pairedDisplay - a simple user function for online averaging
(author: Taro Kiritani; Feb 2010)
This exemplifies a simple user function. In the userFcns gui it is associated with the 'xsg:dataSaved' event.
What it does: it calculates a running average for the ephys data on both (or multiple) amplifier channels.
It is necessary to run an initialization routine (initializePairedDisplay) first. This is done in the userFcns gui by associating the function with one of the hotswitches.
function initializePairedDisplay(varargin) % pairedDisplay - Used to initialize online display of multiple recordings data. % % USAGE % Use before starting multiple recording experiments. Typically bind with % hotswitch. % % NOTES % % created by Taro Kiritani Feb 2010 global pairedfig pairedfignum try close(pairedfig) catch end pairedfignum = [];
Here's the code for the pairedDisplay function:
function pairedDisplay(varargin) % pairedDisplay - Used to implement online display of multiple recordings data. % % USAGE % Bind this function to the xsg:Save event. % % NOTES % % created by Taro Kiritani Feb 2010 global progmanagerglobal pairedfig pairedfignum % determine whether the figure exists or not. if not, create a new one. if not(exist('pairedfig','var')) pairedfig = figure; end try figure(pairedfig); catch pairedfig = figure; end tracenum = length(struct2cell(progmanagerglobal.programs.ephys.ephys.variables.saveBuffers)); % count the number of traces. if isempty(pairedfignum) pairedfignum = 1; else pairedfignum = pairedfignum + 1; end % plot the data. for n = 1:tracenum subplot(tracenum,1,n) tracename = ['trace_',num2str(n)]; trace = getfield(getfield(progmanagerglobal.programs.ephys.ephys.variables.saveBuffers,tracename),'data'); if pairedfignum == 1 plot(trace,'k'); else avetrace = get(get(gca,'Children'),'YData')*(pairedfignum-1)/pairedfignum + trace'/pairedfignum; plot(avetrace,'r') end end title(['n = ',num2str(pairedfignum)])