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From pre-built binaries

There are two ways to install. It's simplest to use a pre-built package. See #Table 1 to check if a package is available for your system. If there isn't one, you'll need to install by building the source code. The source code builds and has been tested on Fedora 10, Windows XP, and OS X 10.5 and 10.6 on both 32 and 64-bit machines.

Table 1 Pre-built packages.


OSX 10.5

OSX 10.6




yes, but no FFMPEG










Install the command line tools.

1. Download the pre-built package for your system.

2. Unzip it.

3. (optional) Add the {WhiskerTracking}/bin directory to your environment's PATH. Doing so will allow you to call the command line utilities from any directory.

(Optional) Install the Python environment.


The graphical user interface is written in Python 2.6. Installation of a Python 2.6 environment, including several Python libraries, is required to run the graphical user interface, but is not required for automated video analysis.

Install the following in order. Be sure to choose the right installers for your system.:

  1. Python 2.6
  2. numpy 1.4.1
  3. scipy 0.8
  4. matplotlib 0.99.3
  5. pygame 1.9
  6. aggdraw 1.2a3

The recommended method for installing Python and Python libraries varies from
system to system. On Windows, use installers (.msi or .exe files). On
Linux, use your system's built-in in package manager. On OS X 10.5, use .dmg
based installers. A 64-bit installation for OS X 10.6 is a special case. Many installers do not install
x86_64 compatible binaries. See Installing a 64-bit Python environment on Mac OS X 10.6 for more.

Warning titleBGColor=#F7D6C1

Python comes pre-installed on OS X. There are Python installers available for OS X, but they may install themselves in strange places. On OS X do not install Python itself unless you know what you're doing.

(Optional) Install the Matlab environment.

Add {WhiskerTracking}/matlab to your Matlab path. This adds the following m-files:

  • LoadWhiskers.m
  • LoadMeasurements.m
  • SaveMeasurements.m

With the path properly adjusted, one can use the doc or help commands in Matlab to learn how to use these commands.

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