj.triggerNextTrigMode = val; end function set.triggerExtStartTrigTimeout(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('triggerExtStartTrigTimeout'); val = obj.validatePropArg('triggerExtStartTrigTimeout',val); obj.hLSM.triggerTimeout = val; obj.triggerExtStartTrigTimeout = val; end function set.triggerMaxLoopInterval(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('triggerMaxLoopInterval'); val = obj.validatePropArg('triggerMaxLoopInterval',val); obj.triggerMaxLoopInterval = val; %Re-create hTriggerPeriodCtr Task, if needed switch val case 42.95 clockRate = 100e6; case 214.75 clockRate = 20e6; case 42950 clockRate = 100e3; otherwise assert(false); end min = 2/clockRate; max = (2^32-1)/clockRate; assert(~isempty(obj.hTriggerPeriodCtr)); if get(obj.hTriggerPeriodCtr.channels(1),'min') ~= min assert(all(isvalid(obj.hAllTasks))); delete(obj.hTriggerPeriodCtr); obj.hAllTasks(~isvalid(obj.hAllTasks)) = []; obj.hTriggerPeriodCtr = obj.zprvDaqmxTask('Trigger Period Counter'); obj.hTriggerPeriodCtr.createCIPeriodChan(obj.mdfData.primaryDeviceID,1,[],[],min,max); %Uses ctr1 obj.hTriggerPeriodCtr.cfgImplicitTiming('DAQmx_Val_ContSamps'); obj.hTimestampCounters(end+1) = obj.hTriggerPeriodCtr; obj.hTimestampCounters(~isvalid(obj.hTimestampCounters)) = []; %Ensure trigger source/edge props are set obj.zprpUpdateTriggerProps(); end end function set.triggerMaxLoopIntervalFrames(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('triggerMaxLoopIntervalFrames'); val = obj.validatePropArg('triggerMaxLoopIntervalFrames',val); set(obj.hFramePeriodCtr,'bufInputBufSize',val); obj.triggerMaxLoopIntervalFrames = val; end function set.userFunctionsCfg(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('userFunctionsCfg'); if isempty(val) val = struct('EventName',cell(0,1),'UserFcnName',[],'Arguments',[],'Enable',[]); end % Validate the new value obj.zprpUserFunctionValidate(val,'EventName',obj.userFunctionsEvents); % Adjust listeners obj.zprvUserFunctionsConfigureListeners('userFunctionsCfgListeners',val); obj.userFunctionsCfg = val; end function set.userFunctionsUsr(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('userFunctionsUsr'); if isempty(val) val = struct('EventName',cell(0,1),'UserFcnName',[],'Arguments',[],'Enable',[]); end % Validate new value allEvents = [obj.userFunctionsEvents;obj.userFunctionsUsrOnlyEvents]; obj.zprpUserFunctionValidate(val,'EventName',allEvents); % Adjust listeners obj.zprvUserFunctionsConfigureListeners('userFunctionsUsrListeners',val); obj.userFunctionsUsr = val; end function set.userFunctionsOverride(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('userFunctionsOverride'); if isempty(val) val = struct('Function',cell(0,1),'UserFcnName',[],'Enable',[]); end obj.zprpUserFunctionValidate(val,'Function',obj.userFunctionsOverrideFunctions,false); % Set up userFunctionsOverriddenFcns2UserFcns fcnMap = struct(); for c = 1:numel(val) s = val(c); if s.Enable assert(~isfield(fcnMap,s.Function),... 'Function ''%s'' is overridden more than once.',s.Function); fcnMap.(s.Function) = s.UserFcnName; end end obj.userFunctionsOverriddenFcns2UserFcns = fcnMap; obj.userFunctionsOverride = val; end function set.usrPropListCurrent(obj,val) obj.zprvAssertIdle('usrPropListCurrent'); val = obj.validatePropArg('usrPropListCurrent',val); tf = ismember(val,obj.usrAvailableUsrPropList); if any(~tf) warning('SI4:invalidUsrProp',... 'Ignoring one or more properties that cannot be saved to a USR file.'); end obj.usrPropListCurrent = val(tf); end end %Property-access helpers methods (Hidden) function zprpSetPixelationProp(obj,propName,val) if obj.mdlInitialized pplOld = obj.scanPixelsPerLine; lpfOld = obj.scanLinesPerFrame; else pplOld = obj.hLSM.pixelsPerLine; lpfOld = obj.hLSM.linesPerFrame; end pplNew = pplOld; lpfNew = lpfOld; [changePPL,changeLPF] = deal(false); switch propName case 'scanPixelsPerLine' pplNew = val; if pplNew ~= pplOld changePPL = true; if obj.scanForceSquarePixelation_ lpfNew = val; changeLPF = true; end end case 'scanLinesPerFrame' lpfNew = val; if lpfNew ~= lpfOld changeLPF = true; if obj.scanForceSquarePixelation_ pplNew = val; changePPL = true; end end otherwise assert(false); end %TODO: Remove this constraint (assertion) if scanAngleMultiplierSlow > 0 (i.e. allow large linesPerFrame in line-scan mode) assert(pplNew >= lpfNew,'scanLinesPerFrame > scanPixelsPerLine is not allowed at this time, except for line-scanning'); obj.scanSetPixelationPropFlag = true; restartOnParamChangeCache = obj.hLSM.restartOnParamChange; obj.hLSM.restartOnParamChange = false; ME = []; try if changePPL && changeLPF if pplNew >= lpfOld %Set ppl before lpf obj.hLSM.pixelsPerLine = pplNew; obj.scanPixelsPerLine = pplNew; obj.hLSM.linesPerFrame = lpfNew; obj.scanLinesPerFrame = lpfNew; else %Set lpf before ppl obj.hLSM.linesPerFrame = lpfNew; obj.scanLinesPerFrame = lpfNew; obj.hLSM.pixelsPerLine = pplNew; obj.scanPixelsPerLine = pplNew; end elseif changePPL obj.hLSM.pixelsPerLine = pplNew; obj.scanPixelsPerLine = pplNew; elseif changeLPF obj.hLSM.linesPerFrame = lpfNew; obj.scanLinesPerFrame = lpfNew; end catch MEtemp ME = MEtemp; end obj.hLSM.restartOnParamChange = restartOnParamChangeCache; obj.scanSetPixelationPropFlag = false; if ~isempty(ME) ME.rethrow(); end if any([changePPL changeLPF]) %Set scanAngleMultiplierSlow. %Note: this will call zprvUpdateChannelDisplayRatioAndLims() if obj.scanForceSquarePixel_ obj.scanAngleMultiplierSlow = obj.scanLinesPerFrame/obj.scanPixelsPerLine; else obj.scanAngleMultiplierSlow = obj.scanAngleMultiplierSlow; end obj.zprvResetBuffersIfFocusing(); obj.zprpUpdateScanPhaseFine(); end end function zprpUpdateScanPhase(obj) obj.scanPhaseLookupFlag = true; ME = []; try nearestPhase = obj.zprpNearestScanPhase(); if ~isempty(nearestPhase) obj.scanPhase = nearestPhase; end catch MEtemp ME = MEtemp; end obj.scanPhaseLookupFlag = false; if ~isempty(ME) ME.rethrow(); end end function zprpUpdateScanPhaseFine(obj) obj.scanPhaseLookupFlag = true; %Allow scanPhaseFine to be set, without storing new value in scanPhaseFineMap ME = []; try [key,ppl,chanIdx] = obj.zprpGetScanPhaseFineMapKeys(); chanIdxAlt = ~(chanIdx - 1) + 1; %Find a matching zoom and, if so, the best-matching %(pixelsPerLine,num chans) value at that zoom if obj.scanPhaseFineMap.isKey(key) hMap = obj.scanPhaseFineMap(key); storedPPLs = cell2mat(hMap.keys()); assert(~isempty(storedPPLs)); matchFound = false; while ~isempty(storedPPLs) [~,pplIdx] = min(abs(ppl-storedPPLs)); pplKey = storedPPLs(pplIdx); storedPPLs(pplIdx) = []; a = hMap(pplKey); if ~isnan(a(chanIdx)) matchFound = true; obj.scanPhaseFine = a(chanIdx); %Perfect match break; elseif ~isnan(a(chanIdxAlt)) matchFound = true; obj.scanPhaseFine = a(chanIdxAlt); %Match zoom & ppl, but not # chans break; end end if ~matchFound obj.scanPhaseFine = 0; end else obj.scanPhaseFine = 0; end % scanPhaseFineKey = obj.zprpGetScanPhaseFineMapKey(); % if obj.scanPhaseFineMap.isKey(scanPhaseFineKey) % obj.scanPhaseFine = obj.scanPhaseFineMap(scanPhaseFineKey); % else % obj.scanPhaseFine = 0; % end catch MEtemp ME = MEtemp; end obj.scanPhaseLookupFlag = false; if ~isempty(ME) ME.rethrow(); end end function val = zprpNearestScanPhase(obj) %Find nearest stored field size storedFieldSizes = cell2mat(obj.scanPhaseMap.keys()); if isempty(storedFieldSizes) val = []; else [~,idx] = min(abs(storedFieldSizes - obj.hLSM.zoom2FieldSize(obj.scanZoomFactor))); nearestFieldSize = storedFieldSizes(idx); val = obj.scanPhaseMap(nearestFieldSize); end end function [zoomKey,pplKey,chanIdx] = zprpGetScanPhaseFineMapKeys(obj) zoomKey = obj.hLSM.fieldSize; pplKey = obj.hLSM.pixelsPerLine; chanIdx = (obj.hLSM.numChannelsActive > 1) + 1; end % function val = zprpGetScanPhaseFineMapKey(obj) % %val = sprintf('%d-%d-%d',obj.hLSM.fieldSize,obj.hLSM.pixelsPerLine,(obj.hLSM.numChannelsActive > 1) + 1); % val = sprintf('%d-%d',obj.hLSM.pixelsPerLine,(obj.hLSM.numChannelsActive > 1) + 1); % end % function val = zprpValidateChannelsArray(obj,val,propName) %Further validation for the channelsSave,channelsDisplay props val = unique(val); assert(all(val) <= obj.channelsNumChannels,'Only channel values from 1-%d are supported',obj.channelsNumChannels); %Ensure at least one channel is active for saving or display if isempty(val) switch propName case 'channelsDisplay' otherProp = 'channelsSave'; case 'channelsSave' otherProp = 'channelsDisplay'; otherwise assert(false); end assert(~isempty(obj.(otherProp)),'One channel must be active for saving and/or display'); end end function zprpUserFunctionValidate(obj,userFcnInfo,eventFieldName,eventsList,tfArguments) %#ok if nargin < 5 tfArguments = true; end % Check that the right struct fields are present expectedFields = {eventFieldName;'UserFcnName';'Enable'}; if tfArguments expectedFields = [expectedFields;'Arguments']; end if ~isstruct(userFcnInfo) || ... ~isequal(sort(fieldnames(userFcnInfo)),sort(expectedFields)) errStr = sprintf('''%s'', ',expectedFields{:}); errStr = errStr(1:end-2); error('SI4:invalidUserFcnFields',... 'Expected value to be a struct with fields %s.',errStr); end % All events must be in the eventsList evts = {userFcnInfo.(eventFieldName)}'; assert(all(ismember(evts,eventsList)),'One or more invalid %s.',eventFieldName); % Warn if one or more UserFcnNames are not M-files on the path. % ! For now, don't do this, it can be annoying. ! % fcnNames = {userFcnInfo.UserFcnName}'; % tfNonemptyFcnDoesntExist = cellfun(@(x)~isempty(x) && exist(x,'file')~=2,fcnNames); % if any(tfNonemptyFcnDoesntExist) % badFcnList = sprintf('''%s'', ',fcnNames{tfNonemptyFcnDoesntExist}); % badFcnList = badFcnList(1:end-2); % warning('SI4:cantFindUserFunction',... % 'Cannot find function(s) %s on the current MATLAB path.',badFcnList); % end % Arguments if tfArguments args = {userFcnInfo.Arguments}'; tfArgsOk = cellfun(@(x)iscell(x)&&(isvector(x)||isequal(x,{})),args); if any(~tfArgsOk) error('SI4:invalidUserFunctionArguments',... 'Arguments for a user function must be a vector cell array.'); end end % Enable enable = {userFcnInfo.Enable}'; tfEnableOk = cellfun(@(x)isscalar(x)&&(islogical(x)||isnumeric(x)),enable); assert(all(tfEnableOk),'Enable field must be a scalar logical.'); end function zprpSetCurrZoomProp(obj,propName,val) validateattributes(val,{'numeric'},{'scalar'}); arrayPropName = sprintf('%sArray',propName); %if ~isscalar(obj.(arrayPropName)) %VI032411A: REMOVED currZoomIdx = min(round(obj.scanZoomFactor), length(obj.(arrayPropName))); obj.(arrayPropName)(currZoomIdx) = val; %end %VI032411A: REMOVED end function zprpUpdateLSMLoggingFilename(obj) if strcmpi(obj.acqState,'idle') obj.hLSM.loggingFileName = obj.loggingFullFileName; end end function val = zprpBeamScalarExpandPropValue(obj,val,propName) if isscalar(val) val = repmat(val,obj.beamNumBeams,1); else assert(numel(val)==obj.beamNumBeams,... 'The ''%s'' value must be a vector of length %d -- one value for each beam',... propName,obj.beamNumBeams); end end function voltage = zprpBeamsPowerFractionToVoltage(obj,beamIdx,powerFrac) % Use the calibration LUT to look up the beam voltage needed to % achieve a certain beam power fraction. % powerFrac: real number vector on [0,1]. % voltage: beam voltage vector that will achieve powerFrac validateattributes(beamIdx,{'numeric'},{'vector','integer','>=',1,'<=',obj.beamNumBeams}); validateattributes(powerFrac,{'numeric'},{'vector','>=',0}); powerFrac = max(powerFrac,obj.beamCalibrationMinAchievablePowerFrac(beamIdx)); cappedIdxs = find(powerFrac > 1); if ~isempty(cappedIdxs) fprintf(2,'WARNING(%s): A power fraction > 1.0 was requested for beam %d (''%s''). Power capped at maximum value determined during last calibration.\n',class(obj),beamIdx,obj.mdfData.beamIDs{beamIdx}); end powerFrac = max(powerFrac,obj.beamCalibrationMinAchievablePowerFrac(beamIdx)); powerFrac(cappedIdxs) = 1.0; lutIdx = max(1,ceil(powerFrac*obj.beamCalibrationLUTSize)); % use ceil for now, minimum value of 1 voltage = obj.beamCalibrationLUT(lutIdx,beamIdx); %assert(~isnan(voltage)); comment these for now b/c during SI4 construction/initialization, this method is called before the beams are calibrated. %assert(voltage <= obj.beamVoltageRanges(beamIdx)); end function val = zprpStackComputeZStepSize(obj) dz = obj.stackZEndPos - obj.stackZStartPos; val = dz/(obj.stackNumSlices-1); end function val = zprpStackComputeNumSlices(obj) dz = obj.stackZEndPos - obj.stackZStartPos; if dz==0 && obj.stackZStepSize==0 % edge case val = 1; else val = floor(dz/obj.stackZStepSize)+1; end end function zprpUpdateTriggerProps(obj) %Handles update to start/next trigger source/edge specification %Determine trigger source & edge if obj.triggerExtStartTrigUsed triggerSource = obj.triggerStartTrigSrc; triggerEdge = zlclEncodeTriggerEdge(obj.triggerStartTrigEdge); else triggerSource = obj.mdfData.trigSelfTrigDestinationTerminal; triggerEdge = zlclEncodeTriggerEdge('rising'); end triggerSource = sprintf('PFI%d',triggerSource); obj.triggerStartTrigTerminal = triggerSource; %Assign trigger source/edge to counter chans %obj.hInitTimestampCtr.cfgDigEdgeStartTrig(triggerSource,triggerEdge); obj.hFrameClockDelayCtr.channels(1).set('twoEdgeSepFirstTerm',triggerSource,'twoEdgeSepFirstEdge',triggerEdge); obj.hTriggerPeriodCtr.channels(1).set('periodTerm',triggerSource,'periodStartingEdge',triggerEdge); obj.hTriggerCallbackCtr.set('sampClkSrc',triggerSource,'sampClkActiveEdge',triggerEdge); %Determine if using 'pure' next triggering obj.triggerNextTrigOnly = obj.triggerExtTrigEnable && ... ~isempty(obj.triggerStartTrigSrc) && ~isempty(obj.triggerNextTrigSrc) && ... obj.triggerStartTrigSrc == obj.triggerNextTrigSrc && ... strcmpi(obj.triggerStartTrigEdge,obj.triggerNextTrigEdge); %DEPENDENCIES obj.acqNumFrames = obj.acqNumFrames; %Force update of acqNumFrames obj.triggerExtTrigAvailable = obj.triggerExtTrigAvailable; %Force update of the trigger external availability property end function val = zprpEnsureChannelPropSize(obj,val) %Ensure correct size of channel property numChans = obj.channelsNumChannels; if length(val) < numChans if iscell(val) [val{end+1:numChans}] = deal(val{end}); else val(end+1:numChans) = val(end); end else val = val(1:numChans); end end function zprpUpdateFrameAcqFcnDecimationFactor(obj) if isnan(obj.scanFrameRate) scanFrameRateVal = 1 / (obj.scanLinePeriod * obj.scanLinesPerFrame); %Estimate frame rate (estimate will be faster than actual value, as it doesn't include the y mirror flyback time) else scanFrameRateVal = obj.scanFrameRate; end obj.frameAcqFcnDecimationFactor = ceil(scanFrameRateVal / obj.maxFrameEventRate); end function val = zprpApplyFAFDecFactorConstraint(obj,constrainVar,fafDecFactor) if nargin < 3 fafDecFactor = obj.frameAcqFcnDecimationFactor; end switch constrainVar case 'loggingFramesPerFile' if isinf(obj.loggingFramesPerFile) val = inf; else val = round(obj.loggingFramesPerFile / fafDecFactor) * fafDecFactor; end case 'displayFrameBatchFactor' val = ceil(obj.displayFrameBatchFactor / fafDecFactor) * fafDecFactor; case 'displayFrameBatchSelection' val = unique(ceil(obj.displayFrameBatchSelection ./ fafDecFactor) .* fafDecFactor); case 'stackNumSlices' if obj.fastZEnable val = ceil(obj.stackNumSlices / fafDecFactor) * fafDecFactor; else val = obj.stackNumSlices; end constrainVar = 'stackNumSlices'; case 'acqNumFrames' if ~obj.fastZEnable; val = ceil(obj.acqNumFrames / fafDecFactor) * fafDecFactor; else val = obj.acqNumFrames; end constrainVar = 'acqNumFrames'; otherwise assert(false); end %Update constrained property if output argument not returned if nargout == 0 obj.(constrainVar) = val; end end function val = zprpLockDisplayRollAvgFactor(obj) %Identify (and apply or return) constrained displayRollingAverageFactor value - must be an integer multiple of frameAcqFcnDecimationFactor val = obj.displayRollingAverageFactor; constrainedRollAvgFactor = (obj.acqNumAveragedFrames / obj.frameAcqFcnDecimationFactor); if val ~= constrainedRollAvgFactor if constrainedRollAvgFactor == round(constrainedRollAvgFactor) val = constrainedRollAvgFactor; else val = 1; end end if nargout == 0 obj.displayRollingAverageFactor = val; end end end %% PUBLIC EVENTS % Built-in events events (NotifyAccess=protected) acquisitionStart; % Fires when a GRAB acqusition or LOOP acquisition has been started. acquisitionDone; %Fires when a GRAB acquisition, or single iteration of LOOP acquisition, has completed acquisitionAborted; %Fires when a GRAB or LOOP acquisition has been aborted sliceDone; %Fires when single slice of a multi-slice GRAB/LOOP acquisition has completed focusStart; % Fires when a FOCUS acquisition has been started. focusDone; %Fires when FOCUS acquisition is completed stripeAcquired; %Fires when acqusition of stripe has occurred frameAcquired; %Fires when acquisition of frame has been completed startTriggerReceived; %Fires when start trigger is received (only for GRAB/LOOP acquisitions) nextTriggerReceived; %Fires when a 'next' trigger is received end % Built-in user-only events events (NotifyAccess=private) % use private/protected attribute to distinguish usr-only events (arbitrary hack) applicationOpen; % Fires when application is finished starting up applicationWillClose; % Fires when application is about to close end % User-added events events %Add any events required by your application here %At appropriate point in application code, you must add the line: % notify(appObj,''); % abortAcquisitionStart; %Fires at start of an abort acquisition operation (for GRAB/LOOP) % abortAcquisitionEnd; %Event at end of an abort acquisition operation (for GRAB/LOOP) %TODO: Add following events, using regular notify (see DriftComp branch) % executeFocusStart; %Event invoked at start of acquisition function executeCallback() % executeGrabStart; % executeLoopStart % %TODO: Add following events, using 'smart' notify (see DriftComp branch, si_notify()) % startGrabStart; % startFocusStart; end %% HIDDEN EVENTS events (Hidden, NotifyAccess=protected) motorPositionUpdate; %Signals that motor position has been, or may have been, updated end %% PUBLIC METHODS (Core Operations) methods function abort(obj) %Aborts current acquisition mode (if one is ongoing) NOTE: Can %be used to reset/recover in most ScanImage error conditions. %If this fails, try the recover() method. %fprintf(1,'Aborting...