Occurs when running Ephys and Stimulator (the two output programs) on a single board. The reason is that Ephus tries to zero the values of the AO channels at the end of the stimulus, but can't because the other program's channel is still running. The warning can be suppressed by setting 'zeroOutputChannelsOnStop = false' in the initialization file.
Note that with this configuration (1 board, simultaneous output by Ephys and Stimulator) means that the output channels will not be zeroed after stimuli are delivered. Therefore it is up to the user to ensure that pulses and trace lengths are specified so as to avoid 'hanging' of the output channels at non-zero values.
Warning: mapper_coordinates2Voltages - 'X' mirror control signal may be invalid. Voltages were found to be out of range - UNDER_VOLTAGE
Typically means that the "Span" value in ImagingSys was not set, but is still at its default value of 1.