ScanImage and Ephus support a wide-range of commercial and customized hardware used in neurophysiology laboratories.
h5. {toggle-cloak:id=HardwareVendors} Hardware Info (by vendor)
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For many hardware devices supported by ScanImage & Ephus, custom software interfaces must be developed to allow their capabilities to be accessed via scripting in MATLAB. All recent and planned releases of ScanImage include a Matlab [package] called *DABS*, which contains a growing number of such device interface [classes].
DABS classes provide a MATLAB object-oriented scripting interface for the supported devices, which some users may find useful in and of themselves. For instance, the package *dabs.ni.daqmx* is a near complete wrapping of the National Instruments [DAQmx] driver into MATLAB. This package effectively recapitulates and extends upon the MATLAB [Data Acquisition Toolbox].
DABS also includes generic interfaces (_abstract classes_) to facilitate the development of device adapters to a common standard. For instance a [Linear Stage Controller superclass|DABS Subclassing LSC] has been developed. Users can create custom subclasses for their particular stage controllers, allowing ScanImage to operate with these devices.
Note that Ephus does not currently use DABS. It makes use of two earlier-style Matlab device interfaces: [NiMex|NIMEX] and [QCamMex].
{info:title=DABS As Is}Note that DABS interfaces are provided as-is. Their their distribution/maintenance is not presently a primary aim of the ScanImage/Ephus projects.\\However, any issues affecting ScanImage/Ephus operation should be brought to the [developers' attention|mailto:iyerv@janelia.hhmi.org?subject=\[ScanImage/Ephus Feedback\]].{info}
h5. !Shared Pics^navigate_right_10.gif! [JFRC Shared Two-photon Microscope Designs|shareddesigns:Shared Two-photon Microscope Designs]
h5. {toggle-cloak:id=DabsList} List of Current Dabs Classes (& Packages)
* dabs.andor.AndorCamera
* dabs.coherent.Chameleon
* dabs.coolled.PE
* dabs.newport.XPS
* dabs.ni.daqmx (_package_)
* dabs.pi.(E517/E712/E753/E816)
* dabs.piezojena.DDrive
* dabs.prior.PriorStage
* dabs.qimaging.QCam
* dabs.scientifica.LinearStageController
* dabs.sutter.(MPC200/MP285)
* dabs.thorlabs.LSM