{center}!ScanImage_Labs.jpg|height=400px! !Ephus_Labs.jpg|height=400px!{center}
As of 6/6/2012, *158* ScanImage-using labs and *67* Ephus-using labs have self-identified via the [ongoing user survey|http://surveymonkey.com/s/scanimage_ephus], including current and beginning users and those definitely planning to use/try ScanImage/Ephus in 2012.
You can see highlights of the survey below and/or browse the [detailed results (live updated)|https://www.surveymonkey.com/sr.aspx?sm=KkiJUH8V1DN65S2AjMHf_2blpn4SxgIiPxg_2f1lBFqk7hk_3d].
h2. Lab Profiles
*Countries* (2221): Australia,Belgium,Brazil,Canada,China,Denmark,France,Germany,India,Israel,Japan,Netherlands,Norway,Portugal,Romania,South Korea, Spain,Switzerland,Taiwan,UK,Ukraine,USA
{comment}Receive HHMI Funding: *17/179185* (9.5%2%){comment}
Neuroscience Related: *169175/179185* (94.4%5%)
Not Biomedically Oriented: *65/179185* (32.3%7%)
h2. ScanImage Usage, by Lab
\# Current Rigs: *220* (1.39/lab)
\# Current Users: *428* (2.71/lab)
\# Planned New Rigs (2011-2012): *108*
\# Planned New Users(2011-2012): *261*
h2. Ephus Usage, by Lab
\# Current Rigs: *91* (1.36/lab)
\# Current Users: *134* (2.00/lab)
\# Planned New Rigs (2011-2012): *63*
\# Planned New Users (2011-2012): *105*