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_Snapshot: 2012-06-06_
Current total primary research publications: *207*
1. Arttamangkul S, Lau EK, Lu H-W, Williams JT: Desensitization and Trafficking of mu-opioid Receptors in Locus Coeruleus Neurons: Modulation by Kinases. _Molecular pharmacology_ 2012, 81:348-55.
2. Atallah BVV, Bruns W, Carandini M, Scanziani M: Parvalbumin-Expressing Interneurons Linearly Transform Cortical Responses to Visual Stimuli. _Neuron_ 2012, 73:159-170.
3. Ertürk A, Mauch CP, Hellal F, Förstner F, Keck T, Becker K, Jährling N, Steffens H, Richter M, Hübener M, et al.: Three-dimensional imaging of the unsectioned adult spinal cord to assess axon regeneration and glial responses after injury. _Nature medicine_ 2012, 18:166-71.
4. Huber D, Gutnisky DA, Peron S, O'Connor DH, Wiegert JS, Tian L, Oertner TG, Looger LL, Svoboda K: Multiple dynamic representations in the motor cortex during sensorimotor learning. _Nature_ 2012, 484:473-478.
5. Jacob V, Petreanu L, Wright N, Svoboda K, Fox K: Regular spiking and intrinsic bursting pyramidal cells show orthogonal forms of experience-dependent plasticity in layer v of barrel cortex. _Neuron_ 2012, 73:391-404.
6. Li Y-T, Ma W-P, Pan C-J, Zhang LI, Tao HW: Broadening of Cortical Inhibition Mediates Developmental Sharpening of Orientation Selectivity. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2012, 32:3981-3991.
7. Li Y, Lu H, Cheng P-lin, Ge S, Xu H, Shi S-H, Dan Y: Clonally related visual cortical neurons show similar stimulus feature selectivity. _Nature_ 2012, advance on.
8. Odermatt B, Nikolaev A, Lagnado L: Encoding of Luminance and Contrast by Linear and Nonlinear Synapses in the Retina. _Neuron_ 2012, 73:758-773.
9. Scott BB, Gardner T, Ji N, Fee MS, Lois C: Wandering Neuronal Migration in the Postnatal Vertebrate Forebrain. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2012, 32:1436-1446.
10. Viswanathan S, Bandyopadhyay S, Kao JPY, Kanold PO: Changing Microcircuits in the Subplate of the Developing Cortex. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2012, 32:1589-1601.
11. Wu X, Fu Y, Knott G, Lu J, Di Cristo G, Huang ZJ: GABA Signaling Promotes Synapse Elimination and Axon Pruning in Developing Cortical Inhibitory Interneurons. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2012, 32:331-43.
12. Xiong Q, Oviedo HV, Trotman LC, Zador AM: PTEN Regulation of Local and Long-Range Connections in Mouse Auditory Cortex. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2012, 32:1643-1652.
13. Zariwala HA, Borghuis BG, Hoogland TM, Madisen L, Tian L, De Zeeuw CI, Zeng H, Looger LL, Svoboda K, Chen T-W: A Cre-Dependent GCaMP3 Reporter Mouse for Neuronal Imaging In Vivo. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2012, 32:3131-3141.
14. Acker CD, Yan P, Loew LM: Single-voxel recording of voltage transients in dendritic spines. _Biophysical journal_ 2011, 101:L11-3.
15. Andermann ML, Kerlin AM, Roumis DK, Glickfeld LL, Reid RC: Functional Specialization of Mouse Higher Visual Cortical Areas. _Neuron_ 2011, 72:1025-1039.
16. Baden T, Esposti F, Nikolaev A, Lagnado L: Spikes in Retinal Bipolar Cells Phase-Lock to Visual Stimuli with Millisecond Precision. _Current biology_ 2011, 21:1859-69.
17. Bégin S, Burgoyne B, Mercier V, Villeneuve A, Vallée R, Côté D: Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering hyperspectral tissue imaging with a wavelength-swept system. _Biomedical optics express_ 2011, 2:1296-306.
18. Berndt A, Schoenenberger P, Mattis J, Tye KM, Deisseroth K, Hegemann P, Oertner TG: High-efficiency channelrhodopsins for fast neuronal stimulation at low light levels. _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America_ 2011, 108:7595-600.
