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EPHUS and its programs generate/employ several types of Ephus Data Files. As an Ephus user, there is great flexibility in how you organize these files on disk. Below are some recommendations for how to get started:

You may invoke the function ephus_util_newUserFolder at the Matlab command-line: this function prompts for various bits of information and then creates a standard folder tree for data and settings, containing pulses and some hardware-independent program settings. As of version 2.1.0 this is the easiest way to get started.

 Users should organize Ephus data and settings files in folders for each type of file place Ephus data and settings files together in a directory, with a folder for each type of file, e.g.[].

We recommend that new users download and extract one of the following data file archives (ZIP files), which contain a directory of model data files/folders organized together in this fashion. The extracted contents should be placed in the user's preferred data file location (e.g. 'C:\Data\<Your Name>\Ephus Data'). From the list, select the data file archive corresponding to your Ephus version.

Model Data File Archives

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NOTE: If 'Additions Only' is checked ( (tick) ), simply copy the newer model data file archive into your data file location. This will add the new data file/folder types associated with newer Ephus version.
If it's crossed-out ( (error) ), then one or more data file formats has changed. See the Ephus version release notes for more details.

Description of Data File Types

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