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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3
Composition Setup

ScanImage requires an initialization (INI) file, usually named standard.ini, to be selected at startup. This file specifies & initializes all the state variables for the ScanImage configuration and determines which variables are associated with configuration (CFG) and user (USR) files. Typically there is only one INI file per ScanImage installation (a 'rig').


ScanImage 3.5 changes somewhat the way the INI file is loaded at startup. This is described in the section about Initialization (INI) File Handling.

A subset of the INI file variables – termed the Rig Configuration variables are demarcated at the beginning of the INI file; these copmrise the variables that typically . Rig Configuration variables are those which may require modification for a new ScanImage installation. Rig Configuration variables These variables are rig-specific, and are not associated with either configuration (CFG) or user (USR files and ) files. The values for these variables are not modified/modifiable during ScanImage program operation. Typically only one INI file is required per rig.

ScanImage r3.5 introduces some changes to the way INI files are handled. Please familiarized yourself with Initialization (INI) File Handling.

In addition, the variables in the Rig Configuration section have been modified, as described in the following section.

Rig Configuration Variable Reference

This section serves as a reference to the new and notable Rig Configuration variables in ScanImage 3.5.


Users should adjust the Rig Configuration The INI file contains a large number of variables. Only a small number of these typically require adjustment for a ScanImage installation to a new rig. These Rig Configuration variables are clearly grouped at the beginning of the standard_model.ini file. Users should adjust these values to match the hardware and experimental requirements for their rig, to create creating their own standard.ini file.


(tick) The standard_model.ini file contains comments which document the meaning of each of the variables.
(warning) The INI file parser is whitespace sensitive. The format <VARNAME>=<VARVALUE> must be strictly followed, i.e. no space to left or right of the equal signThe

titleNew/Notable Variables in _standard_model.



triggerLineIndex: (Previously below Rig Configuration section) Allows specification of the static digital output line used as the shared trigger source for acquisition, mirror, and Pockels cell board(s). The use of Port 0 on the board specified by triggerBoardIndex is assumed.

triggerInputTerminal, externalTriggerInputTerminal, externalTriggerTimeout: See


the sections on Triggering






External Triggering


for more details.

outputBoardClockTerminal: See Clock Synchronization for more details.



See Unlimited and Uninterrupted Acquisition for more details.

scanOffsetX/Y: (Previously below Rig Configuration section) Specify offset voltages for mirror command signals, i.e. the center of the laser scan. These variables are unique among the Rig


Configuration variables in that they can be altered during ScanImage operation. See Beam and Scan Alignment Tools for more



parkAmplitudeX/Y: (Previously below Rig Configuration section) Specify voltages


determining X/Y mirror positions when parked (i.e. when no acquisition is occurring).
(warning) Beam safety should be considered in setting these values.

maxAmplitudeX/Y: Specify max voltage allowed for X/Y amplitudes. This clamps the sum of the scan amplitude and the scan shift set in ScanImage, for each dimension.

Shutter Variables_
The separate values for 'open' and 'closed' have been removed. Variables open and epiShutterOpen are sufficient to specify 'polarity' of shutter interface.
shutterBoardIndex: See Shutter output line(s) can be on any board.


(tick) When the beam is parked, the shutter is closed and the Pockels Cell set to minimum transmission.

Shutter Variables
  • Variable shutterBoardIndex is new in ScanImage 3.5.
  • Several variables (e.g. closed, epiShutterOpen, and epiShutterClosed) have been removed.

(tick) See Enhanced Shutter Configuration for more details.

Motor (MP-285) Variables
  • Variables umPerStepX/Y/Z have been added, replacing calibrationX/Y/Z values in ScanImage 3.0.
  • Variable posnResolution is also new in ScanImage 3.5.

(tick) See MP-285 Interface Improvements for more details.

