ScanImage controls a TTL digital line, typically intended for a shutter control signal to block the laser beam(s) when not acquiring. The shutter digital line is configured in the Rig Configuration section of the INI file, which has changed somewhat relative to ScanImage 3.0.

INI File Rig Configuration Changes
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New Variables
  • shutterBoardIndex: Specifies the DAQmx device name (e.g. 'Dev1') which will be used to generate the digital 'shutter' signal following the start of acquisition.
       (info) ScanImage 3.0 assumed the board specified by mirrorBoardIndex was used for the shutter signal
Other Variables

Only two other variables are required to configure the shutter line. These variables are unchanged since ScanImage 3.0:

  • shutterLineIndex: Specifies the digital output line to use for the 'shutter' signal. The line is assumed to be on Port 0 of the digital I/O subsystem of the board specified by shutterBoardIndex.
  • open: The value is 0 (1) if TTL LOW (HIGH) is to be used to signal that the shutter is open (i.e. the TTL state to use during acquisition).

(tick) Several other variables present in the Rig Configuration section of ScanImage 3.0 have now been removed, simplifying the configuration.
(tick) Port 0 refers to the 8 digital lines that are labeled as DIO on the BNC2090 and P0 on teh BNC2090A rack-mounted breakout boxes. Port 0 lines are labeled as P0.<#> on the BNC 2110 stand-alone connector block.

(tick) The new ability to specify the shutterBoardIndex allows simplified wiring of the DAQ board breakout boxes. See Appendix 2 - Hardware Reference for typical usage examples and diagrams.

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