function [header,Aout,cmap] = scim_openTif(varargin) %% function [header,Aout,cmap] = scim_openTif(varargin) % Opens a ScanImage TIF file, extracting its header information and, if specified, stores some/all of image contents as output array Aout if specified. % By default, Aout, if specified for output, is of size MxNxCxK,where C spans the channel indices, and K the slice/frame indices. % Function behavior can be controlled via flags, which are strings specified as arguments, in any order. % Some flags (e.g. 'flat', 'cell', 'rgb') modify the format of Aout. % Other flags (e.g. 'show' and 'write') cause display or file outputs % % NOTE: IF 1) no flag causing display or file output is supplied AND 2) second output argument (Aout) is not assigned to output variable % THEN image file is not actually read -- only header information is extracted % %% SYNTAX % scim_openTif() % scim_openTif(filename) % header = scim_openTif(...) % [header,Aout] = scim_openTif(...) % [header,Aout,cmap] = scim_openTif(...) % [...] = scim_openTif(...,flag1,flag2,flag2Arg,flag3,flag4,...) % filename: Name of TIF file, with or without '.tif' extension. If omitted, a dialog is launched to allow interactive selection. % flagN/flagNArg: Flags (string-valued) and/or flag/value pairs, in any order, specifying options to use in opening specified file % % header: Structure comprising information stored by ScanImage into TIF header % Aout: MxNxCxK array, with images of size MxN for each of C colors and K slices or frames. Default type is uint16. % cmap: Cell array containing 2-element arrays of [lowPixVal highPixVal] for each channel. With flag of type 'fourChan/Cell' or 'allChan/Cell', % there are entries for all possible channels. Otherwise, number of entries equals number of saved & selected channels. % % NOTE: IF 1) no flag causing display or file output is supplied AND 2) second output argument (Aout) is not assigned to output variable % THEN image file is not actually read -- only only header information is extracted % %% FLAGS (case-insensitive) % NO ARGUMENTS % 'show': Display the image(s) read by this function call. This option suppresses output to the workspace. % For multi-slice data, a maximum projection image is shown. For multi-frame data, a movie is shown. % 'showMIP': Same as 'show', but forces display of maximum projection image regardless of whether multi-frame or multi-slice data. % 'showMovie': Same as 'show', but forces display of movie regardless of whether multi-frame or multi-slice data. % 'flat': Forces output to be 3-dimensional array of size MxNx(#Frames*#Slices*#Channels), i.e. channels are interleaved rather than separated % 'cell': Outputs data as cell array of 3-dimensional arrays of size MxNx(#Frames*#Slices), i.e. each channel in a cell element. % 'RGB': Forces output to have MxNx3xK form so as to form Matlab RGB image data, even if less than 3 channels are present/selected. % Data is normalized to overall maximum value (across stacks/frames/channels), unless 'useLUT' is specified. % By default, channel 2/1/3 are assigned to R/G/B and channel 4 to gray. See 'colorOrder' flag description for more info. % 'useLUT': This flag applies with 'show' and/or 'RGB' options. It specifies that LUT values from file (if any) should be employed when scaling the image data (with 'RGB' flag) and when displaying image (with 'show' flag). % % (Infrequently used): % 'fourCell(s)' or 'allCell(s)': Same as 'cell' but cell array is forced to have 4 elements even if less than 4 channels are saved/selected. Unsaved/selected channels are stored as empty array. % 'fourChan(s)' or 'allChan(s)': Forces output to be of size MxNx4xK, even if less than 4 channels are used/selected. Unused/unselected channels will be filled with 0. Incompatible with 'flat' and 'rgb' modes. % % % WITH ARGUMENTS % 'channel' or 'channels': Argument specifies subset of channel(s) to extract. Ex: 1,[1 3], 2:4. % 'slice' or 'slices': Argument specifies subset of slices present to extract. Use 'inf' to specify all slices above highest specified value. Ex: 1:30, [50 inf], [1:9 11:19 21 inf] % 'frame' or 'frames': Argument specifies subset of frames present to extract. Use 'inf' to specify all frames above highest specified value. Ex: 1:30, [50 inf], [1:9 11:19 21 inf] % % 'write': Specifies that processed data (i.e. channel/slice/frame extraction, truecolor creation, etc, if any) should be written to file. This option suppresses output to the workspace. % Argument is a string. When empty or 'auto', the output filename is the input filename; '_RGB' is appended if RGB option is