Created by Unknown User (iyerv), last modified on Feb 04, 2014
- Support for MATLAB 2013b & DAQmx 9.8
- Support for nPoint LC.40x controller family, including for FastZ (volume) imaging
- Frame rate measurements now only needed for each scanZoomFactor value (was required also for changes to {scanLinesPerFrame,scanMode,scanAngleMultiplierSlow} in r4.1)
- ScanImage honors X/Y field size calibration, done at Thor factory (via AlignData.txt file) - avoids X/Y stretching artifacts seen on some systems
- Faster frame rates at lower zoom values (smaller flyback time values have been qualified)
- Allow scanLinesPerFrame > scanPixelsPerLine (e.g. for line scanning)
- New channelsAutoReadOffsetsOnStartup property (USR setting) enabling channel offsets to be read on startup, after prompting to ensure detector input is on & with correct gain.
- Volume imaging with 'Discard Flyback Frames' option now blanks beam during flyback frame(s)
- 'Arm' mode next triggering now supported - i.e. 'stop trigger' mode
- Added events: startTriggerProcessed
- The motorPosition is read before GRAB/LOOP acquisitions and stored to image header
- Standard area imaging with external Y galvo supported
- Axial shift error in piezo signal for volume imaging with fastZDiscardFlyback
- Axial shift errors were present in beam signal for volume imaging with P/z-adjust enabled
- Shutter failed to close between stack slices when stackZStepSize < 0
- Beam calibration offset readings were inaccurately biased towards zero, affecting beam calibration quality/reliability
- Channel offset reads would not occur for channels with channelsSubtractOffsets=false (with channelsAutoReadOffsets=true), preventing updated values from appearing in file header
- Stacks with P/z adjust would get stuck at low power levels when very low levels (<1%) were computed, due to rounding
- Errors occurred when changing displayRollingAverageFactor with displayRollingAverageFactorLock=true
- Configuration name not appearing in the Configuration window
- Image Stats & Histogram buttons were interchanged
- Image Stats operation was not displaying output to command-line
- Channel offsets now read on startup only when new channelsAutoReadOffsetsOnStartup property is enabled
{"serverDuration": 77, "requestCorrelationId": "b1b3d14847b5ca5d"}