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Sec A
Sec A

Section A

title_Current_ vs _Active_ Configuration

It is important to distinguish between the current ScanImage Configuration and the active Configuration (CFG) file. The former represents the current state of all ScanImage controls (both on the CONFIGURATION panel and otherwise) which comprise the ScanImage Configuration, while the latter represents the most recently loaded ScanImage Configuration (CFG) file (whose settings may no longer all be in effect)

  • : (Read-Only) Displays the name of the active Configuration (CFG) file – i.e., the most recently loaded CFG file, if any.
  • : Launches dialog to select a ScanImage Configuration (CFG) file to load. Identical to selecting File >> Load Configuration... from the panel menubar.
  • : Launches dialog to save the current ScanImage Configuration to a specified CFG file. Identical to selecting File >> Save Configuration As... from the panel menubar.
  • : Changes made to controls throughout the CONFIGURATION panel do not immediately update the current ScanImage Configuration, i.e. the current ScanImage state. When a change is made, the button becomes active and changes are applied only when pressed.
    (tick) Note that the controls in the section Sec C DO take immediate effect IF the changes occur during FOCUS mode operation
  • : Saves the current ScanImage Configuration to the active Configuration (CFG) file. Identical to selecting File >> Save Configuration... from the panel menubar.
    (info) This control only appears active if a change to one of the controls in the CONFIGURATION panel has occurred (and been applied) since the active Configuration (CFG) file was last loaded.
    (tick) If a change to the current ScanImage Configuration is made outside of the CONFIGURATION panel, then File >> Save Configuration... should be selected from the panel menubar in order to save the changes (if desired).

Sec B
Sec B

Section B: Basic Scan Parameters


The controls in this section pertain to the concepts described in Scan Configuration Basics.

  • : Specifies the number of lines to scan with the FAST dimension scanner during each Frame of acquisition, while simultaneously adjusting the SLOW dimension position (except during a Line Scan). This value becomes the number of vertical pixels in the displayed image and the stored image.
  • : Specifies the time (in ms) to spend during each line scanned by the FAST dimension scanner, including both the Acquisition Period as well as non-acquiring time for flyback and/or turnaround.
    (warning) The value can differ somewhat from the value, based on the setting (as described in Fast Dimension Optimization)
    (tick) The Acquisition Period = 0.8192 * (as described in Fast Dimension Optimization)
    (tick) At this time, ScanImage supports values down to 0.5 ms/line with enabled and 1ms/line otherwise
  • : ScanImage generates FAST and SLOW command signals on the 2 analog output channels of the DAQ board specified by in the INI File. This value specifies for which scanner, X or Y, the FAST command signal is generated; the SLOW command signal is generated for the other scanner.
    (info) The INI variables specify the mapping of the X and Y physical scanners to the 2 DAQ output channels.
    (tick) Adjusting allows one to rotate the image by 90 degrees.
  • : Specifies in optical degrees the full angular range that the physical scanner associated with each dimension should cover during the Acquisition Period.
    (tick) The conversion between optical degrees and command signal units (e.g. volts) is specified by the value in the INI File.
    (tick) ScanImage allows scanning of non-square aspect ratio regions, via the appropriate adjustment of the values
    (info) The command signal generated for the FAST dimension has a larger half-amplitude than , as described in Fast Dimension Optimization.
    (info) When Line Scanning is active (via in the panel), the value used internally by ScanImage becomes 0, but the value stored/displayed by the Configuration remains as previously set.
titleAdjust Infrequently

In general, the values are not intended to be varied frequently. Adjusting the scan range is usually accomplished by the value instead. The primary reasons known to adjust the values are:

  • Support for non-square aspect ratios
  • Matching laser scanned area precisely to some reference image area (e.g. video camera)

Sec C
Sec C

Section C: Live Adjustable Scan Parameters


The parameters in this section relate to the FAST Dimension command signal. The full meanings/effects of the parameters in this section, as well as procedures to set their values optimally, are described in Fast Dimension Optimization.

Unlike other parameters on the CONFIGURATION panel, changes to these parameters are immediately applied during a live acquisition (only in FOCUS mode), allowing their effect on the acquired image to be readily visualized. When these parameters are varied while not live imaging, then must be pressed for the changes to update the current ScanImage Configuration.

The parameters set in this section apply to the currently configured value (in the panel). When changes are applied, the values are updated accordingly.