19. Blumhagen F, Zhu P, Shum J, Schärer Y-PZ, Yaksi E, Deisseroth K, Friedrich RW: Neuronal filtering of multiplexed odour representations. _Nature_ 2011, 479:493-498.
20. Bock DD, Lee W-CA, Kerlin AM, Andermann ML, Hood G, Wetzel AW, Yurgenson S, Soucy ER, Kim HS, Reid RC: Network anatomy and in vivo physiology of visual cortical neurons. _Nature_ 2011, 471:177-82.
21. Borghuis BG, Tian L, Xu Y, Nikonov SS, Vardi N, Zemelman BV, Looger LL: Imaging light responses of targeted neuron populations in the rodent retina. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2011, 31:2855-67.
22. Chalifoux JR, Carter AG: Glutamate Spillover Promotes the Generation of NMDA Spikes. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2011, 31:16435-16446.
23. Chalifoux JR, Carter AG: GABAB receptor modulation of voltage-sensitive calcium channels in spines and dendrites. _The Journal of Neuroscience_ 2011, 31:4221-32.
24. Christie JM, Chiu DN, Jahr CE: Ca(2+)-dependent enhancement of release by subthreshold somatic depolarization. _Nature neuroscience_ 2011, 14:62-8.
25. De Pasquale R, Sherman SM: Synaptic Properties of Corticocortical Connections between the Primary and Secondary Visual Cortical Areas in the Mouse. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2011, 31:16494-16506.
26. Dreosti E, Esposti F, Baden T, Lagnado L: In vivo evidence that retinal bipolar cells generate spikes modulated by light. _Nature neuroscience_ 2011, 14:951-2.
27. Hamad MIK, Ma-Högemeier Z-L, Riedel C, Conrads C, Veitinger T, Habijan T, Schulz J-N, Krause M, Wirth MJ, Hollmann M, et al.: Cell class-specific regulation of neocortical dendrite and spine growth by AMPA receptor splice and editing variants. _Development_ 2011, 138:4301-13.
28. Herman MA, Nahir B, Jahr CE: Distribution of extracellular glutamate in the neuropil of hippocampus. _PloS one_ 2011, 6:e26501.
29. Herzog E, Nadrigny F, Silm K, Biesemann C, Helling I, Bersot T, Steffens H, Schwartzmann R, Nagerl UV, El Mestikawy S, et al.: In Vivo Imaging of Intersynaptic Vesicle Exchange Using VGLUT1Venus Knock-In Mice. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2011, 31:15544-15559.
30. Hooks BM, Hires SA, Zhang Y-X, Huber D, Petreanu L, Svoboda K, Shepherd GMG: Laminar analysis of excitatory local circuits in vibrissal motor and sensory cortical areas. _PLoS biology_ 2011, 9:e1000572.
31. Ikrar T, Olivas ND, Shi Y, Xu X: Mapping inhibitory neuronal circuits by laser scanning photostimulation. _Journal of visualized experiments?: JoVE_ 2011, \[no volume\].
32. Kitamura K, Hausser M: Dendritic Calcium Signaling Triggered by Spontaneous and Sensory-Evoked Climbing Fiber Input to Cerebellar Purkinje Cells In Vivo. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2011, 31:10847-10858.
33. Kuhlman SJ, Tring E, Trachtenberg JT: Fast-spiking interneurons have an initial orientation bias that is lost with vision. _Nature neuroscience_ 2011, 14:1121-3.
34. Lam Y-W, Sherman SM: Functional organization of the thalamic input to the thalamic reticular nucleus. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2011, 31:6791-9.
35. Lewis TL, Mao T, Arnold DB: A role for myosin VI in the localization of axonal proteins. _PLoS biology_ 2011, 9:e1001021.
36. Lien AD, Scanziani M: In vivo Labeling of Constellations of Functionally Identified Neurons for Targeted in vitro Recordings. _Frontiers in neural circuits_ 2011, 5:16.
37. Liu CC, Gao SS, Yuan T, Steele C, Puria S, Oghalai JS: Biophysical mechanisms underlying outer hair cell loss associated with a shortened tectorial membrane. _Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology?: JARO_ 2011, 12:577-94.
38. Mao T, Kusefoglu D, Hooks BM, Huber D, Petreanu L, Svoboda K: Long-Range Neuronal Circuits Underlying the Interaction between Sensory and Motor Cortex. _Neuron_ 2011, 72:111-123.