used; '_selChans','_selSlices', and/or '_selFrames' are also appended if chans/slices/frames are selected % Otherwise, argument specifies string to append to input filename to create the output filename. An intervening underscore ('_') is employed. % % 'writeMIP': Specifies that multi-slice/frame data should be written to a single-image maximum projection file. This option suppreses output to the workspace. % Argument is a string. When empty or 'auto', output filename is the input filename, with '_MIP' appended; '_RGB' is also appended if RGB option is used; '_selChans','_selSlices', and/or '_selFrames' are also appended if chans/slices/frames are selected % Otherwise, argument specifies user-defined string to append to input filename to create the output filename, following an underscore ('_') character. % % 'writeAVI': Specifies that multi-slice/frame data should be written to an AVI movie file. This option suppreses output to the workspace. % Argument is a string. When empty or 'auto', output filename is the input filename, with '.avi' extentsion; '_RGB' is appended if RGB option is used; '_selChans','_selSlices', and/or '_selFrames' are also appended if chans/slices/frames are selected % When 'short', additional information about channel/slice/frame extraction (if any) is suppressed. I.e., the output filename is identical to input filename, but for '.avi' extension. % Otherwise, argument specifies string to append to input filename to create the output filename. An intervening underscore ('_') is employed. % % 'aspect': Argument specifies size of image as written & shown (but not output). Specified as 2-D array([outputPixelsPerLine outputLinesPerFrame]) or scalar([outputSize]) % When argument is scalar, shown/written image has square aspect ratio. If value is 0,1, or inf, the larger of the image data's pixelsPerLine or linesPerFrame is used. Otherwise, value specifies both outputPixelsPerLine and outputLines. % When argument is empty or omitted, the shown/written image pixelsPerLine and linesPerFrame match that of the input image data-- i.e. the input data's aspect ratio is preserved. % When flag is omitted, data is shown with image size auto-adjusted to produce a square aspect ratio for cases where shown data is a single image (e.g. MIP). Otherwise, data is shown/written/output with input data size. % NOTE: Image Processing toolbox is presently required to adjust the output size for writing or showing data as a movie. However, it is not required for showing resized data as a single image (e.g. a MIP). % % 'colorOrder': Applies in 'RGB' mode only. Argument is 1x4 array specifying color assignment for each channel number. % Values 1,2,3 correspond to red, green, and blue. Value 4 is interpreted as gray, i.e. intensity is spread through R/G/B. % Default value is [2 1 3 4]. Entry for unused or unselected channels can be 'nan', but will be ignored in any event. % %% NOTES % This function replaces the genericOpenTif() function supplied with ScanImage 3.0 and earlier % Legacy function provided 3-dimensional array output consistent with using 'flat' flag % Legacy function provided option 'splitIntoCellArray' consistent with using 'cell' flag % % At this time, files can only have multiple frames OR slices, but not both % % Flags 'fourChan(s)' and 'fourCell(s)' pertain to current status where ScanImage supports exactly up to 4 channels % % TODO: Add cancel to waitbar (and make sure it actually appears) while writing, in case very long write was inadvertently requested % TODO: Make option to use more precise conversion to uint8 based on conversion to double type -- can use this when memory permits % TODO: Add option to turn off/on compression for movies -- Cinepak vs None is a significant time vs. filesize tradeoff. Alternatively -- use new VideoWriter object for newer Matlab versions. % %% CHANGES % VI111609A: Employ the storedLinesPerFrame value when determining the stored image dimensions -- Vijay Iyer 11/16/09 % VI020910A: Remove insistence on having 'expected' number of frames, as this cannot be anticipated in next trigger mode. Eventually, could add check back in for cases identified where number of frames can be anticipated. -- Vijay Iyer 2/9/10 % VI120910A: Allocate correct number of output arguments; dont' assign to base workspace anymore; eliminate 'header' flag, can auto-detect whether to read file based on flags and output arguments -- Vijay Iyer 12/9/10 % VI121010A: Fix off-by-one errors in default colormap used by convertToUnit8()/makeMovie(); also, explicitly prevent values greater than (cmapLength-1), which