{tip:title=Mendeley!}We are maintaining the live 'official' list of ScanImage & Ephus citing/using papers on [Mendeley|http://www.mendeley.com/groups/1607163/scanimage-ephus/papers/]. Periodically we reproduce a snapshot of that list below. You may [join Mendeley|http://www.mendeley.com/] and then [_follow_ the ScanImage & Ephus group|http://www.mendeley.com/groups/1607163/scanimage-ephus/papers/] to be able to search the papers in the group, using either the web client or the [desktop client|http://www.mendeley.com/download-mendeley-desktop/?_section=footer].{tip}
{tip:title=Be Counted!}If you don't see on the list below a paper you've written, or know of, that uses ScanImage and/or Ephus, please [contact us\!|mailto:iyerv@janelia.hhmi.org?subject=\[ScanImage/Ephus Pubs\]] Note you can search the text below using your web browser's Find feature, e.g. Ctrl+F.{tip}
{note:title=How to Snapshot}
* Set Citation Style to Current Opinion journals
* Select all documents in Mendeley
* Copy & paste into Word; remove bold
* Copy & paste into wiki rich text
_Snapshot: 2013-03-11_
Current total primary research publications: *222*
_Snapshot: 2012-06-06_
Current total primary research publications: *207*