Start the program

Note – this assumes that you have performed the setup instructions in the previous section correctly!

This includes: make sure you have directories set up for pulses etc as described in the previous section:

Launch the program by entering 'ephus' or the equivalent at the command line (e.g. kephus).

Lots of windows come up. Arrange guis to your liking – you can close most of them but keep open and arrange: ephys, acquirer, stimulator, scopeGui:ephysScopeAccessory. Later you will refine the layout and save it.

Make pulses

pulseEditor: select or make if necessary a directory for your pulses: File > Open > select your pulse directory

Pulse Sets: New > make a pulse set called 'basicEphys'

Pulses: New > Normal > Pulse Name 'testStep', Pulse Number '1'

Pulse Parameters: Number = 1, ISI = 100, Width = 100, Amp = -5, Delay = 100, Additive = 0

Now go to the ephys gui. File > Open > select the same pulse directory. In the Pulse Set popup menu, select basicEphys, and in Pulse menu select testStep_1, and make sure Stim On and Acq On are checked.

(some templates)


The body of the note here..


Insert warning message here!

Useful Information

Body of message here ...

Handy Hint

Tip goes here.

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