The scopeGui is a specialized program for running an amplifier continuously and without saving the data; it is typically used during establishment of patch clamp recordings, or as a convenient way to check electrophysiology parameters at any time during a recording. It consists of three components -- a GUI to start/stop the amplifer and set parameters (ephysScopeAccessory), figure windows for display of traces, and a parent GUI (scopeGui).
The main GUI for the scope. (The Configuration item in the menu bar is not implemented.)
Start/stop amplifier acquisition with this button. Remember to stop the scope before starting other Ephus programs, or errors will result.
Sweep Rate
The number of acquisitions, or sweeps, triggered per second. The maximum rate is limited both by the duration of the traces (set in the Duration windows, see below) and system constraints. The default rate of 5 Hz, with 0.05 sec trace duration, should run smoothly on most systems, and 10 Hz may be possible as well.
Sample Rate
Sets the sample rate, in samples per second. The sample rate set here applies only to the scopeGui; for other programs in Ephus (e.g. ephys, acquirer, stimulator) the sample rate is (currently) hard-coded to be 10,000.
Break In
A convenience tool -- use this to record the time of break-in. This information is displayed and saved in Autonotes, and stored in the header. Tips: other ways to record epoch-defining events during experiments are to enter them directly into Autonotes, or to increment the 'Epoch' counter in the XSG gui.
Main Panel
Amplifier List
This listbox displays the available amplifier channels. Selecting a channel makes it the active channel. Other windows in the main panel show the values for the currently selected channel.
Acq On, Stim On
Options for turning on and off the acquisition or stimulation when the scope is running. For example, uncheck both to turn off an amplifier channel completely.
Cell Parameters -- Rs, Rm, Racc, Cm
When the checkbox is checked, these will be calculated. 'NaN' is displayed when values cannot be calculated from the data.
Displays the current mode of the selected amplifier channel.
V-Clamp and I-Clamp Panels
Use the text windows to enter values for the desired duration and amplitude of the test step. Standard step values can be applied quickly using the pushbuttons.
Menu bar: Configuration
Not yet implemented.
scopeGui Parent Program
(Settings in this gui do not need to be changed for routine use of Ephus.)
Menu options: (1) File>Open -- n/a. (2) Sub GUI(s) -- brings up the ephysScopeAccessory
Oscilliscope Trace Display Windows
One for each amplifier channel. Known bug: the lines for the X and Y axes may not be visible.