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_Snapshot: 2013-05-12_
Current total primary research publications: *264*


1. Rose T, Schoenenberger P, Jezek K, Oertner TG. Developmental Refinement of Vesicle Cycling at Schaffer Collateral Synapses. _Neuron_. 2013;77(6):1109--1121.

2. Horton NG, Wang K, Kobat D, Clark CG, Wise FW, Schaffer CB, Xu C. In vivo three-photon microscopy of subcortical structures within an intact mouse brain. _Nature Photonics_. 2013;7(3):205--209.

3. Wachowiak M, Economo MN, Diaz-Quesada M, Brunert D, Wesson DW, White JA, Rothermel M. Optical Dissection of Odor Information Processing In Vivo Using GCaMPs Expressed in Specified Cell Types of the Olfactory Bulb. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2013;33(12):5285--5300.

4. Oliveira AF, Yasuda R. An Improved Ras Sensor for Highly Sensitive and Quantitative FRET-FLIM Imaging. _PloS one_. 2013;8(1):e52874.

5. Thériault G, De Koninck Y, McCarthy N. Extended depth of field microscopy for rapid volumetric two-photon imaging. _Optics express_. 2013;21(8):10095--104.

6. Hooks BM, Mao T, Gutnisky DA, Yamawaki N, Svoboda K, Shepherd GMG. Organization of cortical and thalamic input to pyramidal neurons in mouse motor cortex. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2013;33(2):748--60.

7. Bock R, Shin JH, Kaplan AR, Dobi A, Markey E, Kramer PF, Gremel CM, Christensen CH, Adrover MF, Alvarez VA. Strengthening the accumbal indirect pathway promotes resilience to compulsive cocaine use. _Nature Neuroscience_. 2013.

8. Robles E, Filosa A, Baier H. Precise Lamination of Retinal Axons Generates Multiple Parallel Input Pathways in the Tectum. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2013;33(11):5027--5039.

9. Mostany R, Anstey JE, Crump KL, Maco B, Knott G, Portera-Cailliau C. Altered Synaptic Dynamics during Normal Brain Aging. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2013;33(9):4094--4104.

10. Hill TC, Zito K. LTP-induced long-term stabilization of individual nascent dendritic spines. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2013;33(2):678--86.

11. Acker CD, Loew LM. Characterization of voltage-sensitive dyes in living cells using two-photon excitation. _Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)_. 2013;995:147--60.


13. Oh WC, Hill TC, Zito K. Synapse-specific and size-dependent mechanisms of spine structural plasticity accompanying synaptic weakening. _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences_. 2013;110(4):E305--12.

14. Beier KT, Borghuis BG, El-Danaf RN, Huberman AD, Demb JB, Cepko CL. Transsynaptic tracing with vesicular stomatitis virus reveals novel retinal circuitry. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2013;33(1):35--51.

15. Takasaki KT, Ding JB, Sabatini BL. Live-Cell Superresolution Imaging by Pulsed STED Two-Photon Excitation Microscopy. _Biophysical journal_. 2013;104(4):770--7.

16. Marvin JS, Borghuis BG, Tian L, Cichon J, Harnett MT, Akerboom J, Gordus A, Renninger SL, Chen T-W, Bargmann CI, Orger MB, Schreiter ER, Demb JB, Gan W-B, Hires SA, Looger LL. An optimized fluorescent probe for visualizing glutamate neurotransmission. _Nature methods_. 2013;10(2):162--70.

17. Szatmari EM, Oliveira AF, Sumner EJ, Yasuda R. Centaurin- 1-Ras-Elk-1 Signaling at Mitochondria Mediates  \-Amyloid-Induced Synaptic Dysfunction.- _{-}Journal of Neuroscience{-}{_}-. 2013;33(12):5367-\-5374.

18. Murray TA, Levene MJ. Singlet gradient index lens for deep in vivo multiphoton microscopy. _Journal of biomedical optics_. 2012;17(2):021106.

19. Nauhaus I, Nielsen KJ, Callaway EM. Nonlinearity of two-photon Ca2\+ imaging yields distorted measurements of tuning for V1 neuronal populations. _Journal of neurophysiology_. 2012;107(3):923--36.