  • : Adjusts the Acquisition Delay value required by ScanImage during processing the input data. To produce the optimal/correct image from the scanned data, this value must match the actual delay between the Acquisition Period of the FAST command signal and the corresponding period in the physical scanner's position response.
    (tick) Adjusting this value while Sawtooth scanning will shift the displayed image; adjusting it while Bidirectional scanning will adjust the alignment of every-other-line in the image.
titleFast Acq Delay Adjustment

To rapidly visualize the results of adjusting the during live FOCUS mode imaging, the options and should be temporarily disabled (if they were enabled), to prevent the Pockels and SLOW scan command signals from needing to be recomputed as the value is adjusted.

This is particularly useful when optimizing Bidirectional scans

  • : Selecting this enables adjustment of the in fine increments
    (tick) The fine increment for the is the sampling period determined by the value
  • : Value represents time (in microseconds) by which to extend the linear ramp at the beginning of each Acquisition Period in the FAST command signal.
    (tick) This value is read-only when Bidirectional () scanning is enabled, as the ramp extension is determined (implied) by the value.
  • : (Read-only) Value displays the duration of each period of the FAST command signal, each of which corresponds to the scan of a single Line. This value may differ somewhat from the user-specified ) value, according to the currently specified .
  • : Value represents the fraction of the occupied by the Acquisition Period – the portion of each period of the FAST command signal during which the input signal data is processed. Adjusting this value actually sets the value (because the Acquisition Period is fixed for a given ).
    (tick) The value of 0.8192 corresponds to case where the matches the value
    (tick) (Reducing/increasing) the (below/above) 0.8192 (increases/decreases) the value

Sec D
Sec D

Section D: Scan Parameter Array


As described in Fast Dimension Optimization, optimal settings for the FAST command signal can be amplitude-dependent and therefore vary with the value. To address this, ScanImage allows distinct sets of the discussed in the last section to be stored for different levels as part of the ScanImage Configuration. These sets of variables correspond to the entries in the Scan Parameter Array – which is 'indexed' by the level.

  • : This value stores the minimum zoom level to allow for the current ScanImage Configuration. This value constrains the value set in the panel.
    (tick) This is useful when preparing a ScanImage CFG File which employs a fast (small) value that may stretch the physical scanner limits (e.g. current drive, servo control, or thermal limits)
  • Constant @ Zoom >=: This value determines the length of the Scan Parameter Array. levels above this level use the same values as those configured at this level.
  • : This determines the zoom level to set and/or display in the Fill Fraction, Acq Delay, and Scan Delay text controls within the section.
    (tick) This value can range from 1 to Constant @ Zoom >= (values can be stored for zoom levels below the value, although they have no effect).
    (tick) Scrolling through the values allows one to scroll through the Fill Fraction, Acq Delay, and Scan Delay values stored for each level
  • : These correspond to the parameters described in the section, specifying the parameters to use at each level.

Sec E
Sec E

Section E: Pockels Control Parameters


Further background on these parameters can be found in Pockels Flyback Blanking.

  • : Enabling this option implies –
    • The Pockels Cell command signal(s) generated by ScanImage for the (active) Beams are 'blanked' outside of the Acquisition Period of the FAST command signal
    • If is selected, the Pockels Cell command signal(s) generated by ScanImage for the (active) Beams are 'blanked' during the the final line of each Frame to allow for flyback of the SLOW dimension scan
  • : Specifies a time (in microseconds) by which the Acquisition Period value used to determine the Pockels Cell command signal(s) is extended (increased) relative to the actual value for the FAST command signal.
    (tick) This parameter specifies extra 'cushion' to use in the Pockels command signal(s), ensuring the signal is not 'blanked' during the actual Acquisition Period.
    (tick) This cushion 1) accounts for light modulator response time and 2) provides tolerance for errors in the .

Sec F
Sec F

Section F: DAQ Sample Rates


This section determines the sample rates used by the Analog Input and Analog Output channels used by ScanImage.