39. Marshel JH, Garrett ME, Nauhaus I, Callaway EM: Functional Specialization of Seven Mouse Visual Cortical Areas. _Neuron_ 2011, 72:1040-1054.
40. Mellios N, Sugihara H, Castro J, Banerjee A, Le C, Kumar A, Crawford B, Strathmann J, Tropea D, Levine SS, et al.: miR-132, an experience-dependent microRNA, is essential for visual cortex plasticity. _Nature neuroscience_ 2011, 14:1240-2.
41. Middleton JW, Kiritani T, Pedersen C, Turner JG, Shepherd GMG, Tzounopoulos T: Mice with behavioral evidence of tinnitus exhibit dorsal cochlear nucleus hyperactivity because of decreased GABAergic inhibition. _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences_ 2011, 108:7601-6.
42. Miri A, Daie K, Arrenberg AB, Baier H, Aksay E, Tank DW: Spatial gradients and multidimensional dynamics in a neural integrator circuit. _Nature Neuroscience_ 2011, 14:1150-9.
43. Miri A, Daie K, Burdine RD, Aksay E, Tank DW: Regression-based identification of behavior-encoding neurons during large-scale optical imaging of neural activity at cellular resolution. _Journal of neurophysiology_ 2011, 105:964-80.
44. Mostaço-Guidolin LB, Ko AC-T, Popescu DP, Smith MSD, Kohlenberg EK, Shiomi M, Major A, Sowa MG: Evaluation of texture parameters for the quantitative description of multimodal nonlinear optical images from atherosclerotic rabbit arteries. _Physics in medicine and biology_ 2011, 56:5319-34.
45. Mostany R, Portera-Cailliau C: Absence of large-scale dendritic plasticity of layer 5 pyramidal neurons in peri-infarct cortex. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2011, 31:1734-8.
46. Nauhaus I, Nielsen KJ, Callaway EM: Nonlinearity of two-photon Ca2\+ imaging yields distorted measurements of tuning for V1 neuronal populations. _Journal of neurophysiology_ 2011, 107:923-36.
47. Peñagarikano O, Abrahams BS, Herman EI, Winden KD, Gdalyahu A, Dong H, Sonnenblick LI, Gruver R, Almajano J, Bragin A, et al.: Absence of CNTNAP2 Leads to Epilepsy, Neuronal Migration Abnormalities, and Core Autism-Related Deficits. _Cell_ 2011, 147:235-246.
48. Pugh JR, Jahr CE: NMDA Receptor Agonists Fail To Alter Release from Cerebellar Basket Cells. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2011, 31:16550-16555.
49. Pugh JR, Jahr CE: Axonal GABAA receptors increase cerebellar granule cell excitability and synaptic activity. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2011, 31:565-74.
50. Qiu S, Anderson CT, Levitt P, Shepherd GMG: Circuit-specific intracortical hyperconnectivity in mice with deletion of the autism-associated Met receptor tyrosine kinase. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2011, 31:5855-64.
51. Quillinan N, Lau EK, Virk M, von Zastrow M, Williams JT: Recovery from mu-opioid receptor desensitization after chronic treatment with morphine and methadone. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2011, 31:4434-43.
52. Ramsey AJ, Milenkovic M, Oliveira AF, Escobedo-Lozoya Y, Seshadri S, Salahpour A, Sawa A, Yasuda R, Caron MGMG: Impaired NMDA receptor transmission alters striatal synapses and DISC1 protein in an age-dependent manner. _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences_ 2011, 108:5795.
53. Rosselet C, Fieschi M, Hugues S, Bureau I: Associative learning changes the organization of functional excitatory circuits targeting the supragranular layers of mouse barrel cortex. _Frontiers in neural circuits_ 2011, 4:126.
54. Sedlacek M, Tipton PW, Brenowitz SD: Sustained firing of cartwheel cells in the dorsal cochlear nucleus evokes endocannabinoid release and retrograde suppression of parallel fiber synapses. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2011, 31:15807-17.
55. Sheets PL, Suter BA, Kiritani T, Chan CS, Surmeier DJ, Shepherd GMG: Corticospinal-specific HCN expression in mouse motor cortex: I(h)-dependent synaptic integration as a candidate microcircuit mechanism involved in motor control. _Journal of neurophysiology_ 2011, 106:2216-31.
