Information on all active NIMEX channels
at the command line: daqjob('acquisition')
Copy settings
To copy settings (i.e. .settings files, such as make up a configuration set, or a hotswitch), use the command-line Matlab function ephus_util_clonesettings, which copies a settings folder tree. This can be useful when a rig will be shared by multiple users, and you wish to use an existing user's settings as a starting point for a new user. See the Matlab help for this function for additional information. When called without arguments, the user is prompted to select source and target folders - these can also be supplied as arguments at the command-line. This function is also available under the File menu.
Create standard user folders and settings
You may create a folder tree to store a user's data and settings per standard conventions by invoking the command-line Matlab function ephus_util_newUserFolder. The user will be prompted for various bits of information.
Optionally, by passing a true argument value, this function can further create a standard configuration set with hotswitches, appropriate for basic whole-cell electrophysiology and LSPS (protocols for voltage steps, a family of current steps, and mapping). This feature makes assumptions about what hardware devices are present, and how the various channels have been configured - as such, it is only useful in some cases. A start-up (initialization) file for such a hardware configuration is automatically generated.