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Wiki Markup(i) This section provides an (info) This section provides an up-to-date reference guide to the hardware that ScanImage supports and requires. This information reflects experience in the developers' laboratories, as well as the feedback from the user community. (/) If you use hardware not listed here with ScanImage
(tick) If you use hardware not listed here with ScanImage (successfully!), please let us know! \\ \\ \[[Galvanometers|#Galvos]\]  \[[PMTs and Associated Electronics|#PMTs]\]  \[[Pockels|#Pockels]\]  \[[Photodiodes|#Photodiodes]\]  \[[Motor Controller|#Motor Controller]\]  \[[Linear/Rotary Motors/Stages|#Stages]\]  \[[Shutters|#Shutters]\]

[Galvanometers]  [PMTs and Associated Electronics]  [Pockels]  [Photodiodes]  [Motor Controller]  [Linear/Rotary Motors/Stages]  [Shutters]




Cambridge Technology

(tick) To achieve the fastest scan rates supported by ScanImage over the full field-of-view in typical microscope configurations, the 'high power option' (HPO) should be specified for the servo drivers. This requires selection of the 6215H galvo.

  • When specifying the servo, options to use Class 0, Class 1, and (recently) 'Type 2', control topologies are offered:
    • Class 0: This option has the fastest 99% settling time to step responses, but may have small residual ripple for several more time constants
    • Class 1: This option has a slower 99% settling time, but has reduced ripple once it settles. This version includes an extra integrator in the control topology and strictly speaking has the possibility of instability that Class 0 avoids.
    • Type 2: This is a new option offered that combines characteristics of Class 0 and Class 1
(info) At this time, Class 0 is being favored in new systems specified in the developers' labs, where the 20-25% improvement in settling time is considered more valuable and the added ripple has not been evident in their applications (primarily fast functional imaging).
(info) The Type 2 servo topology has not yet been evaluated in the developers' laboratories.

  • Cambridge now offers galvos with 'reduced scan angle'. In typical microscope configurations, only a fraction of the galvo's scan angle is utilized to span the objective field-of-view. By selecting a reduced scan angle, a smaller mirror design with reduced inertia can be utilized for a given clear aperture.

(tick) Any galvanometer with servo controller accepting an analog command waveform (in -10 to 10V range) should work with ScanImage



Vincent Associates
  • LS Laser Shutters are often used for the laser shutter, in the 2/3/6mm options depending on the laser beam size (at the shutter's location).
    • For high NIR laser powers, the ZM shutter blade options are often selected. E.g. the LS6ZM2 might be selected.
    • The VCM-DM1, VMM-D3, and VMM-D4 shutter controllers can all be used
    • (info) ScanImage only provides computer control of one of the shutters, even if using a multi-shutter controller (e.g. VMM-D3 or VMM-D4).

(tick) Any shutter/controller system whose state (open or closed) is determined by a TTL signal's state will work with ScanImage