The autonotes program generates a text file for the current experiment. This is an editable *.txt text file. The name of the file is autogenerated based on the current experiment name. The file is saved in the directory for the current experiment. The contents are a combination of auto-generated notes and user-entered notes. The auto-generated notes include various comments at the top of the file that are generated each time yellow '+' next to 'Experiment #' in the XSG GUI is selected, and for each data file that is saved, a time stamp and other info is entered into autonotes. User-entered notes can be written at any time by typing the note into the blank text window just below the 'File' window.
Autonotes files are also easy to edit outside of Ephus (e.g. with the Matlab text editor, or Windows Notepad, etc.).
Useful Information
Autonotes and the HeaderGUI together provide a way to store relevant experimental information.
Messages – main text display area
A running list of the autonotes. The most recent entry may not be visible (known bug), but will become so after further entries are added.
The path and filename of the current autonotes file.
Note entry text window
Place for manual note entry.
Display active
Clear GUI