h5. Prerequisites
ScanImage is written primarily in [Matlab|http://www.mathworks.com] and uses [National Instruments|http://www.ni.com] data acquisition (DAQ) hardware for its core functionality.
The Microsoft Windows operating system, Matlab software, and National Instruments DAQ driver software must be installed prior to using ScanImage.
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{include:ScanImage Version Compatibility}
h5. ScanImage Software Installation
(_Instructions pertain to versions 3.x_; instructions for version 4.0 forthcoming.)
# Create a ScanImage folder at desired path location (_suggestions_: C:\Program Files\ScanImage or C:\My Documents\Matlab\ScanImage). Location is referred to hereafter as <ScanImage>.
# Download ZIP file from table above and extract its contents into the ScanImage folder. This creates a version folder <ScanImage>\<Version#>.
# Launch Matlab and select _Set Path..._ from the _File_ menu
# Press the button _Add with Subfolders..._ and, when prompted, select the directory <ScanImage>\<Version#>. This adds all the ScanImage installation contents to the top of the Matlab search path
# Copy the file _standard_model.ini_ from <ScanImage>\<Version#>\ScanImage\init_files to a desired path location (typical location: C:\Data\Config\ScanImage). Rename the file to _standard.ini_.
# Modify the values in _standard.ini_ according to your rig and experimental situation. For more information, see [ScanImage INI File Overview].