ScanImage 3.6.1 is a required service pack release, with minorimportant enhancements/bugfixes.
h3. {toggle-cloak:id=SI3_6_1} ScanImage 3.6.1 Notes/Bugfixes/Enhancements
h4. Enhancements
* Allow 2048 pixels/line
* All graphical interaction tools (line scan/ROI/power box selection) now use new functions (independent of Image Processing toolbox) with improved stability -- and ability to cancel, using escape/delete.
h4. Bugfixes
* Power Box 'OUT' value now works
* Error when parking laser for case of 2 or more beams is fixed
* The 'z' hotkey (which goes to zero motor position) no longer has effect if a relative origin has not been set
* Histogram/Statistics features are working again
h2. ScanImage 3.6.0 README (12-08-2010)
ScanImage 3.6 has been developed primarily to support fast raster scanning -- bidirectional scanning, in particular, as well as faster sawtooth scanning -- providing a 4x increase in the line scan rate compared to ScanImage 3.5 and earlier versions (*0.5ms/line* vs *2ms/line* typically used in earlier versions).
ScanImage 3.6 makes significant changes to core scanning functionality. There are both changes at the user interface level (the *CONFIGURATION* dialog is completely revamped) as well as under the hood. Users familiar with earlier releases should expect a short learning period to become familiar with the new scan parameters and user interface.
ScanImage 3.6 adds significant performance enhancements to the 'streaming' functions -- those which are executed as _callbacks_ to process incoming data during live acquisition. As a result, display/processing/disk-logging can be sustained for high frame rate imaging, up to >60fps, using readily available and inexpensive computer hardware.
ScanImage 3.6 removes several features that were visible in earlier versions: _PowerBox Stepper_, _ROI Cycler_, _UncagingMapper_, and _Custom Timings_. These specialty features have not been widely used/tested to include with the current release. They may be recapitulated in the future. In addition, ScanImage 3.6 disables Cycle mode operation, which provides ability to program stage movements between acquisitions. However, Cycle mode operation has been restored and tested in ScanImage 3.5.1, which is being co-released with ScanImage 3.6. It is planned to add Cycle mode operation back to a future ScanImage release.
A full list of changes, new features, and bugfixes is presented below.
has been developed primarily to support ScanImage users who no longer have ready access to the older Matlab version for which earlier ScanImage releases had been developed. ScanImage 3.5 is known to be compatible with Matlab 2007b. In addition, it is now compatible with the newer National Instruments driver (DAQmx), rather than the Traditional NI-DAQ driver required by earlier ScanImage releases.
ScanImage 3.5 is very similar to 3.0 and new users may want to refer to the [ScanImage r3.0 Documentation] to become familiar with this software.
h4. Changes
However, some important changes have been made. New and returning users should familiarize themselves with the documentation of the [Important Changes in ScanImage 3.5|ScanImage r3.5 Documentation#Important Changes in ScanImage 3.5]. Notably:
* The Selection Dialog no longer appears at startup
* The handling of the INI file, which must be created by the user, has changed somewhat.
* The board wiring required for trigger and clock synchronization has been modified
* The Main Controls window has several modifications
h4. New Features
In addition to these changes, several new features have been added to ScanImage 3.5 to help support ongoing experiments by ScanImage users at HHMI/Janelia Farm Research Campus. These and other [Important New Features in ScanImage 3.5|ScanImage r3.5 Documentation#Important New Features in ScanImage 3.5] are described fully in the documentation:
* Live RGB channel 'merge' display during Focus mode
* Unlimited & uninterrupted acquisitions via TIF streaming-to-disk
* Ability to accept external trigger, using separate trigger input terminal (e.g. facilitates _Ephus_\-driven acquisitions)
* Enhanced MP-285 interface and configuration
* Improved support for case of 3 'beams' (i.e. 3 Pockels Cells)
* Tools to facilitate beam and scan alignment
* Enhanced 'hot-key' functionality to support rapid program control and configuration switching
h4. Bug Fixes
A handful of bugs identified in ScanImage 3.0 have been addressed in this release.
{toggle-cloak:id=BugFixes} *View list of bug fixes...*
* The 'pixel time' and 'bin factor' parameters now update correctly following changes to the 'Fill Fraction' or 'ms/line' parameters.
* _Power Box_
** 'Constrain to Line' functionality is actually turned off at startup, matching the startup checkbox setting in the GUI
** Selecting 'Constrain to Line' no longer causes Power Box to 'shift' each time
* User preference to display grid on channel windows now correctly saves
* Prompted entry of file 'base name' actually pertains
h4. About Upcoming Releases
Version 3.6 is expected to be released soon after this version, supporting bidirectional and an improved sawtooth scanning user interface.
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