  • : Specifies the sample rate (in kHz) of the Analog Output channels used by ScanImage to generate the FAST and SLOW scanner command signals, as well as the Pockels (or other light modulator) command signal(s) generated for each Beam
    (tick) Increasing this value can improve the positioning accuracy of scan regions selected for the Power Box feature and with the tool (in the panel).
    (info) At this time, the Analog Output sample rate for the channels used for the scanner and Pockels cell command signals are required to be equal
  • : This option (available for both the and controls) causes the sample rate to be automatically determined by the current value
    (tick) For the , selecting causes the to remain constant for common values of – this allows the ScanImage image displays to appear consistent as the scan speed is varied, with fixed levels (set in the

Sec G
Sec G

Section G: Slow Dimension Scan Settings


The full meaning/effects of the parameters in this section are described in Slow Scan Dimension Settings.

  • : Specifies that the SLOW command signal should be a staircase – i.e. should step to a discrete level for each line in the Frame – rather than a continuous ramp.
  • : Specifies that beginning of flyback for SLOW command signal will coincide with start of final line in the Frame; also, if is selected, then the Pockels (or other light modulator) command signal will be 'blanked' during this (entire) final line
    (info) If this option is disabled, then the SLOW command signal flyback begins at the end of the Frame meaning, practically, that it occurs during the first line of the succeeding frame
    (tick) This option is valuable for fast scan speeds (low values) as the flyback may take nearly as long as a single line scan; hence the Pockels 'blanking' is appropriate
  • : Specifies that the final line of acquired data during the Frame is discarded and does not appear in the image display figures and is not recorded to the stored image files.
    (info) This option is disabled and inactive if is disabled
    (tick) This option is often used with an odd value for specified, so that the stored/displayed number of lines is even (e.g. 257 can be specified to store/display a 256 line image)

Sec H
Sec H

Section H: Dependent Parameter Display


This section displays read-only parameters determined by the other values specified in the CONFIGURATION panel.

  • : Specifies the number of samples acquired on the Analog Input channels used for the PMT (or other photodetector) input signal during the Acquisition Period occurr ing during each Line Period () of the FAST dimension scan. This value depends on:
  • : Specifies the number of Analog Input samples from the input signal(s) which are generally summed together to compute the value for each horizontal pixel that is computed by ScanImage to assemble an image for each Frame of acquisition to display|SI3.6_ImageDisplay] and/or store) . This value depends on:
    • ( and )
    • (info) The samples can be averaged, rather than summed, if is selected in the panel.
  • : Specifies the total time spent during the acquisition of samples for each horizontal pixel computed by ScanImage.
    (tick) This value is computed simply as: = /
  • : Specifies the total time spent for each Frame of acquisition.
    (tick) This value is computed simply as: = 1 */ ( * )
    (tick) The total time for a ScanImage acquisition is determined exactly by the number of frames acquired times the Frame Period (= 1 / *)*) – i.e. there are no gaps between Frames

Sec I
Sec I

Section I: Miscellaneous Parameters

  • : In many circumstances, ScanImage processes the input data in evenly-subdivided segments of each Frame termed Stripes, allowing the update of image display figures to appear more 'real-time'. Selecting prevents this from occurring, forcing ScanImage to display images one Frame at a time.
titleWhy Disable Image Striping?

There are two primary reasons to forcibly disable image striping:

  1. For fast scans (low ) and/or large values, the Acquisition Period of the physical scanner position response will be delayed sufficiently to overlap the next Line Period of the FAST scan command signal. In such cases, ScanImage must 'wrap' the input data obtained during each segment of acquired data. Forcing data to be acquired in Frame segments avoids the 'wrap' artifact from occurring in the middle of the Frame
  2. When the option is enabled (in the dialog), image striping must be disabled for the crosshair to display correctly in the ScanImage image display figures.
Wiki Markup
{alias:SI3.6_Configuration} {center} !Configuration_demarcated.png! *CONFIGURATION Panel* {center} ----- * [Overview|#Overview] * [Section A|#Sec A] * [Section B: Basic Scan Parameters|#Sec B] * [Section C: Live Adjustable Scan Parameters|#Sec C] * [Section D: Scan Parameter Array|#Sec D] * [Section E: Pockels Control Parameters|#Sec E] * [Section F: DAQ Sample Rates|#Sec F] * [Section G: Slow Dimension Scan Settings|#Sec G] * [Section H: Dependent Parameter Display |#Sec H] * [Section I: Miscellaneous Parameters|#Sec I] ---- {anchor:Sec A} h3. Section A {panel:borderStyle=none} {tip:title=_Current_ vs _Active_ Configuration}It is important to distinguish between the _current_ ScanImage [_Configuration_|SI3.6_Config] and the _active_ [_Configuration_|SI3.6_Config] (*CFG*) file. The former represents the current _state_ of all ScanImage controls (both on the *CONFIGURATION* panel and otherwise) which comprise the ScanImage [_Configuration_|SI3.6_Config], while the latter represents the most recently loaded ScanImage [_Configuration_|SI3.6_Config] (*CFG*) file (whose settings may no longer all be in effect){tip} * {blue:Configuration}: (_Read-Only_) Displays the name of the _active_ [_Configuration_|SI3.6_Config] (*CFG*) file -- i.e., the most recently loaded *CFG* file, if any. * {blue:Load...}: Launches dialog to select a ScanImage [_Configuration_|SI3.6_Config] (*CFG*) file to load. Identical to selecting *File >> Load Configuration...* from the {report-info:data:MainControls|render=wiki|source=SI3.6 Data} panel menubar. * {blue:Save as...}: Launches dialog to save the _current_ ScanImage [_Configuration_|SI3.6_Config] to a specified *CFG* file. Identical to selecting *File >> Save Configuration As...* from the {report-info:data:MainControls|render=wiki|source=SI3.6 Data} panel menubar. * {blue:Apply}: Changes made to controls throughout the *CONFIGURATION* panel do not immediately update the _current_ ScanImage [_Configuration_|SI3.6_Config], i.e. the current ScanImage [_state_|SI3.6_StateVar]. When a change is made, the {blue:Apply} button becomes active and changes are applied only when pressed. (/) Note that the controls in the [{blue:Live Scan Params} section|#Sec C] DO take immediate effect IF the changes occur during [*FOCUS* mode|SI3.6_AcqModes] operation * {blue:Save}: Saves the _current_ ScanImage [_Configuration_|SI3.6_Config] to the *active* _Configuration_ (*CFG*) file. Identical to selecting *File >> Save Configuration...* from the {report-info:data:MainControls|render=wiki|source=SI3.6 Data} panel menubar. (i) This control only appears active if a change to one of the controls in the *CONFIGURATION* panel has occurred (and been _applied_) since the *active* _Configuration_ (*CFG*) file was last loaded. (/) If a change to the _current_ ScanImage [_Configuration_|SI3.6_Config] is made _outside_ of the *CONFIGURATION* panel, then *File >> Save Configuration...* should be selected from the {report-info:data:MainControls|render=wiki|source=SI3.6 Data} panel menubar in order to save the changes (if desired). {panel} {anchor:Sec B} h3. Section B: Basic Scan Parameters {panel:borderStyle=none} The controls in this section pertain to the concepts described in [Scan Configuration Basics|SI3.6_ScanConfigBasics]. * {blue:Pixels/Line}: Specifies the number of [_input sample bins_|SI3.6_InputDigitization] to use during the _Acquisition Period_ of each scanned line. This value becomes the number of horizontal pixels in the [displayed image|SI3.6_ImageDisplay] and the [stored image|SI3.6_ImageFile]. * {blue:Lines/Frame}: Specifies the number of lines to scan with the fast (*X*) dimension scanner during each _Frame_ of acquisition, while simultaneously adjusting the slow (*Y*) dimension position (except during a _Line Scan_). This value becomes the number of vertical pixels in the [displayed