\n'); obj.zprvStopAcquisition(true); %signal this is an abort operation if ismember(obj.acqState,{'grab' 'loop' 'loop_wait'}) obj.zprvGoHome(); %Go to motor, fastZ, beam home positions/powers, etc end obj.zprvEndAcquisitionMode(); focusAborted = strcmpi(obj.acqState,'focus'); %Reset LSM scan mode, if needed if strcmpi(obj.acqState,'point') %point mode sets LSM scan mode to 'SCAN_MODE_CENTER' obj.zprvSetInternal('scanMode',obj.scanMode); %resets LSM scan mode to that corresponding to SI scan mode end %oldAcqState = obj.acqState; obj.acqState = 'idle'; %Update CDF if focus abort if focusAborted obj.notify('focusDone'); else %eventData.oldAcqState = oldAcqState; obj.notify('acquisitionAborted'); end end function channelsReadOffsets(obj) %Measure digitizer offset voltage on all channels - with %shutter closed, scanner parked, beam blocked. Updates %channelsOffset property. assert(strcmpi(obj.acqState,'idle'),'Cannot read channel offsets during ongoing acquisition'); ME = []; try obj.hLSM.readOffsets(); obj.channelsOffset = obj.channelsOffset; %Signals possible property change catch MEtemp ME = MEtemp; end obj.acqState = 'idle'; if ~isempty(ME) ME.rethrow(); end end function saveDisplayAs(obj,fname) %Save last displayed image(s) on channel display figure(s) to %multi-frame TIF file. Typically used to save image acquired %using Focus mode. imageData = zeros(obj.scanLinesPerFrame,obj.scanPixelsPerLine,length(find(obj.channelsDisplay)),obj.channelsDataType); chanCount = 1; for i=1:length(obj.channelsDisplay) chanIdx = obj.channelsDisplay(i); imageData(:,:,chanCount) = get(obj.channelsHImage{chanIdx}(1),'CData'); %TODO: Allow saving of tiled displays chanCount = chanCount+1; end if nargin < 2 || isempty(fname) startPath = obj.loggingFilePath; if isempty(startPath) startPath = most.idioms.startPath(); end [f,p] = uiputfile('*.tif','Save Image As...',startPath); if isnumeric(f) return; end if exist(fullfile(p,f),'file') resp = questdlg('File already exists. Overwrite?','File Already Exists','Overwrite','Cancel','Cancel'); if strcmpi(resp,'Cancel') return; end end end %Write the file for i=1:length(obj.channelsDisplay) if i == 1 writeMode = 'Overwrite'; else writeMode = 'Append'; end imwrite(imageData(:,:,i),fullfile(p,f),'WriteMode',writeMode); end end function scanFramePeriodMeasure(obj) %Measure frame period at current settings (zoom, # pixels, # %lines, scan mode, scan angle multiplier). Required before %Grab/Loop acquisition can be started for any set of values. assert(strcmpi(obj.acqState,'idle'),'ScanImage must be in ''idle'' state to measure scan frame period'); %Start scanning frameAcquiredFcn = obj.hLSM.frameAcquiredEventFcn; obj.hLSM.frameAcquiredEventFcn = []; obj.hLSM.triggerMode = 'SW_FREE_RUN_MODE'; obj.hLSM.arm(); obj.hFramePeriodCtr.start(); obj.hLSM.start(false); %Scan for designated period of time t1 = tic(); while toc(t1) < obj.scanFramePeriodMeasureTime pause(0.2); end %Stop scanning and restore state obj.hLSM.stop(false); %Suppress dropped frame messages obj.hLSM.frameAcquiredEventFcn = frameAcquiredFcn; %Read framePeriodCtr framePeriodMeasured = mean(obj.hFramePeriodCtr.readCounterData()); obj.hFramePeriodCtr.stop(); %Update entry in framePeriodStore if ~isnan(framePeriodMeasured) tupleKey = cellfun(@(propName)obj.(propName),obj.scanFramePeriodStoreKeyProps,'UniformOutput',false); [~,idx] = zlclTupleMapLookup(obj.scanFramePeriodStore,tupleKey); if isempty(idx) idx = size(obj.scanFramePeriodStore,1) + 1; obj.scanFramePeriodStore(end+1,1:end-1) = tupleKey; end obj.scanFramePeriodStore{idx,end} = framePeriodMeasured; %Update CDF obj.setClassDataVar('scanFramePeriodStore',obj.scanFramePeriodStore); %Side-effects obj.zprvFastZUpdateAODataNormalized(); end end function scanPointBeam(obj,beams) %Points scanner at center of FOV, opening shutter and with specified beams ON % SYNTAX % beams: Specifies which beams to turn ON. If omitted, all beams are turned ON. assert(strcmpi(obj.acqState,'idle'),'Unable to complete specified operation in current acquisition state (''%s'')',obj.acqState); obj.hLSM.parkAtCenter(); obj.beamsOn(); %TODO: beamsOn() should be able to operate on specified beam subset obj.shuttersTransition(true); obj.acqState = 'point'; end function setSavePath(obj,pathDir) %Set loggingFilePath property to specified/selected folder path for %image file logging during Grab/Loop acquisitions. if nargin > 1 assert(exist(pathDir,'dir'),'Specified directory does not exist'); p = pathDir; else startPath = obj.loggingFilePath; if isempty(startPath) startPath = most.idioms.startPath(); end p = uigetdir(startPath, 'Select Save Path'); end if p obj.loggingFilePath=p; disp(['*** SAVE PATH = ' p ' ***']); end end function startFocus(obj) %Start a Focus acquisition used to visualize specimen %continuously at current scan settings, without logging images %to disk. Used typically while focusing and/or translating %specimen. try obj.zprvResetAcqCounters(); obj.zprvResetBuffers(); obj.zprvResetHome(); %Reset motor/fastZ/beam positions/powers (not really needed for Focus, but clear these for good measure) if obj.channelsAutoReadOffsets && obj.channelsAutoReadOffsetsOnFocus && any(obj.channelsSubtractOffset(:) & obj.channelsDisplay(:)) obj.channelsReadOffsets(); end %Updates display limits & aspect ratio. %Calls drawnow() - this forces channel offset table obj.zprvUpdateChannelDisplayRatioAndLims(); % obj.hLSM.loggingEnable = false; obj.hLSM.triggerMode = 'SW_FREE_RUN_MODE'; obj.zprvResetTriggerTimes() %obj.armTriggers(); obj.shuttersTransition(true); obj.zprvBeamsWriteFlybackData(); %Start acquisition objects/Tasks obj.hLSM.arm(); obj.zprvDaqmxStart([obj.hBeams obj.hFramePeriodCtr]); obj.acqState = 'focus'; obj.hLSM.start(false); obj.triggerClockTimeFirstVec = clock(); obj.notify('focusStart'); % %TODO: This should eventually be a callback % obj.acquisitionStartedFcn(); % catch ME obj.acqState = 'idle'; ME.rethrow(); end end function startGrab(obj) %Start a Grab acquisition, which collects specified number of %frames & slices at current scan settings, logging images to %disk if specified. specimen. try %Boilerplate start of GRAB/LOOP modes if ~obj.zprvStartAcquisitionMode() return; end obj.zprvStartAcquisition('grab'); catch ME obj.acqState = 'idle'; ME.rethrow(); end end function startLoop(obj) %Start a Loop acquisition, which is a Grab acquisition repeated %loopNumRepeats times and/or following supplied external %trigger signal(s) %Boilerplate start of GRAB/LOOP modes if ~obj.zprvStartAcquisitionMode() return; end znstInitializeLoop(); function znstInitializeLoop() obj.loopRepeatsDone = 0; obj.zprvStartAcquisition('loop'); end end function recover(obj) %Generic method used to attempt recovery from known SI4 failure %modes, restoring ScanImage to its default operating state %Stop any ongoing Tasks obj.hAllTasks.stop(); end end %% PUBLIC METHODS (Beam Operations) methods function beamsCalibrate(obj,beamIdx) % Run calibration of beam modulation device. Sets the properties beamCalibrationLUT, % beamCalibrationMin/MaxCalVoltage for beamIdx'th beam. % Note: This is basically the only safe way to set any of these % three properties. if nargin < 2 beamIdx = 1:obj.beamNumBeams; end validateattributes(beamIdx,{'numeric'},{'vector','integer','>=',1,'<=',obj.beamNumBeams}); switch obj.acqState case 'idle' % none otherwise error('SI4:beamsCalibrate:acquisitionRunning',... 'Cannot calibrate beams during acquisition.'); end for bIdx = beamIdx(:)' if obj.mdfData.shutterBeforeEOM obj.beamsMeasureCalOffset(bIdx,true); else % Will use current offset from mdfData. If desired, user % should separately run offset measurement before % calibration. end [tfSuccess beamCalVoltage beamVoltage] = obj.zprvBeamsGetCalibrationData(bIdx); if tfSuccess [lut beamCalMinVoltage beamCalMaxVoltage] = ... obj.zprvBeamsProcessCalibrationData(beamVoltage,beamCalVoltage,obj.mdfData.beamCalOffsets(bIdx)); else fprintf(2,'WARNING: Unable to collect calibration data. Using naive calibration.\n'); [lut beamCalMinVoltage beamCalMaxVoltage] = ... obj.zprvBeamsPerformNaiveCalibration(beamVoltage); end %Update beam calibration properties obj.zprvBeamsSetCalibrationInfo(bIdx,lut,beamCalMinVoltage,beamCalMaxVoltage); end end function offset = beamsMeasureCalOffset(obj,beamIdx,tfWriteToMDF) % Measures and updates stored offset value for beam calibration % device (e.g. photodiode). Corrects subsequent readings with % that device, to improve calibration accuracy. % Updates obj.mdfData.beamCalOffsets. If tfWriteToMDF is true, % this also updates the current MDF. if nargin < 3 tfWriteToMDF = false; end if nargin < 2 && obj.beamNumBeams==1 beamIdx = 1; end validateattributes(beamIdx,{'numeric'},{'scalar','integer','>=',1,'<=',obj.beamNumBeams}); switch obj.acqState case 'idle' % none otherwise error('SI4:beamsMeasureCalOffset:acquisitionRunning',... 'Cannot calibrate beam during acquisition.'); end beamCalTask = obj.hBeamCals{beamIdx}; beamCalTask.control('DAQmx_Val_Task_Unreserve'); beamCalTask.set('sampQuantSampPerChan',obj.beamCalibrationOffsetNumSamples); beamCalTask.cfgSampClkTiming(obj.beamCalibrationOutputRate,'DAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps',obj.beamCalibrationOffsetNumSamples); sampleTime = obj.beamCalibrationOffsetNumSamples/obj.beamCalibrationOutputRate; if obj.mdfData.shutterBeforeEOM % shutter should probably already be off, but anyway obj.shuttersTransition(false); else uiwait(msgbox(sprintf('Turn off laser for beam index %d.',beamIdx),'Alert','modal')); end % TODO: do we need to turn off other beams as well in a multi-beam situ? beamCalTask.start; obj.hSelfTrig.writeDigitalData([0;1;0],0.2); pause(1.2*sampleTime); data = beamCalTask.readAnalogData(); beamCalTask.stop(); beamCalTask.control('DAQmx_Val_Task_Unreserve'); offset = mean(data); sig = std(data); if sig/offset > obj.beamCalibrationNoisyOffsetThreshold warning('SI4:beamsMeasureCalOffset:noisyPhotodiodeOffset',... 'Noisy photodiode offset.'); end assert(numel(obj.mdfData.beamCalOffsets)==obj.beamNumBeams); obj.mdfData.beamCalOffsets(beamIdx) = offset; if tfWriteToMDF mdf = most.MDF.getInstance(); if mdf.isLoaded allOffsets = obj.mdfData.beamCalOffsets; allOffsets(beamIdx) = offset; mdf.writeVarToHeading('ScanImage','beamCalOffsets',allOffsets); end end end function beamsShowCalibrationCurve(obj,beamIdx) %Displays figure showing last measured/computed calibration of beam modulation device, for specified beamIdx validateattributes(beamIdx,{'numeric'},{'scalar','integer','>=',1,'<=',obj.beamNumBeams}); chart_title = sprintf('Look Up Table (Beam %d)', beamIdx); h = figure('NumberTitle','off','DoubleBuffer','On','Name',chart_title,'Color','White'); a = axes('Parent',h); plot(obj.beamCalibrationLUT(:,beamIdx),(1:obj.beamCalibrationLUTSize)'/obj.beamCalibrationLUTSize*100,... 'Marker','o','MarkerSize',2,'LineStyle','none','Parent',a,... 'MarkerFaceColor',[0 0 0],'color',[0 0 0]); title(chart_title,'FontSize',12,'FontWeight','Bold','Parent',a); ylabel('Percent of Maximum Power','Parent',a,'FontWeight','bold'); xlabel('Modulation Voltage [V]','Parent',a,'FontWeight','bold'); axisRange = axis; lblXPos = axisRange(1) + (axisRange(2)-axisRange(1))/3; lblYPos = axisRange(3) + (axisRange(4)-axisRange(3))*92/100; minCalV = obj.beamCalibrationMinCalVoltage(beamIdx); maxCalV = obj.beamCalibrationMaxCalVoltage(beamIdx); extRatio = maxCalV/minCalV; if extRatio > 1000 extRatio = '>1000'; end zlclAddQuantityAnnotations(a,lblXPos,lblYPos,... {'Cal. Offset';'Min Cal. Voltage';'Max Cal. Voltage';'Max Extinction Ratio'},... {obj.mdfData.beamCalOffsets(beamIdx);minCalV;maxCalV;extRatio},'FontWeight','bold','FontSize',9); % TODO are these figHandles going somewhere end function acqLzs = beamComputeOverrideLzs(obj) %Displays figure showing last measured raw calibration data %obtained for beam modulation device of specified beamIdx Nbeam = obj.beamNumBeams; beamLz = obj.beamLengthConstants; assert(isequal(numel(beamLz),numel(obj.stackEndPower),numel(obj.stackStartPower),Nbeam)); dz = obj.stackZEndPos-obj.stackZStartPos; acqLzs = inf(Nbeam,1); for c = 1:Nbeam if obj.beamPzAdjust(c) Pratio = obj.stackEndPower(c)/obj.stackStartPower(c); acqLzs(c) = dz/log(Pratio); fprintf(1,'Beam %d: Lz=%.2f\n',c,acqLzs(c)); end end end end %% PUBLIC METHODS (Motor Operations) methods function motorZeroXYZ(obj) %Set motor relative origin to current position for X,Y,and Z coordinates. switch obj.motorDimensionConfiguration case 'xy' obj.motorZeroSoft(logical([1 1 0])); case 'z' obj.motorZeroSoft(logical([0 0 1])); case 'xyz' obj.motorZeroSoft(logical([1 1 1])); case 'xy-z' obj.motorZeroSoft(logical([1 1 1])); case 'xyz-z' obj.motorZeroSoft(logical([1 1 1 0])); %Do not zero secondary-Z; require motorZeroZ() to do this, with motorSecondMotorZEnable=true end end function motorZeroXY(obj) %Set motor relative origin to current position for X&Y coordinates. switch obj.motorDimensionConfiguration case 'xy' obj.motorZeroSoft(logical([1 1 0])); case 'z' % none case 'xyz' obj.motorZeroSoft(logical([1 1 0])); case 'xy-z' obj.motorZeroSoft(logical([1 1 0])); case 'xyz-z' obj.motorZeroSoft(logical([1 1 0 0])); end end function motorZeroZ(obj) %Set motor relative origin to current position for Z %coordinates. Honor motorSecondMotorZEnable property, if %applicable. switch obj.motorDimensionConfiguration case 'xy' % none case 'z' obj.motorZeroSoft(logical([0 0 1])); case 'xyz' obj.motorZeroSoft(logical([0 0 1])); case 'xy-z' obj.motorZeroSoft(logical([0 0 1])); case 'xyz-z' if obj.motorSecondMotorZEnable obj.motorZeroSoft(logical([0 0 0 1])); else obj.motorZeroSoft(logical([0 0 1 0])); end end end % motorDefineUserPosition(obj,idx,posn) -- set idx'th % user-defined position to posn. function motorDefineUserPosition(obj,idx,posn) % Add current motor position, or specified posn, to % motorUserDefinedPositions array at specified idx validateattributes(idx,{'numeric'},{'scalar' 'integer' 'positive'}); if nargin==2 posn = obj.motorPosition; end obj.motorUserDefinedPositions{idx,1} = posn; end % Clears all user-defined positions function motorClearUserDefinedPositions(obj) %Clear motorUserDefinedPositions array obj.motorUserDefinedPositions = cell(0,1); end function motorGotoUserDefinedPosition(obj,posnIdx) %Move motor to position coordinates stored at specified posnIdx in motorUserDefinedPositions array udp = obj.motorUserDefinedPositions; if posnIdx > numel(udp) warning('SI4:motorGotoUserDefinedPosition',... 'Position index %d exceeds number of user-defined positions. Motor position unchanged.',posnIdx); return; end posn = udp{posnIdx}; if isempty(posn) warning('SI4:motorGotoUserDefinedPosition',... 'Position index %d is not defined. Motor position unchanged.',posnIdx); else % nans in user-defined position vecs mean "don't affect this position component" tfNan = isnan(posn); currPosn = obj.motorPosition; posn(tfNan) = currPosn(tfNan); obj.zprvSetInternal('motorPosition', posn); end end function motorSaveUserDefinedPositions(obj) %Save contents of motorUserDefinedPositions array to a position (.POS) file [fname, pname]=uiputfile('*.pos', 'Choose position list file'); % TODO starting path if ~isnumeric(fname) periods=strfind(fname, '.'); if any(periods) fname=fname(1:periods(1)-1); end s.positionVectors = obj.motorUserDefinedPositions; %#ok save(fullfile(pname, [fname '.pos']),'-struct','s','-mat'); % TODO setStatusString('...') end end function motorLoadUserDefinedPositions(obj) %Load contents of a position (.POS) file to the motorUserDefinedPositions array (overwriting any previous contents) [fname, pname]=uigetfile('*.pos', 'Choose position list file'); if ~isnumeric(fname) periods=strfind(fname,'.'); if any(periods) fname=fname(1:periods(1)-1); end s = load(fullfile(pname, [fname '.pos']), '-mat'); obj.motorUserDefinedPositions = s.positionVectors; % TODO % setStatusString('Position list loaded...'); end end end %% PUBLIC METHODS (Scan Parameter Caching) methods function scanParamResetToBase(obj,params) % Set ROI scan parameters (zoom,scanAngleMultiplier) to cached % values (set via scanParamSetCache()). If no values are % cached, restores the scan parameters stored in currently % loaded CFG file. % params: String cell array specifically which parameter(s) to reset to BASE or CFG-file value(s) if nargin > 1 cachedProps = params; assert(iscellstr(cachedProps) && all(ismember(cachedProps,obj.scanParamCacheProps))); else cachedProps = obj.scanParamCacheProps; end if ~isempty(obj.scanParamCache) for i=1:length(cachedProps) obj.(cachedProps{i}) = obj.scanParamCache.(cachedProps{i}); end else cfgfile = obj.cfgFilename; resetFailProps = {}; if exist(cfgfile,'file')==2 cfgPropSet = obj.mdlLoadPropSetToStruct(cfgfile); for i=1:length(cachedProps) if isfield(cfgPropSet,cachedProps{i}) obj.(cachedProps{i}) = cfgPropSet.(cachedProps{i}); else resetFailProps{end+1} = cachedProps{i}; %#ok end end end if ~isempty(resetFailProps) warning('SI4:scanParamNotReset',... 'One or more scan parameters (%s) were not reset to base or config file value.',most.util.toString(resetFailParams)); end end end function scanParamSetBase(obj) %Caches scan parameters (zoom, scan angle multiplier) which can be recalled by scanParamResetToBase() method cachedProps = obj.scanParamCacheProps; for i=1:length(cachedProps) obj.scanParamCache.(cachedProps{i}) = obj.