56. Truong TV, Supatto W, Koos DS, Choi JM, Fraser SE: Deep and fast live imaging with two-photon scanned light-sheet microscopy. _Nature Methods_ 2011, 8:757-60.
57. Tuthill JC, Chiappe ME, Reiser MB: Neural correlates of illusory motion perception in Drosophila. _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America_ 2011, 108:9685-90.
58. Vesuna S, Torres R, Levene MJ: Multiphoton fluorescence, second harmonic generation, and fluorescence lifetime imaging of whole cleared mouse organs. _Journal of biomedical optics_ 2011, 16:106009.
59. Viaene AN, Petrof I, Sherman SM: Synaptic Properties of Thalamic Input to the Subgranular Layers of Primary Somatosensory and Auditory Cortices in the Mouse. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2011, 31:12738-12747.
60. Viaene AN, Petrof I, Sherman SM: Properties of the thalamic projection from the posterior medial nucleus to primary and secondary somatosensory cortices in the mouse. _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences_ 2011, 108:18156-61.
61. Viaene AN, Petrof I, Sherman SM: Synaptic properties of thalamic input to layers 2/3 and 4 of primary somatosensory and auditory cortices. _Journal of neurophysiology_ 2011, 105:279-92.
62. Woods GF, Oh WC, Boudewyn LC, Mikula SK, Zito K: Loss of PSD-95 Enrichment Is Not a Prerequisite for Spine Retraction. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2011, 31:12129-12138.
63. Andermann ML, Kerlin AM, Reid R: Chronic cellular imaging of mouse visual cortex during operant behavior and passive viewing. _Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience_ 2010, 4.
64. Anderson CT, Sheets PL, Kiritani T, Shepherd GMG: Sublayer-specific microcircuits of corticospinal and corticostriatal neurons in motor cortex. _Nature neuroscience_ 2010, 13:739-44.
65. Chalifoux JR, Carter AG: GABAB receptors modulate NMDA receptor calcium signals in dendritic spines. _Neuron_ 2010, 66:101-13.
66. Chiappe ME, Seelig JD, Reiser MB, Jayaraman V: Walking modulates speed sensitivity in Drosophila motion vision. _Current biology_ 2010, 20:1470-5.
67. Ch'ng YH, Reid RC: Cellular imaging of visual cortex reveals the spatial and functional organization of spontaneous activity. _Frontiers in integrative neuroscience_ 2010, 4.
68. Chowdhury TG, Jimenez JC, Bomar JM, Cruz-Martin A, Cantle JP, Portera-Cailliau C: Fate of cajal-retzius neurons in the postnatal mouse neocortex. _Frontiers in neuroanatomy_ 2010, 4:10.
69. Christie LA, Russell TA, Xu J, Wood L, Shepherd GMG, Contractor A: AMPA receptor desensitization mutation results in severe developmental phenotypes and early postnatal lethality. _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences_ 2010, 107:9412-7.
70. Cruz-Martín A, Crespo M, Portera-Cailliau C: Delayed stabilization of dendritic spines in fragile X mice. _The Journal of Neuroscience_ 2010, 30:7793-803.
71. Dombeck DA, Harvey CD, Tian L, Looger LL, Tank DW: Functional imaging of hippocampal place cells at cellular resolution during virtual navigation. _Nature neuroscience_ 2010, 13:1433-40.
72. Dorostkar MMM, Dreosti E, Odermatt B, Lagnado L: Computational processing of optical measurements of neuronal and synaptic activity in networks. _Journal of neuroscience methods_ 2010, 188:141-50.
73. Guetg N, Abdel Aziz S, Holbro N, Turecek R, Rose T, Seddik R, Gassmann M, Moes S, Jenoe P, Oertner TG, et al.: NMDA receptor-dependent GABAB receptor internalization via CaMKII phosphorylation of serine 867 in GABAB1. _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America_ 2010, 107:13924-9.
74. Heider B, Nathanson JL, Isacoff EY, Callaway EM, Siegel RM: Two-Photon Imaging of Calcium in Virally Transfected Striate Cortical Neurons of Behaving Monkey. _PloS one_ 2010, 5:e13829.
75. Heneka MTM, Nadrigny F, Regen T, Martinez-Hernandez A, Dumitrescu-Ozimek L, Terwel D, Jardanhazi-Kurutz D, Walter J, Kirchhoff F, Hanisch U-K, et al.: Locus ceruleus controls Alzheimer's disease pathology by modulating microglial functions through norepinephrine. _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America_ 2010, 107:6058-63.
