ScanImage supports several hotkeys and fast configurations, allowing users to rapidly issue ScanImage commands with single keyboard presses. The mappings have been significantly changed from ScanImage 3.0.

Here is the new layout in ScanImage 3.5:

Hotkey Keyboard Mapping
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  1. (F1-F6) specify that fastConfig<1-6> should be loaded. More information about fast configurations is provided below.
  2. (1-7) specify that current MP-285 position should be saved as position <1-7>. In ScanImage 3.0, this required that SHIFT was depressed at same time. The use of the CONTROL key is now (optionally) required, as described further below.
  3. (0) specifies that current MP-285 position (X,Y, and Z) should be considered the 'zero' position. Future X/Y/Z positions will be referenced to the current position. This is equivalent to pressing Zero XYZ in the window.
  4. (Z) commands the MP-285 to return to the X=0, Y=0, and Z=0 position.
  5. (A) aborts ongoing FOCUS/GRAB/LOOP (or other) acquisition, if any.
  6. (F/G/L) initiates a FOCUS, GRAB, or LOOP acquisition, respectively. This is equivalent to pressing those buttons in the window.
  7. (P) causes ScanImage to read the current MP-285 position, updating the values displayed in the X/Y/Z position displays of the window to reflect the current position. This is equivalent to pressing Read Pos in that window.
  8. (I/O) increases/decreases the zoom factor in increments/decrements of 2, respectively, when possible.
  9. (<,>) causes rotation to be incremented/decremented by 5 degrees, respectively, when possible.
  10. (S) causes last acquisition to be saved, prompting the user for a filename (or to cancel). This is equivalent to selecting File >> Save last acquisition as... in the Main Controls menubar.
  11. (Space) causes the linescan state to be toggled, equivalent to checking/unchecking the LS? control on the window.
  12. (Up/Down/Left/Right) causes the image area to be shifted, equivalent to selecting the up/down/left/right arrows on the window.

(tick) The new mappings avoid use of the numeric keypad, which keyboards on experimental rigs may lack.

Fast Configurations

ScanImage 3.0 supported fast configurations, which are configurations bound to a keyboard hotkey. This allows the user to rapidly switch between different imaging configurations. ScanImage 3.5 expands the number of fast configurations from 3 to 6, and has remapped the corresponding hotkeys to <F1>-<F6>.

As in ScanImage 3.0, users can assign existing configuration (CFG) files to be a fast configuration via File >> Set Fast Config... on the window menubar. Fast configuration assignments are saved to user (USR) files, so the user should select either File >> Save User Settings... or File >> Save User Settings As... from the Main Controls window to store their fast configuration assignment.

Safe Hotkeys

Some users may find that having a single key-press bound to ScanImage actions to be too error-prone. Thus, the option to make hotkeys 'safe' by requiring the simultaneous use of the <CTRL> key is provided. This option can be accessed via the User Preferences window, accessible via Settings >> Edit... >> User Preferences... from the window.

User Preferences...
New Controls
  • 'Safe' Hot Keys (require CTL): When selected, all hotkeys EXCEPT the fast configuration hotkeys (F1-F6) must be entered with the <CTRL> key simultaneously depressed to have effect.
  • 'Safe' Fast Config Hot Keys (require CTL): When selected, the fast configuration hotkeys (F1-F6) must be entered with the <CTRL> key simultaneously depressed to have effect.

(tick) By default, the fast configuration hotkeys do not require the <CTRL> key, as <F1>-<F6> are unlikely to be hit accidentally. The other hotkeys do require <CTRL> by default.
(tick) As with all settings in the User Preferences... window, these settings are saved with the user settings (USR) file.

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