{note:title=Version Compatibility}Please note/follow the [ScanImage Version Compatibility] information. It is possible to co-install ScanImage 3.8 with earlier ScanImage versions, by installing multiple Matlab versions on a machine. In such cases, DAQmx 8.8 should be used. {note}
{info:title=About this Documentation}ScanImage 3.8 is generally quite similar to 3.7.x & 3.6.x. This documentation contains fully updated _Getting Started_ and _Window Reference_ sections, while the _Key Concepts_ and _Other Important Concepts_ sections often simply reproduce the r3.6 documentation, since the concepts described there remain applicable, though some small details may be out-of-date on those pages. {info}.
* +Getting Started Guide+
{pagetree:root=Getting Started Guide (r3.8)|startDepth=2}
* +Window Reference Guide+
{pagetree:root=Window Reference Guide (r3.8)|startDepth=1}
* +Key Concepts+
{pagetree:root=Key Concepts (r3.8)|startDepth=1}
* +Other Important Concepts+
{pagetree:root=Other Important Concepts (r3.8)|startDepth=1}