20. Li Y, Lu H, Cheng P, Ge S, Xu H, Shi S-H, Dan Y. Clonally related visual cortical neurons show similar stimulus feature selectivity. _Nature_. 2012;advance on.

21. Gelbart MA, He B, Martin AC, Thiberge SY, Wieschaus EF, Kaschube M. Volume conservation principle involved in cell lengthening and nucleus movement during tissue morphogenesis. _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences_. 2012;109(47):19298--303.

22. Nauhaus I, Nielsen KJ, Disney AA, Callaway EM. Orthogonal micro-organization of orientation and spatial frequency in primate primary visual cortex. _Nature neuroscience_. 2012;15(12):1683--90.

23. Kiritani T, Wickersham IR, Seung HS, Shepherd GMG. Hierarchical connectivity and connection-specific dynamics in the corticospinal-corticostriatal microcircuit in mouse motor cortex. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2012;32(14):4992--5001.

24. Suter BA, Migliore M, Shepherd GMG. Intrinsic Electrophysiology of Mouse Corticospinal Neurons: a Class-Specific Triad of Spike-Related Properties. _Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y.?: 1991)_. 2012.

25. Kato HK, Chu MW, Isaacson JS, Komiyama T. Dynamic sensory representations in the olfactory bulb: modulation by wakefulness and experience. _Neuron_. 2012;76(5):962--75.

26. Apicella AJ, Wickersham IR, Seung HS, Shepherd GMG. Laminarly orthogonal excitation of fast-spiking and low-threshold-spiking interneurons in mouse motor cortex. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2012;32(20):7021--33.

27. Tritsch NX, Ding JB, Sabatini BL. Dopaminergic neurons inhibit striatal output through non-canonical release of GABA. _Nature_. 2012;490(7419):262--6.

28. Ozden I, Dombeck DA, Hoogland TM, Tank DW, Wang SS-H. Widespread state-dependent shifts in cerebellar activity in locomoting mice. _PloS one_. 2012;7(8):e42650.

29. Rivera DR, Brown CM, Ouzounov DG, Webb WW, Xu C. Multifocal multiphoton endoscope. _Optics letters_. 2012;37(8):1349--51.

30. Packer AM, Peterka DS, Hirtz JJ, Prakash R, Deisseroth K, Yuste R. Two-photon optogenetics of dendritic spines and neural circuits. _Nature Methods_. 2012;9(12):1202--5.

31. Schärer Y-PZ, Shum J, Moressis A, Friedrich RW. Dopaminergic modulation of synaptic transmission and neuronal activity patterns in the zebrafish homolog of olfactory cortex. _Frontiers in neural circuits_. 2012;6:76.

32. Kuhn B, Ozden I, Lampi Y, Hasan MT, Wang SS-H. An amplified promoter system for targeted expression of calcium indicator proteins in the cerebellar cortex. _Frontiers in neural circuits_. 2012;6:49.

33. Xu N, Harnett MT, Williams SR, Huber D, O'Connor DH, Svoboda K, Magee JC. Nonlinear dendritic integration of sensory and motor input during an active sensing task. _Nature_. 2012;492(7428):247--51.

34. Parra SG, Vesuna SS, Murray TA, Levene MJ. Multiphoton microscopy of cleared mouse brain expressing YFP. _Journal of visualized experiments?: JoVE_. 2012;(67):e3848.

35. Paukert M, Bergles DE. Reduction of motion artifacts during in vivo two-photon imaging of brain through heartbeat triggered scanning. _The Journal of physiology_. 2012;590(Pt 13):2955--63.

36. Odermatt B, Nikolaev A, Lagnado L. Encoding of Luminance and Contrast by Linear and Nonlinear Synapses in the Retina. _Neuron_. 2012;73(4):758--773.

37. Arttamangkul S, Lau EK, Lu H-W, Williams JT. Desensitization and Trafficking of mu-opioid Receptors in Locus Coeruleus Neurons: Modulation by Kinases. _Molecular pharmacology_. 2012;81(3):348--55.

38. Akerboom J, Chen T-W, Wardill TJ, Tian L, Marvin JS, Mutlu S, Calderón NC, Esposti F, Borghuis BG, Sun XR, Gordus A, Orger MB, Portugues R, Engert F, Macklin JJ, Filosa A, Aggarwal A, Kerr RA, Takagi R, Kracun S, Shigetomi E, Khakh BS, Baier H, Lagnado L, Wang SS-H, Bargmann CI, Kimmel BE, Jayaraman V, Svoboda K, Kim DS, Schreiter ER, Looger LL. Optimization of a GCaMP calcium indicator for neural activity imaging. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2012;32(40):13819--40.