can arise due to roudning -- Vijay Iyer 12/10/10 % VI121010B: Use Compression='none' for all AVI creation at moment; the default Indeo encoding previously used cannot be read by Windows media player anymore in XPSP3 and beyond, as of Windows security update 954157 -- Vijay Iyer 12/10/10 % VI040511A: BUGFIX - Index was incorrectly computed, affecting cases where savedChannels skips some values -- Vijay Iyer 4/5/11 % VI071211A: Changes to allow either SI3 or SI4 files to be read by this function -- Vijay Iyer 7/12/11 % VI071311A: Use TIFF object to read file, rather than imread(), as it's much faster -- Vijay Iyer 7/13/11 % %% CREDITS % Created 4/16/09, by Vijay Iyer % %% **************************************************************** %% Constants/Inits maxNumChans = 4; reducedChans = false; reducedSlices = false; redicedFrames = false; error(nargoutchk(0,3,nargout,'struct')); %VI120910A resizeWarning = false; %% Parse input arguments flagNames = {'flat' 'show' 'showmovie' 'showmip' 'cell' 'rgb' 'uselut' 'channel' 'channels' 'slice' 'slices' 'frame' 'frames' 'colororder' 'fourcell' 'fourchan' 'fourcells' 'fourchans' 'allcell' 'allcells' 'allchan' 'allchans'}; %VI120910A argFlags = {'channel' 'channels' 'slice' 'slices' 'frame' 'frames' 'channelorder' 'type' 'write' 'writemip' 'writeavi' 'writempeg' 'aspect'}; forceOutputFlags = {'show' 'showmovie' 'showmip' 'write' 'writemip' 'writeavi' 'writempeg'}; flagIndices = find(cellfun(@(x)ischar(x) && (ismember(lower(x),flagNames) || ismember(lower(x),argFlags)),varargin)); flags = cellfun(@lower,varargin(flagIndices),'UniformOutput',false); if isempty(flags) flags = {}; end forceOutput = ~isempty(intersect(flags,forceOutputFlags)); %VI120910A %% Determine input file if isempty(find(flagIndices==1)) && nargin>=1 && ischar(varargin{1}) fileName = varargin{1}; else fileName = ''; end if isempty(fileName) [f, p] = uigetfile({'*.tif;*.tiff'},'Select Image File'); if f == 0 return; end fileName = fullfile(p,f); end [filePath,fileStem,fileExt] = fileparts(which(fileName)); %% Read TIFF file; extract # frames & image header if ~exist(fileName,'file') error('''%s'' is not a recognized flag or filename. Aborting.',fileName); end warning('off','MATLAB:tifflib:TIFFReadDirectory:libraryWarning'); hTif = Tiff(fileName); headerString = hTif.getTag('ImageDescription'); numImages = 1; while ~hTif.lastDirectory() numImages = numImages + 1; hTif.nextDirectory(); end hTif.setDirectory(1); if strncmp('state',headerString,5) fileVersion = 3; header = parseHeader(headerString); else fileVersion = 4; header = most.util.assignments2StructOrObj(headerString); end %Extracts header info required by scim_openTif() hdr = extractHeaderData(header,fileVersion); %Extract frame tag info, if available (SI4 only) frameTagStr = 'Frame Tag'; if strncmpi(headerString,frameTagStr,length(frameTagStr)) header.frameTags = extractFrameTags(hTif,numImages); end %VI120910A: Detect/handle header-only operation (don't read data) if nargout <=1 && ~forceOutput return; end %% Read image meta-data savedChans = hdr.savedChans; numChans = length(savedChans); numPixels = hdr.numPixels; numLines = hdr.numLines; numSlices = hdr.numSlices; numFrames = hdr.numFrames; if numSlices > 1 && numFrames > 1 error('Cannot interpret multiple frames and slices simultaneously at this time'); end %%%VI020910A: Removed (for now)%%%%%% % if numImages < numChans * numFrames * numSlices % fprintf(2,'WARNING(%s): Number of images in file is less than expected. Perhaps acquisition was aborted in middle.',mfilename()); % end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if numFrames > 1 numFrames = floor(numImages/numChans); elseif numSlices > 1 numSlices = floor(numImages/numChans); end if ~numFrames || ~numSlices error('Acquisition did not complete a single frame or slice. Aborting.'); end acqLUT = hdr.acqLUT; %% Process Flags %Determine slices & frames to extract if numSlices > 1 selection = selectImages({'slice' 'slices'},numSlices); selectionStr = 'Slice'; numTotal = numSlices; elseif numFrames > 1 selection = selectImages({'frame' 'frames'},numFrames); selectionStr = 'Frame'; numTotal = numFrames; else selection = 1; selectionStr = ''; numTotal = 1; end numSelections = length(selection); function selection = selectImages(selectionFlags, numItems) if any(ismember(selectionFlags,flags)) selection = getArg(selectionFlags); %Handle 'inf' specifier in slice array if find(isinf(selection)) selection(isinf(selection)) = []; if max(selection) < numItems selection = [selection (max(selection)+1):numItems]; end end if max(selection) > numItems