Error message appears when editing iterations table in Cycle Controls in one of the first 2 rows if 1) there are more than 2 rows and 2) user tabs away, rather than hitting enter, on completing edit. Error says 'Matlab converted string to number clairvoyantly'.

Hit return after making edit in one of first two rows.

Loading a USR file which had a different number of beams than currently configured in INI file generates error.

Load without a USR file and create a new one.

ScanImage averaging flag (state.acq.averaging) flag incorrectly set to 1 when # Avg = 1. Scim_openTif() fails to read multi-frame data correctly.

Patch the following files: scim_openTif.m updateNumAvgFramesSave.m

The state.motor.zDepthPositive INI var is not honored for value 0.

Patch the following files: makeFrameByStripes.m computePowerLz.m

GUIs display incorrectly, with controls misplaced on each figure, etc.

This issue occurs when using 'medium' or larger font size in Windows. Reset to default setting of 'small' font display in Windows control panel.

Cannot GOTO positionID values > 9 correctly in Position Controls window

Patch the following file: positionGUI.m

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