(cachedProps{i}); end end end %% PUBLIC METHODS (Stack Operations) methods function stackSetStackStart(obj) %Save curent motor Z position and beam power level as stack start point obj.stackZStartPos = obj.stackCurrentMotorZPos; obj.stackStartPower = obj.beamPowers; end function stackSetStackEnd(obj) %Save curent motor Z position and beam power level as stack end point obj.stackZEndPos = obj.stackCurrentMotorZPos; obj.stackEndPower = obj.beamPowers; end function stackClearStartEnd(obj) %Clear any saved stack start & end points obj.stackZStartPos = nan; obj.stackStartPower = nan; % todo multibeam obj.stackZEndPos = nan; obj.stackEndPower = nan; % todo multibeam end function stackClearEnd(obj) %Clear saved stack end point (if set) obj.stackZEndPos = nan; obj.stackEndPower = nan; % todo multibeam end end %% PUBLIC METHODS (Usr/Cfg/FastCfg File API) methods function usrSaveUsr(obj) % Save 1) current values of USR property subset, 2) current GUI % layout, and 3) currently loaded CFG file (if any) to % currently specified usrFilename obj.usrSaveUsrAs(obj.usrFilename); end function usrSaveUsrAs(obj,fname,cfgfname) % Save 1) current values of USR property subset, 2) current GUI % layout, and 3) currently loaded CFG file (if any) to % specified or selected USR filename % fname (optional): usr filename. If unspecified or empty, uiputfile is run. % cfgfname (optional): cfg filename to be associated with specified usr file. If empty or not specified, obj.cfgFilename is used. if nargin < 2 fname = []; end if nargin < 3 cfgfname = obj.cfgFilename; end obj.ensureClassDataFile(struct('lastUsrFile',most.idioms.startPath)); usrFileName = obj.zprvUserCfgFileHelper(fname,... @()uiputfile('%.usr','Save Usr As...',obj.getClassDataVar('lastUsrFile')),... @(path,file,fullfile)assert(exist(path,'dir')==7,'Specified directory does not exist.')); if isempty(usrFileName) % usr cancelled return; end obj.setClassDataVar('lastUsrFile',usrFileName); % save usr subset obj.mdlSavePropSetFromList(obj.usrPropListCurrent,usrFileName); % save layout if ~isempty(obj.hController) assert(isscalar(obj.hController)); obj.hController{1}.ctlrSaveGUILayout(usrFileName); end % save associated cfgfile cfgfileVarname = obj.usrCfgFileVarName; tmp.(cfgfileVarname) = cfgfname; %#ok save(usrFileName,'-struct','tmp','-mat','-append'); obj.usrFilename = usrFileName; end function usrLoadUsr(obj,fname) % Load contents of specifed or selected USR file, updating 1) % values of USR property subset, 2) GUI layout, and 3) % currently loaded CFG file if obj.cfgOneShotLoaded error('SI4:oneShotCfgLoaded',... 'Cannot load user file; a one-shot configuration is pending.'); end if nargin < 2 fname = []; end obj.ensureClassDataFile(struct('lastUsrFile',most.idioms.startPath)); usrFileName = obj.zprvUserCfgFileHelper(fname,... @()uigetfile('%.usr','Load Usr File...',obj.getClassDataVar('lastUsrFile')),... @(path,file,fullfile)assert(exist(fullfile,'file')==2,'Specified file does not exist.')); if isempty(usrFileName) % usr cancelled return; end obj.setClassDataVar('lastUsrFile',usrFileName); % load usr propset usrPropSet = obj.mdlLoadPropSetToStruct(usrFileName); % set usr* state obj.usrFilename = usrFileName; obj.usrPropListCurrent = fieldnames(usrPropSet); obj.usrPropSetLastLoaded = usrPropSet; % load associated cfgfilename usrSpecifiedCfgFilename = []; s = load(usrFileName,'-mat'); if isfield(s,obj.usrCfgFileVarName) usrSpecifiedCfgFilename = s.(obj.usrCfgFileVarName); end % cfgFile handling % * If the usrFile specifies a cfgFile and it exists/loads % properly, that cfgfile will be used. % * If the usrFile specifies a cfgFile and it either doesn't % exist or doesn't load, no cfgFile will be used. % * If the usrFile doesn't specify a cfgFile (or specifies an % empty cfgFile), the current cfgFile will be used. if ~isempty(usrSpecifiedCfgFilename) if exist(usrSpecifiedCfgFilename,'file')==2 cfgfilename = usrSpecifiedCfgFilename; else warning('SI4:fileNotFound',... 'Config file ''%s'' specified in usr file ''%s'' was not found.',usrSpecifiedCfgFilename,usrFileName); cfgfilename = ''; end elseif ~isempty(obj.cfgFilename) && exist(obj.cfgFilename,'file')==2 cfgfilename = obj.cfgFilename; else % no cfg file associated with USR file; no cfg file currently loaded cfgfilename = ''; end % apply usr/cfg state obj.mdlApplyPropSet(usrPropSet); if ~isempty(cfgfilename) try obj.cfgLoadConfig(cfgfilename); catch %#ok warning('SI4:errLoadingConfig',... 'Error loading config file ''%s''.',cfgfilename); end end % update layout if ~isempty(obj.hController) assert(isscalar(obj.hController)); obj.hController{1}.ctlrLoadGUILayout(usrFileName); end end function cfgSaveConfig(obj) %Save values of (most) publicly settable properties of this class to currently loaded CFG file obj.cfgSaveConfigAs(obj.cfgFilename); end function cfgSaveConfigAs(obj,fname) %Save values of (most) publicly settable properties of this class to specified or selected CFG file % Save configuration to file and update .cfgFilename. % * If fname is not specified, uiputfile is called to get a file. % * If fname exists, config info is appended/overwritten to fname. % * If fname does not exist, it is created. if nargin < 2 fname = []; end obj.ensureClassDataFile(struct('lastConfigFilePath',most.idioms.startPath)); cfgfilename = obj.zprvUserCfgFileHelper(fname,... @()uiputfile('*.cfg','Save Config As...',obj.getClassDataVar('lastConfigFilePath')),... @(path,file,fullfile)assert(exist(path,'dir')==7,'Specified directory does not exist.')); if isempty(cfgfilename) % user cancelled return; end obj.setClassDataVar('lastConfigFilePath',fileparts(cfgfilename)); % save it obj.mdlSaveConfig(cfgfilename,'exclude',obj.usrPropListCurrent); obj.cfgFilename = cfgfilename; end function cfgLoadConfig(obj,fname) % Load contents of specifed or selected CFG file, updating % values of most publicly settable properties of this class. % * If fname is not specified, uigetfile is called to get a file. % * Config info is appended/overwritten to fname. if obj.cfgOneShotLoaded error('SI4:oneShotCfgLoaded',... 'Cannot load configuration; a one-shot configuration is pending.'); end if nargin < 2 fname = []; end obj.ensureClassDataFile(struct('lastConfigFilePath',most.idioms.startPath)); cfgfilename = obj.zprvUserCfgFileHelper(fname,... @()uigetfile('*.cfg','Load Config...',obj.getClassDataVar('lastConfigFilePath')),... @(path,file,fullfile)assert(exist(fullfile,'file')==2,'Specified file does not exist.')); if isempty(cfgfilename) return; end obj.setClassDataVar('lastConfigFilePath',fileparts(cfgfilename)); % At the moment, this just loads the cfg, ignoring possible % need to reload the USR, or parts of the USR. cfgPropSet = obj.mdlLoadPropSetToStruct(cfgfilename); obj.mdlApplyPropSet(cfgPropSet); obj.cfgFilename = cfgfilename; end function cfgLoadConfigOneShot(obj,fname) % Load a specified/selected CFG file in 'one-shot' mode. % Property values loaded from CFG file are used for precisely % one acquisition (Grab or Loop) before restoring properties to % values at time of method call. % * One-shot configurations last through precisely one acquisition % (Loop or Grab). After completion of the first acquisition, the % configuration is "unloaded", ie the values of all properties % set by the config are reverted to their original values. % * While one-shot configurations are pending (before acquisition % is run), the user may not load a new usr or cfg file. if obj.cfgOneShotLoaded error('SI4:oneShotCfgLoaded',... 'One-shot configuration already loaded.'); end if nargin < 2 fname = []; end obj.ensureClassDataFile(struct('lastConfigFilePath',most.idioms.startPath)); cfgfilename = obj.zprvUserCfgFileHelper(fname,... @()uigetfile('*.cfg','Load Config...',obj.getClassDataVar('lastConfigFilePath')),... @(path,file,fullfile)assert(exist(fullfile,'file')==2,'Specified file does not exist.')); if isempty(cfgfilename) return; end obj.setClassDataVar('lastConfigFilePath',fileparts(cfgfilename)); propSet = obj.mdlLoadPropSetToStruct(cfgfilename); assert(isempty(obj.cfgOneShotRevertPropSet)); obj.cfgOneShotRevertPropSet = obj.mdlApplyPropSet(propSet); obj.cfgOneShotLoaded = true; end function cfgUnloadConfigOneShot(obj) % Unloads a "pending" one-shot configuration (revert all % affected properties). if obj.cfgOneShotLoaded assert(~isempty(obj.cfgOneShotRevertPropSet)); obj.mdlApplyPropSet(obj.cfgOneShotRevertPropSet); obj.cfgOneShotLoaded = false; obj.cfgOneShotRevertPropSet = []; end end function fastCfgSetConfigFile(obj,idx,fname) % Specify/select a CFG file to a numbered FastCFG, % for subsequent rapid (cached) loading with fastCfgLoadConfig() validateattributes(idx,{'numeric'},{'scalar' 'nonnegative' 'integer' '<=' obj.fastCfgNumConfigs}); if nargin < 3 fname = []; end obj.ensureClassDataFile(struct('lastFastConfigFilePath',most.idioms.startPath)); cfgfilename = obj.zprvUserCfgFileHelper(fname,... @()uigetfile('*.cfg','Select Config File',obj.getClassDataVar('lastFastConfigFilePath')),... @(path,file,fullfile)assert(exist(fullfile,'file')==2,'Specified file does not exist.')); if isempty(cfgfilename) % user cancelled return; end obj.setClassDataVar('lastFastConfigFilePath',fileparts(cfgfilename)); obj.fastCfgCfgFilenames{idx} = cfgfilename; end function fastCfgLoadConfig(obj,idx,tfBypassAutostart) %Load CFG file settings cached at a numbered FastCFG, autostarting acquisition if appropriate. % Load the idx'th fast config and autostart if % appropriate. % tfBypassAutostart: optional bool, defaults to false. If true, the % fastConfiguration is loaded but not autostarted, even if % autostart is on. if nargin < 3 tfBypassAutostart = false; end validateattributes(idx,{'numeric'},{'scalar' 'nonnegative' 'integer' '<=' obj.fastCfgNumConfigs}); validateattributes(tfBypassAutostart,{'logical'},{'scalar'}); fname = obj.fastCfgCfgFilenames{idx}; if isempty(fname) error('SI4:fastCfgLoadConfig:noConfigFileLoaded',... 'No config file loaded for fast configuration #%d.',idx); end if exist(fname,'file')~=2 error('SI4:fastCfgLoadConfig:fileNotFound',... 'Config file ''%s'' not found.',fname); end if ~tfBypassAutostart && obj.fastCfgAutoStartTf(idx) obj.cfgLoadConfigOneShot(fname); autoStartType = obj.fastCfgAutoStartType{idx}; switch autoStartType case 'focus' obj.startFocus(); case 'grab' obj.startGrab(); case 'loop' obj.startLoop(); otherwise obj.cfgUnloadConfigOneShot(); assert(false,'AutoStart type must be set.'); end else obj.cfgLoadConfig(fname); end end function fastCfgClearConfigFile(obj,idx) %Clear CFG file settings cached at a numbered FastCFG validateattributes(idx,{'numeric'},{'scalar' 'nonnegative' 'integer' '<=' obj.fastCfgNumConfigs}); obj.fastCfgCfgFilenames{idx} = ''; end end %% PUBLIC METHODS (Misc) methods function h = imageHistogram(obj,chanIdx) %Compute & display histogram of pixel values for last displayed image acquired at specified chanIdx validateattributes(chanIdx,{'numeric'},... {'scalar' 'integer' 'positive' '<=' obj.channelsNumChannels}); data = obj.zprvChannelDataCurrentDisplay(chanIdx); h = figure('DoubleBuffer','on','color','w','NumberTitle','off','Name','Pixel Histogram',... 'PaperPositionMode','auto','PaperOrientation','landscape'); hist(double(data(:)),256); set(get(gca,'XLabel'),'String','Pixel Intensity','FontWeight','bold','FontSize',12); set(get(gca,'YLabel'),'String','Number of Pixels','FontWeight','bold','FontSize',12); end function s = imageStats(obj,chanIdx) %Compute & display statistics of pixel values for last displayed image acquired at specified chanIdx validateattributes(chanIdx,{'numeric'},... {'scalar' 'integer' 'positive' '<=' obj.channelsNumChannels}); data = obj.zprvChannelDataCurrentDisplay(chanIdx); s.mean = mean(data(:)); s.std = double(std(single(data(:)))); % AL: this double(single(...)) thing is historic. why? s.max = max(data(:)); s.min = min(data(:)); s.pixels = numel(data); if nargout == 0 ImageStats = s; assignin('base','ImageStats',ImageStats); evalin('base','ImageStats'); end end end %% HIDDEN METHODS (Callbacks) methods (Hidden) %Callback methods function frameAcquiredFcn(obj,~,~) if strcmpi(obj.acqState,'idle') return; end if obj.acqDebug fprintf(1,'faf\n'); fprintf(1,'motor pos: %s\n',mat2str(obj.motorPosition)); fprintf(1,'power lev: %.4g\n',obj.beamPowers); end %vvv: For now, there's a shared callback between FOCUS and GRAB/LOOP modes...may make sense to split a-la-SI3.x try %Get frame data from LSM [tfSuccess obj.acqFrameBuffer{end} frameTag] = getDataWithDummyFrame(obj.hLSM,1); %Get 1 frame, an MxNxK array with M lines, N pixels, and K channels if ~tfSuccess fprintf(2,'WARNING: No frame data was available, or it could not be read, during frame processing callback. Inserting dummy frame.\n'); %obj.hLSM.configureFrameAcquiredEvent('debugShowStatus'); %return; end %Circular permutation so that first element is most-recent frame %TODO: Handle missed frames obj.acqFrameBuffer = [obj.acqFrameBuffer(end);obj.acqFrameBuffer(1:end-1)]; %Signal that frame has been acquired obj.acqFramesDoneTotal = frameTag; notify(obj,'frameAcquired'); %Update logging file number, if needed (for case of next triggered, FastZ stacks) if obj.fastZNextTrigSignal if obj.triggerFrameNumber > 1 && obj.acqFramesDoneTotal >= (obj.triggerFrameNumber - 1) obj.zprvSetInternal('loggingFileCounter', obj.loggingFileCounter + obj.fastZNextTrigSignal); obj.fastZNextTrigSignal = 0; end end %Determine current state focusingNow = strcmpi(obj.acqState,'focus'); fastZAcq = obj.fastZEnable && obj.stackNumSlices > 1 && ~focusingNow; %Update logging file name/number, as needed for loggingFramesPerFile implementation if obj.loggingEnable && obj.loggingFileNumChunks && ~focusingNow if obj.stackNumSlices == 1 || obj.fastZEnable nextFileSubCounter = floor(obj.acqFramesDoneTotal / (obj.acqNumAveragedFrames * obj.loggingFramesPerFile)) + 2; else nextFileSubCounter = floor((obj.acqFramesDoneTotal + obj.acqNumFrames * obj.stackSlicesDone) / (obj.acqNumAveragedFrames * obj.loggingFramesPerFile)) + 2; end if obj.acqDebug fprintf(1,'nextFileSubCounter loggingfileSubcounter loggingFileNumChunks: %d %d %d\n',nextFileSubCounter, obj.loggingFileSubCounter, obj.loggingFileNumChunks); end if nextFileSubCounter > obj.loggingFileSubCounter && nextFileSubCounter <= obj.loggingFileNumChunks obj.loggingFileSubCounter = nextFileSubCounter; newFileName = zlclConstructLoggingFullFileName(obj.loggingFilePath,obj.loggingFileStem,obj.loggingFileCounter,nextFileSubCounter); newFileFrameCount = (nextFileSubCounter - 1) * (obj.loggingFramesPerFile * obj.acqNumAveragedFrames) + 1; rolloverLogFile(obj.hLSM,newFileFrameCount,'loggingFileName',newFileName); end end %Stop acquisition and start motor move to next slice, as needed if ~focusingNow && ~obj.fastZEnable && obj.stackNumSlices > 1 && obj.acqFramesDoneTotal >= obj.acqNumFrames if abs(obj.stackZStepSize) > obj.stackShutterCloseMinZStepSize shuttersTransition(obj,false); end zprvStopAcquisition(obj,false,true); %Stops acquisition in 'pause' mode, allowing it to be resumed, e.g. to support logging to same file-stream %Stops acquisition, but allows it to be 'resumed' with subsequent zprvResumeAcquisition() obj.stackSlicesDone = obj.stackSlicesDone + 1; if obj.stackSlicesDone < obj.stackNumSlices obj.stackZMotor.moveStartIncremental([0 0 obj.stackZStepSize]); zprvBeamsDepthPowerCorrection(obj,obj.stackZStepSize,obj.acqBeamLengthConstants); end obj.notify('sliceDone'); end %Update FastZ beam data, if required if fastZAcq && obj.fastZAllowLiveBeamAdjust && (obj.beamFlybackBlanking || obj.beamPzAdjust) zprvBeamsRefreshFastZData(obj,1); end %Identify current frame within the acquisition frame buffer frameBatchIdx = mod(obj.acqFramesDoneTotal-1,obj.displayFrameBatchFactor) + 1; [displayTF, tileIdx] = ismember(frameBatchIdx,obj.displayFrameBatchSelection); if displayTF %Handle averaging, as needed %Note that if any frames were missed, then the rolling average will now simply stretch back further in time %A different behavior might be preferable, but probably not worth complicating logic significantly for a hopefully rare case rollAveFactor = obj.displayRollingAverageFactor; if rollAveFactor > 1 %Display averaging enabled selectedFramesDone = ceil(obj.acqFramesDoneTotal/obj.displayFrameBatchFactor); if selectedFramesDone == 1 obj.displayRollingBuffer{tileIdx} = double(obj.acqFrameBuffer{1}); elseif selectedFramesDone <= rollAveFactor obj.displayRollingBuffer{tileIdx} = ((selectedFramesDone - 1) * obj.displayRollingBuffer{tileIdx} + double(obj.acqFrameBuffer{1})) / selectedFramesDone; else removeIdx = obj.displayRollingAverageFactor * (obj.displayFrameBatchFactor / obj.frameAcqFcnDecimationFactor) + 1; if ~isempty(obj.acqFrameBuffer{removeIdx}) obj.displayRollingBuffer{tileIdx} = obj.displayRollingBuffer{tileIdx} + (double(obj.acqFrameBuffer{1}) - double(obj.acqFrameBuffer{removeIdx})) / rollAveFactor; end end end %Handle display, if frame is selected for display chansToDisp = obj.channelsDisplay; abortUpdate = false; for i=1:length(chansToDisp) chanIdx=chansToDisp(i); hChan = obj.channelsHImage{chanIdx}; if numel(hChan) < tileIdx || ~ishandle(hChan(tileIdx)) abortUpdate = true; break; end if obj.displayRollingAverageFactor > 1 set(hChan(tileIdx),'CData',obj.displayRollingBuffer{tileIdx}(:,:,i)); %There is no need to convert this to type spec'd by obj.channelsDataType else set(hChan(tileIdx),'CData',obj.acqFrameBuffer{1}(:,:,i)); end end if ~abortUpdate zprvUpdateMergeWindowIfNecessary(obj,tileIdx); end end zprvUpdateSecondsCounter(obj); %Update countdown/countup timer %Update Frame Counters if ~focusingNow && obj.loggingEnable %Account for possible next-triggered file breaks -- count will reflect frames/slices/volumes done since last next trigger framesDoneSinceFileBreak = obj.acqFramesDoneTotal - obj.loggingFrameBreaks(end) + 1; else framesDoneSinceFileBreak = obj.acqFramesDoneTotal; end if ~focusingNow && obj.fastZEnable framesPerVolume = obj.fastZNumFramesPerVolume; obj.fastZVolumesDone = floor(framesDoneSinceFileBreak/framesPerVolume); obj.stackSlicesDone = min((framesDoneSinceFileBreak - obj.fastZVolumesDone * framesPerVolume)/obj.acqNumFrames, obj.stackNumSlices); obj.acqFramesDone = min(framesDoneSinceFileBreak - obj.stackSlicesDone * obj.acqNumFrames, obj.acqNumFrames); else obj.acqFramesDone = framesDoneSinceFileBreak; end %Acquisition mode-specific behavior switch obj.acqState case 'focus' if etime(clock, obj.triggerClockTimeFirstVec) >= obj.focusDuration zprvStopAcquisition(obj,true); %effectively an abort operation obj.acqState = 'idle'; %should we do this already here? end case {'grab' 'loop'} %obj.acqFramesDone = evnt.frameCount; %fprintf(1,'%d %d\n',obj.acqFramesDoneTotal,max(0,obj.hLSM.droppedFramesLast)); %Generally acqFramesDoneTotal=acqFramesDone, but for 2 special cases - next triggering and fastZ %In both special cases, acqFramesDoneTotal > acqFramesDone %In next triggering case (without FastZ), acquisition should be terminated if acqFramesDone reaches acqNumFramesPerTrigger (acqFramesDone is the number of frames since the last next trigger) %In FastZ case, acquisition should be terminated based on acqFramesDoneTotal value (which counts each of the FastZ slices as separate frames) acqFramesDoneMax = obj.acqNumFramesPerTrigger; if ~focusingNow && obj.fastZEnable acqFramesDoneVal = obj.acqFramesDoneTotal; if ~isempty(obj.loggingFrameBreaks); %FastZ + next triggering combo acqFramesDoneMax = acqFramesDoneMax + obj.loggingFrameBreaks(end) - 1; end else acqFramesDoneVal = obj.acqFramesDone; end if acqFramesDoneVal >= acqFramesDoneMax if obj.motorHasMotor && obj.stackNumSlices > 1 && ~obj.fastZEnable && obj.stackSlicesDone < obj.stackNumSlices moveWaitForFinish(obj.stackZMotor); notify(obj,'motorPositionUpdate'); % call setter to fire Post-Set event for GUI %Check to see if there's been any abort() calls since the last slice acq was stopped drawnow(); if isIdle(obj) return; end %Start next slice if abs(obj.stackZStepSize) > obj.stackShutterCloseMinZStepSize shuttersTransition(obj,true,true); end zprvStartAcquisitionSlice(obj); else switch obj.acqState case 'grab' zprvEndAcquisition(obj,'idle'); zprvEndAcquisitionMode(obj); case 'loop' if obj.triggerNextTrigUsed && strcmpi(obj.triggerNextTrigMode,'advance') %For now - In 'advance' next-triggered mode - acqNumFrames indicates a max number of frames that should never actually be reached between next trigger arrivals. In future, should allow restart by subsequent start trigger arrival. zprvEndAcquisition(obj,'idle'); zprvEndAcquisitionMode(obj); else zprvEndAcquisition(obj,'loop_wait'); zprvIterateLoop(obj); end end end end case {'idle'} %Do nothing...should this be an error? end catch ME fprintf(2,'Error in frameAcquiredFcn:\n%s\n',most.idioms.reportError(ME)); %ME.rethrow(); %this doesn't actually work end end function triggerFcn(obj,~,~) %Callback which fires on each trigger (start or next) during GRAB/LOOP acquisitions firstTrig = isinf(obj.triggerTime); %is this first trigger of GRAB/LOOP acq mode? nextTrig = ~firstTrig && (obj.triggerNextTrigOnly || strcmpi(obj.triggerLastArmed,'next')); startTrig = ~nextTrig; nextSlice = obj.stackSlicesDone > 0 && ~obj.fastZEnable; recordTrigTime = startTrig || (nextTrig && strcmpi(obj.triggerNextTrigMode,'advance')); if ~nextSlice && firstTrig %Measure trigger time twice, once with tic() and once with clock() -- %discrepancy should be <200us according to tests. Using tic() for the %countdown timer ensures accuracy obj.triggerTimeLast = tic(); obj.triggerClockTimeFirstVec = clock(); %Record clocked trigger time % sampsSinceStart = state.init.hInitTimestampCtr.get('writeTotalSampPerChanGenerated'); % roughTime = clock(); % sampsSinceStart = double(sampsSinceStart); % obj.triggerClockTimeFirstVec = datevec(addtodate(datenum(roughTime),-round(1000*sampsSinceStart/10e6),'millisecond')); end %Start scanner, if needed! if startTrig && (~obj.triggerExtStartTrigUsed || ~obj.triggerExtStartTrigPreScan) if obj.stackSlicesDone == 0 start(obj.hLSM,obj.loggingEnable); else resume(obj.hLSM); end end %Stop external trigger timer, if needed zprvClearExtTrigTimer(obj); if startTrig obj.notify('startTriggerReceived'); end if recordTrigTime %Read frame clock counter -- there should typically only be one %value, but there may be multiple if 1) ext triggers were %received (and ignored) during an ongoing acquisition, 2) one %or more triggers arrived after the trigger that caused this %function to execute, before the code below. If not next %triggering or a stack, we assume case #1 is true; if stack or %next-triggering acq is used, we assume case #2. In either %case, we warn that our trigger/frame times for this file may %be wrong. maxExtraTriggers = 99; %Read up to 100 triggers & delays (i.e. in event of multiple triggers). frameClockDelays = readCounterData(obj.hFrameClockDelayCtr,maxExtraTriggers + 1,1.1/obj.scanFrameRate); %Delay between this trigger and start of next frame. if isempty(frameClockDelays) fprintf(2,'ERROR: Failed to capture first frame clock time! Aborting acquisition.\n\tPossible causes: 1) Frame or line clock signal not correctly connected 2) External triggering configured but not correctly wired to LSM scanner.\n'); abort(obj); return; elseif ~isscalar(frameClockDelays) if (obj.stackNumSlices > 1 && ~obj.fastZEnable) %stack acq frameClockDelay = frameClockDelays(1); %extra triggers are most likely result of a trigger or more slipping in after trigger that initiated this triggerFcn. This should be very unlikely in practical experiments (should not next trigger rapidly in succession). elseif nextTrig frameClockDelay = frameClockDelays(1); %extra triggers are most likely result of a trigger or more slipping in after trigger that initiated this triggerFcn. This should be very unlikely in practical experiments (should not next trigger rapidly in succession). fprintf(2,'WARNING: A highly unexpected occurrence of multiple next trigger events was detected on processing the first of these.\n'); else %extra triggers were most likely ignored start triggers during previous loop Repeat's acquisition frameClockDelay = frameClockDelays(end); end else %isscalar frameClockDelay = frameClockDelays; end %Update triggerTime & triggerFrameStartTime values, to be included in the header if ~nextSlice if firstTrig obj.triggerTimes = -frameClockDelay; obj.triggerFrameStartTimes = 0; else try triggerPeriod = readCounterData(obj.hTriggerPeriodCtr,inf,.01); %Delay(s) between this trigger and the previous trigger catch ME %#ok %TODO: Check specifically that error was a timeout..if not, should issue warning message triggerPeriod = nan; end if obj.stackNumSlices > 1 && ~obj.fastZEnable if length(triggerPeriod) ~= obj.stackNumSlices fprintf(2,'WARNING: Measured %d trigger periods since last trigger, but expected to measure %d, equal to number of slices. Possible error in recorded trigger/frame times may result. \n',length(triggerPeriod),obj.stackNumSlices); end triggerPeriod = sum(triggerPeriod); %Assumes most recent trigger is the one associated with this callback (unlike frame clock ctr, we read triggerPeriods every stack not every slice) else if ~isscalar(triggerPeriod) || ~isscalar(frameClockDelays) assert(length(triggerPeriod) == length(frameClockDelays),'Trigger occurred between readout of trigger period and frame clock delay. This case is not yet handled!'); fprintf(2,'WARNING: Multiple trigger periods (%d) measured since last trigger, when only one expected. Possible error in recorded trigger/frame times may result.\n',length(triggerPeriod)); if nextTrig triggerPeriod = triggerPeriod(1); %Assumes first trigger is the one associated with this callback else triggerPeriod = sum(triggerPeriod); %Assumes most recent trigger is the one associated with this callback end end end %Subsequent triggers in LOOP mode obj.triggerTimes(end+1) = obj.triggerTimes(end) + triggerPeriod; obj.triggerFrameStartTimes(end+1) = obj.triggerTimes(end) + frameClockDelay; end end end %Start logging stream, with trigger header info if startTrig if obj.loggingEnable && obj.stackSlicesDone == 0 obj.hLSM.loggingFileName = obj.loggingFullFileName; obj.hLSM.loggingHeaderString = obj.headerString; startLogging(obj.hLSM,obj.loggingFrameDelay); end %Stop start trigger callbacks until ready for next acq if obj.triggerNextTrigUsed switchToNext = ~isequal(obj.triggerNextTrigSrc,obj.triggerStartTrigSrc) || ~strcmpi(obj.triggerNextTrigEdge,obj.triggerStartTrigEdge); end if ~obj.triggerNextTrigUsed || switchToNext stop(obj.hTriggerCallbackCtr); end %Initialize logging frame count/time data, referenced to start trigger if obj.loggingEnable obj.loggingFrameTimeLast = 0; %mark first frame as time 0 obj.loggingFrameCount = 1; obj.loggingFrameBreaks = 1; end %Handle start-to-next trigger transition if obj.triggerNextTrigUsed && switchToNext obj.zprvArmTrigCallback(true); %Arm next trigger start(obj.hTriggerCallbackCtr); end end %Store last trigger time -- value is counted relative to start trigger edges,not frame clock edges if ~nextSlice && ~firstTrig %obj.triggerTimeLast = datevec(addtodate(datenum(obj.triggerTimeLast),round(1000*triggerPeriod),'millisecond')); obj.triggerTimeLast = tic(); end %Handle next-triggering if applicable if nextTrig if zprvIterateLoop(obj,true) %signals whether to continue switch obj.triggerNextTrigMode case 'arm' %TODO: Consider whether to implement this 'arm' behavior of stop & restart within zprvIterateLoop() -- via some argument flag %TODO: Should we, in some cases at least, wait for repeat period here?? zprvEndAcquisition(obj); drawnow; obj.zprvArmTrigCallback(); %Ensure start trigger (not next trigger) is armed if strcmpi(obj.acqState,'loop') zprvStartAcquisition(obj,'loop'); end return; case 'advance' %TODO: Handle possibility of a 'gap' -- i.e. to retrigger the next acquisition %Advance log file counter and start new logging file stream if obj.loggingEnable %Verify no dropped frames have occurred to %this point if obj.verifyOptions.nextTrigAbortOnDroppedFrames %if obj.hLSM.droppedFramesTotal || obj.hLSM.droppedLogFramesTotal if obj.hLSM.droppedFramesLast %droppedLogFramesLast is not yet working, so don't check here abort(obj); warndlg(sprintf('Frames were dropped during acquisition (after frame #%d). Aborting Loop',obj.loggingFrameCount),'Dropped Frames!','modal'); return; end end %Update logging frame count and identify count value of first frame which has arrived since next trigger %TODO: Consider reading average frame clock time instead and identifying closest integer multiple of average to determine frame count value (enforce some percentage match). % This would avoid having to read and sum /all/ values since last next trigger. % Alternatively, consider calculating roughly the number of frames expected since last frame trigger and using the % DAQmx_Val_MostRecentSample value for ReadRelativeTo property, adjusting ReadOffset to select a sample range very likely to contain the frame trigger frameClockTimes = cumsum(readCounterData(obj.hFramePeriodCtr,[],[],obj.triggerMaxLoopIntervalFrames)) + obj.loggingFrameTimeLast; %all frame times since last next trigger(!) obj.loggingFrameTimeLast = frameClockTimes(end); newFrameClocks = length(frameClockTimes); obj.loggingFrameCount = obj.loggingFrameCount + newFrameClocks; foundFrameBreak = false; for i=newFrameClocks:-1:1 if abs(obj.triggerFrameStartTimes(end) - frameClockTimes(i)) < max(1e-6,10 * obj.triggerTimestampResolution) %Does frame clock tick coincide with trigger edge? nextTrigNextFrame = obj.loggingFrameCount - (newFrameClocks - i); %Record frame count value which comes after next trigger foundFrameBreak = true; break; end end if ~foundFrameBreak fprintf(2,'Failed to identify time of first frame-start following next trigger\n'); fprintf(2,'triggerFrameStartTime: %f10\n',obj.triggerFrameStartTimes(end)); fprintf(2,'frameClockTimes: %s\n',mat2str(flipud(frameClockTimes(end-50:end)))); fprintf(2,'Length frameClockTimes: %d\n',length(frameClockTimes)); return; end % Ideintify frame break to use for next trigger; implement logging file number update if appropriate if obj.fastZEnable && obj.stackNumSlices > 1 framesPerVolume = obj.acqNumFramesPerTrigger / obj.fastZNumVolumes; volumeModVal = mod(nextTrigNextFrame,framesPerVolume); if volumeModVal == 0 % nextTrigNextFrame = nextTrigNextFrame + 1; elseif volumeModVal > 1 nextTrigNextFrame = nextTrigNextFrame + (framesPerVolume - volumeModVal + 1); end fprintf('nextTrigNextFrame: %d\n',nextTrigNextFrame); obj.fastZNextTrigSignal = obj.fastZNextTrigSignal + 1; %Signal to frameAcquiredFcn that loggingFileCounter should be incremented, at the appropriate time newFileName = zlclConstructLoggingFullFileName(obj.loggingFilePath,obj.loggingFileStem,obj.loggingFileCounter + obj.fastZNextTrigSignal); else obj.zprvSetInternal('loggingFileCounter', obj.loggingFileCounter + 1); newFileName = obj.loggingFullFileName; end %Add identified frame break to stored list obj.loggingFrameBreaks(end + 1) = nextTrigNextFrame; %Add count value of trigger-coincident frame clock tick to list % Update triggerFrameNumber for file header and signal to logging thread to actually do the file advance (at appropriate frame count value) obj.triggerFrameNumber = nextTrigNextFrame; rolloverLogFile(obj.hLSM,nextTrigNextFrame,'loggingFileName',newFileName,'loggingHeaderString',obj.headerString); end end end end end end %% HIDDEN METHODS (Beam/Shutter Toggling) methods (Hidden) function beamsStandby(obj) %Turns off beam channel(s) and prepares them for next acquisition if obj.beamNumBeams > 0 obj.beamsOff(); obj.zprvBeamsWriteFlybackData(); end end function beamsOn(obj) if obj.beamNumBeams > 0 obj.hBeams.control('DAQmx_Val_Task_Unreserve'); %should flush data obj.hBeamsPark.writeAnalogData(obj.beamOnPowerVoltages); end end function beamsOff(obj) if obj.beamNumBeams > 0 %obj.hBeams.stop(); obj.hBeams.control('DAQmx_Val_Task_Unreserve'); %should flush data obj.hBeamsPark.writeAnalogData(obj.beamOffPowerVoltages); end end function shuttersTransition(obj,openTF,applyShutterDelay) for i=1:length(obj.hShutters) if openTF writeDigitalData(obj.hShutters(i),obj.mdfData.shutterOpenLevel(i)); else writeDigitalData(obj.hShutters(i),~obj.mdfData.shutterOpenLevel(i)); end end if nargin < 3 applyShutterDelay = false; end if openTF && applyShutterDelay && isfield(obj.mdfData,'shutterOpenTime') && obj.mdfData.shutterOpenTime > 0 most.idioms.pauseTight(obj.mdfData.shutterOpenTime); end end end %FastZ methods methods (Hidden) % function fastZPosnSet(obj,targetPosn) % % Using AO control of FastZ controller, go to specified targetPosn % % targetPosn: Scalar value, specifying position in microns for FastZ controller (in relative coordinates, if FastZController is a linear stage controller object) % % %assert(obj.fastZEnable > 0,'FastZ mode is not enabled. Cannot goto position.'); % %assert(obj.fastZUseAOControl,'FastZ controller is not configured for AO control. Cannot goto position.'); % % assert(~isempty(obj.hFastZ),'No FastZ controller is available.'); % % if obj.fastZUseAOControl % obj.hFastZAO.control('DAQmx_Val_Task_Unreserve'); %Flush data % % %Write new AO voltage, ensuring it's within AO range % obj.hFastZAOPark.writeAnalogData(obj.zprvFastZPosn2Voltage(targetPosn)); % elseif isa(obj.hFastZ,'dabs.interfaces.LinearStageControllerBasic') % assert(~obj.fastZForbidDigitalMove,'Unable to set position for FastZ controller'); % obj.hFastZ.moveCompleteRelative(targetPosn); % end % % end % % % function posn = fastZPosnGet(obj) % %Read absolute position of stage connected to FastZ controller % % posn: Scalar value, in microns, indicating absolute position of stage connected to FastZ controller % % % % NOTE: In case where fastZController is identified as the 'secondary Z' motor controller, then % % this position is identical to the secondary controller Z position indicated by the motorPosition property % % assert(~isempty(obj.hFastZ),'No FastZ controller is available.'); % % if isa(obj.hFastZ,'dabs.interfaces.LinearStageControllerBasic') % posn = obj.hFastZ.positionAbsolute(end); % elseif isa(obj.hFastZ,'dabs.pi.private.MotionController') % posn = obj.hFastZ.position; % end % end % function fastZStandby(obj,targetPosn) % % if obj.fastZUseAOControlDev % % if nargin < 2 % targetPosn = obj.hFastZ.position; %Use current position % end % % %Update position command % %TODO: Handle PI device generality -- current implementation is for the E816 controller % obj.hFastZ.moveComplete(targetPosn); %This should not actually move the controller % % end % % end end %% HIDDEN METHODS (Channel Display) methods (Static,Hidden) function mergeData = zprvAddChanDataToMergeData(mergeData,chanData,clr,lut) range = lut(2)-lut(1); chanDataRescaled = uint8(double(chanData-lut(1))/range * 255); switch clr case 'red' mergeData(:,:,1) = mergeData(:,:,1) + chanDataRescaled; case 'green' mergeData(:,:,2) = mergeData(:,:,2) + chanDataRescaled; case 'blue' mergeData(:,:,3) = mergeData(:,:,3) + chanDataRescaled; case 'gray' mergeData(:,:,:) = mergeData(:,:,:) + repmat(chanDataRescaled,[1 1 3]); case 'none' % no-op otherwise assert(false); end end end methods (Hidden) % tileIdx (optional): array of tile indices to update. function zprvUpdateMergeWindowIfNecessary(obj,tileIdx) if obj.channelsMergeEnable && strcmp(obj.initState,'none') && ... (~obj.channelsMergeFocusOnly || ~any(strcmp(obj.acqState,{'grab' 'loop'}))) if nargin < 2 tileIdx = 1:length(obj.displayFrameBatchSelection); end chansToDisp = obj.channelsDisplay; mergeColors = obj.channelsMergeColor; chanLUTs = obj.channelsLUT; sclpf = obj.scanLinesPerFrame; sppl = obj.scanPixelsPerLine; for tIdx = tileIdx(:)' if numel(obj.channelsHMergeIm) < tIdx || ~ishandle(obj.channelsHMergeIm(tIdx)) break; end mergeData = zeros(sclpf,sppl,3,'uint8'); for chanIdx = chansToDisp(:)' % for now, get chanData from channelsHImage chanData = get(obj.channelsHImage{chanIdx}(tIdx),'CData'); mergeData = scanimage.SI4.zprvAddChanDataToMergeData(mergeData,chanData,mergeColors{chanIdx},chanLUTs(chanIdx,:)); end