Launches data acquisition – - any programs set to 'External' will be included in the acquisition cycle.
Timing Control
DAQ board timing – - The acquisition runs continuously for the number of iterations specified. Data are stored in a single .xsg file, i.e., as a single long trace (consisting of multiple 'tracelets').
CPU timing – - The acquisition is discontinous; i.e., one .xsg file per iteration.
The time in seconds between acquisition iterations. Pertains to CPU mode only
- In CPU mode, the value should be somewhat greater than the trace length (system-dependent, but typically at least 0.5 sec).
- In DAQ mode, the interval is defined as equal to the trace length; i.e., the same value should be used in the Interval windos of the loopGui as in the trace length window of I/O programs (ephys, stimulator, acquirer).
If there is a discrepancy, a warning gui is displayed, and the value used for the loopGui Interval is applied to the other programs.
Specifies the number of iterations in the looped acquisition.