The initialization file supplied in the ScanImage installation (in the init_files folder) is now considered a model and therefore named standard_model.ini. It should NOT be edited directly. Individual users on a rig should copy this file to the same directory where they keep their user configuration (.USR) files. This copied file should be renamed to standard.ini.

The user should then modify the variable values in the top section of the INI file (which is now labeled as the Rig Configuration section) to match the specifics of their rig. See Appendix 1 for more details about the Rig Configuration variables in the INI file.

ScanImage now automatically looks for a file named standard.ini in the same directory where the user file is selected on startup. If no user file is specified, then ScanImage will prompt for selection of an INI file. If no INI file is specified, then the standard_model.ini file associated with the installation is tried (this represents a typical, basic laser-scanning microscope rig).

Frequently, rigs employing ScanImage are shared between multiple users. There are two typical arrangements for this situation:

  1. All users share a single standard.ini file. The file must be placed into a single shared folder where the .USR files for all users are placed. These user files are generally named in a manner to specify their owner (e.g. karel_default.usr and takashi_special.usr).
  2. Alternatively, each user may have their own standard.ini file, each located in their own .USR file directory.

    If multiple .INI files are desired by a single user (not typical), then they should be located in the same directory as the .USR files and not named standard.ini. If no standard.ini file is found after loading a .USR file, ScanImage prompts to select a .INI file in that folder.

(tick) A chief advantage of the new scheme is that the INI file is decoupled from the ScanImage installation folder. This simplifies the process of upgrading (or downgrading) ScanImage.

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