On all Ephus program GUIs, a standard Ephus-related menubar is displayed. This menubar consists of two standard menu items - File and Programs - plus (for only certain Ephus programs) an additional menu item for program-specific options (usually a link to a sub-GUI).
File Menu
The File menu is divided into three sections.
Top section:
Certain programs in Ephus use File>Open as a way to assign program-related directories to those programs. These include:
- stimulator > pulse directory
- ephys > pulse directory
- pulseEditor > pulse directory
- pulseJacker > pulse directory
- mapper > map patterns directory
Note: after assigning a directory to a program in this way, save that program's configuration using File>Program Manager>Save Configuration as described below. Otherwise the assignment will not be stored.
New, Save, Save As
Reserved for future use.
Middle Section:
Program Manager
Pulls up a submenu with additional options:
A GUI that shows the currently loaded programs, plus options to view properties, etc. Not routinely used for most Ephus experiments.
Save Configuration
Saves settings of the current program (GUI) to a user-specified configuration file.
Load Configuration
Loads settings of the current program (GUI) from a user-specified configuration file.
Save Configuration Set
Saves settings of the all programs (GUI) to a set of configuration files, in a single user-specified directory.
Load Configuration Set
Loads settings of the all programs (GUI) from a set of configuration files, in a single user-specified directory.
Bottom Section:
Exits the current program.
Exit All
Exits all programs and closes Ephus.
Programs Menu
Provides a list of all Ephus programs, as an easy way to navigate between programs. The visibility status of each is indicated by a check mark to the left of each program. Selecting a program from the Programs menu toggles the visibility of that program. Tip: if a program GUI you want to see is checked (i.e., visible) but buried beneath other program GUIs on the screen, you can bring it to the fore by selecting it twice.