XSG -- It is possible for the XSG to enter a corrupt state, where the automatic generation of files no longer works correctly, resulting in e.g. nesting of directories (e.g. flashes/flashes). This can happen if a map is prematurely stopped, or a flash is initiated without the proper hotswitch first being applied. This will be addressed in future versions. It is good practice to visually check the XSG settings during data acquisition to ensure that the desired folder is selected, especially when a map is aborted or when the mapper displays a message regarding incorrect settings.
userFcns -- When a hotswitch is newly configured (i.e. named and tied to a directory), an event is created that will fire whenever the hotswitch button is clicked. However, you may need to force the Events list to refresh, in order to display this newly created event. To do this, simply select any item in the Events list, other than the currently selected item. This will cause the list to refresh, and the new hotswitch event will appear.