Versions Compared


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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3
Table of Contents






  • Significant, but self-explanatory, changes to menu layouts in MainControls and PowerControl window
  • New 'View' menu on MainControls dialog allowing all windows/figures that may have been closed to be redisplayed
  • Scan Amplitude in Configuration dialog now is intended to be entered in optical degrees of the scanner, using new variable 'opticalDegreesFactor' in INI file to convert this to scanner command units (i.e. volts). This encourages users to think of their scan amplitude in terms of the angle scanned by scanning device.
  • Several legacy, but not fully vetted/current, features have been eliminated: UncagingMapper, PowerBoxStepper, ROI Cycler
  • The dialog 'Laser Function Panel' used for selecting which beams are active during various modes has been renamed to 'Beams' and is available directly from the Settings... menu.
  • Cycle Mode functionality remains apparent in dialog, but is disabled. This is also not supported in r3.6.
  • scim_install() has been eliminated. Installation is now as it was traditionally done – add unzipped installation contents to ScanImage path using 'Add with subfolders' in Matlab.




  • Significant performance enhancements to key data processing functions (makeStripe.m and makeFrameByStripes.m). These have allowed frame rates of >60Hz to be sustained (e.g. 512x32 frames at 0.5ms/line)
  • User is now provided options for how to handle the slow scan dimension flyback. User can select to have the flyback to occur during the final line of the image, in which case Pockels flyback blanking (if selected) will be in effect. Additional option to discard this line is also provided.
  • Trigger time logged to header file (internal.triggerTime) has improved accuracy. Previous approach using DAQ Toolbox reported version was found to be unreliable.
  • Handling of countdown timer during LOOP operation has been improved.
  • Repeat period for acquisition is now stored to header (internal.repeatPeriod)
  • Negative input voltages are now supported, by selecting appropriate option in Channels dialog.




  • Bug preventing 4 channel operation fixed
  • Image display figures now show exactly the lines of image, rather than half of the top and bottom line.
  • PowerBox boundaries could run off the edge of the image. This is no longer possible.
  • Long buffered GRAB acquisitions are no longer unnecessarily aborted when sufficient memory exists; if memory error occurs, a helpful error message is provide





  • Trigger time logging to ScanImage TIF header has been fixed/improved/modified:
    • Field previously named 'dioTriggerTime' has been renamed to 'softTriggerTime' and still reports the same value – the time at which the function dioTrigger() is invoked.
    • A new header field – 'triggerTime' – has been added which reflects a more accurate record of the acquisition's start time, as discussed further below
    • 'triggerTimeInSeconds' header field has been eliminated – this can easily be computed in post-hoc analysis.
  • Somewhat reorganized 'scim' folder (again)
    • @scim_tifStream class is now visible to user in 'scim' folder. Some users may find this useful for their analysis.
    • All other files not intended for use are in 'scim_private' subfolder
    • As before, the 'scim' folder can be 'installed' on analysis machines and operate standalone from ScanImage, although it also includes utility functions intended for use during ScanImage (e.g. scim_parkLaser)




  • Improved r2008b compatibility: suppress superfluous warning message
  • Various improvements reducing execution time of key 'streaming' functions – makeStripe() and makeFrameByStripes()
  • A new measurement of the trigger time – the 'triggerTime' header field – has been added, which represents a timestamp taken in an AcquisitionStarted callback, rather than the time dioTrigger() is called. This allows (fairly) accurate trigger time logging, including in externally triggered LOOP mode.
  • Trigger time strings (both 'triggerTime' and 'softTriggerTime') are now reported to header with millisecond precision




  • BUGFIX: The 'softTriggerTime' (formerly 'dioTriggerTime') header field (as well as the new 'triggerTime' header field) reflects trigger time of present acquisition, rather than trigger time of previous acquisition, which could occur during externally triggered LOOP mode.
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ScanImage r3.6-beta08 README