EPHUS: https://svn.janelia.org/svobodalab/software/distribution 

ScanImage: https://svn.janelia.org/svobodalab/software/distribution/projects/ScanImage

NIMEX:  https://svn.janelia.org/svobodalab/software/deviceInterfaces/NIMEX

QCAM: https://svn.janelia.org/svobodalab/software/deviceInterfaces/QCAM

Each of these is arranged into trunk/branches/tags

The EPHUS project currently references the NIMEX project via the svn:external property


Following the Subversion convention, the repository is organized into three folders--trunk, tags, branches

  • TRUNK: Main development occurs the trunk of the repository, which is located at https://svn.janelia.org/svobodalab/software/distribution/trunk.
  • TAGS: Nodes along the trunk designated for release are saved as tags.
  • BRANCHES: Collaborative or derivative development, and work on significant new features, occur in branches of the repository, which are segregated from the trunk. See Code Branches. Code developed here may eventually be merged into the main development trunk. 

Registered users are granted read access to the SVN repository (trunk and tags). This allows peeking at the most current code and the submission of code patches.

Registered collaborators are additionally granted read/write access to one or more branches in the SVN repository. This allows them to develop significant new features or applications derived from or sharing code with the lab codebase.

Click here for more information about Subversion usage.

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