image|SI3.6_ImageDisplay] and the [stored image|SI3.6_ImageFile]. * {blue:Nominal Ms/Line}: Specifies the time (in ms) to spend during each line scanned by the fast (*X*) dimension scanner, including both the _Acquisition Period_ as well as non-acquiring time for _flyback_ and/or _turnaround_. (!) The {blue:True Ms/Line} value can differ somewhat from the {blue:Nominal Ms/Line} value, based on the {blue:Fill Fraction} setting (as described in [Fast (X) Dimension Optimization|SI3.6_FastScanDetails]) (/) The *_Acquisition Period_ = 0.8192 \** {blue:Nominal Ms/Line} (as described in [Fast (X) Dimension Optimization|SI3.6_FastScanDetails]) (/) At this time, ScanImage supports values down to *0.5 ms/line* with {blue:BiDi} enabled and *1ms/line* otherwise * {blue:BiDi}: Enables, when selected, [_Bidirectional_ scanning|SI3.6_ScanConfigBasics]. When not selected, [_Sawtooth_ scanning|SI3.6_ScanConfigBasics] is used. * {blue:X (Fast) Dimension Chan}: ScanImage generates [*X* and *Y* command signals|SI3.6_ScanConfigBasics] on the 2 output channels of the board specified by *mirrorOutputBoardIndex* in the [*INI* File|SI_IniFile]. This value specifies on which channel the *X* command signal is generated; the *Y* command signal is generated on the other. (/) At this time, all the [DAQ boards|SI3.6_DAQBoards] supported by ScanImage for generating mirror output signals only have 2 output channels. * {blue:Scan Amplitude X/Y}: Specifies in optical degrees the half-angle that the physical scanner associated with each dimension should cover during the _Acquisition Period_. (/) The conversion between optical degrees and command signal units (e.g. volts) is specified by the *opticalDegreesConversion* value in the [*INI* File|SI_IniFile]. (/) ScanImage allows scanning of non-square aspect ratio regions, via the appropriate adjustment of the {blue:Scan Amplitude X/Y} values (i) The command signal generated for the _Fast_ (*X*) dimension has a larger half-amplitude than {blue:Scan Amplitude X}, as described in [Fast (X) Dimension Optimization|SI3.6_FastScanDetails]. (i) When _Line Scanning_ is active (via {blue:LS} in the {report-info:data:MainControls|render=wiki|source=SI3.6 Data} panel), the {blue:Scan Amplitude Y} value used internally by ScanImage becomes *0*, but the value stored/displayed by the [_Configuration_|SI3.6_Config] remains as previously set. {info:title=Adjust Infrequently}In general, the {blue:Scan Amplitude X/Y} values are not intended to be varied frequently -- they are typically set to the maximum half-amplitude the physical scanner supports in all [*CFG* files|SI3.6_Config] maintained by a user. Adjusting the scan range is usually accomplished by the {blue:Zoom} value instead. However, using the {blue:Scan Amplitude X/Y} values to adjust the scan range allows scans of: 1) areas which would require a fractional {blue:Zoom} (e.g. 1.5x) and 2) non-square aspect-ratio areas.{info} {panel} {anchor:Sec C} h3. Section C: Live Adjustable Scan Parameters {panel:borderStyle=none} The parameters in this section relate to the _Fast_ (*X*) Dimension command signal. The full meanings/effects of the parameters in this section, as well as procedures to set their values optimally, are described in [Fast (X) Dimension Optimization|SI3.6_FastScanDetails]. Unlike other parameters on the *CONFIGURATION* panel, changes to these parameters are immediately applied during a live acquisition (only in [*FOCUS* mode|SI3.6_AcqModes]), allowing their effect on the acquired image to be readily visualized. When these parameters are varied while not live imaging, then {blue:Apply} must be pressed for the changes to update the _current_ ScanImage [_Configuration_|SI3.6_Config]. The parameters set in this section apply to the currently configured {blue:Zoom} value (in the {report-info:data:MainControls|render=wiki|source=SI3.6 Data} panel). When changes are applied, the {blue:Scan Param Array} values are updated accordingly. * {blue:Acquisition (Acq) Delay}: Adjusts the _Acquisition Delay_ value required by ScanImage during [processing the input data|SI3.6_InputDigitization]. To produce the optimal/correct image from the scanned data, this value must match the actual delay between the _Acquisition Period_ of the _Fast_ (*X*) command signal and the corresponding period in the physical scanner's position response. (/) Adjusting this value while _Sawtooth_ scanning will shift the displayed image; adjusting it while _Bidirectional_ scanning will adjust the alignment of every-other-line in the image. {tip:title=Fast Acq Delay Adjustment}To rapidly visualize the results of adjusting the {blue:Acquisition Delay} during live [*FOCUS* mode|SI3.6_AcqModes] imaging, the options {blue:Blank Flyback} and {blue:Staircase Cmd} should be temporarily disabled (if they were enabled), to prevent the Pockels and _Slow_ (*Y*) scan command signals from needing to be recomputed as the value is adjusted. \\ \\This is particularly useful when [optimizing _Bidirectional_ scans|SI3.6_FastScanDetails#BidiOptimization]{tip} * {blue:Fine}: Selecting this enables adjustment of the {blue:Acquisition Delay} in fine increments (/) The fine increment for the {blue:Acquisition Delay} is the sampling period determined by the {blue:Input Sample Rate} value * {blue:Scan Delay}: Value represents time (in microseconds) by which to extend the linear ramp at the beginning of each _Acquisition Period_ in the _Fast_ (*X*) command signal. (/) This value is _read-only_ when _Bidirectional_ ({blue:BiDi}) scanning is enabled, as the ramp extension is determined (implied) by the {blue:Fill Fraction} value. * {blue:True Ms/Line}: (_Read-only_) Value displays the duration of each period of the _Fast_ (*X*) command signal, each of which corresponds to the scan of a single _Line_. This value may differ somewhat from the user-specified {blue:Nominal Ms/Line}) value, according to the currently specified {blue:Fill Fraction}. * {blue:Fill Fraction}: Value represents the fraction of the {blue:True Ms/Line} occupied by the _Acquisition Period_ -- the portion of each period of the _Fast_ (*X*) command signal during which the [input signal data is processed|SI3.6_InputDigitization]. Adjusting this value actually sets the {blue:True Ms/Line} value (because the _Acquisition Period_ is fixed for a given {blue:Nominal Ms/Line}). (/) The value of *0.8192* corresponds to case where the {blue:Nominal Ms/Line} matches the {blue:True Ms/Line} value (/) (Reducing/increasing) the {blue:Fill Fraction} (below/above) *0.8192* (increases/decreases) the {blue:Nominal Ms/Line} value {panel} {anchor:Sec D} h3. Section D: Scan Parameter Array {panel:borderStyle=none} As described in [Fast (X) Dimension Optimization|SI3.6_FastScanDetails], optimal settings for the _Fast_ (*X*) command signal can be amplitude-dependent and therefore vary with the {blue:Zoom} value. To address this, ScanImage allows distinct sets of the {blue:Live Scan Params} discussed in the last section to be stored for different {blue:Zoom} levels as part of the ScanImage [_Configuration_|SI3.6_Config]. These sets of variables correspond to the entries in the _Scan Parameter Array_ -- which is 'indexed' by the {blue:Zoom} level. {vi-indent:2} (/) The _Scan Parameter Array_ allows the {blue:Zoom} to be adjusted during ScanImage operation without requiring a separate set of [_Configuration_|SI3.6_Config] values for each {blue:Zoom} level {vi-indent} * {blue:Min Zoom}: This value stores the minimum zoom level to allow for the current ScanImage [_Configuration_|SI3.6_Config]. This value constrains the {blue:Zoom} value set in the {report-info:data:MainControls|render=wiki|source=SI3.6 Data} panel. (/) This is useful when preparing a ScanImage [*CFG* File|SI3.6_Config] which employs a fast (small) {blue:Nominal Ms/Line} value that may stretch the [physical scanner limits|SI3.6_PhysicalScanner] (e.g. current drive, servo control, or thermal limits) * {color:blue}*Constant @ Zoom >=*{color}: This value determines the _length_ of the _Scan Parameter Array_. {blue:Zoom} levels above this level use the same {blue:Live Scan Params} values as those configured at this {blue:Zoom} level. * {blue:@ Zoom}: This determines the zoom level to set and/or display in the _Fill Fraction_, _Acq Delay_, and _Scan Delay_ text controls within the {blue:Scan Param Array} section. (/) This value can range from 1 to {color:blue}*Constant @ Zoom >=*{color} (values can be stored for zoom levels below the {blue:Min Zoom} value, although they have no effect). (/) Scrolling through the {blue:@ Zoom} values allows one to scroll through the _Fill Fraction_, _Acq Delay_, and _Scan Delay_ values stored for each {blue:Zoom} level * {blue:Fill Frac/Acq Delay/Scan Delay}: These correspond to the parameters described in the {blue:Live Scan Params} section, specifying the parameters to use at each {blue:Zoom} level. {vi-indent:2} (/) Adjusting the _Scan