set(obj.channelsHMergeIm(tIdx),'CData',mergeData); end end end % Return the data matrix for the currently-displayed data for the % specified channel. (The currently-displayed data is affected by % zooming, etc.) function data = zprvChannelDataCurrentDisplay(obj,chanIdx) hIm = obj.channelsHImage{chanIdx}; ax = obj.channelsHAxes{chanIdx}; assert(isscalar(ax),'At this time, cannot extract data (for image statistics, etc) from multi-image display figures'); xbounds = get(hIm,'XData'); ybounds = get(hIm,'YData'); ximagebounds = round(get(ax,'XLim')); yimagebounds = round(get(ax,'YLim')); xidxs = intersect(xbounds(1):xbounds(2),ximagebounds(1):ximagebounds(2)); yidxs = intersect(ybounds(1):ybounds(2),yimagebounds(1):yimagebounds(2)); data = get(hIm,'CData'); data = data(yidxs,xidxs); end function zprvResetDisplayFigs(obj,chansToReset,resetMergeTF,channelsLUTVal) numTiles = length(obj.displayFrameBatchSelection); %Number of tiles to be displayed if numTiles > 1 %Determine optimal tiling if numTiles == 2 tiling = [2 1]; elseif numTiles <= 4 tiling = [2 2]; elseif numTiles < 6 tiling = [3 2]; else tilingFactor = 3; while tilingFactor^2 < numTiles tilingFactor = tilingFactor + 1; end tiling = [tilingFactor tilingFactor]; end tileSpans = 1./tiling; else % these will be unused tiling = []; tileSpans = []; end startImageData = zeros(obj.scanLinesPerFrame,obj.scanPixelsPerLine,obj.channelsDataType); for i=1:length(chansToReset) chanNum = chansToReset(i); [obj.channelsHAxes{chanNum} obj.channelsHImage{chanNum}] = ... zprvPrepareDisplayAxesImages(obj,obj.channelsHFig(chanNum),numTiles,tiling,tileSpans,startImageData); end if resetMergeTF [obj.channelsHMergeAx obj.channelsHMergeIm] = ... zprvPrepareDisplayAxesImages(obj,obj.channelsHMergeFig,numTiles,tiling,tileSpans,startImageData); initialMergeData = zeros(obj.scanLinesPerFrame,obj.scanPixelsPerLine,3,'uint8'); set(obj.channelsHMergeIm,'CData',initialMergeData); end %Update CLim values for each subplot if nargin < 4 obj.channelsLUT = obj.channelsLUT; else obj.channelsLUT = channelsLUTVal; end end function [hAx hIm] = zprvPrepareDisplayAxesImages(obj,hFig,numTiles,tiling,tileSpans,startImageData) delete(findobj(hFig,'Type','Axes')); delete(findall(hFig,'Type','Line')); figure(hFig); hAx = zeros(numTiles,1); hIm = zeros(numTiles,1); if numTiles > 1 %Draw annotation lines for i=1:(tiling(1)-1) %horizontal lines, separating rows annotation('line',[0 1],[i*tileSpans(1) i*tileSpans(1)],'Color',[0.5 0.5 0.5]); end for i=1:(tiling(2)-1) %vertical lines, separating columns annotation('line',[i*tileSpans(2) i*tileSpans(2)],[0 1],'Color',[0.5 0.5 0.5]); end %Create subplots (do in separate loop to avoid auto-deletion due to tiny overlaps) for tileIdx=1:numTiles hAx(tileIdx) = subplot(tiling(1),tiling(2),tileIdx); end %Configure subplots for tileIdx=1:numTiles rowIdx = floor((tileIdx-1)/tiling(2)) + 1; %Count from top colIdx = mod(tileIdx-1,tiling(2)) + 1; %Count from left set(hAx(tileIdx),'Position',[(colIdx-1)*tileSpans(2) (tiling(1)-rowIdx)*tileSpans(1) tileSpans(2) tileSpans(1)] + [1e-9 1e-9 -2e-9 -2e-9],... 'Visible','off','YDir','reverse','XTick',[],'YTick',[],... 'YTickLabelMode','manual','XTickLabelMode','manual',... 'XTickLabel',[],'YTickLabel',[]); hIm(tileIdx) = image('Parent',hAx(tileIdx),'CData',startImageData,'CDataMapping','Scaled'); obj.zprvUpdateChannelDisplayRatioAndLims(hAx(tileIdx)); %Update aspect ratio and limits end else hAx = axes('Parent',hFig,'Position',[0 0 1 1], ... 'YDir','reverse', 'DataAspectRatio',[obj.scanPixelsPerLine obj.scanLinesPerFrame 1],... 'XTick',[],'YTick',[],... 'YTickLabelMode','manual','XTickLabelMode','manual','XTickLabel',[],'YTickLabel',[]); hIm = image('Parent',hAx,'CData',startImageData,'CDataMapping','Scaled'); obj.zprvUpdateChannelDisplayRatioAndLims(hAx); %Update aspect ratio and limits end end function zprvUpdateChannelDisplayRatioAndLims(obj,hAx) if nargin < 2 || isempty(hAx) hAx = [obj.channelsHAxes(:);{obj.channelsHMergeAx}]; elseif ~iscell(hAx) hAx = {hAx}; end if obj.scanAngleMultiplierSlow == 0 %Line scan yRatio = 1; else yRatio = obj.scanAngleMultiplierSlow; end cellfun(@(x)set(x,'PlotBoxAspectRatio',[1 yRatio 1],... 'DataAspectRatioMode','auto',... 'XLim',[-0.5 .5] + [1 obj.scanPixelsPerLine],... 'YLim',[-0.5 .5] + [1 obj.scanLinesPerFrame]),hAx); drawnow(); %Ensure all changes take effect before subsequent calls end end %% HIDDEN METHODS (Usr/Cfg/FastCfg API) methods (Access=private) % function cfgPropSet = cfgLoadConfigFileSafe(obj,fname) % tfSuccessfulLoad = true; % try % cfgPropSet = obj.mdlLoadPropSetToStruct(fname); % catch %#ok % tfSuccessfulLoad = false; % end % if tfSuccessfulLoad % obj.setClassDataVar('lastConfigFilePath',fileparts(fname)); % obj.cfgFilename = fname; % else % warning('SI4:errorLoadingCfgFile',... % 'Error loading config file ''%s''.',fname); % cfgPropSet = struct(); % obj.cfgFilename = ''; % end % end function fname = zprvUserCfgFileHelper(obj,fname,fileFcn,verifyFcn) %#ok % Get/preprocess/verify a config filename. Set 'lastConfigFilePath' % classdatavar, obj.cfgFilename. if isempty(fname) [f,p] = fileFcn(); if isnumeric(f) fname = []; return; end fname = fullfile(p,f); else [p,f,e] = fileparts(fname); if isempty(p) p = cd; end if isempty(e) e = '.cfg'; end f = [f e]; fname = fullfile(p,f); end verifyFcn(p,f,fname); end end %% HIDDEN METHODS (Beam Operations) methods (Hidden) % AL: I was surprised that this method not only updates the % flybackdata but also stops beam, writesOnData, starts beam. function zprvBeamsUpdateFlybackBuffer(obj) %Updates beamFlybackBlankData and beamFlybackBlankData mask buffers maintained by this class %Except when stop/restarting, the beam AO buffer is also updated (i.e. written to) % % % Flyback buffer depends on: % scanFillFraction, scanLinePeriod, scanMode % beamNumBeams, beamFlybackBlanking, beamFillFracAdjust % %TODO: If FastZ update is restored in this function, consider providing input argument indicating whether to defer FastZ % update on stopAndRestart, e.g. for prop changes affecting only the FastZBuffer if obj.beamNumBeams == 0 || ~obj.beamFlybackBlanking obj.beamFlybackBlankData = []; if obj.beamNumBeams == 0 return; end end if obj.beamFlybackBlanking %Determine beam amplitudes during ON and OFF times switch obj.beamPowerUnits case 'percent' beamOffVoltages = obj.beamOffPowerVoltages(:)'; beamOnVoltages = obj.beamOnPowerVoltages(:)'; otherwise assert('Only percent-mode power values presently supported'); end %Determine on-time & nominal off-time for each line linePeriodDivisor = 2^(strcmpi(obj.scanMode,'unidirectional')); lineNumSamples = floor(obj.mdfData.beamCmdOutputRate * obj.scanLinePeriod / linePeriodDivisor); onNumSamples = min(lineNumSamples,round(obj.mdfData.beamCmdOutputRate * (obj.scanFillFraction * (obj.scanLinePeriod / linePeriodDivisor) + 1e-6 * obj.beamFillFracAdjust))); offNumSamples = lineNumSamples - onNumSamples; %Compute 'mask' indicating samples for which beam is on/off during each scanner period switch obj.scanMode case 'unidirectional' onDataMask = [false(floor(offNumSamples/2),1);true(onNumSamples,1)]; case 'bidirectional' if (2 * onNumSamples + offNumSamples + 1) / obj.mdfData.beamCmdOutputRate > (2 * obj.scanLinePeriod - 2/obj.mdfData.beamCmdOutputRate) %Require 2 sample cushion for retriggering %For very high fill fractions, just keep beam on for all but last sample onDataMask = true(round(2 * obj.scanLinePeriod * obj.mdfData.beamCmdOutputRate) - 3,1); %Subtract 2 sample periods (and adjust for final off sample to be added below) %outData = repmat(beamOnVoltages,round(2 * obj.scanLinePeriod * obj.mdfData.beamCmdOutputRate) - 3,1); %Subtract 2 sample periods (and adjust for final off sample to be added below) else %shiftNumSamples = round(obj.mdfData.beamCmdOutputRate * ((1 - obj.scanFillFraction) / 2 * (obj.scanLinePeriod/2) - 1e-6 * obj.beamFillFracAdjust / 2)); onDataMask = [false(floor(offNumSamples/2),1);true(onNumSamples,1); false(offNumSamples,1); true(onNumSamples,1); false(floor(offNumSamples/2),1)]; %outData = [repmat(beamOnVoltages,onNumSamples,1); repmat(beamOffVoltages,offNumSamples,1); repmat(beamOnVoltages,onNumSamples,1)]; %outData = [outData; beamOffVoltages]; end end if onDataMask(end) onDataMask(end+1) = false; %Always end with final sample OFF -- this is required for blanking during slow mirror flyback end offDataMask = ~onDataMask; %Prepare flybank blanking output data and output data reference outData = zeros(length(onDataMask), obj.beamNumBeams); outDataMask = nan(length(onDataMask),1); outDataMask(onDataMask) = 1; outData(onDataMask,:) = beamOnVoltages; outData(offDataMask,:) = beamOffVoltages; obj.beamFlybackBlankData = outData; obj.beamFlybackBlankDataMask = outDataMask; end %Update data in output buffer if strcmpi(obj.acqState,'focus') %TODO: Selectively restart only those beams used for Focus obj.hBeams.stop(); obj.zprvBeamsWriteFlybackData(); obj.hBeams.start(); else obj.zprvBeamsWriteFlybackData(); end %TODO: Consider whether to update (pre-compute) FastZ buffer here and in what circumstances. For now, leaving out. end function zprvBeamsWriteFlybackData(obj) if obj.beamNumBeams > 0 obj.hBeams.control('DAQmx_Val_Task_Unreserve'); %should flush data if obj.beamFlybackBlanking outData = obj.beamFlybackBlankData; else % Just write a single sample (twice) -- the same value is used throughout % each entire line period, so no long buffer is needed outData = repmat(obj.beamOnPowerVoltages(:)',2,1); end %Ensure even number of samples if mod(size(outData,1),2) == 1 outData(end+1,:) = outData(end,:); end obj.hBeams.cfgSampClkTiming(obj.mdfData.beamCmdOutputRate,'DAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps',size(outData,1)); %NOTE: This might only be needed if the buffer size has changed obj.hBeams.cfgOutputBuffer(size(outData,1)); obj.hBeams.reset('writeRelativeTo'); obj.hBeams.reset('writeOffset'); obj.hBeams.writeAnalogData(outData); % xxx is writeAnalogData smart enough to do the right thing here for multi-beam? end end function zprvBeamsWriteFastZData(obj) % Compute and write FastZ buffer to beam Task, containing beam flyback/power waveforms for entire volume period % % NOTES % Function computes and writes FastZ buffer to Task frame-wise, avoiding creation of large memory buffer % % TODO: Handle correctly the FastZ buffer case when flyback blanking is disabled if obj.beamNumBeams == 0 return; end %Compute 'base' data for one period, using current power specification if obj.beamFlybackBlanking scanPeriodBase = repmat(obj.beamFlybackBlankDataMask,1,obj.beamNumBeams); %Data mask for one period else scanPeriodBase = ones(length(obj.beamFlybackBlankDataMask),obj.beamNumBeams); end periodLength = size(scanPeriodBase,1); %%Prepare beam Task for FastZ buffer switch obj.scanMode case 'unidirectional' periodsPerFrame = obj.scanLinesPerFrame; case 'bidirectional' periodsPerFrame = obj.scanLinesPerFrame / 2; end %samplesPerFrame = periodLength * periodsPerFrame; if isinf(obj.acqNumFramesPerTrigger) framesPerVolume = obj.fastZNumFramesPerVolume; else framesPerVolume = obj.acqNumFramesPerTrigger / obj.fastZNumVolumes; end obj.hBeams.control('DAQmx_Val_Task_Unreserve'); obj.hBeams.cfgSampClkTiming(obj.mdfData.beamCmdOutputRate,'DAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps',periodLength); volumeBufferLength = periodLength * periodsPerFrame * framesPerVolume; if obj.fastZAllowLiveBeamAdjust obj.hBeams.cfgOutputBuffer((obj.fastZBeamNumBufferedVolumes + 1) * volumeBufferLength); else obj.hBeams.cfgOutputBuffer(volumeBufferLength); end %Determine starting position and step-size fastZStepPerFrame = (obj.stackNumSlices * obj.stackZStepSize) / framesPerVolume; if obj.stackStartCentered if mod(obj.stackNumSlices,2) %odd num slices currPosn = -obj.stackZStepSize * floor(obj.stackNumSlices/2); else %even num slices currPosn = -obj.stackZStepSize * (obj.stackNumSlices/2 - 0.5); end else currPosn = 0; end %Compute FastZ buffer, frame-at-a-time, and write to AO Task if obj.fastZAllowLiveBeamAdjust obj.fastZBeamDataBuf = zeros(volumeBufferLength,1); startIdx = 1; numBufVolumes = obj.fastZBeamNumBufferedVolumes; else numBufVolumes = 1; end framePosns = repmat(linspace(currPosn,currPosn+fastZStepPerFrame,periodLength*periodsPerFrame)',1,obj.beamNumBeams); lengthConstants = repmat(obj.acqBeamLengthConstants,periodLength*periodsPerFrame,1); scanPeriodBase(isnan(scanPeriodBase(:,1)),:) = 0; scanPeriods = repmat(scanPeriodBase,periodsPerFrame,1); for i = 1:numBufVolumes for j = 1:framesPerVolume beamPowerFactors = exp(framePosns./lengthConstants); framePosns = framePosns + fastZStepPerFrame; dataToAppend = scanPeriods; for k=obj.beamNumBeams:-1:1 dataToAppend(:,k) = dataToAppend(:,k) .* obj.zprpBeamsPowerFractionToVoltage(k,obj.beamPowers .* beamPowerFactors / 100.0); end obj.hBeams.writeAnalogData(dataToAppend); if obj.fastZAllowLiveBeamAdjust && i==1 endIdx = startIdx + length(dataToAppend) - 1; obj.fastZBeamDataBuf(startIdx:endIdx) = dataToAppend; startIdx = endIdx + 1; end end end %Initialize FastZ beam live adjustability, if needed if obj.fastZAllowLiveBeamAdjust obj.fastZBeamPowersCache = obj.beamPowers; obj.fastZBeamWriteOffset = size(obj.fastZBeamDataBuf * obj.fastZBeamNumBufferedVolumes,1); else obj.fastZBeamPowersCache = []; obj.fastZBeamWriteOffset = []; end end function zprvBeamsRefreshFastZData(obj,numFrames) %Refresh FastZ beam data according to current power levels, as required when fastZAllowLiveBeamAdjust=true obj.hBeams.set('writeOffset',obj.fastZBeamWriteOffset); bufLen = size(obj.fastZBeamDataBuf,1); %Length of entire volume if isinf(numFrames) indices = 1:bufLen; else samplesPerFrame = bufLen / obj.fastZNumFramesPerVolume; %Should evenly divide frameIdx = rem(obj.fastZBeamWriteOffset,bufLen)/ samplesPerFrame; %zero-based frame index indices = (1:(numFrames * samplesPerFrame)) + frameIdx * samplesPerFrame; end if obj.beamNumBeams == 1 obj.hBeams.writeAnalogData(obj.fastZBeamDataBuf(indices,:) * (obj.beamPowers/obj.fastZBeamPowersCache)); else obj.hBeams.writeAnalogData(obj.fastZBeamDataBuf(indices,:) .* repmat(obj.beamPowers./obj.fastZBeamPowersCache,length(indices),1)); % end %fprintf('Wrote %d samples at offset %d in %g ms\n',length(indices),obj.fastZBeamWriteOffset,toc()*1000); obj.fastZBeamWriteOffset = obj.fastZBeamWriteOffset + length(indices); end function [tfSuccess beamCalVoltage beamVoltage] = zprvBeamsGetCalibrationData(obj,beamIdx) % tfSuccess: true if calibration successful. % beamCalVoltage: (beamCalibrationNumVoltageSteps x % beamCalibrationNumPasses) vector of beam cal voltages % corresponding to beamVoltage % beamVoltage: (beamCalibrationNumVoltageSteps x 1) vector of beam % voltages validateattributes(beamIdx,{'numeric'},{'vector','integer','>=',1,'<=',obj.beamNumBeams}); wb = waitbar(0,sprintf('Calibrating beam %d...', beamIdx),... 'Name','Calibrating...','CreateCancelBtn','hSI.beamCancelCalibration = true;'); voltageRange = obj.beamVoltageRanges(beamIdx); %Create array of modulation voltages % Add zeros at the end b/c "VI111010A: Add delay between % calibration sweeps (allows for case where slow decay in % transmission is seen after reaching high voltages) -- Vijay % Iyer 11/10/10" % % Hold each voltage step for 2 samples. We'll record input signal on 2'nd of each pair, to avoid any settling time problems. % voltageSteps = linspace(0,voltageRange,obj.beamCalibrationNumVoltageSteps); beamVoltage = [zeros(1,2*numel(voltageSteps)) zeros(1,obj.beamCalibrationIntercalibrationZeros)]'; for i=1:numel(voltageSteps) [beamVoltage(2*i-1) beamVoltage(2*i)] = deal(voltageSteps(i)); end NbeamVoltage = numel(beamVoltage); % assert(rem(NbeamVoltage,2)==0,... % 'Input buffer length must be even, to avoid DAQmx error -200692 with some devices (e.g. AO series)'); % % Assert from note by Vijay Iyer, 11/24/10 % TODO old code set other beams to output zero during calibration. % is this necessary? %Prepare hBeams and hBeamCals beamTask = obj.hBeams(beamIdx); assert(isscalar(beamTask)); beamTask.control('DAQmx_Val_Task_Unreserve'); beamTask.cfgSampClkTiming(obj.beamCalibrationOutputRate,'DAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps',NbeamVoltage); beamTask.cfgOutputBuffer(NbeamVoltage); obj.hBeams.set('startTrigRetriggerable',true,'digEdgeStartTrigDigFltrMinPulseWidth',0,'digEdgeStartTrigDigFltrEnable',0); beamTask.cfgDigEdgeStartTrig(sprintf('PFI%d',obj.mdfData.trigSelfTrigDestinationTerminal)); beamTask.set('pauseTrigType','DAQmx_Val_None'); beamTask.writeAnalogData(beamVoltage); beamCalTask = obj.hBeamCals{beamIdx}; beamCalTask.control('DAQmx_Val_Task_Unreserve'); beamCalTask.set('sampQuantSampPerChan',NbeamVoltage); beamCalTask.cfgSampClkTiming(obj.beamCalibrationOutputRate,'DAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps',NbeamVoltage); beamCalTask.set('startTrigRetriggerable',true); % calibration loop beamCalVoltage = zeros(NbeamVoltage,obj.beamCalibrationNumPasses); calibrationPassTime = NbeamVoltage / obj.beamCalibrationOutputRate; if obj.mdfData.shutterBeforeEOM obj.shuttersTransition(true,true); end tfSuccess = false; try % Why is this try/catch necessary? for c = 1:obj.beamCalibrationNumPasses if obj.beamCancelCalibration znstCancelCleanup(); return; end beamTask.start(); beamCalTask.start(); obj.hSelfTrig.writeDigitalData([0;1;0],0.2); pause(calibrationPassTime*1.1); % AL: beamCalTask.isTaskDone() appears to return false here no matter how long you wait beamCalVoltage(:,c) = beamCalTask.readAnalogData(); beamTask.stop(); beamCalTask.stop(); pause(obj.beamCalibrationIntercalibrationPauseTime); waitbar(c/obj.beamCalibrationNumPasses,wb); end catch ME %#ok %Some error occurred during calibration, most likely while reading calibration data. %Leave to caller to generate warning/error message (since tfSuccess=false) znstCleanup(); return; %rethrow(ME); end if obj.beamCancelCalibration znstCancelCleanup(); return; end znstCleanup(); tfSuccess = true; function znstCleanup() %Remove intercalibration zeros numZeros = obj.beamCalibrationIntercalibrationZeros; beamCalVoltage(end-numZeros+1:end,:) = []; beamVoltage(end-numZeros+1:end) = []; %Take second of every pair of beamVoltage/beamCalVoltage values (first sample was for settling) beamCalVoltage = beamCalVoltage(2:2:end,:); beamVoltage = beamVoltage(2:2:end); %Clean up Beam DAQ Tasks beamTask.stop(); beamCalTask.stop(); beamTask.control('DAQmx_Val_Task_Unreserve'); beamCalTask.control('DAQmx_Val_Task_Unreserve'); %Restore beam Task's calibration (perhaps via cache-and-restore, rather than hard-coded revert to initialized state) obj.hBeams.set('startTrigRetriggerable',true,'digEdgeStartTrigDigFltrMinPulseWidth',200e-9,'digEdgeStartTrigDigFltrEnable',1); obj.hBeams.cfgDigEdgeStartTrig(sprintf('PFI%d',obj.mdfData.extLineClockTerminal)); beamTask.set('pauseTrigType','DAQmx_Val_DigLvl'); if obj.mdfData.shutterBeforeEOM obj.shuttersTransition(false); end delete(wb); end function znstCancelCleanup() znstCleanup(); obj.beamCancelCalibration = false; end end function [lut beamCalMinVoltage beamCalMaxVoltage] = ... zprvBeamsProcessCalibrationData(obj,beamVoltage,beamCalVoltage,beamCalOffset) % lut: (beamCalibrationLUTSize x 1) numeric array, where lut(i) % gives beam voltage necessary to achieve % (i/beamCalibrationLUTSize) fraction of maximum achieved power % beamCalMin/MaxVoltage: min/max beam cal voltage (averaged over % calibration passes) achieved during calibration sweeps assert(isvector(beamVoltage) && size(beamCalVoltage,1)==numel(beamVoltage)); bcv_mu = mean(beamCalVoltage,2); bcv_mu = bcv_mu - beamCalOffset; bcv_sd = std(beamCalVoltage,1,2); % Old veej notes: Normalize by the number of calibration passes? bcv_mu(bcv_mu<0) = 0; %TODO: Handle negative values in a better/smarter way than simply clipping [beamCalMinVoltage minIdx] = min(bcv_mu); [beamCalMaxVoltage maxIdx] = max(bcv_mu); avg_dev = mean(bcv_sd/beamCalMaxVoltage); minAchievableBeamPowerFraction = beamCalMinVoltage/beamCalMaxVoltage; % TODO rejected light case % warnings/failures tfFatalFailure = false; if avg_dev > obj.beamCalibrationFluctuationThreshold if beamCalMaxVoltage == 0 tfFatalFailure = true; fatalWarnStr = 'Beam calibration data appears entirely negative-valued, unexpectedly. Connections or hardware may be faulty.'; else warning('SI4:zprvBeamsProcessCalibrationData',... 