h5. ScanImage 4.1 Workstation Specs
{info}The [Superlogics SL-4U-MCX-C602Z9|Superlogics#SI4.1] meets the SI4.1 workstation requirements and has been extensively tested. \\For Thorlabs [MPM resonant scanning hardware|http://www.thorlabs.com/thorproduct.cfm?partnumber=MPM-SCAN] specified (at time of order) to be ScanImage-compatibile, this system will be _included by default_.\\ Modifications/alternatives to this default system can also be specified at time of Thorlabs order.{info}
[ScanImage 4.1|ScanImage r4.1 README] is expected to run on machines meeting these minimum requirements:
* Multi-core processor (> 4, typ. 8 or higher)
** SI 4.1 uses 3 threads, which will typically execute on separate cores. Having > 4 cores allows additional applications to run in parallel with SI 4.1.
* 4 PCIe slots or more (1 x8, 3 x1) for Thor/SI4.1 DAQ cards.
** Note an additional (5'th) slot, typ. PCIe x16, is typically needed for a graphics card (for motherboards without internal graphics).
** Users should account for any additional slots they may need for hardware used together with ScanImage 4.1.
* 8GB RAM or higher
* Integrated RAID controller, allowing for RAID 0 data drive pair
* Win 7/64-bit OS
All SI 4.1 testing has been done with disk logging to a RAID 0 data drive pair, typically a pair of matched [Western Digital 10K RPM Velociraptor drives|http://www.wdc.com/en/products/products.aspx?id=20].
h5. ScanImage 3.8 Workstation Specs
[ScanImage 3.8|ScanImage r3.8 README] can be run on a wide range of computers, including several [4U rack-mount computers from Superlogics|http://www.superlogics.com/industrial-computers/rack-mount-pc-computer/267.htm]. Here are the key guidelines:
* Typical new systems use the [PCI-6110|http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/11888] digitizer for the primary board and a [PCIe X Series|http://www.ni.com/xseries/] board for the optional secondary board. For such a case, it is required to select a motherboard/enclosure supporting a _full-length PCI board_ as well as having at least one PCIe slot - in addition to the slots needed for the video card, other applications/devices, etc.
* Win 7/64-bit is recommended OS; Win XP/32-bit is also supported
* Select a CPU with at minimum 2 cores. Any of the Intel Core processors (Core i3/i5/i7) meet this requirement. A CPU with 4 cores (most Core i5 and all Core i7 processors) is recommended if using ScanImage together with any other program simultaneously, e.g. for physiology/behavior/etc.
* Use of a second hard drive for data storage is not required, but does reduced the processing time used for writing to disk. This second hard drive can be a standard magnetic drive (a solid-state-drive for data streaming is not recommended).
(!) Note the _Superlogics SL-4U-MCX-C602Z9_ (i.e. the ScanImage 4.1 workstation) does *NOT* generally meet the [ScanImage Recommended Computer Hardware|ScanImage Recommended Computer Hardware] requirements for ScanImage 3.8. It has 7PCIe slots, but zero PCI slots. At least one full-length PCI card slot is required to use standard ScanImage 3.8 DAQ boards (e.g. the [PCI-6110|http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CDUQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fsine.ni.com%2Fnips%2Fcds%2Fview%2Fp%2Flang%2Fen%2Fnid%2F11888&ei=eEQAUdP7D7O80AH34oHwDw&usg=AFQjCNEGXfa_p5RLVbacISmmWZpdHtTLqA&sig2=l66iXE2TgsY9-C04AkrURA&bvm=bv.41248874,d.dmQ] for the mirror control). |