39. Zariwala HA, Borghuis BG, Hoogland TM, Madisen L, Tian L, De Zeeuw CI, Zeng H, Looger LL, Svoboda K, Chen T-W. A Cre-Dependent GCaMP3 Reporter Mouse for Neuronal Imaging In Vivo. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2012;32(9):3131--3141.

40. Bundschuh ST, Zhu P, Schärer Y-PZ, Friedrich RW. Dopaminergic modulation of mitral cells and odor responses in the zebrafish olfactory bulb. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2012;32(20):6830--40.

41. Zhu P, Fajardo O, Shum J, Zhang Schärer Y-P, Friedrich RW. High-resolution optical control of spatiotemporal neuronal activity patterns in zebrafish using a digital micromirror device. _Nature protocols_. 2012;7(7):1410--25.

42. Cruz-Martín A, Crespo M, Portera-Cailliau C. Glutamate induces the elongation of early dendritic protrusions via mGluRs in wild type mice, but not in fragile X mice. _PloS one_. 2012;7(2):e32446.

43. Xiong Q, Oviedo H V., Trotman LC, Zador AM. PTEN Regulation of Local and Long-Range Connections in Mouse Auditory Cortex. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2012;32(5):1643--1652.

44. Jacob V, Petreanu L, Wright N, Svoboda K, Fox K. Regular spiking and intrinsic bursting pyramidal cells show orthogonal forms of experience-dependent plasticity in layer v of barrel cortex. _Neuron_. 2012;73(2):391--404.

45. Drocco JA, Wieschaus EF, Tank DW. The synthesis-diffusion-degradation model explains Bicoid gradient formation in unfertilized eggs. _Physical biology_. 2012;9(5):055004.

46. Viswanathan S, Bandyopadhyay S, Kao JPY, Kanold PO. Changing Microcircuits in the Subplate of the Developing Cortex. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2012;32(5):1589--1601.

47. Wyatt RM, Tring E, Trachtenberg JT. Pattern and not magnitude of neural activity determines dendritic spine stability in awake mice. _Nature neuroscience_. 2012;15(7):949--51.

48. Petreanu L, Gutnisky DA, Huber D, Xu N, O'Connor DH, Tian L, Looger L, Svoboda K. Activity in motor-sensory projections reveals distributed coding in somatosensation. _Nature_. 2012;489(7415):299--303.

49. Marshel JH, Kaye AP, Nauhaus I, Callaway EM. Anterior-posterior direction opponency in the superficial mouse lateral geniculate nucleus. _Neuron_. 2012;76(4):713--20.

50. Lim H, Danias J. Label-free morphometry of retinal nerve fiber bundles by second-harmonic-generation microscopy. _Optics letters_. 2012;37(12):2316--8.

51. Buchanan KA, Blackman A V, Moreau AW, Elgar D, Costa RP, Lalanne T, Tudor Jones AA, Oyrer J, Sjöström PJ. Target-specific expression of presynaptic NMDA receptors in neocortical microcircuits. _Neuron_. 2012;75(3):451--66.

52. Rivera DR, Brown CM, Ouzounov DG, Webb WW, Xu C. Use of a lensed fiber for a large-field-of-view, high-resolution, fiber-scanning microendoscope. _Optics letters_. 2012;37(5):881--3.

53. Ertürk A, Mauch CP, Hellal F, Förstner F, Keck T, Becker K, Jährling N, Steffens H, Richter M, Hübener M, Kramer E, Kirchhoff F, Dodt HU, Bradke F. Three-dimensional imaging of the unsectioned adult spinal cord to assess axon regeneration and glial responses after injury. _Nature medicine_. 2012;18(1):166--71.

54. Marra V, Burden JJ, Thorpe JR, Smith IT, Smith SL, Häusser M, Branco T, Staras K. A preferentially segregated recycling vesicle pool of limited size supports neurotransmission in native central synapses. _Neuron_. 2012;76(3):579--89.