'Beam calibration seems excessively noisy. Typical standard deviation per sample: %s%%.',... num2str(100*avg_dev)); obj.zprvBeamsShowRawCalibrationData(beamVoltage,bcv_mu); % Continue with regular calibration end end if minAchievableBeamPowerFraction > obj.beamCalibrationMinThreshold tfFatalFailure = true; fatalWarnStr = sprintf('Beam calibration minimum power not less than 15%% of maximum power. Min/max: %s%%',... num2str(100*minAchievableBeamPowerFraction)); end if beamCalMaxVoltage > 0 && minIdx >= maxIdx % TODO rejected light case tfFatalFailure = true; fatalWarnStr = ''; end if tfFatalFailure znstWarnAndRunNaiveCalibration(fatalWarnStr); return; end %Take measurement from rejected light, if necessary. %Note: The return values are still in absolute form. % TODO % rejected = state.init.eom.(['rejected_light' num2str(beam)]); % if rejected % photodiode_voltage = 1 - photodiode_voltage; % end lut = zeros(obj.beamCalibrationLUTSize,1); bcvNormalized = bcv_mu/beamCalMaxVoltage; minAchievableBeamPowerLUTIdx = ceil(minAchievableBeamPowerFraction*obj.beamCalibrationLUTSize); if minAchievableBeamPowerLUTIdx==0 minAchievableBeamPowerLUTIdx = 1; end lut(1:minAchievableBeamPowerLUTIdx-1) = nan; % These beam power idxs are unachievable; their lut values should never be used % For rest of LUT, do interpolation over interval [minIdx,maxIdx] x = bcvNormalized(minIdx:maxIdx); y = beamVoltage(minIdx:maxIdx); % eliminate any flat zeros at beginning (these can be generated since we set all bcvNormalized values less than 0 to be 0) tfFlatZero = x==0; if any(tfFlatZero) flatZeroIdx = find(tfFlatZero); if ~isequal(flatZeroIdx,(1:numel(flatZeroIdx))') % expect flat zeros only at the beginning znstWarnAndRunNaiveCalibration('Unexpected flat zeros in beam calibration voltage'); return; end x(flatZeroIdx(1:end-1)) = []; % take last flatzero datapoint (highest beam voltage) y(flatZeroIdx(1:end-1)) = []; end x = zlclMonotonicize(x); y = zlclMonotonicize(y); % TODO on rare occasions this can run into trouble with repeated x values. lut(minAchievableBeamPowerLUTIdx:obj.beamCalibrationLUTSize) = interp1(x,y,(minAchievableBeamPowerLUTIdx:obj.beamCalibrationLUTSize)/obj.beamCalibrationLUTSize,'cubic',nan); function znstWarnAndRunNaiveCalibration(warnMsg) fprintf(2,'\nWARNING: Beam calibration data appears suspect. Using naive calibration. '); if ~isempty(warnMsg) fprintf(2,'\n Explanation: %s\n',warnMsg); end obj.zprvBeamsShowRawCalibrationData(beamVoltage,bcv_mu); [lut beamCalMinVoltage beamCalMaxVoltage] = ... obj.zprvBeamsPerformNaiveCalibration(beamVoltage); end end function [lut beamCalMinVoltage beamCalMaxVoltage] = ... zprvBeamsPerformNaiveCalibration(obj,beamVoltage) [lut beamCalMinVoltage beamCalMaxVoltage] = obj.zprvBeamsProcessCalibrationData(beamVoltage,beamVoltage,0.0); end function zprvBeamsSetCalibrationInfo(obj,beamIdx,lut,beamCalMinVoltage,beamCalMaxVoltage) validateattributes(beamIdx,{'numeric'},{'vector','integer','>=',1,'<=',obj.beamNumBeams}); validateattributes(lut,{'numeric'},{'size',[obj.beamCalibrationLUTSize 1]}); obj.beamCalibrationLUT(:,beamIdx) = lut; obj.beamCalibrationMinCalVoltage(1,beamIdx) = beamCalMinVoltage; obj.beamCalibrationMaxCalVoltage(1,beamIdx) = beamCalMaxVoltage; % round this value to the "resolution" of the LUT obj.beamCalibrationMinAchievablePowerFrac(1,beamIdx) = ... ceil(beamCalMinVoltage/beamCalMaxVoltage*obj.beamCalibrationLUTSize)/obj.beamCalibrationLUTSize; obj.beamPowers = obj.zprvBeamEnforcePowerLimits(obj.beamPowers); end function zprvBeamsShowRawCalibrationData(obj,beamVoltages,beamCalVoltages) %#ok %Displays figure showing last measured raw calibration data obtained for beam modulation device of specified beamIdx f = figure('NumberTitle','off','DoubleBuffer','On','Name','Beam Calibration Curve','Color','White'); a = axes('Parent',f,'FontSize',12,'FontWeight','Bold'); [beamVoltages,idxs] = sort(beamVoltages); plot(beamVoltages,beamCalVoltages(idxs),'Parent',a,'Color',[0 0 0],'LineWidth',2); title(sprintf('Raw Calibration Data'),'Parent',a,'FontWeight','bold'); xlabel('Beam Modulation Voltage [V]','Parent',a,'FontWeight','bold'); ylabel('Beam Calibration Voltage [V]','Parent',a,'FontWeight','bold'); %TODO is this figHandle stored somewhere end function zprvBeamsDepthPowerCorrection(obj,zStepSize,lz) % Modifies ith beam power according to % newPower(i) = oldPower(i)*exp(zStepSize/lz(i)) if obj.beamNumBeams > 0 assert(numel(lz)==obj.beamNumBeams); obj.zprvSetInternal('beamPowers', obj.beamPowers.*exp(zStepSize./lz)); end end function beamPowers = zprvBeamEnforcePowerLimits(obj,beamPowers) assert(numel(beamPowers)==obj.beamNumBeams); % enforce upper limit maxPowers = obj.beamPowerLimits; switch obj.beamPowerUnits case 'percent' beamPowers = min(beamPowers,maxPowers); case 'milliwatts' % TODO end % enforce lower limit for c = 1:obj.beamNumBeams switch obj.beamPowerUnits case 'percent' beamPowers(c) = max(beamPowers(c),obj.beamCalibrationMinAchievablePowerFrac(c)*100); case 'milliwatts' %TODO end end end end %% HIDDEN METHODS (FastZ Operations) methods (Hidden) function zprvOverrideableFunction(obj,fcnName,varargin) if isfield(obj.userFunctionsOverriddenFcns2UserFcns,fcnName) % function is overridden userFcn = obj.userFunctionsOverriddenFcns2UserFcns.(fcnName); feval(userFcn,obj,varargin{:}); else feval(fcnName,obj,varargin{:}); end end % function voltage = zprvFastZPosn2Voltage(obj,posn) % % %TODO: Handle PI device 'generality' (logic now specific to SystemParameterBasicProperties devices, e.g. E-516 & E-816) -- either via adaptor class, or via added MotionController smarts % voltage = (posn / obj.hFastZ.hStage.kSen) + obj.hFastZ.hStage.oSen; % % %Ensure voltage fits % voltage = min(max(voltage,obj.fastZAORange(1)),obj.fastZAORange(2)); % end function startPosn = zprvFastZUpdateAOData(obj,startPosn) % Updates AO data on device buffer, after shifting 'normalized' data to volume position if ~obj.fastZUseAOControl return; end %Shift voltage range to start position %TODO: Handle PI device 'generality' (logic now specific to SystemParameterBasicProperties devices, e.g. E-516 & E-816) -- either via adaptor class, or via added MotionController smarts if nargin < 2 || isempty(startPosn) startPosn = obj.hFastZ.positionAbsolute(end); %startPosn = obj.fastZPosnGet(); %Use current position, read from fastZ controller, as the start position end %Handle stackStartCentered shift if obj.stackStartCentered startPosn = startPosn - ((obj.stackNumSlices - 1) * obj.stackZStepSize)/2; end %Handle general shift to place desired axial position at center of each slice frame startPosn = startPosn - (obj.stackZStepSize)/2; %Shift voltage data startVoltage = obj.hFastZ.analogCmdPosn2Voltage(startPosn); fastZAOData = obj.fastZAODataNormalized + startVoltage; %Detect if command is outside allowable voltage range if max(fastZAOData(:)) > obj.hFastZAO.channels(1).get('max') maxClamp = obj.hFastZAO.channels(1).max; fastZAOData(fastZAOData > maxClamp) = maxClamp; fprintf(2,'WARNING: Computed FastZ AO data exceeds maximum voltage of AO channel (%g). Full range of specified scan will not be achieved.\n',maxClamp); end if min(fastZAOData(:)) < obj.hFastZAO.channels(1).get('min') minClamp = obj.hFastZAO.channels(1).min; fastZAOData(fastZAOData < minClamp) = minClamp; fprintf(2,'WARNING: Computed FastZ AO data falls below minimum voltage of AO channel (%g). Full range of specified scan will not be achieved.\n',minClamp); end %Circular shift data by the acquisition delay shiftNumSamples = round(obj.fastZAcquisitionDelay * obj.mdfData.fastZCmdOutputRate); fastZAOData = [fastZAOData(shiftNumSamples+1:end); fastZAOData(1:shiftNumSamples)]; %Update AO Buffer obj.hFastZAO.control('DAQmx_Val_Task_Unreserve'); %Flush any previous data in the buffer obj.hFastZAO.writeAnalogData(fastZAOData); obj.hFastZAO.cfgSampClkTiming(obj.mdfData.fastZCmdOutputRate, 'DAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps', obj.hFastZAO.get('bufOutputBufSize')); %Buffer length equals length of need to repeat end function zprvFastZUpdateAODataNormalized(obj) % Updates pre-computed buffer of 'normalized' AO data for FastZ operation % 'Normalized' data is properly scaled, but needs to be shifted to the stack starting position if ~obj.fastZAvailable || ~obj.fastZEnable || ~obj.fastZUseAOControl obj.fastZAODataNormalized = []; return; end %Determine voltage range %Slice centers span (stackNumSlices - 1) * stackZStepSize, as %with a normal (slow) stack; the total span is larger, to cover %the first and last half-frames of the first and last slices, %respectively startVoltage = 0; endVoltage = obj.hFastZ.analogCmdPosn2Voltage(obj.stackNumSlices * obj.stackZStepSize); %Update fastZAODataNormalized property switch obj.fastZImageType case 'XY-Z' znstFastZUpdateXYZ(); case 'XZ' znstFastZUpdateXZ(); case 'XZ-Y' if obj.stackNumSlices == 1 znstFastZUpdateXZ(); %Equivalent to XZ else znstFastZUpdateXZY(); end otherwise assert(false); end return; function znstFastZUpdateXYZ() switch obj.fastZScanType case 'sawtooth' numFramesImaged = obj.stackNumSlices * obj.acqNumFrames; numFramesTotal = numFramesImaged + obj.fastZNumDiscardFrames; obj.fastZFillFraction = (obj.stackNumSlices * obj.acqNumFrames) / numFramesTotal; obj.fastZPeriod = numFramesTotal * (1/obj.scanFrameRate) + (numFramesTotal * obj.fastZFramePeriodAdjustment * 1e-6); if obj.fastZDiscardFlybackFrames && obj.fastZNumDiscardFrames > 0 %Flyback/settling will occur during the discarded frame(s) at end of each stack frame set %TODO: Deal with negative ramp case %TODO: Detect excessive memory use up front and prevent -- i.e. by warning and disabling FastZ mode totalNumSamples = ceil(obj.fastZPeriod * obj.mdfData.fastZCmdOutputRate); %rampNumSamples = round(((1/obj.scanFrameRate) * numFramesImaged + numFramesImaged * obj.fastZFramePeriodAdjustment * 1e-6) * obj.mdfData.fastZCmdOutputRate); %VI061112A: Arguably should be doing this instead rampNumSamples = round((1/obj.scanFrameRate) * numFramesImaged * obj.mdfData.fastZCmdOutputRate); %VVV061112A: Arguably we should should apply the fastZFramePeriodAdjustment for each frame in determining the length of ramp, as would be done by commented line above. Right now, all accumulated slop is shaved off the flyback time. assert(rampNumSamples > 0); settlingNumSamples = round(obj.fastZSettlingTime * obj.mdfData.fastZCmdOutputRate); flybackNumSamples = totalNumSamples - (rampNumSamples + settlingNumSamples) - 1; rampData = linspace(startVoltage,endVoltage,rampNumSamples); rampSlope = (endVoltage-startVoltage)/(rampNumSamples-1); settlingStartVoltage = startVoltage - rampSlope * settlingNumSamples; flybackData = linspace(endVoltage,settlingStartVoltage,flybackNumSamples+1); flybackData(1) = []; settlingData = linspace(settlingStartVoltage,startVoltage,settlingNumSamples+1); obj.fastZAODataNormalized = [rampData flybackData settlingData]'; else %Flyback/settling will occur at start of first frame in each stack frame set %Command signal is simply shaped flyback or settling period obj.fastZAODataNormalized = linspace(startVoltage,endVoltage,obj.mdfData.fastZCmdOutputRate * obj.fastZPeriod)'; end case 'step' %TODO end end function znstFastZUpdateXZ() %TODO end function znstFastZUpdateXZY() %TODO end end end %% HIDDEN METHODS (Flow Control) methods (Hidden) function tf = isIdle(obj) tf = strcmpi(obj.acqState,'idle'); end function tf = isLive(obj) tf = ismember(obj.acqState,{'focus' 'grab' 'loop'}); end function continueTF = zprvIterateLoop(obj,liveNow) %Advances repeat counter & ends or advances to next repeat %liveNow: Logical indicating if this call is occuring /during/ an ongoing acquisition % %If liveNow=true, then next acquisition is not automatically re-started by this function -- this is left to caller if nargin < 2 liveNow = false; end continueTF = true; obj.loopRepeatsDone = obj.loopRepeatsDone + 1; if obj.loopRepeatsDone >= obj.loopNumRepeats || ... %finished with repeats (isinf(obj.loopRepeatPeriod) && ~obj.triggerExtStartTrigUsed) %can never get to the next repeat if liveNow obj.zprvEndAcquisition('idle'); end obj.zprvEndAcquisitionMode(); obj.acqState = 'idle'; continueTF = false; else %Start next loop repeat obj.zprvResetAcqCounters(false); %Reset all but the loopRepeat counter %obj.zprvArmTrigCallback(); %Ensure start trigger (not next trigger) is armed if ~liveNow %Defer live iteration behavior to elsewhere (i.e. next triggering) if ~obj.triggerExtStartTrigUsed znstWaitRepeatPeriod(); end if ~obj.isIdle() %check that acquisition wasn't aborted obj.zprvStartAcquisition(obj.acqState); %state can be either 'loop_wait' or 'loop' end end end function znstWaitRepeatPeriod() obj.zprvUpdateSecondsCounter(); if obj.secondsCounter < 0 fprintf(2,'Delay too short!\n'); drawnow; %This seems required to make sure event queue is flushed and next triggerCallback is honored. TODO: Review this! elseif obj.secondsCounter < 1 %do nothing else while true if obj.secondsCounter < 2 pause(obj.secondsCounter - 1); obj.zprvUpdateSecondsCounter(); break; else pause(1); obj.zprvUpdateSecondsCounter(); end %Test to see if abort occurred if obj.isIdle() break; end end end end end function zprvStopAcquisition(obj,abortTF,pauseMode) %Universal activities at end or abort of acquisition - FOCUS or GRAB acquisition, LOOP repeat, or slice of either %Shutter is closed, beams are Off, LSM scanner stopped % abortTF: If true, specifies this is an abort operation % pauseMode: If true, file logging is not suspended, so that acquisition can be resumed by subsequent resumeAcquisition() call %TODO: In case where there's Pockels, but no shutter -- might consider blanking beam before stopping LSM, to limit exposure if nargin < 2 abortTF = false; end if nargin < 3 pauseMode = false; end if pauseMode obj.hLSM.pause(); else obj.shuttersTransition(false); lostAcquiredFrames = obj.hLSM.finish(abortTF); %Suppress dropped frame warnings if aborting if lostAcquiredFrames && ~abortTF && ismember(obj.acqState,{'grab' 'loop'}) fprintf(2,'WARNING: Dropped acquired frames! Failed to retrieve %d acquired frames from data queue (lost for display and processing).