Wiki Markup |
{composition-setup |
ScanImage is written primarily in Matlab and uses National Instruments data acquisition (DAQ) hardware for its core functionality.
The Microsoft Windows operating system, Matlab software, and National Instruments DAQ driver software must be installed prior to using ScanImage.
title | Windows, Matlab, NI Version Compatibility |
ScanImage Software Installation
(Instructions pertain to versions 3.x; instructions for version 4.0 forthcoming.)
} h5. Prerequisites ScanImage is written primarily in [Matlab|] and uses [National Instruments|] data acquisition (DAQ) hardware for its core functionality. The Microsoft Windows operating system, Matlab software, and National Instruments DAQ driver software must be installed prior to using ScanImage. {panel:title=Windows, Matlab, NI Version Compatibility} {include:ScanImage Version Compatibility} {panel} h5. ScanImage Software Installation (_Instructions pertain to versions 3.x_; instructions for version 4.0 forthcoming.) # Create a ScanImage folder at desired path location (_suggestions_: C:\Program Files\ScanImage or C:\My Documents\Matlab\ScanImage). Location is referred to hereafter as <ScanImage>. |
# Download ZIP file from table above and extract its contents into the ScanImage folder. This creates a version folder <ScanImage>\<Version#>. |
# Launch Matlab and select _Set Path..._ from the _File_ menu |
# Press the button _Add with Subfolders..._ and, when prompted, select the directory <ScanImage>\<Version#>. This adds all the ScanImage installation contents to the top of the Matlab search path |
# Copy the file _standard_model.ini_ from <ScanImage>\<Version#>\ScanImage\init_files to a desired path location (typical location: C:\Data\Config\ScanImage). Rename the file to _standard.ini_. |
# Modify the values in _standard.ini_ according to your rig and experimental situation. For more information, see [ScanImage INI File Overview]. |