76. Higley MJ, Sabatini BL: Competitive regulation of synaptic Ca2\+ influx by D2 dopamine and A2A adenosine receptors. _Nature neuroscience_ 2010, 13:958-66.
77. Holbro N, Grunditz A, Wiegert JS, Oertner TG: AMPA receptors gate spine Ca(2+) transients and spike-timing-dependent potentiation. _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences_ 2010, 107:15975-80.
78. Kerlin AM, Andermann ML, Berezovskii VK, Reid RC: Broadly tuned response properties of diverse inhibitory neuron subtypes in mouse visual cortex. _Neuron_ 2010, 67:858-71.
79. Ko ACT, Ridsdale A, Smith MSD, Mostaço-Guidolin LB, Hewko MD, Pegoraro AF, Kohlenberg EK, Schattka B, Shiomi M, Stolow A, et al.: Multimodal nonlinear optical imaging of atherosclerotic plaque development in myocardial infarction-prone rabbits. _Journal of biomedical optics_ 2010, 15:020501.
80. Komiyama T, Sato TR, O'Connor DH, Zhang Y-X, Huber D, Hooks BM, Gabitto M, Svoboda K: Learning-related fine-scale specificity imaged in motor cortex circuits of behaving mice. _Nature_ 2010, 464:1182-6.
81. Lam Y-W, Sherman SM: Functional organization of the somatosensory cortical layer 6 feedback to the thalamus. _Cerebral cortex_ 2010, 20:13-24.
82. Ma W-P, Liu B-H, Li Y-T, Huang ZJ, Zhang LI, Tao HW: Visual representations by cortical somatostatin inhibitory neurons--selective but with weak and delayed responses. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2010, 30:14371-9.
83. Martin SM, O'Brien GS, Portera-Cailliau C, Sagasti A: Wallerian degeneration of zebrafish trigeminal axons in the skin is required for regeneration and developmental pruning. _Development_ 2010, 137:3985-94.
84. Mostaço-Guidolin LB, Sowa MG, Ridsdale A, Pegoraro AF, Smith MSD, Hewko MD, Kohlenberg EK, Schattka B, Shiomi M, Stolow A, et al.: Differentiating atherosclerotic plaque burden in arterial tissues using femtosecond CARS-based multimodal nonlinear optical imaging. _Biomedical optics express_ 2010, 1:59-73.
85. Mostany R, Chowdhury TG, Johnston DG, Portonovo SA, Carmichael ST, Portera-Cailliau C: Local hemodynamics dictate long-term dendritic plasticity in peri-infarct cortex. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2010, 30:14116-26.
86. Niessing J, Friedrich RW: Olfactory pattern classification by discrete neuronal network states. _Nature_ 2010, 465:47-52.
87. O'Connor DH, Clack NG, Huber D, Komiyama T, Myers EW, Svoboda K: Vibrissa-based object localization in head-fixed mice. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2010, 30:1947-67.
88. O'Connor DH, Peron SP, Huber D, Svoboda K: Neural activity in barrel cortex underlying vibrissa-based object localization in mice. _Neuron_ 2010, 67:1048-61.
89. Oviedo HV, Bureau I, Svoboda K, Zador AM: The functional asymmetry of auditory cortex is reflected in the organization of local cortical circuits. _Nature neuroscience_ 2010, 13:1413-20.
90. Parra SG, Chia TH, Zinter JP, Levene MJ: Multiphoton microscopy of cleared mouse organs. _Journal of biomedical optics_ 2010, 15:036017.
91. Patterson MA, Szatmari EM, Yasuda R: AMPA receptors are exocytosed in stimulated spines and adjacent dendrites in a Ras-ERK-dependent manner during long-term potentiation. _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America_ 2010, 107:15951-6.
92. Sato TR, Svoboda K: The functional properties of barrel cortex neurons projecting to the primary motor cortex. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2010, 30:4256-60.
93. Seelig JD, Chiappe ME, Lott GK, Dutta A, Osborne JE, Reiser MB, Jayaraman V: Two-photon calcium imaging from head-fixed Drosophila during optomotor walking behavior. _Nature methods_ 2010, 7:535-40.