55. Johnston DG, Denizet M, Mostany R, Portera-Cailliau C. Chronic In Vivo Imaging Shows No Evidence of Dendritic Plasticity or Functional Remapping in the Contralesional Cortex after Stroke. _Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y.?: 1991)_. 2012.

56. Harvey CD, Coen P, Tank DW. Choice-specific sequences in parietal cortex during a virtual-navigation decision task. _Nature_. 2012;484(7392):62--8.

57. Li Y-T, Ma W-P, Pan C-J, Zhang LI, Tao HW. Broadening of Cortical Inhibition Mediates Developmental Sharpening of Orientation Selectivity. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2012;32(12):3981--3991.

58. Kwan AC, Dan Y. Dissection of cortical microcircuits by single-neuron stimulation in vivo. _Current biology?: CB_. 2012;22(16):1459--67.

59. Seemann KM, Kiefersauer R, Jacob U, Kuhn B. Optical pH detection within a protein crystal. _The journal of physical chemistry. B_. 2012;116(33):9873--81.

60. Gdalyahu A, Tring E, Polack P-O, Gruver R, Golshani P, Fanselow MS, Silva AJ, Trachtenberg JT. Associative fear learning enhances sparse network coding in primary sensory cortex. _Neuron_. 2012;75(1):121--32.

61. Scott BB, Gardner T, Ji N, Fee MS, Lois C. Wandering Neuronal Migration in the Postnatal Vertebrate Forebrain. _The Journal of neuroscience?: the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience_. 2012;32(4):1436--1446.

62. Brown CM, Rivera DR, Pavlova I, Ouzounov DG, Williams WO, Mohanan S, Webb WW, Xu C. In vivo imaging of unstained tissues using a compact and flexible multiphoton microendoscope. _Journal of biomedical optics_. 2012;17(4):040505.

63. Farrar MJ, Bernstein IM, Schlafer DH, Cleland TA, Fetcho JR, Schaffer CB. Chronic in vivo imaging in the mouse spinal cord using an implanted chamber. _Nature methods_. 2012;9(3):297--302.

64. Huber D, Gutnisky DA, Peron S, O'Connor DH, Wiegert JS, Tian L, Oertner TG, Looger LL, Svoboda K. Multiple dynamic representations in the motor cortex during sensorimotor learning. _Nature_. 2012;484(7395):473--478.

65. Adesnik H, Bruns W, Taniguchi H, Huang ZJ, Scanziani M. A neural circuit for spatial summation in visual cortex. _Nature_. 2012;490(7419):226--31.

66. Lim H, Danias J. Effect of axonal micro-tubules on the morphology of retinal nerve fibers studied by second-harmonic generation. _Journal of biomedical optics_. 2012;17(11):110502.

67. Atallah BV V., Bruns W, Carandini M, Scanziani M. Parvalbumin-Expressing Interneurons Linearly Transform Cortical Responses to Visual Stimuli. _Neuron_. 2012;73(1):159--170.

68. Wilson NR, Runyan CA, Wang FL, Sur M. Division and subtraction by distinct cortical inhibitory networks in vivo. _Nature_. 2012;488(7411):343--8.

69. Lam Y-W, Sherman SM. Functional organization of the thalamic input to the thalamic reticular nucleus. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2011;31(18):6791--9.

70. Quillinan N, Lau EK, Virk M, von Zastrow M, Williams JT. Recovery from mu-opioid receptor desensitization after chronic treatment with morphine and methadone. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2011;31(12):4434--43.

71. Berndt A, Schoenenberger P, Mattis J, Tye KM, Deisseroth K, Hegemann P, Oertner TG. High-efficiency channelrhodopsins for fast neuronal stimulation at low light levels. _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences_. 2011;108(18):7595--600.

72. Herzog E, Nadrigny F, Silm K, Biesemann C, Helling I, Bersot T, Steffens H, Schwartzmann R, Nagerl U V., El Mestikawy S, Rhee J, Kirchhoff F, Brose N. In Vivo Imaging of Intersynaptic Vesicle Exchange Using VGLUT1Venus Knock-In Mice. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2011;31(43):15544--15559.

73. Bégin S, Burgoyne B, Mercier V, Villeneuve A, Vallée R, Côté D. Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering hyperspectral tissue imaging with a wavelength-swept system. _Biomedical optics express_. 2011;2(5):1296--306.

