Launches data acquisition - any programs set to 'External' will be included in the acquisition cycle.
Timing Control
DAQ board timing - The acquisition runs continuously for the number of iterations specified. Data are stored in a single .xsg file, i.e., as a single long trace (consisting of multiple 'tracelets').
CPU timing - The acquisition is discontinous; i.e., one .xsg file per iteration.
Suggested Usage
Use CPU timing if the interval between iterations is relatively long compared to the trace length, and high-precision timing of the intervals is not essential. Otherwise, use DAQ timing.
Busy mode
Sets how to handle data in CPU mode when the interval is too short
Iteration counter
Increments after each iteration.
The time in seconds between acquisition iterations.
- In CPU mode, the value should be somewhat greater than the trace length (system-dependent, but typically at least 0.5 sec).
- In DAQ mode, the interval is defined as equal to the trace length; i.e., the same value should be used in the Interval windos of the loopGui as in the trace length window of I/O programs (ephys, stimulator, acquirer).
If there is a discrepancy, a warning gui is displayed, and the value used for the loopGui Interval is applied to the other programs.
Specifies the number of iterations in the looped acquisition.
Last iteration time, Last start time