ScanImage 5 will be released in two parts, SI5-Resonant and SI5-Flex.
Early-Access Release(s) | Release | Comments | |
SI5-Resonant | May 16 2014 | SFN 2014 |
SI5-Flex (5.1) | SFN 2014 & | SFN 2015 |
Early-access releases will be available exclusively to ScanImage 5 members.
ScanImage 5 will have customization layers for both CPU and FPGA-based processing (latter for resonant scanned imaging only) which can be used to implement online or real-time analysis, including closed-loop experiments with parallel imaging and (photo)stimulus.
Vidrio has completed an SI5.0 alpha version using the NI FPGA (FlexRIO) hardware. The SI5 early-access release for May 2014 is on track!
SI5.0 Scanner Hardware
ScanImage 5.0 requires a pair of scanners (one resonant and one galvo scanner) to achieve video-rate area scanning operation.
This pair can be ordered as a system, or as individual components
SI 5.0 supports the following scanner systems (resonant and galvo scanner combo) and components (separate resonant and galvo scanner items):
SI 5.0 Scanner Systems
The following systems combine a resonant scanner and galvo scanner into a single package/system
- Sutter Instrument system
- Resonant Scan Box
- MOM-Resonant microscope systems
SI 5.0 Resonant Scanner Components
The following resonant scanner components will work with SI5
- Cambridge Technology components
- CRS 8Khz (part 6SC08KA012-02Y)
- CRS 12Khz (part 6SC12KA012-02Y)
- Classic CRS-8 scanner
SI 5.0 Galvo Scanner Components
Any analog-driven galvo scanner component, including galvanometer-mounted mirror and servo driver circuit, can be used.
The following are typical choices from Cambridge Technology
Class 0 servo topology is recommended, but not required
SI5.0 DAQ Hardware
ScanImage 5.0 will use National Instruments PXI FlexRIO platform.
SI 5.0 has required, user-selected, and user-optional DAQ components
Stay tuned for a National Instruments ScanImage 5 configuration tool
We anticipate this may include small discounts on hardware
Required DAQ Components
User-Selected DAQ Components
FPGA Module
- Basic Option: PXIe-7961R
- Performance Option: PXIe-7975R
Digitizer Module
User-Optional DAQ Components
PCIe-6321 option is cheaper, but requires additional wiring and uses a computer PCIe slot
SI5-Flex will support various galvo scanning modes, including galvo-only and galvo-plus-resonant combinations. This section lists hardware support for the SI5-Flex galvo scanning features to be provided by the SFN 2014 early-access release date. SI5-Flex will support the following input digitizer options: An X/Y analog-controlled galvo scanner pair is required. Cambridge Technologies 6210 or 6215 galvo system (typ. with 3-6mm mirrors) is typical. Galvo system characteristics impact attainable line speed and performance of future scan modes.SI5-Flex Galvo Scanning Hardware
Digitizer Hardware
Family Model Number(s) Comments PCIe X Series PCIe-6351, PCIe-6353 PCIe-6351/6353 recommended for no-Pockels/Pockels cases, respectively PXIe X Series PXIe-6356, PXIe-6358 PXIe boards fit into chassis used for resonant scanning (if applicable). PXIe-6356/6358 recommended for no-Pockels/Pockels cases, respectively. S Series PCI-6110 Not recommended for new systems, but will remain supported. A PCI slot and full-size computer case is required to house this board. Scanner Hardware
Computer Hardware
Example tested ScanImage 5 computer systems will be provided by the early-access release date.