ISSUE WORKAROUND NIDAQmx error -200479 appears ('Specified operation cannot be performed while Task is running') in some (rare) circumustances. Type at command line: >>hSI.recover(); After restarting ScanImage within Matlab session, imaging does not appear to work correctly. Exit and restart Matlab to restart ScanImage 4.1 Unusually high noise levels, even with no input to digitizer. Issue has been observed when using external clocking. Disable external clocking by setting Clock Source to '1' in ThorPMTSettings.xml file. Image Histogram & Image Stats buttons interchanged. Image Stats operation not displaying statistics to command line. Patch the following files: SI4.m ImageControlsV4.m Vertical scrolling and/or horizontal jitter in image when software scan phase value falls below some negative-valued threshold Maximize hardware scan phase value (i.e. use 254) to reduce absolute value of software scan phase if possible, to avoid crossing threshold. In general, maintain software scan phase at 0 and use hardware scan phase exclusively, if possible. Contact developers if, under some scan conditions, it appears impossible to achieve suitable bidirectional scan image alignment without setting software scan phase below negative threshold at which this issue appears. ScanImage crashes when disk data is logged to becomes full. No workaround at moment. Ensure sufficient space is available on data logging disk (typically a RAID 0 drive pair) before starting acquisition. MATLAB becomes partially/fully unresponsive when selecting save directory after a previous acquisition This issue appears on MATLAB 2012b. There is no known workaround at moment. Users can revert to using to MATLAB 2011b if this issue proves too bothersome. Error appears on LSM initialization: "Caught unexpected "char*" Exception message is: National Instruments Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX) is corrupted. Select 'Reset Configuration Data' and restart computer. NI device name assignments must be re-entered after restart.
Contact developers if issue appears frequently and/or if any pattern leading to issue emerges.