Parameter Array_ values (and applying the changes) for the currently configured {blue:Zoom} level (as set in the {report-info:data:MainControls|render=wiki|source=SI3.6 Data} panel) causes the corresponding {blue:Live Scan Params} values to be automatically updated. {vi-indent} {panel} {anchor:Sec E} h3. Section E: Pockels Control Parameters {panel:borderStyle=none} Further background on these parameters can be found in [Pockels Flyback Blanking|SI3.6_FlybackBlanking]. * {blue:Blank Flyback}: Enabling this option implies -- ** The Pockels Cell command signal(s) generated by ScanImage for the (active) _Beams_ are 'blanked' outside of the _Acquisition Period_ of the [*X* command signal|SI3.6_FastScanDetails] ** If {blue:Flyback on Final Line} is selected, the Pockels Cell command signal(s) generated by ScanImage for the (active) _Beams_ are 'blanked' during the the final line of each _Frame_ to allow for _flyback_ of the _Slow_ (*Y*) dimension scan {vi-indent:2} (/) 'Blanking' the beam implies setting to the minimum power level measured during that _Beam's_ most recent [Pockels calibration|SI3.6_PockelsCalibration] (/) The Pockels Cell command signal(s) is/are shifted in time by the currently configured {blue:Acquisition Delay} value, in order to match the _Acquisition Period_ of the physical scanner's position 'response'. (/) It is useful to disable {blue:Blank Flyback} during live adjustment of the {blue:Acquisition Delay}, as this avoids requiring the Pockels Cell command signal(s) to be recomputed for each {blue:Acquisition Delay} value, causing a small interruption in the ongoing acquisition. {vi-indent} * {blue:Fill Frac Adjust}: Specifies a time (in microseconds) by which the _Acquisition Period_ value used to determine the Pockels Cell command signal(s) is extended (increased) relative to the actual value for the _Fast_ (*X*) command signal. (/) This parameter specifies extra 'cushion' to use in the Pockels command signal(s), ensuring the signal is not 'blanked' during the actual _Acquisition Period_. (/) This cushion 1) accounts for light modulator response time and 2) provides tolerance for errors in the {blue:Acquisition Delay}. {panel} {anchor:Sec F} h3. Section F: DAQ Sample Rates {panel:borderStyle=none} This section determines the sample rates used by the _Analog Input_ and _Analog Output_ channels used by ScanImage. * {blue:Input Sample Rate}: Specifies the sample rate (in MHz) of the _Analog Input_ channels used by ScanImage to digitize the [PMT (or other photodetector) input signals|SI3.6_InputDigitization] * {blue:Output Sample Rate}: Specifies the sample rate (in kHz) of the _Analog Output_ channels used by ScanImage to generate the _Fast_ (*X*) and _Slow_ (*Y*) scanner command signals, as well as the Pockels (or other light modulator) command signal(s) generated for each _Beam_ (/) Increasing this value can improve the positioning accuracy of scan regions selected for the [Power Box|SI3.6_PowerBox] feature and with the {blue:ROI} tool (in the {report-info:data:MainControls|render=wiki|source=SI3.6 Data} panel). (i) At this time, the _Analog Output_ sample rate for the channels used for the scanner and Pockels cell command signals are required to be equal * {blue:Auto}: This option (available for both the {blue:Input Sample Rate} and {blue:Output Sample Rate} controls) causes the sample rate to be automatically determined by the current {blue:Nominal Ms/Line} value (/) For the {blue:Input Sample Rate}, selecting {blue:Auto} causes the {blue:Bin Factor} to remain constant for common values of {blue:Nominal Ms/Line} -- this allows the ScanImage [image displays|SI3.6_ImageDisplay] to appear consistent as the scan speed is varied, with fixed {blue:White/Black} levels (set in the {report-info:data:ImageControls|render=wiki|source=SI3.6 Data} {panel} {anchor:Sec G} h3. Section G: Slow Dimension Scan Settings {panel:borderStyle=none} The full meaning/effects of the parameters in this section are described in [Slow (Y) Scan Dimension Settings|SI3.6_SlowScanDetails]. * {blue:StaircaseCmd}: Specifies that the _Slow_ (*Y*) command signal should be a staircase -- i.e. should step to a discrete level for each line in the _Frame_ -- rather than a continuous ramp. * {blue:Flyback on Final Line}: Specifies that beginning of _flyback_ for _Slow_ (*Y*) command signal will coincide with start of final line in the _Frame_; also, if {blue:Blank Flyback} is selected, then the Pockels (or other light modulator) command signal will be 'blanked' during this (entire) final line (i) If this option is disabled, then the _Slow_ (*Y*) command signal _flyback_ begins at the end of the _Frame_ meaning, practically, that it occurs during the first line of the succeeding frame (/) This option is valuable for fast scan speeds (low {blue:Nominal Ms/Line} values) as the _flyback_ may take nearly as long as a single line scan; hence the Pockels 'blanking' is appropriate * {blue:Discard Flyback Line}: Specifies that the final line of acquired data during the _Frame_ is discarded and does not appear in the [image display figures|SI3.6_ImageDisplay] and is not recorded to the stored [image files|SI3.6_ImageFiles]. (i) This option is disabled and inactive if {blue:Flyback on Final Line} is disabled (/) This option is often used with an odd value for {blue:Lines/Frame} specified, so that the stored/displayed number of lines is even (e.g. 257 can be specified to store/display a 256 line image) {panel} {anchor:Sec H} h3. Section H: Dependent Parameter Display {panel:borderStyle=none} This section displays _read-only_ parameters determined by the other values specified in the *CONFIGURATION* panel. * {blue:Samps/Line}: Specifies the number of samples acquired on the _Analog Input_ channels used for the [PMT (or other photodetector) input signal|SI3.6_InputDigitization] during the _Acquisition Period_ occurr ing during each _Line Period_ ({blue:True Ms/Line}) of the _Fast_ (*X*) dimension scan. This value depends on: ** {blue:Nominal Ms/Line} ** {blue:Input Sample Rate} * {blue:Bin Factor}: Specifies the number of _Analog Input_ samples from the [input signal(s)|SI3.6_InputDigitization] which are summed together to compute the value for each horizontal pixel that is computed by ScanImage to assemble an image for each _Frame_ of acquisition to display|SI3.6_ImageDisplay] and/or [store|SI3.6_ImageFiles]) . This value depends on: ** {blue:Samps/Line} ({blue:Nominal Ms/Line} and {blue:Input Sample Rate}) ** {blue:Pixels/Line} * {blue:Pixel Time}: Specifies the total time spent during the acquisition of {blue:bin Factor} samples for each horizontal pixel computed by ScanImage. (/) This value is computed simply as: {blue:Pixel Time} *= {blue:Bin Factor} /* {blue:Input Sample Rate} * {blue:Frame Rate}: Specifies the total time spent for each _Frame_ of acquisition. (/) This value is computed simply as: {blue:Frame Rate} *= 1 */ (* {blue:Lines/Frame} *\** {blue:True Ms/Line} *)* (/) The total time for a ScanImage acquisition is determined exactly by the number of frames acquired times the _Frame Period_ (*= 1 /* {blue:Frame Rate}*)*) -- i.e. there are no gaps between _Frames_ {panel} {anchor:Sec I} h3. Section I: Miscellaneous Parameters {panel:borderStyle=none} * {blue:Shutter Delay}: Specifies the time (in ms) following the start ([_trigger_|SI3.6_Triggering]) of a [*GRAB* acquisition or *LOOP* _Repeat_|SI3.6_AcqModes], or an [_Image Stack Slice_|SI3.6_ImageStacks], that the optional _shutter_ signal generated by ScanImage should switch to _Open_ state. (/) See [Shutter Control|SI3.6_Shutter] for more information. * {blue:Disable Image Striping}: In many circumstances, ScanImage [processes the input data|SI3.6_ImageDigitization] in evenly-subdivided segments of each _Frame_ termed _Stripes_, allowing the update of [image display figures|SI3.6_ImageDisplay] to appear more 'real-time'. Selecting {blue:Disable Image Striping} prevents this from occurring, forcing ScanImage to display images one _Frame_ at a time. {tip:title=Why Disable Image Striping?}There are two primary reasons to forcibly disable image striping: # For fast scans (low {blue:Nominal Ms/Line}) and/or large {blue:Acquisition Delay} values, the _Acquisition Period_ of the physical scanner position response will be delayed sufficiently to overlap the *next* _Line Period_ of the _Fast_ (*X*) scan command signal. In such cases, ScanImage must ['wrap' the input data|SI3.6_ImageDigitization] obtained during each segment of acquired data. Forcing data to be acquired in _Frame_ segments avoids the 'wrap' artifact from occurring in the middle of the _Frame_ # When the {blue:Draw crosshairs on images} option is enabled (in the {report-info:data:UserSettings|render=wiki|source=SI3.6 Data} dialog), image striping must be disabled for the crosshair to display correctly in the ScanImage [image display figures|SI3.6_ImageDisplay].{tip} {panel}