h3. Added
* {vi-statevar:state.init.eom.beamNameN}: Each of the individual _Beams_ configured can now be named. These names will appear instead of 'Beam 1', 'Beam 2', etc. in the pull-down menus on various ScanImage windows.
h3. Removed
* {vi-statevar:maxBufferedGrabTime}: This value is no longer user-configurable. There is no longer a ScanImage imposed limit on the maximum 'buffered' acquisition time for *GRAB* acquisitions or *LOOP* _Repeats_ with [Continuous Disk Logging|Unlimited and Uninterrupted Acquisition] disabled. ScanImageIf willa nowlarge alertacquisition useris ifbuffered, a memorywarning allocationmessage errorwill occursbe thatissued enablingsuggesting [Continuoushow Diskto Logging|Unlimitedavoid and Uninterrupted Acquisition] (or reducing the acquisition size) will allow it to be avoided.possible out-of-memory errors.
h3. Modified
* {vi-statevar:state.init.pockelsOn} has been moved into the 'eom' structure, and is now {vi-statevar:state.init.eom.pockelsOn}