h4. Hardware Vendors
ScanImage and Ephus support a wide-range of commercial and customized hardware used in neurophysiology laboratories:
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h5. {toggle-cloak:id=HardwareVendors} Hardware Info (by vendor)
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h4. DABS: MATLAB Interfaces to Hardware Devices
Current/planned releases of ScanImage include a MATLAB [package|http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_oop/scoping-classes-with-packages.html] called *DABS*, which contains a growing number of adapter [classes|http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/object-oriented-programming-in-matlab.html], which makemaking hardware device capabilities available within MATLAB.
Note that Ephus does not currently use DABS. It makes use of two earlier-style Matlab device interfaces: [NiMex|NIMEX] and [QCamMex].
h5. {toggle-cloak:id=DabsInfo} More Info on DABS...
All recent and planned releases of ScanImage include a Matlab [package|http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_oop/scoping-classes-with-packages.html] called *DABS*, which contains a growing number of such device interface [classes|http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/object-oriented-programming-in-matlab.html].
DABS classes provide a MATLAB object-oriented scripting interface for the supported devices, which some users may find useful in and of themselves. For instance, the package *dabs.ni.daqmx* is a near complete wrapping of the National Instruments [DAQmx] driver into MATLAB. This package effectively recapitulates and extends upon the MATLAB [Data Acquisition Toolbox|http://www.mathworks.com/products/daq/].
DABS also includes generic interfaces (_abstract classes_) to facilitate the development of device adapters to a common standard. For instance a [Linear Stage Controller superclass|DABS Subclassing LSC] has been developed. Users can create custom subclasses for their particular stage controllers, allowing ScanImage to operate with these devices.
{info:title=DABS As-Is}Note that DABS interfaces are provided as-is. Their distribution/maintenance is not presently a primary aim of the ScanImage/Ephus projects.\\However, any issues affecting ScanImage/Ephus operation should be brought to the [developers' attention|mailto:iyerv@janelia.hhmi.org?subject=\[ScanImage/Ephus Feedback\]].{info}
h3. JFRC In Vivo Microscope Designs
ScanImage is used at Janelia Farm with custom microscope designs for in vivo applications. The designs are available as-is for interested users.
h5. !Shared Pics^navigate_right_10.gif! [More Info on JFRC Shared Microscope Designs...|shareddesigns:Shared Two-photon Microscope Designs]
h5. {toggle-cloak:id=DabsList} List of Current Dabs Classes (& Packages)
* dabs.andor.AndorCamera
* dabs.coherent.Chameleon
* dabs.coolled.PE
* dabs.newport.XPS
* dabs.ni.daqmx (_package_)
* dabs.pi.(E517/E712/E753/E816)
* dabs.piezojena.DDrive
* dabs.prior.PriorStage
* dabs.qimaging.QCam
* dabs.scientifica.LinearStageController
* dabs.sutter.(MPC200/MP285)
* dabs.thorlabs.LSM