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ScanImage and Ephus are software applications for laser scanning microscopy, electrophysiology, laser scanning photostimulation, and other physiological methods focused on neurobiology. The software has been developed at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Janelia Farm Research Campus, and Northwestern University . The project has been supported by NIH grants to Gordon Shepherd and Karel Svoboda.

ScanImage and Ephus are used by 200 laboratories throughout the world and has been essential to the work described in over 300 publications to date.

Be counted! If your lab actively uses ScanImage and/or Ephus, please let us know about any publications using these tools (if they don't yet appear on our list)

ScanImage, Ephus, and other software on this site are offered under the HHMI/Janelia Farm Open Source License.
In addition, we require that those who publish work using ScanImage/Ephus 1) cite Pologruto et al/Suter et al (respectively) and 2) contact us!  with news of your publication!

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ScanImage & Ephus are now developed & supported by Vidrio Technologies, LLC – with continued support from HHMI/Janelia FarmNINDS, and others. 

Public releases of ScanImage & Ephus can be accessed at this site or, as always, at

The prior ScanImage/Ephus user-list is being retired. Access to public ScanImage/Ephus releases requires a new registration.


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Ephus is a collection of small programs which work together harmoniously to support electrophysiology, LSPS, and other applications.
For an overview, see Suter, O'Connor, et al., Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2010.

Supported Release(s)

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How to Install

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How to Use (Documentation)

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How to Pronounce

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How to Analyze Data

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Hardware Vendors

ScanImage and Ephus support a wide-range of commercial and customized hardware used in neurophysiology laboratories:

[Cambridge Technology]  [National Instruments]  [nPoint]  [Physik Instrumente]   [Scientifica]  [Sutter Instrument]   [Thorlabs]


Dabs is a MATLAB package of hardware adapter classes, making device capabilities available within MATLAB. ScanImage releases use and include the current version of Dabs.

(tick) Some users may find Dabs capabilities for device control within MATLAB scripts useful in and of itself
(warning) Dabs interfaces are provided as-is. Their distribution/maintenance is secondary to ScanImage/Ephus. However any issues encountered should be reported!
(info) Ephus makes use of two earlier-style MATLAB device interfaces: NiMex and QCamMex.

JFRC In Vivo Microscope Designs

ScanImage is used at Janelia Farm with custom microscope designs for in vivo applications. The designs are available as-is for interested users.

Development Info

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Who we are

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Posters & Presentations

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Tools we use

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