94. Shi Y, Nenadic Z, Xu X: Novel use of matched filtering for synaptic event detection and extraction. _PloS one_ 2010, 5:e15517.
95. Smith SL, Häusser M: Parallel processing of visual space by neighboring neurons in mouse visual cortex. _Nature neuroscience_ 2010, 13:1144-9.
96. Theyel BB, Llano DA, Sherman SM: The corticothalamocortical circuit drives higher-order cortex in the mouse. _Nature neuroscience_ 2010, 13:84-8.
97. Wiechert MT, Judkewitz B, Riecke H, Friedrich RW: Mechanisms of pattern decorrelation by recurrent neuronal circuits. _Nature neuroscience_ 2010, 13:1003-10.
98. Wilbrecht L, Holtmaat A, Wright N, Fox K, Svoboda K: Structural plasticity underlies experience-dependent functional plasticity of cortical circuits. _The Journal of Neuroscience_ 2010, 30:4927-32.
99. Wood L, Shepherd GMG: Synaptic circuit abnormalities of motor-frontal layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons in a mutant mouse model of Rett syndrome. _Neurobiology of disease_ 2010, 38:281-7.
100. Xia A, Gao SS, Yuan T, Osborn A, Bress A, Pfister M, Maricich SM, Pereira FA, Oghalai JS: Deficient forward transduction and enhanced reverse transduction in the alpha tectorin C1509G human hearing loss mutation. _Disease models & mechanisms_ 2010, 3:209-23.
101. Xu X, Olivas ND, Levi R, Ikrar T, Nenadic Z: High precision and fast functional mapping of cortical circuitry through a novel combination of voltage sensitive dye imaging and laser scanning photostimulation. _Journal of neurophysiology_ 2010, 103:2301-12.
102. Yuan T, Gao SS, Saggau P, Oghalai JS: Calcium imaging of inner ear hair cells within the cochlear epithelium of mice using two-photon microscopy. _Journal of biomedical optics_ 2010, 15:016002.
103. Chia TH, Levene MJ: Microprisms for in vivo multilayer cortical imaging. _Journal of neurophysiology_ 2009, 102:1310-4.
104. Chia TH, Levene MJ: In vivo imaging of deep cortical layers using a microprism. _Journal of visualized experiments?: JoVE_ 2009, \[no volume\].
105. Chow DK, Groszer M, Pribadi M, Machniki M, Carmichael ST, Liu X, Trachtenberg JT: Laminar and compartmental regulation of dendritic growth in mature cortex. _Nature neuroscience_ 2009, 12:116-8.
106. Christie JM, Jahr CE: Selective expression of ligand-gated ion channels in L5 pyramidal cell axons. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2009, 29:11441.
107. Ding JB, Takasaki KT, Sabatini BL: Supraresolution imaging in brain slices using stimulated-emission depletion two-photon laser scanning microscopy. _Neuron_ 2009, 63:429--437.
108. Dombeck DA, Graziano MS, Tank DW: Functional clustering of neurons in motor cortex determined by cellular resolution imaging in awake behaving mice. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2009, 29:13751-60.
109. Dreosti E, Odermatt B, Dorostkar MM, Lagnado L: A genetically encoded reporter of synaptic activity in vivo. _Nature methods_ 2009, 6:883-9.
110. Golshani P, Gonçalves JT, Khoshkhoo S, Mostany R, Smirnakis S, Portera-Cailliau C: Internally mediated developmental desynchronization of neocortical network activity. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2009, 29:10890.
111. Higley MJM, Soler-Llavina GJ, Sabatini BL: Cholinergic modulation of multivesicular release regulates striatal synaptic potency and integration. _Nature neuroscience_ 2009, 12:1121-8.
112. Holbro N, Grunditz Å, Oertner TG: Differential distribution of endoplasmic reticulum controls metabotropic signaling and plasticity at hippocampal synapses. _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences_ 2009, 106:15055.
113. Holtmaat A, Bonhoeffer T, Chow DK, Chuckowree J, De Paola V, Hofer SB, Hübener M, Keck T, Knott G, Lee W-CA, et al.: Long-term, high-resolution imaging in the mouse neocortex through a chronic cranial window. _Nature protocols_ 2009, 4:1128-44.
114. Hoogland TM, Kuhn B, Göbel W, Huang W, Nakai J, Helmchen F, Flint J, Wang SSH: Radially expanding transglial calcium waves in the intact cerebellum. _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences_ 2009, 106:3496.
