Make sure your electrophysiology amplifiers are turned on and configured. For the MultiCLamp this includes running MultiClamp Commander and the MultiClamp Telegraph client.
All other hardware should be configured using the startup initialization file (e.g. startEphussee ephusInit_model.m or sample files). Study this file carefully and make sure all configurations are correct.
Start the program by running your hardware configuration file (e.g. startEphus or kephus)ephus.m and selecting your initialization file when prompted, or by passing the name of your initialization file to the ephus.m function at the command-line.
This brings up all Ephus program windows. When prompted for a configuration select 'cancel'; after all you don't have one yet. Make the Matlab command window visible. You should see a bunch of messages, concluding with 'loading completed'.
The ScopeGUI is a specialized program for whole-cell recordings. It is primarily used to hunt for cells and to check cell parameters. With a model cell configured, run the scope to verify that Ephus communicates via the amplifier. Start and stop the scope. Change the gain and mode settings on your amplifier to test the connection between Ephus and the amplifer. Changing the mode settings in MultiClamp Commander should change the modes indicated in the scopeGUI.
title | Warning |
Program GUIs
Have a look at the menu bar of the XSG GUI. This menubar is shared by most other GUIs except programs related to the Oscilloscope. You can always use the 'Programs' menu to reactivate programs by clicking them.