\n', lostAcquiredFrames); end end %Flush any remaining frameAcquird callbacks %drawnow(); %Stop all 'acquisition' NI DAQmx Tasks if ~isempty(obj.hAcqTasks) %Get number of frames started during acquisition if ~abortTF %During abort operations, the hFramePeriodCtr may already have been stopped (if abort occurred between stack slices or Loop Repeats) obj.scanFramesStarted = obj.hFramePeriodCtr.get('readTotalSampPerChanAcquired') + 1; end if abortTF obj.hAcqTasks.abort(); else obj.hAcqTasks.stop(); end obj.hAcqTasks = []; end %TODO: Consider when, if ever, to attempt to stop motor here %Put various hardware in 'standby' mode obj.beamsStandby(); end function zprvEndAcquisition(obj,newState) %End a GRAB acquisition or LOOP repeat % newState: New acqState to transition to after stopping acquisition obj.zprvStopAcquisition(); %Return to original z-position and power, if needed obj.zprvGoHome(); %Advance file-counter obj.zprvSetInternal('loggingFileCounter', obj.loggingFileCounter + 1); %Verify that number of frames acquired matches the number scanned %if ~ismember(obj.acqFramesDoneTotal + obj.hLSM.droppedFramesTotal, obj.scanFramesStarted + [-1 0]) && ~isinf(obj.hLSM.multiFrameCount) && (obj.stackNumSlices == 1 || obj.fastZEnable) if (obj.acqFramesDoneTotal ~= obj.scanFramesStarted) && ~isinf(obj.hLSM.multiFrameCount) && (obj.stackNumSlices == 1 || obj.fastZEnable) %fprintf(2,'WARNING: Number of scanned frames (%d) suspiciously differs from the measured number of frame triggers (%d)\n',obj.acqFramesDoneTotal + obj.hLSM.droppedFramesTotal,obj.scanFramesStarted); fprintf(2,'WARNING: Frame tag of last-acquired frame (%d) suspiciously differs from the measured number of frame triggers (%d)\n',obj.acqFramesDoneTotal + obj.hLSM.droppedFramesLast,obj.scanFramesStarted); end if nargin >= 2 obj.acqState = newState; end obj.notify('acquisitionDone'); end function zprvEndAcquisitionMode(obj) %Handle the end of FOCUS/GRAB/LOOP aquisition mode % obj.hLSM.loggingEnable = false; %Should disable logging thread obj.hTimestampCounters.stop(); obj.hTriggerCallbackCtr.stop(); %Stop external trigger timer, if needed obj.zprvClearExtTrigTimer(); if obj.cfgOneShotLoaded obj.cfgUnloadConfigOneShot(); end %Verify next-trigger frame breaks, if applicable if numel(obj.loggingFrameBreaks) > 1 && obj.verifyOptions.nextTrigCheckFrameBreaks scanimage.tests.verifyNextTriggerFrameBreaks(obj); end obj.notify('motorPositionUpdate'); %Signal potential motor position update end function zprvStartAcquisition(obj,acqMode) %Starts either a GRAB acquisition or LOOP repeat % % SYNTAX % zprvStartAcquisition(obj,acqMode) % acqMode: Indicates whether a new 'grab' or 'loop' acquisition is being started, or that a new loop Repeat is being started in case 'loop_wait' % % NOTES % Only called for first slice of a multi-slice GRAB acquisition or LOOP repeat % zprvStartAcquisitionSlice() is called for each slice in a multi-slice acquisition notify(obj,'acquisitionStart'); %Set LSM 'trigger mode' && number of frames if obj.acqNumFramesPerTrigger == 1 if obj.triggerExtStartTrigUsed && obj.triggerExtStartTrigPreScan obj.hLSM.triggerMode = 'HW_SINGLE_FRAME'; else obj.hLSM.triggerMode = 'SW_SINGLE_FRAME'; end else if obj.triggerExtStartTrigUsed && obj.triggerExtStartTrigPreScan obj.hLSM.triggerMode = 'HW_MULTI_FRAME_TRIGGER_FIRST'; else obj.hLSM.triggerMode = 'SW_MULTI_FRAME'; end end if obj.triggerNextTrigUsed obj.hLSM.multiFrameCount = inf; else obj.hLSM.multiFrameCount = obj.acqNumFramesPerTrigger; end %Configure multi-slice acquisition, as needed obj.zprvResetHome(); %Reset motor/fastZ/beam positions/powers if obj.stackNumSlices > 1 if obj.fastZEnable %A volume imaging acquisition obj.zprvFastZUpdateAOData(); %Prepare beam output buffer, if needed if (obj.beamFlybackBlanking || obj.beamPzAdjust) obj.zprvBeamsWriteFastZData(); %Overwrites standard beam data written with zprvBeamsWriteFlybackDAta() if obj.fastZAllowLiveBeamAdjust && obj.beamNumBeams > 0 obj.hBeams.set('writeRelativeTo','DAQmx_Val_FirstSample'); end end if obj.stackReturnHome obj.fastZHomePosition = obj.hFastZ.positionAbsolute(end); %Store original position end else % Taking a motor-driven image stack %Before first slice in stack assert(obj.motorHasMotor); % Deal with return-home if obj.stackReturnHome obj.acqMotorPositionStackStart = obj.motorPosition; obj.acqBeamPowersStackStart = obj.beamPowers; end % Deal with starting zpos preStartZIncrement = []; %#ok % This is the size of the motor move we will execute pre-stack. This is set in the next block. if ~isnan(obj.stackZStartPos) if obj.stackStartCentered warnst = warning('off','backtrace'); warning('SI4:ignoringStackStartCentered',... 'Starting z-position for stack has been set. Stack will not be centered around the current zposition.'); warning(warnst); end % Throw a warning if the current position does % not match stackLastStartEndPositionSet or the % calculated stack final position. When this % condition holds, it is probable that the user % has moved the motor position after setting up % (and possibly running) a stack. In this % situation the stackZStart/EndPos info may % potentially be stale. currStackZPosn = obj.stackCurrentMotorZPos; stackFinalZPos = obj.stackZStartPos + (obj.stackNumSlices-1)*obj.stackZStepSize; % in this codepath, the stack starting pos is obj.stackZStartPos if ~isequal(currStackZPosn,obj.stackLastStartEndPositionSet) && ... ~isequal(currStackZPosn,stackFinalZPos) % this condition is for when stackZStartPos is set last, and stackReturnHome is false. warnst = warning('off','backtrace'); warning('SI4:stackWithPotentiallyStaleStartEndPos',... 'Motor has moved since last stack start/end position was set.'); warning(warnst); end preStartZIncrement = obj.stackZStartPos-currStackZPosn; posn = obj.stackZMotor.positionRelative; posn(3) = obj.stackZStartPos; obj.stackZMotor.moveCompleteRelative(posn); elseif obj.stackStartCentered totalStackdz = (obj.stackNumSlices-1)*obj.stackZStepSize; preStartZIncrement = -totalStackdz/2; posn = obj.stackZMotor.positionRelative; posn(3) = posn(3) + preStartZIncrement; obj.stackZMotor.moveCompleteRelative(posn); else % none; start stack at current zpos preStartZIncrement = 0.0; end obj.notify('motorPositionUpdate'); %Signal potential motor position update % deal with starting power if obj.stackUseStartPower && ~isnan(obj.stackStartPower) % use stack starting power; ignore any % correction due to preStartZIncrement and Lz obj.zprvSetInternal('beamPowers',obj.stackStartPower); else % correct starting power using acquisition Lz (could be overridden, etc) obj.zprvBeamsDepthPowerCorrection(preStartZIncrement,obj.acqBeamLengthConstants); end % throw a warning if the final power will exceed 100% beamPwrs = obj.beamPowers; % beam powers have been initialized to stack-start values totalStackDz = (obj.stackNumSlices-1)*obj.stackZStepSize; finalPwrs = beamPwrs.*exp(totalStackDz./obj.acqBeamLengthConstants); %This line forces acqBeamLengthConstants to be computed, if not done so already if any(finalPwrs(:)>100) warnst = warning('off','backtrace'); warning('SI4:beamPowerWillSaturate',... 'Beam power correction will cause one or more beams to exceed 100%% power at or before stack end. Beam power will saturate at 100%%.'); warning(warnst); end end end %Handle those start operations that must occur for each slice of a multi-slice acquisition obj.zprvStartAcquisitionSlice(acqMode); end function zprvStartAcquisitionSlice(obj,acqMode) %Start or Resume next slice (including first or only slice) of an individual GRAB acquisition or LOOP repeat % % NOTES % Method handles start operations that must occur before each slice, in event of motor-based stack acqusition resume = nargin < 2; %Reset frame counter & frame averaging buffer obj.acqFramesDone = 0; obj.acqFramesDoneTotal = 0; obj.zprvResetBuffers(); % If appropriate, turn off DirectMode % VVV: Should setting of beamDirectMode in middle of an acquisition mode be allowed?? If not, this wouldn't be needed, at least not here. if obj.beamDirectMode obj.zprvSetInternal('beamDirectMode', false); % This resets beam task if needed end %Handle logging file-chunking, as needed if obj.loggingFileNumChunks obj.loggingFileSubCounter = 1; else obj.loggingFileSubCounter = []; end if resume %Start acquisition up again, in prevailing acqState znstStartAcq(obj.acqState); %Force use of self trigger for resume operation obj.hSelfTrig.writeDigitalData([0;1;0],0.2); else switch acqMode case {'grab' 'loop'} %Either starting a GRAB acq, the first LOOP Repeat, or the next slice within a LOOP repeat znstStartAcq(acqMode); case 'loop_wait' %Waiting to start next Repeat of LOOP if obj.loopRepeatsDone > 0 %vvv: Shouldn't this always be true in 'loop_wait' case?? obj.zprvUpdateSecondsCounter(); if ~obj.triggerExtStartTrigUsed pause(obj.secondsCounter - 0.2); %allow fixed time for the startAcq() operation end %obj.secondsCounter = 0; %Ensure that 0 is displayed at end of countdown end znstStartAcq('loop'); %will transition to 'loop' state otherwise assert(false); end end return; function znstStartAcq(acqMode) %Shared logic for actual start of GRAB acquisition and LOOP repeats, or single slice thereof extStartTriggered = obj.triggerExtStartTrigUsed; if ~resume obj.shuttersTransition(true,~extStartTriggered); end %Start acquisition DAQmx Tasks obj.zprvDaqmxStart(obj.hTriggerCallbackCtr); %For acquisitions with multiple starts of %triggerCallbackCtr, e.g. stack and LOOP acquisitions, a %pause() or drawnow() is required either before or after %subsequent starts to ensure that trigger callback is executed. %However, we can skip it because both stack and LOOP %acquisitions use pause or drawnow in logic between %slices/iterations, respectively. %drawnow(); obj.zprvDaqmxStart([obj.hBeams obj.hFramePeriodCtr]); if obj.fastZEnable && obj.fastZUseAOControl obj.zprvDaqmxStart(obj.hFastZAO); end %Arm/start scanner, as needed % if resume % obj.hLSM.resume(); %Starts scanning again % else if resume obj.hLSM.rearm(); %TODO: Possibly do not need arm() again, if previous acq was in single-frame mode else obj.hLSM.arm(); %TODO: Possibly do not need arm() again, if previous acq was in single-frame mode obj.acqState = acqMode; %Start scanner now if externally triggered (and pre-scanning enabled) if extStartTriggered && obj.triggerExtStartTrigPreScan obj.hLSM.start(obj.loggingEnable); end %Send 'self' trigger, as needed if extStartTriggered if ~isinf(obj.triggerExtStartTrigTimeout) obj.triggerExtTrigTimer = timer('TimerFcn',@znstExtTrigTimerFcn,'StartDelay',obj.triggerExtStartTrigTimeout,'Name','External Trigger Timeout Timer'); start(obj.triggerExtTrigTimer); end else obj.hSelfTrig.writeDigitalData([0;1;0],0.2); end end %TODO: Implement count-up timer when waiting for external trigger... % obj.hLSM.start(); % % %TODO: make acquisitionStartedFcn() used as a callback % obj.acquisitionStartedFcn(); end function znstExtTrigTimerFcn(src,~) if obj.hLSM.running %acquisition has been armed or started obj.abort(); else delete(src); end end end function continueTF = zprvStartAcquisitionMode(obj) %Shared boilerplate functionality for start of GRAB/LOOP acquisition modes continueTF = true; %Ensure scanFramePeriod is measured if isnan(obj.scanFramePeriod) resp = questdlg('Scan Frame Period/Rate has not been measured for current scan parameters, which is required prior to acquisition. Do this now?','Scan Frame Period not measured', 'OK','Cancel','OK'); switch resp case 'OK' obj.scanFramePeriodMeasure(); case 'Cancel' %Do nothing end continueTF = false; return; end %Ensure logging file is configured, if logging enabled obj.loggingFileSubCounter = []; if obj.loggingEnable && ~obj.zprvValidateLoggingFile(); continueTF = false; return; end %Other common functionality obj.zprvResetAcqCounters(); %Resets /all/ counters obj.zprvResetTriggerTimes(); obj.zprvArmTrigCallback(); %Ensure start trigger is armed %obj.armTriggers(); %Read PMT offsets, if needed if obj.channelsAutoReadOffsets && any(obj.channelsSubtractOffset(:)) && ~isempty(union(obj.channelsDisplay,obj.channelsSave)) obj.channelsReadOffsets(); end %Updates display limits & aspect ratio. Calls drawnow() to %flush event queue (forces channel offset table update) obj.zprvUpdateChannelDisplayRatioAndLims(); %Cache header data and start logging at Thor LSM MEX level obj.headerStringCache = obj.modelGetHeader('exclude',obj.triggerHeaderProps); if obj.loggingEnable obj.hLSM.loggingHeaderString = obj.headerString; %Fills in dummy/initial strings for the triggerHeaderProps, as placeholder to maintain fixed header length end % obj.hLSM.loggingEnable = obj.loggingEnable; %This starts logging thread %NOTE: It might not be necessary to fill in dummy header string...since it appears that LSM Mex file will close and re-open the file...and we never change header of a file in the middle at moment (we start new files every time there's new header information) %Start DAQmx CI Tasks used for timestamping obj.hTimestampCounters.start(); %Prepare FastZ acquisition obj.fastZNextTrigSignal = 0; end end %% HIDDEN METHODS (Motor) methods (Hidden) function motorZeroSoft(obj,coordFlags) % Do a soft zero along the specified coordinates, and update % stackZStart/EndPos appropriately. % % SYNTAX % coordFlags: a 3- or 4-element logical vec. The number of % elements should match motorPositionLength. % % NOTE: it is a bit dangerous to expose the motor publicly, since % zeroing it directly will bypass updating stackZStart/EndPos. if ~obj.motorHasMotor obj.zprvMotorThrowNoMotorErrIfMdlInitialized(); end coordFlags = logical(coordFlags); assert(numel(coordFlags)==obj.motorPositionLength,... 'Number of elements in coordFlags must match motorPositionLength.'); if strcmp(obj.motorDimensionConfiguration,'xyz-z') && obj.motorSecondMotorZEnable tfRescaleStackZStartEndPos = coordFlags(4); else tfRescaleStackZStartEndPos = coordFlags(3); end if tfRescaleStackZStartEndPos origZCoord = obj.stackZMotor.positionRelative(3); end switch obj.motorDimensionConfiguration case {'xyz' 'xy' 'z'} obj.hMotor.zeroSoft(coordFlags); case 'xy-z' obj.hMotor.zeroSoft([coordFlags(1:2) false]); obj.hMotorZ.zeroSoft([false false coordFlags(3)]); case 'xyz-z' obj.hMotor.zeroSoft(coordFlags(1:3)); if numel(coordFlags)==4 obj.hMotorZ.zeroSoft([false false coordFlags(4)]); end end if tfRescaleStackZStartEndPos obj.stackZStartPos = obj.stackZStartPos-origZCoord; obj.stackZEndPos = obj.stackZEndPos-origZCoord; end end function zprvMotorPropSet(obj,prop,val) if ~isempty(obj.hMotor) obj.hMotor.(prop) = val; else obj.zprvMotorThrowNoMotorWarningIfMdlInitialized(); end end function zprvMotorZPropSet(obj,prop,val) if ~isempty(obj.hMotorZ) obj.hMotorZ.(prop) = val; else obj.zprvMotorThrowNoMotorZWarning(); end end function zprvMotorThrowNoMotorErrIfMdlInitialized(obj) if obj.mdlInitialized error('SI4:noMotor','Motor operation attempted, but no motor is configured.'); end end function zprvMotorThrowNoMotorWarningIfMdlInitialized(obj) if obj.mdlInitialized warnst = warning('off','backtrace'); warning('SI4:noMotor','Motor operation attempted, but no motor is configured.'); warning(warnst); end end function zprvMotorThrowNoMotorZWarning(obj) %#ok warnst = warning('off','backtrace'); warning('SI4:noMotorZ','There is no secondary motor.'); warning(warnst); end function zprvMotorErrorCbk(obj,src,evt) %#ok if obj.isLive() fprintf(2,'Motor error occurred. Aborting acquisition.\n'); obj.abort(); end end end %% HIDDEN METHODS (Misc) methods (Hidden) function zprvClearExtTrigTimer(obj) if ~isempty(obj.triggerExtTrigTimer) && isvalid(obj.triggerExtTrigTimer) stop(obj.triggerExtTrigTimer) delete(obj.triggerExtTrigTimer) end end function zprvUserFunctionsConfigureListeners(obj,listenerProp,newUserFcnInfo) % Configure listeners for user functions. % listenerProp: property containing listeners % newUserFcnInfo: user function info structs % % The backend of user functions is implemented using arrays of % listener objects that correspond precisely (ie in a 1-1 % manner) with the userFunction struct arrays. Whenever a % userFunction struct array is updated, the corresponding array % of listeners is updated accordingly. Nnew = numel(newUserFcnInfo); listnrs = obj.(listenerProp); if numel(listnrs) > Nnew % Delete all extra listeners for c = Nnew+1:numel(listnrs) delete(listnrs{c}); end listnrs = listnrs(1:Nnew); elseif numel(listnrs) < Nnew % Pad listener vector with empty array [] listnrs{Nnew,1} = []; end assert(numel(listnrs)==Nnew); % Setup listeners for c = 1:Nnew if isempty(listnrs{c}) listnrs{c} = obj.addlistener(newUserFcnInfo(c).EventName,... @(src,evt)obj.zprvUserFunctionsGenericCallback(newUserFcnInfo(c),src,evt)); else listnrs{c}.EventName = newUserFcnInfo(c).EventName; listnrs{c}.Callback = @(src,evt)obj.zprvUserFunctionsGenericCallback(newUserFcnInfo(c),src,evt); end listnrs{c}.Enabled = logical(newUserFcnInfo(c).Enable); end obj.(listenerProp) = listnrs; end function zprvUserFunctionsGenericCallback(obj,userFcnInfo,src,evt) %#ok feval(userFcnInfo.UserFcnName,src,evt,userFcnInfo.Arguments{:}); end function zprvResetHome(obj) %Reset home motor/fastZ/beam positions/powers obj.acqMotorPositionStackStart = []; obj.acqBeamPowersStackStart = []; obj.fastZHomePosition = []; %obj.acqBeamLengthConstants = []; % (Beam-idxed) Actual Lzs used during acq. These Lz vals are *always* used during acq; they will be inf for beams that do not have power correction. end function zprvGoHome(obj) %Go to home motor/fastZ/beam positions/powers, as applicable if ~isempty(obj.acqMotorPositionStackStart) obj.zprvSetInternal('motorPosition', obj.acqMotorPositionStackStart); end if ~isempty(obj.acqBeamPowersStackStart) obj.zprvSetInternal('beamPowers', obj.acqBeamPowersStackStart); end if ~isempty(obj.fastZHomePosition) obj.hFastZ.moveCompleteAbsolute([nan nan obj.fastZHomePosition]); end end function tf = zprvValidateLoggingFile(obj) import most.idioms.* %TODO: Find ALL files using existing filestem, so that all can be cleared (useful for file chunkking) fileName = obj.loggingFullFileName; tf = false; %Check that file save path is specified -- provide opportunity if not if isempty(obj.loggingFilePath) button = questdlg('A Save path has not been selected.','Do you wish to:','Select New Path','Use Current','Cancel','Select New Path'); if strcmp(button,'Select New Path') obj.setSavePath(); if isempty(obj.loggingFilePath) %User may cancel return; end elseif strcmp(button,'Use Current') obj.loggingFilePath = pwd(); elseif strcmp(button,'Cancel') return; end end %Check that filename stem is specified -- provide opportunity if not if isempty(obj.loggingFileStem) answer = inputdlg('Select base name','Choose Base Name for Acquisition',1,{''}); if ~isempty(answer) try obj.loggingFileStem = answer{1}; catch %#ok errordlg('Invalid filename stem specified. Cancelling.'); return; end else return; end end %Check that file doesn't already exist -- provide opportunity to fix if exist(fileName,'file') button = questdlg(sprintf('File Already Exists - ''%s''. Do you wish to:', fileName), ... 'Overwrite warning!',... 