error('Slice or frame values specified are not found in file'); end else selection = 1:numItems; end end %Determine channels to extract if any(ismember({'channel' 'channels'},flags)) selChans = getArg({'channel' 'channels'}); if ~isempty(setdiff(selChans,savedChans)) selChans(find(setdiff(selChans,savedChans))) = []; warning('Some specified channels to extract not detected in file and, hence, ignored'); if isempty(selChans) warning('No saved channels are specified to extract. Aborting.'); return; end end reducedChans = length(selChans) < length(savedChans); %Determine if # channels was reduced by else selChans = savedChans; end %Determine other flag-determined values forceFlat = ismember('flat',flags); forceRGB = ismember('rgb',flags); forceFour= any(ismember({'fourchan' 'fourchans' 'allchan' 'allchans'},flags)); forceCell = any(ismember({'cell' 'fourcell' 'fourcells' 'allcell' 'allcells'},flags)); useLUT = ismember('uselut',flags); %Handle any contradictions if length(find([forceFour forceFlat forceRGB forceCell])) > 1 error('Flag specifications are inconsistent. Aborting.'); end if length(find(ismember({'write' 'writeavi' 'writemip'},flags))) > 1 error('Multiple ''write'' flag types are not permitted. Aborting.'); end %Determine color order array, a 1x4 array specifying idx each channel # is targeted to (regardless of whether it was saved) if ismember('colororder',flags) if ~forceRGB warning('The flag ''colorOrder'' only applies if ''rgb'' flag is also specified. Ignored.'); else colorOrder = getArg('colorOrder'); %TODO: Validation end else colorOrder = [2 1 3 4]; end %Use LUT data, if present if isempty(acqLUT) if useLUT warning('File did not store LUT values during acquisition. ''useLUT'' flag ignored.'); end useLUT = false; end %% Preallocate image data switch hTif.getTag('SampleFormat') case 1 imageDataType = 'uint16'; case 2 imageDataType = 'int16'; otherwise assert('Unrecognized or unsupported SampleFormat tag found'); end if forceFlat Aout = zeros(numLines,numPixels,length(selChans)*numSelections,imageDataType); elseif forceFour Aout = zeros(numLines,numPixels,4,numSelections,imageDataType); elseif forceRGB Aout = zeros(numLines,numPixels,3,numSelections,imageDataType); elseif forceCell Aout = cell(1,maxNumChans); for i=1:length(savedChans) if ismember(savedChans(i),selChans) Aout{savedChans(i)} = zeros(numLines,numPixels,numSelections,imageDataType); end end else Aout = zeros(numLines,numPixels,length(selChans),numSelections,imageDataType); end %% Read image data h = []; warnState = warning('query','all'); try if length(selection) > 1 h = waitbar(0,'Opening Tif image...', 'Name', 'Open TIF Image', 'Pointer', 'watch'); end count = 0; %Initialize counter required for flat case for i=1:length(selection) if ishandle(h) waitbar(i/length(selection),h, ['Loading ' selectionStr ' Number ' num2str(selection(i))]); end for j = 1:length(savedChans) %idx = numChans * (selection(i) - 1) + savedChans(j); %VI040511A: Removed idx = numChans * (selection(i) - 1) + j; %VI040511A if forceFlat if ismember(savedChans(j), selChans) count = count + 1; hTif.setDirectory(idx); Aout(:,:,count) =; end elseif forceFour if ismember(savedChans(j),selChans) hTif.setDirectory(idx); Aout(:,:,savedChans(j),i) =; end elseif forceRGB if ismember(savedChans(j),selChans) colorIdx = colorOrder(savedChans(j)); if colorIdx < 4 hTif.setDirectory(idx); Aout(:,:,colorIdx,i) = Aout(:,:,colorIdx,i) + scaleImage(,savedChans(j)); else hTif.setDirectory(idx); grayImage = scaleImage(,savedChans(j)); for k = 1:3 Aout(:,:,k,i) = Aout(:,:,k, i) + grayImage; end end end elseif forceCell if ismember(savedChans(j),selChans) hTif.setDirectory(idx); Aout{savedChans(j)}(:,:,i) =; end else if ismember(savedChans(j), selChans) hTif.setDirectory(idx); Aout(:,:,j,i) =; end end end end if ishandle(h) waitbar(1,h, 'Done'); close(h); end warning(warnState); catch if ishandle(hTif) hTif.close(); end if ishandle(h) close(h); end warning(warnState); rethrow(lasterror); end %% Image read post-processing (pre-show) %Handle data normalization for RGB case if forceRGB %Normalize against global max (this way, brightness changes with depth/time are observable) if ~useLUT Aout = Aout * (intmax(imageDataType)/max(Aout(:))); %this allows renormalization, without ever converting to double %NOTE: At a glance, this could run into rounding issues with some data where value may exceed 1.0; may need fix akin to VI121010A -- Vijay Iyer 12/10/10 end end %% Determine data resizing parameters %Determine default aspect ratio for showing and outputting/writing data [showNumPixels, showNumLines] = deal(max(numPixels,numLines)); %show data square, by default [outNumPixels, outNumLines] = deal(numPixels, numLines); %Determine output size change, if any if ismember('aspect',flags) outSize = getArg('aspect'); if ~isnumeric(outSize) || ndims(outSize) > 2 || numel(outSize) > 2 fprintf(2,'The argument to flag ''aspect'' must be a scalar or 2-element numeric array. Flag ignored.'); elseif isempty(outSize) %do nothing - output size matches input size elseif isscalar(outSize) if any(outSize == [0 1 inf]) [outNumPixels outNumLines] = deal(max(numPixels,numLines)); else [outNumPixels outNumLines] = deal(outSize); end else [outNumPixels outNumLines] = deal(outSize(1),outSize(2)); end %Show data the same way it's output, when 'aspect' flag is used [showNumPixels showNumLines] = deal(outNumPixels, outNumLines); end %% Show image, if specified % It might have been better to force a common format (i.e. cell) to unify show methodology, and then convert to final output format if any(ismember({'show' 'showmovie' 'showmip'},flags)) %Determine manner to show the data if numSelections == 1 if ismember('showavi',flags) warning('Data only contains one frame/slice. Cannot show movie.'); target = ''; end target = 'image'; elseif ismember('showmip',flags) || (ismember('show',flags) && numSlices > 1) target = 'mip'; elseif ismember('showmovie',flags) || (ismember('show',flags) && numFrames > 1) target = 'movie'; end %Show the data switch target case {'image' 'mip'} if numSelections > 1 maxProjStr = ' Max Projection'; else maxProjStr = ''; end if forceRGB showImage(makeMIP(Aout),[fileStem fileExt maxProjStr],[]); else for i=1:length(selChans) titleString = [fileStem fileExt maxProjStr ' (Channel ' num2str(selChans(i)) ')']; showImage(makeMIP(extractChannelData(Aout, selChans(i))), titleString, selChans(i)); end end case 'movie' if forceRGB showMovie(Aout); else for i=1:length(selChans) showMovie(extractChannelData(convert2Uint8(Aout),selChans(i)),selChans(i)); end end end end %% Image read post-processing (post-show) %Cell array output case if forceCell if ~any(ismember({'fourcell' 'fourcell' 'allcell' 'allcells'},flags)) Aout(cellfun(@isempty,Aout)) = []; end end %% Write image data, if specified if any(ismember({'write' 'writeavi' 'writemip' 'writempeg'},flags)) %Determine filename clause to write, if applicable writeFlag = intersect({'write' 'writeavi' 'writemip' 'writempeg'},flags); if ~isempty(writeFlag) writeFileClause = getArg(writeFlag); if isempty(writeFileClause) writeFileClause = 'auto'; end end %Determine if there's been any processing/reduction [imageReductionStr, chanReductionStr, dataReductionStr] = deal(''); imagesReduced = any(ismember({'frame' 'frames' 'slice' 'slices'},flags)); %Ideally would further check that flag argument actually did something, but this is pretty good channelsReduced = any(ismember({'channel' 'channels'},flags)); dataProcessed = imagesReduced || channelsReduced || ismember('rgb',flags); if imagesReduced [dataReductionStr,imageReductionStr] = deal('_selection'); end if channelsReduced [dataReductionStr,channelReductionStr] = deal('_selection'); end %Determine type of file(s) to write if numSelections == 1 || ismember('write',flags) if any(ismember({'writeavi' 'writemip' 'writempeg'},flags)) %numSelections = 1 cannot coexist with writeavi/writemip warning('Data only contains one frame/slice. Cannot write MIP or AVI file.'); target = ''; elseif dataProcessed target = 'image'; else warning('No specification to process/alter data in any manner is made. Cannot write to file.'); target = ''; end elseif ismember('writemip',flags) %|| (ismember('write',flags) && numSlices > 1) target = 'mip'; elseif ismember('writeavi',flags) %|| (ismember('write',flags) && numFrames > 1) target = 'avi'; elseif ismember('writempeg',flags) target = 'mpg'; end %Write the file(s) switch target case '' % Do nothing case 'image' ext = '.tif'; if forceFlat imwrite(resizeImage(Aout),determineOutFileName('selection',ext),'Description',headerString); elseif forceRGB imwrite(resizeImage(Aout),determineOutFileName(['rgb' channelReductionStr],ext),'Description',headerString); else for i=1:length(selChans) outFileName = determineOutFileName(['chan' num2str(selChans(i)) imageReductionStr],ext); proceed = 'Yes'; if exist(outFileName,'file') proceed = questdlg('File already exists. Overwrite?','File Already Exists','Yes','No','No'); delete(outFileName); end if strcmpi(proceed,'Yes') streaming = exist('scim_tifStream','file'); %Use faster file-writing, if available if streaming tifStream = scim_tifStream(outFileName, size(Aout,2), size(Aout,1), headerString); for