ScanImage 3.8 is a major upgrade adding several new features and several user interface enhancements. Notably, Cycle mode operation, presently only available in r3.5.x, has been restored and revamped.
Functionally, ScanImage 3.7 is very similar to 3.6, so the transition should be fairly straightforward. However, there are [changes and other recommended steps|ScanImage r3.7 Documentation#UpgradeInfo] in upgrading to 3.7 from 3.5.x or 3.6.x.
New users, and existing users who can benefit from the new features (listed below) should use ScanImage 3.8. Other existing users of 3.5.x-3.7.x may or 3.6.x may want to defer upgrading until ScanImage 3.8 (expected spring or early summer of 2011), which will have further new features.
{note:title=Version Compatibility}ScanImage 3.8 has been tested to date against Matlab 2010 and DAQmx 9.2. More recent DAQmx versions are expected to work. {note}
h3. Major Enhancements
* Cycle mode has been restored, using new table-based *Cycle Controls* to specify changes (motor steps, CFG file loads, and/or other settings) to apply at each _Cycle iteration_
* A 'Mosaic' macro allows configuration of Cycle for acquisition at multiple, tiled fields-of-view
* Point/Line/Rectangle/Square ROIs all now treated via unified ROI concept, managed in the new *ROI Controls* dialog
* Extended support for User Functions, including USR file bindings and configurable 'override functions'
h3. Other Enhancements
{comment}* Display frame averaging now decoupled from file frame averaging{comment}
* Support for separated XY & Z motor controllers
* Support for secondary Z motor controller, e.g. case of XYZ stage plus additional piezo controller
* Support for Physik Instrumente stage controllers, for standard stack acquisition
* Sub-unity zoom factor values are permitted, in relation to new _ScanAngularRangeReference_ values defined in INI file
* Faster CFG file loading
* Faster Fast Configuration switching
h3. Changes
* The *Acquisition Controls* dialog has been eliminated, with the various controls (_# Frames_, _Repeat Period_, etc) redistributed to the (significantly redesigned) *Main Controls*, *Motor Controls*, *Image Controls*, and *Configuration* dialogs
* The ROI addition/selection tools on the *Main Controls* have been significantly changed, with much of this functionality now shared with the newly added *ROI Controls* dialog
* The motor position controls, e.g. to define/goto/save/load motor positions, have been moved from the *Motor Controls* to the new *Position Controls* dialog
* The _Scan Angular Range_ values (fast & slow) have been replaced by the combination of:
** _ScanAngularRangeReference_ values (fast & slow), specified in the INI file, and
** _ScanAngleMultiplier_ values (fast & slow), specified as part of the Configuration on the *Main Controls* dialog
h3. Major Enhancements
* Cycle mode has been restored, using new table-based *Cycle Controls* to specify changes (motor steps, CFG file loads, and/or other settings) to apply at each _Cycle iteration_
* A 'Mosaic' macro allows configuration of Cycle for acquisition at multiple, tiled fields-of-view
* Point/Line/Rectangle/Square ROIs all now treated via unified ROI concept, managed in the new *ROI Controls* dialog
* Extended support for User Functions, including USR file bindings and configurable 'override functions'
h3. Other Enhancements
{comment}* Display frame averaging now decoupled from file frame averaging{comment}
* Support for separated XY & Z motor controllers
* Support for secondary Z motor controller, e.g. case of XYZ stage plus additional piezo controller
* Support for Physik Instrumente stage controllers, for standard stack acquisition
* Faster CFG file loading
* Faster Fast Configuration switching
* The _externalTriggerInputTerminals_ no longer need to be specified in the INI file; PFI numbers can simply be entered in *Triggers...* dialog