74. Dreosti E, Esposti F, Baden T, Lagnado L. In vivo evidence that retinal bipolar cells generate spikes modulated by light. _Nature neuroscience_. 2011;14(8):951--2.

75. Kitamura K, Hausser M. Dendritic Calcium Signaling Triggered by Spontaneous and Sensory-Evoked Climbing Fiber Input to Cerebellar Purkinje Cells In Vivo. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2011;31(30):10847--10858.

76. Acker CD, Yan P, Loew LM. Single-voxel recording of voltage transients in dendritic spines. _Biophysical journal_. 2011;101(2):L11--3.

77. Lewis TL, Mao T, Arnold DB. A role for myosin VI in the localization of axonal proteins. _PLoS biology_. 2011;9(3):e1001021.

78. Baden T, Esposti F, Nikolaev A, Lagnado L. Spikes in Retinal Bipolar Cells Phase-Lock to Visual Stimuli with Millisecond Precision. _Current biology_. 2011;21(22):1859--69.

79. Vesuna S, Torres R, Levene MJ. Multiphoton fluorescence, second harmonic generation, and fluorescence lifetime imaging of whole cleared mouse organs. _Journal of biomedical optics_. 2011;16(10):106009.

80. Pugh JR, Jahr CE. Axonal GABAA receptors increase cerebellar granule cell excitability and synaptic activity. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2011;31(2):565--74.

81. Hooks BM, Hires SA, Zhang Y-X, Huber D, Petreanu L, Svoboda K, Shepherd GMG. Laminar analysis of excitatory local circuits in vibrissal motor and sensory cortical areas. _PLoS biology_. 2011;9(1):e1000572.

82. Sedlacek M, Tipton PW, Brenowitz SD. Sustained firing of cartwheel cells in the dorsal cochlear nucleus evokes endocannabinoid release and retrograde suppression of parallel fiber synapses. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2011;31(44):15807--17.

83. Stierl M, Stumpf P, Udwari D, Gueta R, Hagedorn R, Losi A, Gärtner W, Petereit L, Efetova M, Schwarzel M, Oertner TG, Nagel G, Hegemann P. Light modulation of cellular cAMP by a small bacterial photoactivated adenylyl cyclase, bPAC, of the soil bacterium Beggiatoa. _The Journal of biological chemistry_. 2011;286(2):1181--8.

84. Truong T V, Supatto W, Koos DS, Choi JM, Fraser SE. Deep and fast live imaging with two-photon scanned light-sheet microscopy. _Nature Methods_. 2011;8(9):757--60.

85. Pugh JR, Jahr CE. NMDA Receptor Agonists Fail To Alter Release from Cerebellar Basket Cells. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2011;31(46):16550--16555.

86. Middleton JW, Kiritani T, Pedersen C, Turner JG, Shepherd GMG, Tzounopoulos T. Mice with behavioral evidence of tinnitus exhibit dorsal cochlear nucleus hyperactivity because of decreased GABAergic inhibition. _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences_. 2011;108(18):7601--6.

87. Mostany R, Portera-Cailliau C. Absence of large-scale dendritic plasticity of layer 5 pyramidal neurons in peri-infarct cortex. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2011;31(5):1734--8.

88. Viaene AN, Petrof I, Sherman SM. Properties of the thalamic projection from the posterior medial nucleus to primary and secondary somatosensory cortices in the mouse. _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences_. 2011;108(44):18156--61.

89. Blumhagen F, Zhu P, Shum J, Schärer Y-PZ, Yaksi E, Deisseroth K, Friedrich RW. Neuronal filtering of multiplexed odour representations. _Nature_. 2011;479(7374):493--498.

90. Mellios N, Sugihara H, Castro J, Banerjee A, Le C, Kumar A, Crawford B, Strathmann J, Tropea D, Levine SS, Edbauer D, Sur M. miR-132, an experience-dependent microRNA, is essential for visual cortex plasticity. _Nature neuroscience_. 2011;14(10):1240--2.

91. Marshel JH, Garrett ME, Nauhaus I, Callaway EM. Functional Specialization of Seven Mouse Visual Cortical Areas. _Neuron_. 2011;72(6):1040--1054.