j=1:numSelections appendFrame(tifStream,resizeImage(extractChannelData(Aout, selChans(i), j))); end close(tifStream); else for j=1:numSelections imwrite(resizeImage(extractChannelData(Aout, selChans(i),j)), outFileName,'Description',headerString,'WriteMode','append','Compression','none'); %Compression doesn't appear to work with multi-frame TIFF end end else warning('Aborting file write operations'); break; end end end case 'mip' ext = '.tif'; if forceRGB imwrite(resizeImage(makeMIP(Aout)),determineOutFileName(['mip_rgb' dataReductionStr] ,ext),'Description',headerString); else h = waitbar(0,'Writing Output Image...', 'Name', 'Writing TIF Image', 'Pointer', 'watch'); try for i=1:length(selChans) imwrite(resizeImage(makeMIP(extractChannelData(Aout, selChans(i)))), determineOutFileName(['chan' num2str(selChans(i)) '_mip' imageReductionStr],ext),'Description',headerString,'Compression','none'); %could probably use compression here safely waitbar(i/length(selChans),h); end close(h); catch close(h); rethrow(lasterror); end end case 'avi' ext = '.avi'; %%%VI121010B%%% if ispc if forceRGB compression = 'none'; %RLE not available for truecolor; could use Cinepak, but it takes a very long time else compression = 'none'; %Could use RLE, but in some cases this has artifacts -- even though this should be lossless %Could use Cinepak, but this takes a long time %Indeo doesn't run on XPSP3 forward %MSVC looks quite lousy end else compression = 'none'; %No compression options available for Unix/Mac and for truecolor end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if forceRGB [M,fps] = makeMovie(Aout,true); movie2avi(M,determineOutFileName(['rgb' dataReductionStr], ext),'fps',fps,'Compression',compression); else for i=1:length(selChans) [M,fps] = makeMovie(extractChannelData(Aout,selChans(i)),true); movie2avi(M,determineOutFileName(['chan' num2str(selChans(i)) imageReductionStr], ext),'fps',fps,'Compression',compression); end end case 'mpg' ext = '.mpg'; % construct movie object from our data if forceRGB [M,fps] = makeMovie(Aout,true); movie2mpg(M,determineOutFileName(['rgb' dataReductionStr], ext),fps); else for i=1:length(selChans) [M,fps] = makeMovie(extractChannelData(Aout,selChans(i)),true); movie2mpg(M,determineOutFileName(['chan' num2str(selChans(i)) imageReductionStr], ext),fps); end end end end %% Process output arguments if nargout >= 3 cmap = acqLUT; if ~isempty(acqLUT) %Screens out case where LUT values not stored if ~forceFour && ~any(ismember({'fourcell' 'fourcells' 'allcell' 'allcells'},flags)); %Remove unsaved and unselected channels for i=1:maxNumChans if ~ismember(i,selChans) cmap(i) = []; end end end end end %% GENERAL HELPERS function arg = getArg(flag) [tf,loc] = ismember(flag,flags); %Use this approach, instead of intersect, to allow detection of flag duplication if length(find(tf)) > 1 error(['Flag ''' flag ''' appears more than once, which is not allowed']); else %Extract location of specified flag amongst flags loc(~loc) = []; end flagIndex = flagIndices(loc); if length(varargin) <= flagIndex arg = []; return; else arg = varargin{flagIndex+1}; if ischar(arg) && ismember(lower(arg),flags) %Handle case where argument was omitted, and next argument is a flag arg = []; end end end %Image scaling required for RGB case function currImage = scaleImage(currImage,chanIdx) if useLUT [minVal maxVal] = deal(acqLUT{chanIdx}(1),acqLUT{chanIdx}(2)); switch imageDataType case 'uint16' currImage = uint16(double(intmax('uint16')) * (double(currImage) - minVal)./(maxVal - minVal)); case 'int16' currImage = int16(double(intmax('int16')) * (double(currImage) - minVal)./(maxVal - minVal)); otherwise assert(false); end end end %Create movie frames and determine frameRate function [M,frameRate] = makeMovie(A,forAVI,forShow) cmapLength = double(intmax('uint8')) + 1; %VI121010B %VI121010A %%%VI121010B: Removed -- No longer ever using Indeo compression%%% % if nargin < 2 || ~forAVI || ~ispc % cmapLength = double(intmax('uint8')) + 1; %VI121010A % else % cmapLength = 236; %For Indeo compression, the default for Windows % end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if nargin < 3 forShow = false; end %Determine whether to resize to show dimensions forceShowDims = forShow && forceShowResize(); %Create the movie frames for selCount=1:numSelections if forceFlat || forceCell %MxNx1xK cases frameData = resizeImage(convert2Uint8(A(:,:,selCount),cmapLength),forceShowDims); else frameData = resizeImage(convert2Uint8(A(:,:,:,selCount),cmapLength),forceShowDims); end