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At JFRC we use a few custom electronics assemblies with many of our custom 2P microscopes (MIMMS and non-MIMMS systems). The designs for these systems (schematic, PCB, and case mechanical designs) will be shared here.

User Registration

Users must register to become either a MIMMS or non-MIMMS designs user and log in before these designs will be available for download. See the main pages for either of these microscope systems for the registration page.

Terms of Use

Users must agree to follow the Terms of Use found below to use the designs that are downloadable on this page

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PMT controller

The JFRC PMT Controller (project number JF-SV-AD) is used to control the Hamamatsu GaAsP PMT modules H10770PA-40 and H10770PB-40.

  • two channels, to control two PMTs,
  • provides low noise PMT power,
  • sets PMT control voltage with 10-turn potentiometer and displays control voltage with panel meter
  • control voltage can be turned on and off with TTL signal
  • monitors PMT signal (after PMT current pre-amp) to detect high-current situation, and sets PMT control voltage to zero in this case.

The trip voltage and trip time constant for protecting the PMT from accidental bright light exposure can both be set (voltage: 0-5 V, time constant: 2-20 ms).


You must register and/or login (at the top of the page) before downloading the designs.

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Nanomotion control box


The designs for this system are not yet posted. Bother Dan Flickinger to speed up this process.

The JFRC Nanomotion control box controls the movement of the Nanomotion piezo finger motors which move the mirrors and dichroics in the MIMMS and non-MIMMS In Vivo microscope systems.

Cambridge galvo driver board mounting


The designs for this system are not yet posted. Bother Dan Flickinger to speed up this process.

This is a system for mounting (with adequate thermal management) and adding connectors to the driver boards for the Cambridge galvonometer scanners.

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