92. Mostaço-Guidolin LB, Ko AC-T, Popescu DP, Smith MSD, Kohlenberg EK, Shiomi M, Major A, Sowa MG. Evaluation of texture parameters for the quantitative description of multimodal nonlinear optical images from atherosclerotic rabbit arteries. _Physics in medicine and biology_. 2011;56(16):5319--34.

93. Andermann ML, Kerlin AM, Roumis DK, Glickfeld LL, Reid RC. Functional Specialization of Mouse Higher Visual Cortical Areas. _Neuron_. 2011;72(6):1025--1039.

94. Chalifoux JR, Carter AG. GABAB receptor modulation of voltage-sensitive calcium channels in spines and dendrites. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2011;31(11):4221--32.

95. Viaene AN, Petrof I, Sherman SM. Synaptic Properties of Thalamic Input to the Subgranular Layers of Primary Somatosensory and Auditory Cortices in the Mouse. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2011;31(36):12738--12747.

96. Liu CC, Gao SS, Yuan T, Steele C, Puria S, Oghalai JS. Biophysical mechanisms underlying outer hair cell loss associated with a shortened tectorial membrane. _Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology?: JARO_. 2011;12(5):577--94.

97. Peñagarikano O, Abrahams BS, Herman EI, Winden KD, Gdalyahu A, Dong H, Sonnenblick LI, Gruver R, Almajano J, Bragin A, Golshani P, Trachtenberg JT, Peles E, Geschwind DH. Absence of CNTNAP2 Leads to Epilepsy, Neuronal Migration Abnormalities, and Core Autism-Related Deficits. _Cell_. 2011;147(1):235--246.

98. Lien AD, Scanziani M. In vivo Labeling of Constellations of Functionally Identified Neurons for Targeted in vitro Recordings. _Frontiers in neural circuits_. 2011;5:16.

99. Herman MA, Nahir B, Jahr CE. Distribution of extracellular glutamate in the neuropil of hippocampus. _PloS one_. 2011;6(11):e26501.

100. Farrar MJ, Wise FW, Fetcho JR, Schaffer CB. In vivo imaging of myelin in the vertebrate central nervous system using third harmonic generation microscopy. _Biophysical journal_. 2011;100(5):1362--71.

101. Kuhlman SJ, Tring E, Trachtenberg JT. Fast-spiking interneurons have an initial orientation bias that is lost with vision. _Nature neuroscience_. 2011;14(9):1121--3.

102. Woods GF, Oh WC, Boudewyn LC, Mikula SK, Zito K. Loss of PSD-95 Enrichment Is Not a Prerequisite for Spine Retraction. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2011;31(34):12129--12138.

103. Miri A, Daie K, Burdine RD, Aksay E, Tank DW. Regression-based identification of behavior-encoding neurons during large-scale optical imaging of neural activity at cellular resolution. _Journal of neurophysiology_. 2011;105(2):964--80.

104. Chalifoux JR, Carter AG. Glutamate Spillover Promotes the Generation of NMDA Spikes. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2011;31(45):16435--16446.

105. Sheets PL, Suter BA, Kiritani T, Chan CS, Surmeier DJ, Shepherd GMG. Corticospinal-specific HCN expression in mouse motor cortex: I(h)\-dependent synaptic integration as a candidate microcircuit mechanism involved in motor control.- _{-}Journal of neurophysiology{-}{_}-. 2011;106(5):2216-\-31.

106. De Pasquale R, Sherman SM. Synaptic Properties of Corticocortical Connections between the Primary and Secondary Visual Cortical Areas in the Mouse. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2011;31(46):16494--16506.

107. Qiu S, Anderson CT, Levitt P, Shepherd GMG. Circuit-specific intracortical hyperconnectivity in mice with deletion of the autism-associated Met receptor tyrosine kinase. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2011;31(15):5855--64.

108. Borghuis BG, Tian L, Xu Y, Nikonov SS, Vardi N, Zemelman B V, Looger LL. Imaging light responses of targeted neuron populations in the rodent retina. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2011;31(8):2855--67.

109. Miri A, Daie K, Arrenberg AB, Baier H, Aksay E, Tank DW. Spatial gradients and multidimensional dynamics in a neural integrator circuit. _Nature Neuroscience_. 2011;14(9):1150--9.