M(selCount) = im2frame(frameData,gray(cmapLength)); end %Determine rate at which to show movie defFrameRate = 12; %Matlab's default value movieTimeLimit = 10; if numSelections / defFrameRate > movieTimeLimit frameRate = numSelections / movieTimeLimit; else frameRate = defFrameRate; end end function movie2mpg(M,filename,fps) videoWriter = VideoWriter(filename,'Motion JPEG AVI'); if nargin > 2 && ~isempty(fps) videoWriter.FrameRate = fps; end; % DEQ20101230 - this would be easier: videoWriter.writeVideo(M), % but it can cause memory allocation issues (due to the inefficient % uint8 -> float -> uint8 conversions in VideoWriter.writeVideo()) for frame=M if length(size(frame.cdata)) == 2 % writing individual channels videoWriter.writeVideo(frame); elseif length(size(frame.cdata)) == 3 % writing merged RGB videoWriter.writeVideo(frame.cdata); end end videoWriter.close(); end function x = convert2Uint8(x,cmapLength) if isa(x,'uint8') return; end if nargin < 2 cmapLength = double(intmax('uint8')) + 1; %VI121010A end %Do conversion to uint8 /without/ converting to double first -- saves memory, but more rounding artifacts x = uint8(x/(max(x(:))/cmapLength)) - 1; %VI121010A %Without rounding artifacts, this would yield values from 0:(cmapLength-1) x(x > (cmapLength-1)) = (cmapLength - 1); %VI121010A: Ensure that value never exceeds (cmapLength-1), which can occur because (max(x(:))/cmapLength) is rounded in above computation end %Determines whether data is compelled to be resized for show operations. If not compelled, default behaviour occurs. function tf = forceShowResize() tf = ismember('aspect',flags) && any([showNumPixels,showNumLines] == [numPixels,numLines]); end function M = showMovie(A,selChan) %implay is a decent tool, so we defer to it if present. Downsides: it's a pain to load up; also doesn't respect the figure name (so we don't bother trying to name it sensibly) if exist('implay','file') && ~forceShowResize() M = implay(convert2Uint8(A)); return; end %Create movie [M, frameRate] = makeMovie(A); clear A; %No longer needed movieTime = numSelections / frameRate; if forceRGB titleString = [fileStem fileExt ' Movie']; else titleString = [fileStem fileExt ' Movie (Channel ' num2str(selChan) ')']; end %Make figure, sized to fit image hf = figure('Menubar','none','Name',titleString, 'NumberTitle','off'); pixPosn = getpixelposition(hf); pixPosn = [pixPosn(1)-(size(M(1).cdata,2)-pixPosn(3)) pixPosn(2)-(size(M(1).cdata,1)-pixPosn(4)) size(M(1).cdata,2) size(M(1).cdata,1)]; %[pixPosn(3) pixPosn(4)] = deal(size(A,2), size(A,1)); setpixelposition(hf,pixPosn); %Add toolbar with play button ht = uitoolbar(hf); iconData = imread(fullfile(matlabroot(),'toolbox','matlab','icons','greenarrowicon.gif')); iconData = double(iconData)/max(double(iconData(:))); iconData = repmat(iconData,[1 1 3]); %iconData(:,:,1) = zeros(size(iconData(:,:,1))); %iconData(:,:,3) = zeros(size(iconData(:,:,1))); hPlay = uipushtool(ht,'CData',iconData, 'ClickedCallback',@playMovie); playMovie(hPlay); function playMovie(src,event) set(src,'Enable','off'); ht = timer('StartDelay',1.2*movieTime,'TimerFcn',@(timerObj,event)set(src,'Enable','on')); start(ht); movie(hf,M,1,frameRate); end end function I = makeMIP(A) if numSelections == 1 I = A; return; end %Create array of same type if forceFlat || forceCell I = repmat(A(:,:,1),[1 1]); else %this handles normal, RGB, and 4 channel cases I = repmat(A(:,:,:,1),[1 1]); end for selCount = 1:numSelections %A MIP can be created, regardless if multi-frame or multi-slice if forceFlat || forceCell I = max(A(:,:,selCount),I); else I = max(A(:,:,:,selCount),I); end end end function showImage(A,titleString,chanIdx) if useLUT cLim = acqLUT{chanIdx}; else cLim = []; end if exist('imshow','file') %Image processing toolbox exists if verLessThan('matlab','7.8') || any([showNumPixels showNumLines] ~= [outNumPixels outNumLines]) %Use imshow() because imtool() is too clunky prior to 2009a %Use imshow() if there's a non-square aspect ratio, unless 'aspect' flag forces output/show sizes to match if forceRGB h = imshow(A,'XData',1:showNumPixels,'YData',1:showNumLines,'InitialMagnification','fit','Border','tight'); %Data is already directly scaled else h = imshow(A,cLim,'XData',1:showNumPixels,'YData',1:showNumLines,'InitialMagnification','fit','Border','tight'); %Display data with colormap scaled to LUT, if present; otherwise, scale colormap to min & max of data end set(ancestor(h,'figure'),'Name',titleString,'NumberTitle','off'); else %imtool() is handy starting in 2009a, though not spectacular if forceRGB h = imtool(A,'InitialMagnification','fit'); else h = imtool(A,cLim,'InitialMagnification','fit'); end set(h,'Name',titleString); end else hf = figure('Name',titleString,'NumberTitle','off'); %%%Handle the 'Border'='tight' stuff manually %dataAspectRatio = size(A,2)/size(A,1); dataAspectRatio = showNumPixels/showNumLines; posn = get(hf,'Position'); posn(3) = posn(4) * dataAspectRatio; set(hf,'Position',posn); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% colormap('gray'); if useLUT h = image(A,'XData',1:showNumPixels,'YData',1:showNumLines); set(gca,'CLim',cLim); else imagesc(A,'XData',1:showNumPixels,'YData',1:showNumLines); end set(gca,'Position',[0 0 1 1],'Visible','off'); end end function Atemp = extractChannelData(Aout,selChan,selFrame) %selChan and selFrame (optional) specify a specific channel and frame to extract if nargin == 2 selFrame = 0; end if forceFlat if selFrame idx = (selFrame - 1) * length(selChan) + selChan; Atemp = Aout(:,:,idx); else Atemp = Aout(:,:,selChan:(length(selChan)):end); end elseif forceCell if selFrame Atemp = Aout{selChan}(:,:,selFrame); else Atemp = Aout{selChan}; end else if selFrame Atemp = Aout(:,:,selChan,selFrame); else Atemp = Aout(:,:,selChan,:); end end end %Resize image to outNumPixels/outNumLines, or to showNumPixels/showNumLines if forced function imageData = resizeImage(imageData,forceShowDims) if nargin < 2 forceShowDims = false; end if any([outNumPixels outNumLines] ~= [numPixels numLines]) || (any([showNumPixels showNumLines] ~= [numPixels numLines]) && forceShowDims) if exist('imresize','file') if forceShowDims [newNumLines, newNumPixels] = deal(showNumLines, showNumPixels); method = 'nearest'; %Fastest interpolation for quick shows else [newNumLines, newNumPixels] = deal(outNumLines, outNumPixels); method = 'bilinear'; %Better (but not best) for writing data end imageData = imresize(imageData,[newNumLines newNumPixels],'Colormap','original','Method',method); elseif ~resizeWarning fprintf(2,'WARNING(%s): Resizing of image data was attempted, but Image Processing toolbox not found.',mfilename()); resizeWarning = true; %Don't warn repeatedly end end end function outFileName = determineOutFileName(defaultClause,extension) if strcmpi(writeFileClause,'auto') outFileName = [filePath filesep() fileStem '_' defaultClause extension]; else outFileName = [filePath filesep() fileStem '_' writeFileClause extension]; end end function s = extractHeaderData(header,fileVersion) if fileVersion == 3 localHdr = header; s.savedChans = []; for i=1:maxNumChans if isfield(localHdr.acq,['savingChannel' num2str(i)]) if localHdr.acq.(['savingChannel' num2str(i)]) && localHdr.acq.(['acquiringChannel' num2str(i)]) s.savedChans = [s.savedChans i]; end end end s.numPixels = localHdr.acq.pixelsPerLine; s.numLines = localHdr.acq.linesPerFrame; if isfield(localHdr.acq,'slowDimDiscardFlybackLine') && localHdr.acq.slowDimDiscardFlybackLine s.numLines = s.numLines - 1; end s.numSlices = localHdr.acq.numberOfZSlices; if ~localHdr.acq.averaging s.numFrames = localHdr.acq.numberOfFrames; else if isfield(localHdr.acq,'numAvgFramesSave') s.numFrames = localHdr.acq.numberOfFrames / localHdr.acq.numAvgFramesSave; else s.numFrames = 1; end end if ~isfield(localHdr.internal,'lowPixelValue1') s.acqLUT = {}; else s.acqLUT = cell(1,maxNumChans); for i=1:length(s.acqLUT) s.acqLUT{i} = [localHdr.internal.(['lowPixelValue' num2str(i)]) localHdr.internal.(['highPixelValue' num2str(i)])]; end end elseif fileVersion == 4 if isfield(header,'SI4App') localHdr = header.SI4App; else localHdr = header.SI4; end s.savedChans = localHdr.channelsSave; s.numPixels = localHdr.scanPixelsPerLine; s.numLines = localHdr.scanLinesPerFrame; if isfield(localHdr,'acqNumAveragedFramesSaved') saveAverageFactor = localHdr.acqNumAveragedFramesSaved; elseif isfield(localHdr,'acqNumAveragedFrames') saveAverageFactor = localHdr.acqNumAveragedFrames; else assert(false); end s.numFrames = localHdr.acqNumFrames / saveAverageFactor; s.numSlices = localHdr.stackNumSlices; s.acqLUT = cell(1,size(localHdr.channelsLUT,1)); for i=1:length(s.acqLUT) s.acqLUT{i} = localHdr.channelsLUT(i,:); end else assert(false); end end function frameTags = extractFrameTags(hTif,numImages) frameTags = []; warnNan = false; for imgCount=1:numImages hTif.setDirectory(imgCount); c = regexpi(hTif.getTag('ImageDescription'),'\s*Frame Tag\s*=\s*(\d*)','tokens','once'); frameTag = str2double(c{1}); frameTags(end+1) = frameTag; if isnan(frameTag) warnNan = true; end end if warnNan fprintf(2,'WARNING: One or more frame tags could not be properly extracted and appear as NaN in the header struct frameTags field.\n'); end end end