The 2011/2012 ScanImage & Ephus User Survey is now closed. See the results below. Thanks to all who participated!
Because of the community's strong adoption and support, we are hard at work on the next versions of these tools.

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As of 1/28/2013, 180 ScanImage-using labs and 75 Ephus-using labs (total of 197 using either/both) have self-identified via the concluded 2011/2012 user survey, including current and beginning users and those definitely planning to use/try ScanImage/Ephus through 2012.

You can see highlights of the survey below and/or browse the detailed results.

Lab Profiles

Countries (23): Australia,Belgium,Canada,Chile,China,Denmark,France,Germany,India,Israel,Japan,Mexico,Netherlands,Norway,Portugal,Romania,South Korea,Spain,Switzerland,Taiwan,UK,Ukraine,USA

Neuroscience Related: 185/197 (93.9%)
Not Biomedically Oriented: 7/197 (3.6%)

ScanImage Usage, by Lab

# Current Rigs: 247 (1.38/lab)
# Current Users: 468 (2.61/lab)
# Planned New Rigs (2011-2012): 124
# Planned New Users(2011-2012): 287

Ephus Usage, by Lab

# Current Rigs: 104 (1.35/lab)
# Current Users: 144 (1.87/lab)
# Planned New Rigs (2011-2012): 70
# Planned New Users (2011-2012): 120


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