Unknown macro: {comment}
Unknown macro: {report-list}
Unknown macro: {local-reporter}
Unknown macro: {report-body}
Unknown macro: {report-block}
Unknown macro: {comment}
Unknown macro: {hide-from}
Unknown macro: {create-page}
Add new section!
Unknown macro: {local-reporter}
Unknown macro: {report-body}
Unknown macro: {hide-from}
Unknown macro: {link-to}
">Unknown macro: {link-to} %content:title%
Unknown macro: {link-to}
Error formatting macro: include: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No link could be created for '%content:title%'.
Unknown macro: {report-block}
Unknown macro: {comment}
Appendix A: Standard.ini Additions
This section summarizes new state variables that have been added to ScanImage via the standard.ini file, including both those that are meant to be user/rig-modified and those which should not generally be modified.
Frequently Modified Variables
- state.init.triggerInputTerminal:
- state.init.externalTriggerInputTerminal:
- state.init.externalTriggerTimeout:
- state.init.outputBoardClockTerminal:
- state.init.shutter.shutterBoardIndex: Specifies board index or name (DAQmx) for board on which the DIO line(s) employed for the shutter(s) are located
Infrequently Modified Variables
- state.init.minUnidirectionalLinePeriodGUI: Specifies the smallest of the enumerated ms/line options to support for unidirectional scans. Values of ms/line s smaller (faster) than this are exclusively for bidirectional scanning.
- state.init.maxBufferedGrabTime: Specifies the threshold of time for a Grab acquisition, above which data will be saved during the acquisition, instead of afterwards, where possible.
- state.init.outputChanBufferTime: Specifies in time (seconds) the length of the data buffer for the output channels (mirrors and Pockels Cell(s)). Increasing this time increases the frame rate at which data logging and/or merge display can occur reliably, at some expense of memory. This will be computer dependent.
- state.acq.inputVoltageRange:_Specifies input voltage range to use for PMT input boards. Typically 10V, but lower voltages can allow for more dynamic range. (NOTE:_ This feature not currently supported!)
- state.acq.inputBitDepth: Specifies ADC resolution of PMT input boards -- typically 12 bits
- state.internal.fastParkFOVFactor: Specifies the multipler of the full FOV amplitude to use when parking the beam quickly, e.g. when stopping-and-restarting focus during zoom or rotation update (Default=1.2)
Non-modifiable Variables
Other variables added in ScanImage 3.5, which should not be modified by the user in their own .INI files, are simply listed here.
- state.internal.saveDuringAcquisition
- state.internal.framesPerFileGUI
- state.internal.framesPerFile
- state.internal.triggerTimer
- state.acq.saveDuringAcquisition
- state.acq.framesPerFile
- state.acq.externallyTriggered
- state.acq.infiniteFocus
- state.acq.bidirectionalScan
- state.acq.channelMerge
- state.acq.mergeFocusOnly
- state.init.hotKeysNeedCtl