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EPHUS externally triggered by ScamImage during loops, EC 6/13/07

While performing loops in ScanImage and simultaneously triggering acquisition/stimulation in Ephus,  in every two-other acquisitions, the external trigger does not work: Both ephus stim/acq do not "recognize" the external trigger by ScanImage, or both would automatically triggered in between acquisitions during the loop.

EPHUS, KS 5/20/07
Deleting a pulse set leaves pulses behind and breaks the pulseEditor. Only known solution is to restart EPHUS

EPHUS, KS 5/23/07
Moving folders (configurations, pulses etc) etc in the directory tree screws up the configurations.
What is the best practice?

EPHUS, KS 5/24/07
The PulseJacker maintains a memory of pulses directories from other configurations. I.e. if I make a completely new configuration set from scratch the pulseJacker will point to a pulses directory from another, previously used configuration.

EPHUS, KS 5/24/07
EPHUS does not take the gain of the amplifier into account in current clamp; The same acquisition with different gain settings will give different membrane voltages.

Ephus, DH and ks 5/30/07
loop with acquirer, ephys and stimulator - acquires (and saves) only two files (in a loop of N > 2); if the acquirer or ephys are off it acquires N files. Stimulator is fine (i.e. N=5 pulses come out).

Later rerun the same test - now even with only ephys the acquisition is not fine.

Depending on the ISI in the looper, saving can sometimes completely drop out even though acquisition is fine.


Tim's answer: The problem may be similar to something machine specific that was fixed on Eugenia's rig. In that case, pulseJacker cycles worked inconsistently (but the inconsistency was predictable, not entirely random, it would fail reliably on a certain integer multiple of repetitions).

We can try the fix for that and see if it solves the problem.

The attached files need to be placed on the system:



The following code should be added at the end of the startup file (testEphys.m or whatever is being used):

%See TO030207A

global triggerRepeatHack;

triggerRepeatHack = 1;

fprintf(1, 'Executing:\n `global triggerRepeatHack;`\n `triggerRepeatHack = 1;`\nSee TO030207A for details.\n');

Let me know if that solves the problem. We can make this part of the official version if necessary, the fix only kicks in if that bit of code is executed, so the changes should be benign on other systems.


Ephus, DH, 5.30.2007:

Tim's above fix seems to work fine if only the ephys (with stimulator) is acquiring in the pulsejacker mode. When acquirer is added nothing is saved, although the screen updates. Sometimes it works anyway.  

Ephys, DH, 5.30.07:

The acquisition gives a strange transient during the first few ms. This transient is independent of the input (even with NO input or 200B connected).

see traces:

here, here, figs, figs.

Above problem fixed by changing board.....

+ephus, mapper KS
There is a problem with the pocelsCell calibration. Calibration curve looks fine, but message
'Warning: mapper_pockelsCellPreprocessor - Pockels cell calibration or control signal may be invalid. Voltages were found to be out of range - UNDER_VOLTAGE'
comes up; can't map.
Only known solution: redo calibrate Pockels until the message doesn't come up

Ephus, Pulsejacker  + scanimage DH, 6.19.07

Ephus ALWAYS has to be started before scanimage, otherwise there might be stripes on the scanimage acquisition. Stripes only occur after the use of pulsejacker. Do not seem to be board, computer or pockelscell specific.

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