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h4. Servo (cusp) delay adjustable from *Main Controls*

For a given scan speed (_msPerLine_), ScanImage should 'know' the mirror servo controller's phase delay -- the time lag between the command signal and the actual miror position -- in order for acquired image data to be correctly 'aligned' with the laser scan. This value is specified in ScanImage by the _Cusp (Servo) Delay_ control. As in ScanImage 3.0, this parameter is adjusted in the *Advanced Configuration...* dialog box:
{panel:title=Advanced Configuration}
{center}[!ScanImage Pics^r3_5_AdvancedConfigurationGUI.png|height=120!|ScanImage Pics^r3_5_AdvancedConfigurationGUI.png]{center}

(/) The *Cusp (Servo) Delay* control is renamed from _Cusp Delay_ in ScanImage 3.0
(/) As in ScanImage 3.0, the _Cusp (Servo) Delay_ value is specified as a fraction of the _Seconds / Line_ value which is displayed in the {link-window:ScanImage Pics^r3_5_BasicConfigurationGUI.png|type=popup}*Configuration...*{link-window} dialog box (which is determined by the *ms/Line* and *Fill Fraction* controls in the *Advanced Configuration...* dialog)

As in ScanImage 3.0, the *Configuration...* dialog box, is accessed via *Settings >> Edit >> Configuration...* from the {link-window:ScanImage Pics^r3_5_MainControls.png|type=popup}*Main Controls*{link-window} window. The *Advanced Configuration...* dialog box is accessed from the *Configuration...* menubar at *Settings >> Advanced...*.

ScanImage 3.5 additionally allows the _Servo Delay_ to be adjusted via new controls which now appear on the {link-window:ScanImage Pics^r3_5_MainControls.png|type=popup}*Main Controls*{link-window} window:

{panel:title=Main Controls}
{center}[!ScanImage Pics^r3_5_MainControls.png|height=170!|ScanImage Pics^r3_5_MainControls.png]{center}

New *Servo Delay* controls (at bottom right) allow adjustment of mirror servo controller's phase delay value, including during live (FOCUS) imaging. Selecting the *Fine?* checkbox causes arrow controls to increment/decrement value in fine steps.

(/) _Servo Delay_ value is linked to the  _Cusp (Servo) Delay_ value in the *Advanced Configuration...* dialog box.

h5. Usage Notes
The effect of adjusting the _Servo Delay_ is to shift the imaged area left or right. When the _servo delay_ is too (small/large), a 'reflected' image will appear on the (right/left) side of the image. The optimal _servo delay_ value is exactly between the values where these reflected images become apparent on either side.

(/) If it is not possible to eliminate the 'reflected' image with any value of the _servo delay_, try reducing the _Fill Fraction_ value in the {link-window:ScanImage Pics^r3_5_AdvancedConfigurationGUI.png|type=popup}*Advanced Configuration*{link-window} dialog box.

(i) ScanImage 3.6 will more completely address issues related to optimizing scan parameters

h4. 'Infinite' FOCUS operation
An _Inf Focus_ checkbox has been added to the {link-window:ScanImage Pics^r3_5_MainControls.png|type=popup}*Main Controls*{link-window} window. Selecting this checkbox will cause FOCUS acquisitions to continue indefinitely until the user presses _ABORT_. When deselected, the ScanImage 3.0 behavior of scanning 80 frames before stopping is employed.

h4. Bidirectional scanning