ScanImage and Ephus can be customized and extended via _user functions_ which respond to _events_ generated by ScanImage or Ephus. In ScanImage, for more advanced requirements, user functions can be written to follow a 'plugin' pattern, in which the same function responds to multiple events.
To promote code sharing, to either reuse or mimic, we maintain a repository here of user functions and plugins developed by either the core developers or members of the ScanImage/Ephus user communities.
[Please let us know|\[ScanImage/Ephus Plugin\]] if you have any user functions or plugins that you would like to contribute!
h2. ScanImage
See [User Functions & Plugins|User Functions & Plugins (r3.8)] for more information about these topics in ScanImage.
The ScanImage releases contain a 'Samples' folder which include user functions, several following the 'plugin' pattern. These are briefly enumerated below.
h4. Developer Samples
*SI4 Samples*
||Function Name||Description||
|_borghuis\_roiPlot.m_| |
|_hantman\_legoControl.m_| |
|_hantman\_stimPulse.m_| |
*SI3 Samples*
h4. Community Contributions
{table-data:Data File Archives}
||Function/Plugin Name || Contributor || Brief Description || ScanImage Version(s) || Download File || Comments ||
| {text-data:Name|width=100px] | {text-data:Contributor|width=100px} | {text-data:Description|width=200px} | {text-data:Versions|width=60px} | {attachment-data:DownloadFile} | {text-data:Comments|width=300px}|
h2. Ephus |