110. Hamad MIK, Ma-Högemeier Z-L, Riedel C, Conrads C, Veitinger T, Habijan T, Schulz J-N, Krause M, Wirth MJ, Hollmann M, Wahle P. Cell class-specific regulation of neocortical dendrite and spine growth by AMPA receptor splice and editing variants. _Development_. 2011;138(19):4301--13.

111. Ramsey AJ, Milenkovic M, Oliveira AF, Escobedo-Lozoya Y, Seshadri S, Salahpour A, Sawa A, Yasuda R, Caron MGMG. Impaired NMDA receptor transmission alters striatal synapses and DISC1 protein in an age-dependent manner. _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences_. 2011;108(14):5795.

112. Tuthill JC, Chiappe ME, Reiser MB. Neural correlates of illusory motion perception in Drosophila. _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences_. 2011;108(23):9685--90.

113. Rosselet C, Fieschi M, Hugues S, Bureau I. Associative learning changes the organization of functional excitatory circuits targeting the supragranular layers of mouse barrel cortex. _Frontiers in neural circuits_. 2011;4:126.

114. Mao T, Kusefoglu D, Hooks BM, Huber D, Petreanu L, Svoboda K. Long-Range Neuronal Circuits Underlying the Interaction between Sensory and Motor Cortex. _Neuron_. 2011;72(1):111--123.

115. Viaene AN, Petrof I, Sherman SM. Synaptic properties of thalamic input to layers 2/3 and 4 of primary somatosensory and auditory cortices. _Journal of neurophysiology_. 2011;105(1):279--92.

116. Ikrar T, Olivas ND, Shi Y, Xu X. Mapping inhibitory neuronal circuits by laser scanning photostimulation. _Journal of visualized experiments?: JoVE_. 2011;(56).

117. Christie JM, Chiu DN, Jahr CE. Ca(2+)\-dependent enhancement of release by subthreshold somatic depolarization.- _{-}Nature neuroscience{-}{_}-. 2011;14(1):62{-}-\-8.-

118. Bock DD, Lee W-CA, Kerlin AM, Andermann ML, Hood G, Wetzel AW, Yurgenson S, Soucy ER, Kim HS, Reid RC. Network anatomy and in vivo physiology of visual cortical neurons. _Nature_. 2011;471(7337):177--82.

119. Xia A, Gao SS, Yuan T, Osborn A, Bress A, Pfister M, Maricich SM, Pereira FA, Oghalai JS. Deficient forward transduction and enhanced reverse transduction in the alpha tectorin C1509G human hearing loss mutation. _Disease models & mechanisms_. 2010;3(3-4):209--23.

120. Sato TR, Svoboda K. The functional properties of barrel cortex neurons projecting to the primary motor cortex. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2010;30(12):4256--60.

121. Yuan T, Gao SS, Saggau P, Oghalai JS. Calcium imaging of inner ear hair cells within the cochlear epithelium of mice using two-photon microscopy. _Journal of biomedical optics_. 2010;15(1):016002.

122. O'Connor DH, Clack NG, Huber D, Komiyama T, Myers EW, Svoboda K. Vibrissa-based object localization in head-fixed mice. _Journal of Neuroscience_. 2010;30(5):1947--67.

123. Kerlin AM, Andermann ML, Berezovskii VK, Reid RC. Broadly tuned response properties of diverse inhibitory neuron subtypes in mouse visual cortex. _Neuron_. 2010;67(5):858--71.

124. Chowdhury TG, Jimenez JC, Bomar JM, Cruz-Martin A, Cantle JP, Portera-Cailliau C. Fate of cajal-retzius neurons in the postnatal mouse neocortex. _Frontiers in neuroanatomy_. 2010;4:10.

125. Parra SG, Chia TH, Zinter JP, Levene MJ. Multiphoton microscopy of cleared mouse organs. _Journal of biomedical optics_. 2010;15(3):036017.

126. Chiappe ME, Seelig JD, Reiser MB, Jayaraman V. Walking modulates speed sensitivity in Drosophila motion vision. _Current biology_. 2010;20(16):1470--5.

127. Christie LA, Russell TA, Xu J, Wood L, Shepherd GMG, Contractor A. AMPA receptor desensitization mutation results in severe developmental phenotypes and early postnatal lethality. _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences_. 2010;107(20):9412--7.

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