115. Judkewitz B, Rizzi M, Kitamura K, Häusser M: Targeted single-cell electroporation of mammalian neurons in vivo. _Nature protocols_ 2009, 4:862-9.
116. Knott GW, Holtmaat A, Trachtenberg JT, Svoboda K, Welker E: A protocol for preparing GFP-labeled neurons previously imaged in vivo and in slice preparations for light and electron microscopic analysis. _Nature protocols_ 2009, 4:1145-56.
117. Lee CC, Sherman SM: Glutamatergic inhibition in sensory neocortex. _Cerebral cortex_ 2009, 19:2281-9.
118. Lewis TL, Mao T, Svoboda K, Arnold DB: Myosin-dependent targeting of transmembrane proteins to neuronal dendrites. _Nature neuroscience_ 2009, 12:568-76.
119. Liu B-hua, Li P, Li Y-tang, Sun YJ, Yanagawa Y, Obata K, Zhang LI, Tao HW: Visual receptive field structure of cortical inhibitory neurons revealed by two-photon imaging guided recording. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2009, 29:10520-32.
120. Llano DA, Sherman SM: Differences in intrinsic properties and local network connectivity of identified layer 5 and layer 6 adult mouse auditory corticothalamic neurons support a dual corticothalamic projection hypothesis. _Cerebral cortex_ 2009, 19:2810-26.
121. Matter C, Pribadi M, Liu X, Trachtenberg JT: Delta-catenin is required for the maintenance of neural structure and function in mature cortex in vivo. _Neuron_ 2009, 64:320-7.
122. O'Brien GS, Martin SM, Söllner C, Wright GJ, Becker CG, Portera-Cailliau C, Sagasti A: Developmentally regulated impediments to skin reinnervation by injured peripheral sensory axon terminals. _Current biology_ 2009, 19:2086-90.
123. O'Brien G, Rieger S: Two-photon axotomy and time-lapse confocal imaging in live zebrafish embryos. _Journal of visualized experiments?: JoVE_ 2009, \[no volume\].
124. Ozden I, Sullivan MR, Lee HM, Wang SS-H: Reliable coding emerges from coactivation of climbing fibers in microbands of cerebellar Purkinje neurons. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2009, 29:10463-73.
125. Petreanu L, Mao T, Sternson SM, Svoboda K: The subcellular organization of neocortical excitatory connections. _Nature_ 2009, 457:1142-5.
126. Petrof I, Sherman SM: Synaptic properties of the mammillary and cortical afferents to the anterodorsal thalamic nucleus in the mouse. _Journal of Neuroscience_ 2009, 29:7815-9.
127. Schoenenberger P, Gerosa D, Oertner TG: Temporal control of immediate early gene induction by light. _PLoS One_ 2009, 4:e8185.
128. Schultz SR, Kitamura K, Post-Uiterweer A, Krupic J, Häusser M: Spatial pattern coding of sensory information by climbing fiber-evoked calcium signals in networks of neighboring cerebellar Purkinje cells. _The Journal of Neuroscience_ 2009, 29:8005-15.
129. Simons SB, Escobedo Y, Yasuda R, Dudek SM: Regional differences in hippocampal calcium handling provide a cellular mechanism for limiting plasticity. _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America_ 2009, 106:14080-4.
130. Tian L, Hires SA, Mao T, Huber D, Chiappe ME, Chalasani SH, Petreanu L, Akerboom J, McKinney SA, Schreiter ER, et al.: Imaging neural activity in worms, flies and mice with improved GCaMP calcium indicators. _Nature methods_ 2009, 6:875-81.
131. Virk MS, Arttamangkul S, Birdsong WT, Williams JT: Buprenorphine is a weak partial agonist that inhibits opioid receptor desensitization. _The Journal of Neuroscience_ 2009, 29:7341-8.
132. Watt AJ, Cuntz H, Mori M, Nusser Z, Sjöström PJ, Häusser M: Traveling waves in developing cerebellar cortex mediated by asymmetrical Purkinje cell connectivity. _Nature neuroscience_ 2009, 12:463-73.
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193. Shepherd GMG, Stepanyants A, Bureau I, Chklovskii D, Svoboda K: Geometric and functional organization of cortical circuits. _Nature neuroscience_ 2005, 8:782-90.
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