There are 2 installation methods for Svoboda Lab software:

The steps for each are provided below.


1. Download the code from the (LIMBO) Release History (select from the "Installer" column)
2. Unzip the folder contents (e.g. using WinZip) to a folder called "svobodalab" in the Matlab work directory
3. If not done already, set the MATLAB path as required to ensure all installed functions are visible to the MATLAB interpreter

Typically it's good to rename the previous svobodalab folder to something like svobodalab_<current date> so that it's easy to go back.


Power users may choose to obtain code from the JFRC Subversion code repository, using Subversion (SVN) client software. In this case, specific versions of the codebase can be downloaded to designated working copies on the user's machine. See Advantages of Power Installation.

Users may install one of two SVN clients. TortoiseSVN provides tight Windows OS integration that many users may find convenient, while command-line SVN is suited for users comfortable with command-line interfaces and who may want to script common or complex operations.

Installation Steps for Tortoise SVN Users

1. Install TortoiseSVN (the 32-bit MSI file), if not done so already
2. Create a new directory to contain a new working copy of the installation. Name it something meaningful, such as "svolab_1.0.1" or "svolab_branch_collaboration"
3. Right-click on the directory and select "SVN Checkout..."
4. In the Checkout dialog box, enter the URL corresponding to the desired version. These are listed in the release history. Alternately, the URL for the trunk or a specific branch.
5. Click "OK"--the code will be downloaded to the working copy directory.
6. Execute one of the available installation scripts on the MATLAB command line to update the MATLAB search path.  These are located at the top-level of the working copy. For convenience, they are also archived here.

Installer Scripts

The user may find it convenient to copy such scripts to their MATLAB work directory, as they do not frequently change with revisions (and any changes would be considered a "major revision").

Multiple Installer Scripts

Multiple installer scripts are presently supplied, until a best practice standard can be established.

The user may repeat steps 2-5, and maintain multiple working copies on their machine (e.g. for different versions or to segregate a user-modified working copy from a pristine copy). To switch between working copies, simply repeat step 6.

Any user-modifications will be manifest in the working copy by folder icons indicating changed files, etc. These changes can be inspected or reverted at anytime using the Tortoise SVN context menu. Alternatively, changes may be packed into a patch file and submitted as a suggestion to the development team. More information on TortoiseSVN can be found here.

Installation Steps for Command-Line SVN Users


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