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Notice! User registration for this website is currently broken.

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feedback {comment} h6. {toggle-cloak:id=userReg} I want to register! {cloak:id=userReg} {comment} {}{panel:title=User Registration|borderStyle=solid} {mail-input:type=hidden|name=subject|value=Non-MIMMS in vivo designs user registration} Full Name {mail-input:type=text|name=from-name|required=true|cssStyle=width: 200px} Email Address {mail-input:type=text|name=from|validation=email|cssStyle=width: 200px} {tip}Generally speaking, we prefer that labs/organizations share a single account (e.g. of the lab head) to reduce administrative overhead. Please provide an estimate of the number of users (e.g. lab members) that will share the account. This helps us to keep an accurate tally.{tip} Number of Additional Users {mail-input:type=text|name=numUsers|required=true|validation=num|cssStyle=width: 75px} Names of Additional Users (optional) {mail-textarea:name=userNames|cssStyle=width: 200px} Tell us about your application(s) (optional) {mail-textarea:name=applicaion|cssStyle=width:450px} {mail-submit: Register!} _Upon submission, you will be emailed a password. You will be given directions on how to change this, if desired._ {mail-success: render=wiki} {tip}Thank you! You will receive an email shortly (within 1 or 2 days max) with your password. To update the number of users sharing this account, simply resubmit this form.{tip} {mail-success} {panel}{mail-form} {comment}{cloak}{comment} {comment} h5. {toggle-cloak:id=superuserReg} Superuser Registration {cloak:id=superuserReg} * Download _all_ ScanImage and EPHUS releases (including prereleases) * Write access to the code's Subversion repository * Access developer-zone pages {mail-form:destination=~svobodak}{panel:title=Superuser Registration|borderStyle=solid} {mail-input:type=hidden|name=subject|value=ScanImage/EPHUS Superuser Registration} Full Name {mail-input:type=text|name=from-name|cssStyle=width: 200px} Email Address {mail-input:type=text|name=from|validation=email|cssStyle=width: 200px} Number of Users {mail-input:type=text|name=numUsers|validation=num|cssStyle=width: 75px|value=1} _Generally speaking, it is preferred that labs share a single account (e.g. of the lab head) to reduce administrative overhead. *Please* provide an estimate of the number of users (e.g. lab members) that will share the account. You can update this number by simply resubmitting this form. This helps us to keep an accurate tally, helping to justify continued EPHUS/ScanImage support._ {mail-input:type=text|name=numUsers|required=true|validation=num|cssStyle=width: 75px} Names of Additional Users (optional) {mail-textarea:name=userNames|cssStyle=width: 200px} Tell us about your application(s) (optional) {mail-textarea:name=applicaion|cssStyle=width:450px} {mail-submit: Submit request} {mail-success: render=wiki} {tip}Thank you! Your request has been sent. Karel will get back to you shortly. {tip} {mail-success} {panel}{mail-form} {cloak} {comment}