'Update Filename','Overwrite', 'Cancel', 'Update Filename'); drawnow; %Mysteriously required to avoid subsequent motor error. Neither drawnow expose/update works -- need full drawnow. switch button case 'Overwrite' %Clear out old data in advance -- this is required if to save during acquisition recycleFile(fileName); tf = true; case 'Update Filename' answer = inputdlg({'Basename:' 'Acquisition Number:'}, 'Update Basename and/or Acq Number', 1, {obj.loggingFileStem num2str(obj.loggingFileCounter+1)}); drawnow; %Mysteriously required to avoid subsequent motor error. Neither drawnow expose/update works -- need full drawnow. try obj.loggingFileStem = answer{1}; obj.loggingFileCounter = round(str2double(answer{2})); catch %#ok errordlg('Invalid file stem or counter specified. Cancelling acquisition'); return; end if exist(obj.loggingFullFileName,'file') errordlg('Newly specified file stem/number also already exists! Cancelling acquisition.'); tf = false; return; end tf = true; case 'Cancel' %do nothing end else tf = true; end end function zprvUpdateSecondsCounter(obj) switch obj.acqState case 'focus' obj.secondsCounter = etime(clock, obj.triggerClockTimeFirstVec); otherwise if isinf(obj.triggerTime) if ~isempty(obj.secondsCounter) obj.secondsCounter = []; if obj.triggerNextTrigUsed && ~obj.triggerNextTrigOnly if length(obj.triggerTimes) <= 1 terminal = obj.triggerStartTrigTerminal; else terminal = sprintf('PFI%d',obj.triggerNextTrigSrc); end else terminal = obj.triggerStartTrigTerminal; end fprintf(2,'WARNING(%s): Failed to record trigger time at start of current acquisition file. Check start/next trigger connection on terminal ''%s'' of the primaryDeviceID specified in Machine Data File\n',class(obj),terminal); end return; end switch obj.secondsCounterMode case 'up' %obj.secondsCounter = etime(clock, obj.triggerTimeLast); obj.secondsCounter = toc(obj.triggerTimeLast); case 'down' %obj.secondsCounter = obj.loopRepeatPeriod - etime(clock, obj.triggerTimeLast); obj.secondsCounter = obj.loopRepeatPeriod - toc(obj.triggerTimeLast); end end end function zprvUpdateStatusStringBasedOnAcqState(obj,acqState) switch acqState case 'idle' obj.statusString = 'Acquisition idle'; case 'focus' obj.statusString = 'Acquiring (focus) ...'; case 'grab' obj.statusString = 'Acquiring (grab) ...'; case 'loop' obj.statusString = 'Acquiring (loop) ...'; case 'loop_wait' end end function zprvResetTriggerTimes(obj) obj.triggerClockTimeFirstVec = datevec(1); obj.triggerTimes = -inf; obj.triggerFrameStartTimes = -inf; obj.triggerTimeLast = []; obj.loggingFrameCount = 0; obj.loggingFrameTimeLast = 0; obj.loggingFrameBreaks = []; end function zprvResetAcqCounters(obj,resetLoop) %resetLoop: If true, reset Loop and total acqFramesDone counters obj.acqFramesDone = 0; obj.stackSlicesDone = 0; obj.scanFramesStarted = 0; obj.fastZVolumesDone = 0; obj.triggerFrameNumber = 1; obj.loggingFileSubCounter = []; if nargin < 2 || resetLoop % obj.acqFramesDoneOffset = 0; % obj.acqFramesDoneTotal = 0; obj.acqFramesDoneTotal = 0; obj.loopRepeatsDone = 0; end end function zprvResetBuffersIfFocusing(obj) %Handle case where buffer reset should occur only during an ongoing Focus if strcmpi(obj.acqState,'focus') obj.acqFramesDone = 0; %obj.acqFramesDoneTotal = 0; obj.zprvResetBuffers(); else return; end end function zprvResetBuffers(obj) obj.acqFrameBuffer = cell(obj.acqFrameBufferLength,1); if obj.displayRollingAverageFactor > 1 obj.displayRollingBuffer = zeros(obj.scanLinesPerFrame,obj.scanPixelsPerLine,length(obj.channelsDisplay),'double'); obj.displayRollingBuffer = repmat({obj.displayRollingBuffer},numel(obj.displayFrameBatchSelection),1); else obj.displayRollingBuffer = []; end end function zprvAssertIdle(obj,propName) assertion = obj.internalSetFlag || strcmpi(obj.acqState,'idle'); try if nargin == 2 assert(assertion,'The property ''%s'' can only be set when in idle state',propName); else assert(assertion,'The specified property can only be set when in idle state'); end catch ME ME.throwAsCaller(); end end function zprvAssertFocusOrIdle(obj,propName) assertion = obj.internalSetFlag || ismember(obj.acqState,{'idle' 'focus'}); try if nargin == 2 assert(assertion,'The property ''%s'' can only be set when focusing or idle',propName); else assert(assertion,'The specified property can only be set when focusing or idle'); end catch ME ME.throwAsCaller(); end end function zprvAssertNoAcq(obj,propName) assertion = obj.internalSetFlag || ismember(obj.acqState,{'idle' 'loop_wait'}); try if nargin == 2 assert(assertion,'The property ''%s'' can only be set when in idle state',propName); else assert(assertion,'The specified property can only be set when in idle state'); end catch ME ME.throwAsCaller(); end end function zprvSetInternal(obj,propName,val) isf = obj.internalSetFlag; obj.internalSetFlag = true; ME = []; try obj.(propName) = val; catch MEtemp ME = MEtemp; end obj.internalSetFlag = isf; if ~isempty(ME) ME.rethrow(); end end function hTask = zprvDaqmxTask(obj,taskName) import* hTask = Task(taskName); if isempty(obj.hAllTasks) obj.hAllTasks = hTask; else obj.hAllTasks(end+1) = hTask; end end function zprvDaqmxStart(obj,hTasks) %Starts one or more DAQmx Tasks and adds it to the 'acquisition' list for i=1:length(hTasks) hTask = hTasks(i); if isempty(obj.hAcqTasks) obj.hAcqTasks = hTask; else if ~ismember(hTask,obj.hAcqTasks) obj.hAcqTasks(end+1) = hTask; end end end hTasks.start(); end % function zprvDaqmxRefresh(obj) % %Refresh all DAQmx output Tasks with data to use on next start % % obj.zprvBeamsWriteBuffer(); %hBeams Task % % end function zprvArmTrigCallback(obj,armNext) if nargin < 2 armNext = false; end if ~armNext && obj.triggerExtStartTrigUsed obj.hTriggerCallbackCtr.set('sampClkSrc',sprintf('PFI%d',obj.triggerStartTrigSrc),'sampClkActiveEdge',zlclEncodeTriggerEdge(obj.triggerStartTrigEdge)); obj.triggerLastArmed = 'start'; elseif armNext && obj.triggerNextTrigUsed obj.hTriggerCallbackCtr.set('sampClkSrc',sprintf('PFI%d',obj.triggerNextTrigSrc),'sampClkActiveEdge',zlclEncodeTriggerEdge(obj.triggerNextTrigEdge)); obj.triggerLastArmed = 'next'; else obj.hTriggerCallbackCtr.set('sampClkSrc',sprintf('PFI%d',obj.mdfData.trigSelfTrigDestinationTerminal),'sampClkActiveEdge','DAQmx_Val_Rising'); obj.triggerLastArmed = 'self'; end end end end %% LOCAL FUNCTIONS %VI: Should relocate (a much more polished version) to a Dabs utility -- or perhaps create a Dabs container %Looks up the value in N'th column after finding row whose first N-1 columns match tupleMapKey function [val,idx] = zlclTupleMapLookup(tupleMap,tupleMapKey) val = []; idx = []; for i=1:size(tupleMap,1) if isequal(tupleMap(i,1:end-1),tupleMapKey) idx = i; val = tupleMap{i,end}; break; end end end % function m = zlclAverageFrames(c) % cumsum = double(0); % for i=1:length(c) % cumsum = cumsum + double(c{i}); % end % m = cumsum/length(c); % end % VI: Sometimes a quite-clean calibration will fail this test -- we % should probably prevent warning in this case. Perhaps warning is never % needed anymore? % AL: Clean runs should not fail this test anymore. Is nonmonotonicity a % failure condition? function x = zlclMonotonicize(x) assert(isnumeric(x)&&isvector(x)); d = diff(x); if any(d<=0) warning('SI4:zlclMonotonicize','Vector not monotonically increasing.'); end end function zlclAddQuantityAnnotations(ax,xPos,yPos,lbls,qtys,varargin) axes(ax); %#ok for c = 1:numel(lbls) h = text(xPos,yPos,sprintf('%s: ',lbls{c}),'HorizontalAlignment','right',varargin{:}); qty = qtys{c}; if isnumeric(qty) formatStr = '%.2f'; else formatStr = '%s'; end text(xPos,yPos,sprintf(formatStr,qty),'HorizontalAlignment','left',varargin{:}); ext = get(h,'Extent'); dyPos = ext(end); yPos = yPos - dyPos; end end function evs = zlclInitUserFunctionsEvents() mc = ?scanimage.SI4; allEvents = mc.Events; tf = cellfun(@(x)isequal(x.DefiningClass,mc)&&strcmp(x.NotifyAccess,'protected'),allEvents); evs = allEvents(tf); evs = cellfun(@(x)x.Name,evs,'UniformOutput',false); end function evs = zlclInitUserFunctionsUsrOnlyEvents() mc = ?scanimage.SI4; allEvents = mc.Events; tf = cellfun(@(x)isequal(x.DefiningClass,mc)&&strcmp(x.NotifyAccess,'private'),allEvents); evs = allEvents(tf); evs = cellfun(@(x)x.Name,evs,'UniformOutput',false); end function val = zlclEncodeTriggerEdge(edge) switch lower(edge) case 'rising' val = 'DAQmx_Val_Rising'; case 'falling' val = 'DAQmx_Val_Falling'; end end function fname = zlclConstructLoggingFullFileName(filePath,fileStem,fileCounter,fileSubCounter) if isempty(fileStem) fname = ''; else fname = fileStem; end if nargin >= 3 && ~isempty(fileCounter) fname = [fname '_' sprintf('%03d',fileCounter)]; end if nargin == 4 && ~isempty(fileSubCounter) fname = [fname '_' sprintf('%03d',fileSubCounter)]; end fname = fullfile(filePath,[fname '.tif']); end function x = zlclVerifyScalarIntegerOrInf(x) assert(isscalar(x)&&isnumeric(x)&&(most.idioms.isIntegerValued(x)||isinf(x)),... 'Expected scalar integer or inf.'); end function s = zlclInitPropAttributes() %At moment, only application props, not pass-through props, stored here -- we think this is a general rule %NOTE: These properties are /ordered/..there may even be cases where a property is added here for purpose of ordering, without having /any/ metadata. % Properties are initialized/loaded in specified order. % s.focusDuration = struct('Range',[1 inf]); s.beamFillFracAdjust = struct('Attributes','nonnegative'); s.beamPowers = struct('Attributes',{{'nonnegative' 'finite' 'vector'}},'AllowEmpty',1); s.beamPowerLimits = struct('Attributes',{{'nonnegative' 'finite' 'vector'}},'AllowEmpty',1); s.beamFlybackBlanking = struct('Classes','binaryflex'); s.beamDirectMode = struct('Classes','binaryflex','Attributes','scalar'); s.beamPowerUnits = struct('Options',{{'percent' 'milliwatts'}}); s.beamLengthConstants = struct('Attributes',{{'positive' 'vector'}},'AllowEmpty',1); s.beamPzAdjust = struct('Classes','binarylogical','Attributes','vector','AllowEmpty',1); s.fastCfgCfgFilenames = struct('Classes','char','List',scanimage.SI4.fastCfgNumConfigs,'AllowEmpty',1); s.fastCfgAutoStartTf = struct('Classes','binaryflex','Attributes',{{'size',[scanimage.SI4.fastCfgNumConfigs 1]}}); s.fastCfgAutoStartType = struct('Options',{{'focus';'grab';'loop'}},'List',scanimage.SI4.fastCfgNumConfigs,'AllowEmpty',true); % s.frameAveragingEnable = struct('Classes','binaryflex'); % s.frameAveragingNumFrames = struct('Attributes','integer','Range',[1 inf]); s.scanForceSquarePixelation = struct('Classes','binaryflex'); s.scanForceSquarePixel = struct('Classes','binaryflex'); s.scanForceSquarePixelation_ = struct('DependsOn',{{'scanForceSquarePixelation' 'scanAngleMultiplierSlow'}}); s.scanForceSquarePixel_ = struct('DependsOn',{{'scanForceSquarePixel' 'scanAngleMultiplierSlow'}}); s.scanFOVAngularRangeFast = struct('Classes','numeric'); s.scanFOVAngularRangeSlow = struct('Classes','numeric'); s.scanMode = struct('Classes','string'); s.scanPixelsPerLine = struct('Attributes',{{'positive' 'integer'}},'Options',2.^(4:11)'); s.scanLinesPerFrame = struct('Attributes',{{'positive' 'integer'}}); s.scanMinZoomFactor = struct('Range',[1 999]); s.scanZoomFactor = struct('Range',[1 999]); s.scanPhase = struct('Range',[0 255],'Attributes',{{'integer' 'scalar'}}); s.scanPhaseFine = struct('Range',[-127 128],'Attributes',{{'integer' 'scalar'}}); s.scanPhaseMap = struct('Classes','containers.Map'); s.scanPhaseFineMap = struct('Classes','containers.Map'); s.scanLinePeriod = struct('Attributes','positive'); s.scanFillFraction = struct('Range',[0 0.95],'Attributes','scalar'); s.scanFillFractionSpatial = struct('DependsOn','scanFillFraction'); s.scanPixelTimeStats = struct('DependsOn',{{'scanFillFraction','scanPixelsPerLine'}}); s.scanPixelTimeMean = struct('DependsOn','scanPixelTimeStats'); s.scanPixelTimeMaxMinRatio = struct('DependsOn','scanPixelTimeStats'); s.scanFramePeriod = struct('DependsOn',{['scanFramePeriodStore' scanimage.SI4.scanFramePeriodStoreKeyProps]}); %TODO: Support prop replacement %s.scanFrameRate = struct('DependsOn',{['scanFramePeriodStore' scanimage.SI4.scanFramePeriodStoreKeyProps]}); %TODO: Support prop replacement s.scanFrameRate = struct('DependsOn','scanFramePeriod'); s.scanAngleMultiplierSlow = struct('Attributes',{{'nonnegative' '<=' 1}}); %TODO: Support linescan (value=0) s.stackNumSlices = struct('Attributes',{{'positive' 'integer' 'finite'}}); s.stackZStepSize = struct('Attributes','scalar'); s.stackZStartPos = struct('Attributes','scalar'); s.stackZEndPos = struct('Attributes','scalar'); %s.stackStartPower (no attribs) %s.stackEndPower (no attribs) s.stackUseStartPower = struct('Classes','binaryflex','Attributes','scalar'); s.stackUserOverrideLz = struct('Classes','binaryflex','Attributes','scalar'); s.stackReturnHome = struct('Classes','binaryflex','Attributes','scalar'); s.stackStartCentered = struct('Classes','binaryflex','Attributes','scalar'); %s.channelsActive = struct('Classes','numeric','Attributes',{{'vector','integer'}},'AllowEmpty',1); s.channelsDisplay = struct('Classes','numeric','Attributes',{{'vector','integer'}},'AllowEmpty',1); s.channelsSave = struct('Classes','numeric','Attributes',{{'vector','integer'}},'AllowEmpty',1); s.channelsMergeColor = struct('Options',{{'green' 'red' 'blue' 'gray' 'none'}},'List','fullVector'); s.channelsMergeEnable = struct('Classes','binaryflex','Attributes','scalar'); s.channelsMergeFocusOnly = struct('Classes','binaryflex','Attributes','scalar'); s.channelsInputRange = struct('Options','channelsInputRangeValues','List','fullVector'); s.channelsLUT = struct('Attributes',{{'finite' 'nonscalar'}}); %TODO: Should specify Range in terms of channelsLUTRange property, with 'prop replacement' s.channelsSubtractOffset = struct('Classes','binaryflex','Attributes','vector','AllowEmpty',1); s.channelsAutoReadOffsets = struct('Classes','binaryflex','Attributes','scalar'); s.loggingEnable = struct('Classes','binaryflex','Attributes','scalar'); s.loggingFilePath = struct('Classes','string','AllowEmpty',1); s.loggingFileStem = struct('Classes','string','AllowEmpty',1); s.loggingFileCounter = struct('Attributes',{{'positive' 'integer'}},'AllowEmpty',1); s.loggingFileSubCounter = struct('Attributes','integer','AllowEmpty',1); s.loggingFramesPerFile = struct('Attributes',{{'positive' 'integer'}},'CustomValidateFcn',@zlclVerifyScalarIntegerOrInf); s.loggingFramesPerFileLock = struct('Classes','binaryflex','Attributes','scalar'); s.loopNumRepeats = struct('Attributes',{{'positive' 'integer'}},'CustomValidateFcn',@zlclVerifyScalarIntegerOrInf); s.loopRepeatPeriod = struct('Attributes','positive'); s.motorMoveTimeout = struct('Attributes','positive'); s.motorFastMotionThreshold = struct('Attributes',{{'finite' 'positive'}}); s.motorPosition = struct('Classes',{{'numeric'}},'Attributes',{{'vector'}}); s.motorUserDefinedPositions = struct('Classes',{{'numeric'}},'Attributes',{{'real' 'vector'}},'AllowEmpty',1,'List','vector'); s.motorSecondMotorZEnable = struct('Classes','binaryflex','Attributes','scalar'); s.shutterDelay = struct('Attributes',{{'nonnegative' 'scalar' 'finite'}}); s.statusString = struct('Classes','string','AllowEmpty',1); s.triggerStartTrigSrc = struct('Range',[0 16], 'Attributes', 'integer','AllowEmpty',1); s.triggerStartTrigEdge = struct('Options',{{'rising' 'falling'}}); s.triggerNextTrigSrc = struct('Range',[0 16], 'Attributes', 'integer','AllowEmpty',1); s.triggerNextTrigEdge = struct('Options',{{'rising' 'falling'}}); s.triggerNextTrigMode = struct('Options',{{'advance' 'arm'}}); s.triggerExtTrigEnable = struct('Classes','binaryflex','Attributes','scalar'); s.triggerExtStartTrigTimeout = struct('Attributes','positive'); s.triggerExtStartTrigPreScan = struct('Classes','binaryflex','Attributes','scalar'); s.triggerMaxLoopInterval = struct('Options',[42.95; 214.75; 42950]); s.triggerMaxLoopIntervalFrames = struct('Attributes',{{'finite' 'positive' 'scalar' 'even'}}); % These three props have a complex, custom validation. %s.userFunctionsCfg %s.userFunctionsUsr %s.userFunctionsOverride s.usrPropListCurrent = struct('Classes','string','List','vector'); s.acqDebug = struct('Classes','binaryflex','Attributes','scalar'); s.acqNumFrames = struct('Attributes',{{'positive' 'integer'}}); s.acqNumAveragedFrames = struct('Attributes',{{'positive' 'integer' 'finite'}}); s.acqFrameBufferLengthMin = struct('Attributes',{{'integer' 'nonnegative' 'finite'}}); s.displayShowCrosshair = struct('Classes','binaryflex','Attributes','scalar'); s.displayRollingAverageFactor = struct('Attributes',{{'positive' 'integer' 'finite'}}); s.displayRollingAverageFactorLock = struct('Classes','binaryflex','Attributes','scalar'); s.displayFrameBatchFactor = struct('Attributes',{{'positive' 'integer' 'finite'}}); s.displayFrameBatchSelection = struct('Attributes',{{'vector' 'positive' 'integer' 'finite'}}); s.displayFrameBatchSelectLast = struct('Classes','binaryflex','Attributes','scalar'); s.displayFrameBatchFactorLock = struct('Classes','binaryflex','Attributes','scalar'); s.pmtGain = struct('Attributes',{{'nonnegative' 'vector' 'finite' 'row'}},'Size','pmtNumPMTs'); s.pmtEnable = struct('Classes','binaryflex','Attributes',{{'vector' 'row'}},'Size','pmtNumPMTs'); s.fastZImageType = struct('Options',{{'XY-Z' 'XZ' 'XZ-Y'}}); s.fastZScanType = struct('Options', {{'step' 'sawtooth'}}); s.fastZSettlingTime = struct('Attributes','nonnegative'); s.fastZPeriod = struct('Attributes', 'nonnegative'); s.fastZNumVolumes = struct('Attributes',{{'positive' 'integer' 'finite'}}); s.fastZUseAOControl = struct('Classes','binaryflex','Attributes','scalar'); s.fastZFramePeriodAdjustment = struct('Range',[-5000 5000]); s.fastZNumDiscardFrames = struct('DependsOn',{{'fastZNumVolumes' 'acqNumFrames' 'stackNumSlices' 'fastZSettlingTime' 'scanFrameRate' 'fastZDiscardFlybackFrames'}}); s.fastZEnable = struct('Classes','binaryflex','Attributes','scalar'); s.fastZAllowLiveBeamAdjust = struct('Classes','binaryflex','Attributes','scalar'); s.maxFrameEventRate = struct('Attributes',{{'scalar' 'positive' 'finite'}}); s.frameAcqFcnDecimationFactor = struct('Attributes',{{'scalar' 'integer' '>=' 1 'finite'}},'AllowEmpty',1); end