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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


The acquirer simply acquires data from the configured Channels. We only have one channel configured ('photodiode'). If you want to use more channels (e.g. for a temperature probe, field recording etc) you need to configure these channels in the startup file (e.g. startEphus). Select the Acq On checkbox.

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The stimulator puts out data. Our startup file configured a whole bunch of Channels corresponding to distinct hardware channels. It needs to be linked with the pulse directory (File\Open\ etc). Let's use 'shutter0' to drive a shutter. Make sure that all other channels have the Acq On checkbox deselected.


Make a shutter pulse (Width=100ms; Amp=5000 (note - this corresponds to 5 V); Delay=100) in a new Shutter pulse set and select it in the stimulator.

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Running multiple programs simultaneously
Now select 'External' for the stimulator, acquirer, and ephys programs. All progrmas will now wait for an external trigger. Select Loop on the LoopGui to run three acquisitions.
The following should have happened:
The traces are displayed sequentially in the 2 acquisition windows
You should have heard the shutter opening (if applicable)
The traces are saved (as indicated by three new 'saved data' messages in the Matlab Command window)
02-Dec-2007 17:46:30 - Saved data to 'C:\Data\Gordon\cells\gs0001\gs0001AAAA0026.xsg'.
02-Dec-2007 17:46:33 - Saved data to 'C:\Data\Gordon\cells\gs0001\gs0001AAAA0027.xsg'.
02-Dec-2007 17:46:36 - Saved data to 'C:\Data\Gordon\cells\gs0001\gs0001AAAA0028.xsg'.
In the XSG the acquisition number increments by three to ready itself for the next acquisition


There are different options for capturing states. The capture type (light and heavy) refers to the kind of configurations that are saved. The difference between light and heavy is largely program specific, however a light configuration generally does not contain GUI layout information. In this case, the different types of configurations have little or no bearing on the usage, and it is recommended to use heavy configurations.

There are two buttons used in capturing, 'Capture' and 'Capture All'. The latter will capture all active programs. In most cases this is unnecessary, and some users find that it leads to confusion. A typical best practice suggestion is to only capture those programs whose states you are interested in setting for the given hotswitch (i.e., ephys, acquirer, loopGui, stimulator; as above).
